
Showing posts with label New Delhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Delhi. Show all posts

Saturday, March 17, 2018

CFP: Young Scholars International Conference Margins and Connections-: 7-8 February, 2019 - North East India Studies Programme School of Social Sciences JNU, New Delhi

Concept Note:
Margins are not mere physical outlying areas, or geographies at the edges of state, capital and socio-cultural worlds. They are products of various complex processes in colonial and postcolonial times and have been produced in various moments of contestations, fragmentations and negotiations. As such, margins are not inert spaces; they are active sites in which creative practices and connections have taken place. Such practices and connections include cultures, politics, histories, societies, and economies that inhabit either the border of a state or a “geo-body.” In this regard, various studies focusing on “margins” have enabled us to look at forms of state-making, subject formations, role of capital, circuits and networks, contestations and subversions, including various cultural and political practices across societies and boundaries.

Historically, “margins” such as North East India had connections with societies in the “margins” of neighbouring areas such as Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, China, Myanmar, Bangladesh, etc. As such, these geographical spaces throw up comparable and significant insights in studying the making of such complex spaces. For instance, these geographies are sites and spaces of various forms of material and non-material transactions and connectivities, including resources, rituals and commodities.

Such transactions and connectivities continue to mark these spaces even in the contemporary times. People continue to have wider social, cultural and (in) formal economic networks, marked by routes and infrastructures that support various forms of mobility. These “margins” have also been sites and spaces where forms of state/non-state violence, contestations, projects of nation-building and developmental interventions of both state and global financial institutions simultaneously have coexisted. This has also included representing these “margins” as the “gateways” and “corridors” of capital, trade and services under the neoliberal economy. Nevertheless, these areas have also been marked by various forms of social and political movements, that resists and negotiates violence and developmental interventions.

Some of the broad concerns and issues that emerge from the above are, what are margins? In what context are margins produced and reproduced? How are margins connected to the wider processes of state, capital and cultural flows? What are the different ways through which societies respond to the shifting dynamics of margin making?


This two-day interdisciplinary international conference seeks to explore some of these issues and concerns, especially focusing on North East India and its neighboring areas such Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, China, Myanmar, Bangladesh, etc. This conference focuses on the following themes, but are not limited to:
  • Making state, making margins
  • Circuits, networks and infrastructures
  • Capital, resource regimes and economy
  • Margins and everyday life
  • Violence, resistance and margins
  • Knowledge, power and practices
  • Margins and governance
  • Movement and mobility
  • Development, ecology and margins
  • Memory and narratives
  • Margins and gender
  • Material culture

Interested research scholars, post-doctoral scholars and early career academics are invited to submit an abstract of about 200-300 words, including a brief CV at

Participants from outside India are requested to seek funding from their institutions for travel costs. Partial funding to cover travel costs may be available for selected participants from within India based on availability of funds. Accommodation and local conveyance will be provided for selected participants.

Important dates:
Last date for abstract submission: 21 July, 2018
Intimation of abstract acceptance: 17 August, 2018
Submission of working papers from selected participants: 7 January, 2019

Organizing Team:
G. Amarjit Sharma is Assistant Professor at North East India Studies Programme, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
Bhumika R, Thingminao Horam, Tammoy  Das and Robert Lunkhopao Haokip are Research Scholars at North East India Studies Programme, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. 

Contact Info: 
G. Amarjit Sharma is Assistant Professor at North East India Studies Programme, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

Monday, December 4, 2017

International Conference on Northeast India and Southeast Asia: Exploring Continuities- 25-26 October 2018, Ambedkar University Delhi, New Delhi, India


Northeast India, located on India's periphery, is a region whose socio-cultural world exhibits more similarities with Southeast Asia region than with that of South Asia. Such perceptive characterisation of the Northeast region, however, has had been scuttled by the constricted imagination induced by the nation-state paradigm and related ways of writing history. The uncritical reliance on colonial discourse to understand the region reinforces the colonial conceptions while simultaneously marginalising the cultural-historical legacy of resident communities. This has led to the creation of an idea of an insular (Northeast) region on the one hand while reinforcing the image of India as the mainland constitutive of a larger Indic/ South Asian culture on the other.

The proposed conference seeks to question this entrenched way of understanding Northeast India by way of situating it contiguously with Southeast and East Asia. In doing so, it will take a multi disciplinary look at lived reality, insider perspectives and experiences of transformation to identify the threads of interconnectedness between these regions. The conference will thus highlight the inter-regionality of Northeast India while culturally positioning it in a larger Southeast/East Asian tradition.

Concept Note

Human societies share common traits, including myths and values, materials and traditions, language and practices. The uniqueness of each arises partly from the way dynamics of power operate in the geographical spaces they occupy, and how societies negotiate, manipulate and control the direction of their development. The highlands of Northeast India, Yunnan and Southeast Asia offers a vantage point to look at this from the viewpoint of societies that till the 20th century stayed away from the statist political systems of a dominant mainland polity.

Referred to as ‘people without history’ due to the lack of written language, communities in these regions use orality as a conscious societal choice to transmit shared memories of an ancient past as well as the insights from the present. In a similar way, shaping the land through the widespread use of the jhum or swidden agriculture is a societal response for mobility and autonomy while maintaining food security. In the cultural sphere for example, many scholars of Northeast India suggest that the customs and traditions of many communities in the region in many aspects resembles those of tribal communities in Southeast Asia, from Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Taiwan. Similarly, the Tai-Ahom of the Brahmaputra valley in Assam finds many similarities with communities from Thailand. The shared palette of colours, patterns and motifs in textiles tells us how the rich cultural traditions of the peoples across the larger region have been intricately linked to the political economy at different points in time.

The study of cultures is today an interdisciplinary field incorporating a wide range of participants, approaches, and topics. The contextual study of structures, monuments, artifacts and oral literatures provides a methodology to understand the beliefs and attitudes of societies other than our own, and opens up possibilities for comparative investigation along the ‘Asian axis’.

These and other connections between the main aspects of life in the Northeastern Region of India, and the larger Asian cultural landscape can be substantiated from a transnational perspective. Conventional representations of Northeast India glosses over this history of cultural continuity and its connections, that has remained partly because of being in a marginal borderland over time. Highlighting the cultural continuities in the larger region, it is important to look beyond political boundaries, and reconsider the manifestations of identities in terms of geographical continuities and cultural dynamics.

At a time when the study of multidimensional cultural aspects has been attracting scholars and policy makers across the world, an engagement with the cultural axis between Northeast India and Southeast Asia becomes indispensable. In this connection, the need for a cultural mapping of the region has been suggested by various academic and professional cultural institutions. This would include establishing linkages between researchers and scholars from diverse disciplines, and promoting communication between various communities across national boundaries.

Contextualising Northeast India with the contiguous regions of Southeast Asia and Yunnan (South China), the conference aims to develop a multi disciplinary appreciation at experiences of transformation, identity (re)construction and the threads of interconnectedness between these regions. The intent is to critically engage and reflect on the larger historical trajectories that shaped societies and communities in these spaces using a comparative lens. In the process demanding multi-level engagement that questions preconceived notions around nature, culture and people in todays politically charged environment.

This conference invites scholars from diverse disciplinary backgrounds across the social sciences and humanities to share understandings of societies in the region. We invite papers embedded in empirical case studies which explore one or more of the following lines of inquiry. 
  • Material cultures of the past and present
  • Orality, language and literature
  • Performance, ritual and practice
  • Trade, market and state making in the region
  • Regional similarities and differences – aspects of traditional life
  • Colonialism, globalisation and the process of modernity
  • Identity construction and power dynamics.
  • Post-colonialism and its impact on gender relations.
  • Peace, conflict and governance
  • Environment, society and health
  • Biodiversity, conservation and society
  • Culture, psyche, morality and innovation interface

Conference Registration fee: Rs. 500/- for research scholars and students

Rs. 2000/- for Faculty (National and International)

Submission Guidelines:

Abstract (in English) of 250 words along with a short bio-note of 150 words should be sent to on or before 30th January 2018. Full papers need to be submitted by 30th June 2018.

Young research scholars working in the area are specially invited to present their work. We will be organising a special sessions for their participation.

Poster presentations are also welcome. They will be displayed during the conference and time will be allotted for an interaction between the poster presenters and others participants.

Travel Support: Limited assistance for travel support is available and may be considered for research scholars, independent researcher and early career faculty. Please send your request by 30th January 2018 clearly mentioning Travel Support in the subject line, along with your name and abstract title in the body of the email.

Accommodation Assistance: Participants requiring help in finding accommodation in Delhi during the conference may write to the organiser clearly mentioning Accomodation Support in the subject line, along with your name and abstract title in the body of the email.


Abstract Submission Deadline: 30th January 2018

Notification of Acceptance: 28th February 2018

Full Paper Submission: 30th June 2018

Email for Abstract Submission and other Information:

Contact Info: 

Lovitoli Jimo / Surajit Sarkar
NEF / Centre for Community Knowledge
Ambedkar University Delhi,
Lothian Road, Kashmere Gate, Delhi 110006 , India

Contact email -
Contact Email:

Monday, August 21, 2017

World Congress On Interdisciplinary Innovative Research In Education, Law, Governance, Gender Studies, Humanities and Various Management Practices Organized by “Krishi Sanskriti Publications” on 23rd September, 2017 Venue: Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi


The Organizer cordially invites abstracts and full length research papers for oral/poster presentation from all over the world to participate in the World Congress on Interdisciplinary Innovative Research in Education, Law, Governance, Gender Studies, Humanities and Various Management Practices is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Education, Law, Governance, Gender Studies, Humanities as well as theoretical/experimental and applied Management Practices. The conference will bring together leading researchers, Entrepreneurs and Academicians in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include various sub themes, but are not limited to the conference aims at providing an opportunity for exchange of ideas and dissemination of knowledge among Scholars for Holistic Development of the Society. Contributions are invited from prospective authors from related areas. All contribution should be of high quality, Original and not published elsewhere or submitted for publication. During the review period, Papers will be reviewed by eminent scholars in the respective areas. All selected papers will be published in International Journal having ISSN No. in print version and online version and that will be released on the day of conference.

  • Distance Education, E-learning, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, Teaching and Learning, Academic Entrepreneurship, Business Simulation, Challenging Academic Conventions Change, Management, Competitive Skills Education, Creative Collaboration, Creative Thinking and Problem Solving, Creativity and Cognition, Creativity in Teaching & Learning, Entrepreneurial Learning And Teaching In Higher Education, Entrepreneurship, Fostering Creativity Global Business, Global Economic Development, Government Policy Issues, Innovation by Design, Innovation Education, Innovation in Lifelong Learning, Organization Problem Solving, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Creativity, Organizational, Personnel Training, Public Funding of Research and Development, Social Benefits of Entrepreneurship, Socially Responsible Entrepreneurship, Game-Based Learning, Human Computer Interaction, ICT in Teaching and Learning, Information and Computer Education, Information Systems, Information Technology Management, Innovation Management in Ed Technologies, Mobile Applications, Mobile Social Media, Multi-Virtual Environment, Second Life Use in Education, Social Media in Teaching and Learning, Technology in Music Education, Application of Technology in Lifelong Education, Application of Technology in Career Education, Application of Technology in Continuous Education, Audio-Visual Education, Cloud Computing and Mobile Learning, Digital Course Design and Delivery, Digital Divide, Distance Education, E-learning, E-school and E-university, E-Society, Educational Communications and Technology, Educational Technology, Academic Advising and Counseling, Acoustics in Education, Adult and Continuing Education, Adult Education Human Resources Management, Alternative Practices in Assessment and Evaluation, APD/Listening, Art Education, Assessment in the 21st Century, Authentic Assessment, Barriers to Learning, Biology Education, Chemistry Education, Communication and Collaboration, Communications Management, Comparative Education, Contemporary Pedagogy Issues, Continuing Education, Cooperative Education, Curriculum Reform Knowledge Management, Curriculum, Research, and Development, Early Childhood Education, Education Counselor, Education Curriculum Research and Development, Education Policy and Administration/Leadership, Educational Administration, Educational Foundations, Educational Leadership, Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Educational Psychology, Educational Reform Organizational Management, Educational Theory Management, Elementary Education, ESL/TESL, Ethical Issues in Education, Family Education, Geography Education, Health Education, Higher Education, History Education, Home Education, Imaginative Education, Indigenous Education, Indigenous Perspectives and Diversity Issues, K-12 Education, Issues, Kinesiology and Leisure Science, Knowledge Management, Language Education, Leadership and University Administration, Learner Mobility and Transitions, Learning Analytics and Mobile Learning, Life and Career Skills Education, Managing Cultural Diversity, Mathematics Education, Music Education, New Trends in Higher Education, Performance Assessment, Physical Education, Practical Teaching Reform, Preschool Education, Project-Based Learning, Psychological Studies in Education, Reading Education, Rehabilitation Counseling, Religion and Education Studies, Rural Education, School and Society, School Management Management, Secondary Education,Special Education, STEM Education, Student Affairs, Student Support in Education, Teacher Education and Training, Teacher Training, Vocational Education, Writing Education, Youth Empowerment.


  • Justice and legal studies, Accidents & Injuries, Arbitration & Mediation, Bankruptcy & Debt, Car & Motor Vehicle Accidents, Civil Rights, Consumer Issues, Criminal Law, Dangerous Products, Divorce & Family Law, Education Law, Elder law & Aging, Employee’s Right, Estates & Probbate, Health Care Law, Immigration Law, Intellectual, Internet Law For The Public, Justice and legal studies, Lawsuits & Lawyers, Real Estate, Securities Law, Small Business, Social Security And Retirement


  • Governance in the postmodern society, Leadership in the postmodern society, The boards in the postmodern organizations, Evidence-based management in the postmodern society, Role of stakeholders in corporate governance processes, Economic inequality and new leadership, Employee participation and ownership, Management and leadership in cooperative organization, Cooperatives and self-management models, Gender, race, and diversity in postmodern organizations, Responsible corporate governance, value creation and risk management, Identity and sense making in postmodern organizations, Gender issues in corporate governance, Social networks in organizations, Governance in interfirm collaborations (alliances, networks, open innovation), Servant leadership, Power and trust in corporate governance, New leadership and participative management, Governance of the state-owned companies, Narratives, myths and symbols in postmodern organizations, Corporate governance and stewardship theory, Critical approaches to management and strategic management, Corporate governance: a resource dependence perspective, Governance and management towards social responsibility, Trade unions and corporate governance.


  • Women’s entrepreneurship, Cross-cultural studies in entrepreneurship and their impact on women entrepreneurs (with a particular focus on comparisons between the UK and East-Asia), Female entrepreneurs in science, technology and innovation Responsible and sustainable business models and strategies; what we can learn from female entrepreneurs Policies and practices for women’s entrepreneurship Gender, identity and leadership, Values, spirituality and religion of women entrepreneurs, GEM and UNESCAP data on women entrepreneurs, case studies focusing on female entrepreneurs Self-Identity & Society, Gender, Race and Class, Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Underrepresented Women Groups GLBTI Groups and Persons with Disabilities, Feminist Pedagogies, Women in Literature, Feminist Science Studies, Sociology of Gender, Psychology of Women, Women in European History, Women in American History, Women in Asian History, Women in World History, Women and Peace in South Asia, Women and Migration Patterns, Women and the Environment, Women's Movements and Activism, Gender, Culture and Representation, Women, Relationships and Social Policy, The Politics of Gender and Food, Women, Violence and Victimization, Processes for Women’s Networking and Organizing, Women Empowerment and Agency,Strategies for Building Allies, Sex, Race and Popular Culture, Women's Sexuality and the Body, Gender, Science and Technology, Women and Work, Women, Development and Global Economy, Gender and Development, Gender and Transnational Economies, Women, Law and Policy, Sex, Power and Politics, Reproductive Rights and Justice, Rhetoric and Women’s Rights, Gender, War and Peace, Women andViolence


  • Anthropology, Art History, Arts, English, History, Information science, Interdisciplinary studies, Islamic Studies Language, Linguistics, Literature, Local Government,  Multidisciplinary Studies, Museums and heritage, Music Occupational Science, Philosophy, Poetry, Politics, Psychology, Religious studies, Social Sciences, Sociology, Social Development Economic Management, Social Responsibility and Ethics, Social Studies Education.


  • Management Accounting, Financial Accounting, Business Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Auditing and Assurance, Accounting Process and Systems, Corporate Governance and Accountability, Accounting and Financial Modelling, International Accounting, Cost Accounting. Accounting for Derivatives, Foreign Currency Accounting, Financial Reporting and Statement Analysis, Strategic Management Accounting, Financial Statement and Business Valuations, Financial Reporting, Governance and Financial Fraud, Public Sector Financial Management, Accounting Education, Tax Accounting, Government and Non-Profit Accounting, Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Auditing and all Other Accounting Areas.


  • Bank Death and Credit Crunch, CDOs and Bank Collapse, International Banking, Bank Lending, Bank Management, Commercial lending, International Banking, Consumer lending., Central bank policy, Lending decisions and Lending Policy, Institutional Assets and Liability Management, Banking Law, Banking and Financial Services Marketing, Country Risk, Loan Default, Islamic Banking, Investment Banking, Financial Institutions Management, Net Banking, Finance and Banking Relations, Public Borrowing, Financial Institutions Planning and Strategy, Financial Service and Banking Regulation, Microcredit, NGOS and Credit Delivery, Contemporary Issue in Banking and All other Banking issues.


  • Global Economic Crisis, General Economics, International Development, Economic Development and Policy, Macroeconomics, Microeconomic Issues, Monetary Economics, Unemployment, Inflation, Monetary and Fiscal Policies, Public Taxation, Quantitative Economics, Financial Economics, International Economics, Interest Rates, Foreign Exchange, International Trade, Public Finance, Monetary Economics, Islamic Economics, Labour Economics, Foreign Direct Investment, Health Economics, Public Responsibility and Ethics, Regulatory Economics, Environment and National Economy, International Trade Policy and WTO, Privatisation, Economic Policy, Contemporary Issue in Economics, Trade Blocks, Emerging Economies, Globalization and Economic Growth, Increasing Trade in Challenging Times, Industrial Development, Inclusive Growth and Microfinance, International Trade, Commodities Markets, Economic Growth and Development, Labor, Migration and Urbanization, Social and Economic Infrastructure, Poverty and Human Development,Regionalism and Economic Cooperation, Role of Technology Advancements, Sustainable Development and Special Economic Zones and All other economics topics


  • Global Financial Crisis, Corporate Finance, Corporate Treasury Management, Personal Finance, Derivatives Market and Products, FinancialInstitutions, Options and Futures, Stock markets, Bond Markets, Merger and Acquisition, Financial Restructuring, Money Market Dealings,Financial Modelling, International Investment Management, Quantitative Finance, Islamic Finance, Asian Capital Markets, Corporate Governance, European Financial Markets, US Financial Markets and Long Term Funding, Capital Markets, Risk Financing, Risk Transfer and Insurance, Finite Risk and Risk Management, Micro-finance, Contemporary Issues in Finance, Risk Transfer and Insurance, RiskManagement Process, Options, Futures and Risk Management, Insurance Law, Risk Control and Law, Alternative Risk Products,Securitisation, CAT Bond, Finite Risk Products, Risk Analysis. Islamic Insurance Products and Process, Environmental Risk and Safety,Legal and Regulatory Aspects, Market Regulations, Personal Wealth Management and Global liquidity constraints and Contemporary Issues in Finance, Risk Management and Insurance


  • Modern Management, Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Leadership, Strategic Management, Strategic Human Resource Management, Managing People and Organisation, Production and Organizations, Hospital Management, Production/Operations
  • Management Managing Change, International Business, Management of Small Business, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Development, Management Science, Operations Management, Business Dynamics, Strategic Policy and Entrepreneurship, Managing Multinational Enterprise, Environmental Management, Public Institutions Management, Governance, Supply Chain Management, Hospitability Industry Management, Information technology Management ,Contemporary Issues in Management, and all other Management areas.


  • Fundamentals of Marketing, Assessing Marketing Performance, International Marketing, Marketing Research, New Product Development, Marketing Strategy, Service Marketing, Merchandise Planning and Control, International Retaining, Buyer Behavior, Services Marketing, Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, Product Management and Planning, Integrated Marketing communications, Marketing Innovation and Planning, Delivering Customer Value, Direct Marketing, E-Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Retailing, Supply Chain Logistics, Customer Service and Customer Relations, Sales Strategies, Marketing Research, Marketing Data Analysis, Marketing and International Consumers, Marketing Theory, Marketing Case Studies, Contemporary Issues in Marketing, and all other market related topics.


  • Alternative and Special Forms of Tourism, Authenticity and Commodification, Case Studies and Applied Research on Various Types and Forms of Tourism, such as Agro-Tourism, Rural Tourism, Eco-Tourism and Cultural Tourism, Challenges and Best Practices of Hospitalityand Tourism Marketing and Management, Climate Change and Natural Disasters, Community  Responses to Tourists and Tourism, Destination Marketing, Economic/Social/Environmental/ Cultural Impacts/Forecasting of Tourism, Emerging technologies and e-tourism,Gambling tourism, Globalisation Effects, Green tourism, Hospitality education, Hotel and restaurant management, Industry’s Role in  Managing Growth, Information Technology in Tourism, Local Government Role and Responses to Tourism Development, Managing Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism, Medical tourism, Meeting, incentives, convention & exhibition, Movie and drama tourism, Negotiation in Tourism, Public Administration of Tourism Development, Resiliency Planning, Shopping tourism, The Effects of Crime, Terrorism, Safety and Security, The Future of Tourism, Theoretical Perspectives on Tourism, Tourism Development, Policy and Planning, Tourism Education and its Role in Managing Tourism Development, Tourism Mobilities, Tourism Research and Methodology, Tourismsustainability, Transportation and Tourism and so on.
  • Other Business Related subjects:
  • Business Statistics
  • Business Ethics
  • Business Law and
  • Business Education

Abstract Submission:
Abstracts not exceeding 300 words on any of the aforesaid themes should be sent to the Organizing Secretary through email at on or before 2nd December, 2017.

Submission of Full Length Research Paper
Full length research paper, maximum in 6 pages in double column format as word doc and copyright form should be submitted
together as separate attachment latest by 6th December, 2017 through email at-

For details about Registration and Participation visit Website

Dr. G. C. Mishra Dr. Vikas Rai
Organizing Secretary Conference Chair
For Enquiry Contact at: +91-8527006560