
Showing posts with label June 12-14. Show all posts
Showing posts with label June 12-14. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Travel Grants Herrenhausen Conference "Transparency and Society - Between Promise and Peril", June 12-14, 2018, Berlin

Call For Abstracts:

The conference will debate discourses and practices as well as borders and ambiguities of transparency in the context of broader social and cultural change, in particular with regard to publicity, open government, institutional environments, the individual and the digital age. It aims to promote a deeper understanding about transparency and identify approaches to handle the different and diverging demands and expectations on transparency within society. The conference will contribute to the question how a socially accepted balance between security and freedom, between public interest and private sphere can be achieved.

The Volkswagen Foundation offers travel grants for PhD students or early Post Docs (max. 5 years since PhD, all subjects) researching on challenging projects with regard to chances and risks of transparency in different international fields of politics, economy and civil society. Applicants can win one of 25 grants to take part in the Herrenhausen Conference "Transparency and Society - Between Promise and Peril" in Berlin. Successful applicants will get the chance to present their research in a 3 minute lightning-talk and during several poster sessions. The grants include travel expenses to and from Berlin, visa fees (if applicable), as well as accommodation in Berlin. 

Please apply by 31 October 2017 via
Please note that we are not able to accept applications after this deadline.

Your application should contain the following:
  • A short description of your research focus that explains how your approach contributes to exploring the role and function of transparency in the development and transformation of modern societies (max. 1.000 characters)
  • An abstract of your research project (max. 3.000 characters) with your research question, research method, rough time table, results and outlook as well as naming your research institution, research partners and thesis advisors
  • A short C.V. (max. 1.000 characters)
  • A short list of your most recent publications (max. 5)

Participants will be selected by the steering committee. Acceptance will be based on qualification of the applicant as well as relevance, originality and potential of the research project for the goals of the conference. We will inform the applicants about the results at the beginning of December, 2017.

Conference Topics:
Session 1: Transparency and Public Policy - Historical and Methodological Perspectives
Session 2: Transparency and Open Government
Session 3: Transparency and Institutional Environment
Session 4: Transparency in the Digital Age
Session 5: Transparency and the Individual – the End of Privacy?
Session 6: Towards a "Transparent Society"?

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