
Showing posts with label International Conference on Translation- culture economy ethics politics. social issues Translation technology children education Translation religion Interpretation society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International Conference on Translation- culture economy ethics politics. social issues Translation technology children education Translation religion Interpretation society. Show all posts

Sunday, November 6, 2016

16th International Conference on Translation
Crystal Crown Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia from the 8 – 10th of August, 2017. 

The International Conference on Translation (PPA) is a bi-annual conference, which was first held in 1984 through the initiatives of the Malaysian Translators Association (MTA) and the Institute of Language and Literature (DBP). PPA came to being owing to the awareness that translation is an indispensable communication medium in knowledge transfer, and therefore contributes significantly to a nation’s development.

This 16th International Translation Conference will be held at Crystal Crown Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia from the 8 – 10th of August, 2017. The Faculty of Languages and Linguistics and the Academy of Malay Studies, University of Malaya will co-host this conference with the support of the following co-organizers: Malaysian Translators Association (MTA), Malaysian Institute of Translation and Books (ITBM), the Institute of Language and Literature (DBP) and Perbadanan Kota Buku (PKB).

The 16th International Conference on Translation aims to:

  • inspire intellectual and professional discourse, with the aim to explore current theories, techniques, issues, perspectives, practices, research and accreditation in the translation field.
  • enhance the cooperation and collaboration between translator scholars and students of Translation Studies and  practitioners in the translation industry. 
  • consolidate translator training and reinforce the synergy of training in real professional settings.
  • intensify the awareness among all participants in the translation service of the value of translation in a society.
This conference focuses on the value of translation by looking at how it facilitates intra-, inter- and cross-cultural communication between diverse social groups, and how it addresses the social needs of a complex society. Through the sharing of knowledge, we hope to bring to the fore the value of translation by discussing related issues with the aim of contributing to translation research in a variety of fields, such as Business, Culture, Education, Science, and Technology. 

The sub-themes include, but are not limited to:
1.    Translation and culture
2.    Translation and economy
3.    Translation and ethics
4.    Translation and politics
5.    Translation and social issues
6.    Translation and technology
7.    Translation for children
8.    Translation for education
9.    Translation for religion

10. Interpretation for society

The Organizing Committee welcomes participation (paper presenters/ non-paper presenters) from practitioners, academics, students, agencies, software producers, language policy makers, accreditation bodies, clients of translation services, and interested individuals worldwide.  Abstracts for individual/joint papers to be presented at the 16th International Conference on Translation should be submitted latest by 31st January 2017.

 Malay or English

Abstract                      : 200 - 250 words maximum

Keywords                  : 5

Font & Size               : Arial, size 11

Spacing                     : 1.5

Software                    : Microsoft Word

Style                           : APA

The abstract must include the title of the paper. It should contain the aim/s, methodology and findings. It should also include the name/names of the presenter/presenters, organization/s, the email address/es and the sub-theme of the study.
Deadline for all abstracts is 31st January 2017.  Acceptance letters for abstracts will be emailed by 28th February 2017.
Authors of abstracts which are accepted will be required to send in extended abstracts (to be printed in the Programme book) and the full length of the paper. A number of selected edited papers will be published as chapters in a book.

Abstract                      : 500 - 600 words maximum
Keywords                  : 5
Font & Size               : Arial, size 11
Spacing                     : 1.5
Software                    : Microsoft Word
Style                           : APA

Full paper                : 7000 – 7500 words maximum (inclusive of references,
                                diagrams and appendices)
Keywords                 : 5
Font & Size              : Arial, size 11
Spacing                     : 1.5
Software                    : Microsoft Word

Style                           : APA

Deadline for extended abstract and submission of full paper is 30th April 2017.

For More Details: