
Showing posts with label Savitribai Phule Pune University. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Savitribai Phule Pune University. Show all posts

Sunday, October 15, 2017

International Conference On TRANSLATION STUDIES: NEW DIRECTIONS 23rd-25th January, 2018, Savithribhai Phule University, Pune

Call For Papers

The discipline of Translation Studies has enjoyed huge international growth over recent decades, both as a global practice as well as in related academic programmes. Since the mid-twentieth century Translation Studies has been informed by the cultural and social turn, embracing a wide range of intercultural encounters and transfers and interacting with disciplines as varied as comparative literature, linguistics, creative writing, cultural studies, gender studies, dalit studies, post-colonial studies, film studies, philosophy, sociology, musicology, and so on. Each approach provides a different perspective on translation and has its own valid place in its respective discipline.

This conference proposes to explore this ever proliferating list of probable approaches and suggests that the discipline of Translation Studies might provide a variety of helpful analytic tools in approaching a variety of contemporary issues. In particular, it would attempt to locate the peculiarities of Translation Studies in the contemporary Indian context, where it has become increasingly important to rethink notions such as the nation, culture, identity and language. With the growth of social media, digital technologies and new modes of production, Indian society is going through a number of important transitions. One consequence of this is that the channels of communication and processing information are being altered to a large extent. Against the contemporary backdrop of developmental politics and shifts in the public sphere, questions of regional languages, marginal identities, subaltern groups and ethnic minorities have become all the more critical.

At this juncture, it might be fruitful to consider how the discipline of Translation Studies engages with, and deliberates upon these complex emergent issues in the larger global and local context. Admittedly, it might be impossible to cover all these aspects, but this conference aims to provide a platform to explore as many facets as possible through the lens of translation.


  • History of Translation Studies 
  • Linguistic Aspects of Translation
  • Role of the translator in the socio-political context 
  • Translation Studies and Children’s literature
  • Research models in Translation Studies 
  • Translation and Hermeneutics
  • Postcolonial approaches to Translation Studies 
  • Translation and Context
  • Travels in Translation 
  • Translation and the Nation
  • The Politics of Translation 
  • Translation and Border Studies
  • Adaptation as Translation 
  • Translation and Gender
  • Cultural Aspects of Translation 
  • Translation Studies and Film Studies
  • Translation and New Media

2000 for Teaching Faculty
1500 for Research Scholars
75$ for International Teaching Faculty
50$ for International Research Scholars
Conference kit and lunch will be arranged for paper presenters and resource persons only. Further details regarding the payment of Registration fees will be provided after the selection of abstracts.

Submission Guidelines:
Abstract: Abstracts should be no more than 300 words, with key words.
Paper: The full paper, no more than 5000 words, should be sent after the selection of abstracts.

Both the abstract and the paper should be in Times New Roman with font size of 12 and double line spacing.

Important Dates:
Last date for Abstract Submission: 15th November, 2017
Intimation for the selected abstract: 30th November, 2017
Last Date for Paper Submission: 20th December, 2017
Conference Dates: 23-25 January, 2018

Contact Us
Department of English
Arts Faculty Building,
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Pune - 411 007
Maharashtra State,India.
For more information:
Mobile: +91 20 25601332

Monday, August 28, 2017

GIAN Workshop on Sexuality and Gender Studies in South Asia - 8-12-January 2018,- SPPU,,Savitribai Phule Pune University

Course Overview
In recent times sexuality has emerged as politicized category and discussion on it is neither novel nor surprising. Many feminist scholars have analyzed political economy of sexuality and have fairly established that studying sexuality in the context of South Asia is not only limited to critiquing heteronormativity. At the same time sexuality and South Asia is also a field of interest for many feminists where they have examined and debated upon different constituents  of sexuality like its legal aspect, its intersection with development discourse and sexual violence, impunity in South Asia.

This course on gender and sexuality in South Asia distills key works in the growing field of South Asian feminist research and theory. We propose a five day course, which includes readings, daily two hour lectures, and exercises to be completed by participants each day.

Course will cover following themes:

  • Women’s Movements and Feminism in South Asia
  • History and Historiography
  • Sexuality
  • Caste and Sexuality
  • State of the Field

Maximum Number of participants: 35  

Who Can Attend
 1.Teachers, Social Scientists, civil society members, activist scholars working with different organizations working with women. 

2. Post-graduate students, research students of social sciences and humanities.


One-Time GIAN Registration: Visit       by paying Rs 500/-

Course Fees: No fee for PG students of the Women’s Studies Centre of SPPU. All others will pay a fee of Rs 1000/- per module at the department over and above the GIAN registration. The fees will cover course material and tea.

Out-station candidates need to arrange for transport and accommodation on their own. Full attendance is necessary to be eligible for certificate of participation / attendance. Appearing for evaluations / examinations during the course is necessary for certificate of grades in the course.

SVATI P. SHAH is Associate Professor of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, where she also teaches in the Department of Anthropology and theSocial Thought and Political Economy Center. She is the author of _Street Corner Secrets: Sex Work and Migration in the City of Mumbai_ (Duke University Press and Orient Blackswan, 2014). Her research examines questions of sexuality within the purview of critical legal studies and the political economy of development,through ethnographic and discourse analysis, focusing on juridical, media, and public health discourses. She has been extensively published in journals such as Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Feminist Studies and The Scholar and Feminist Online.

For More details about Last Date/Accommodation/Enquiries, Do send a mail address given below:

Course Co-ordinator
Swati Dyahadroy
Anagha Tambe
Phone: 020-25690052
Spuuni,Savitribai Phule Pune University.