
Showing posts with label International Conference on Current Issues of Literature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International Conference on Current Issues of Literature. Show all posts

Monday, May 15, 2017

 International Conference on Current Issues of Literature, Translation and Teaching and Learning of Languages
Pazoheshgaran Andishmand Institute (Ahwaz, Iran)
1-2 February, 2018

Call For Papers

The Second International Conference on Current Issues of Literature, Translation and Teaching and Learning of Languages is organized by Pazoheshgaran Andishmand Institute (Ahwaz, Iran) in association with different universities such as Shahid Chemran University of Ahvaz.

The conference will be dedicated to current issues of literature, translation and teaching and learning of different languages and dialects.

Academics and university lecturers are cordially invited to present their research regarding current issues of literature, translation and teaching and learning of different languages and dialects in English, Arabic or Persian. Such an approach suggests that a study is no longer limited within a certain field; knowledge from different fields cultivates diversity in a study. Recognizing this trend, the conference organizing committee aims to provide a platform for researchers and scholars from various fields to exchange ideas.

 The selective papers of the conference will be published in journals such as Journal of English Language Teaching and will be indexed in CIVILICA (All the services regarding publication and index of the articles are free of charge).

The conference will bring together multi-disciplinary expertise from all relevant fields. We invite submissions for an abstract of a research-based paper in any of the relevant fields, including but not limited to:
Literature (Any literary issue related to different languages and dialects)
 Translation (Any translation and interpreting issue related to different languages and dialects)
 Conceptual and operational framework for entrepreneurship in different languages
Teaching languages to non-native speakers
Education (Issues such as teaching, program evaluation, curriculum development of different languages)
Languages and dialects (Any linguistic issue related to different languages and dialects, either theoretical or applied linguistics)
Morphology and syntax
Phonetics and phonology
Corpus linguistics
Historical linguistics
Contact linguistics
Contrastive linguistics
Comparative linguistics
Computational linguistics
Linguistic statistics
Linguistic typology
Social Networks
Contemporary literature
Comparative literature

Last date of call for papers :(for submission of abstracts & registration forms)                 31th October 2017

Contact Details

The Organizer Secretariat of Conference, Pazhoheshgaran Andishmand Institute, Ahwaz, Iran P.O.Box: 61335-4619 Tel: (+98) 61-3293- 1199 / Tel/Fax (+98) 61-3293-1198 Mobile :( +98) 916-508-8772 Email:

For More Information Visit our Website