
Showing posts with label Two-Day National Seminar on TRANSLATION THEORY AND PRACTICE:. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Two-Day National Seminar on TRANSLATION THEORY AND PRACTICE:. Show all posts

Monday, January 30, 2017

 Two-Day National Seminar

School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies 
20-21 March 2017        
Venue – SRTM University, Nanded.

From 1980s onwards, the cultural and the postcolonial approaches caused a major paradigm shift in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Translation Studies, an evolving field at the time, reflected these shifts as well, as is shown by the work of translation theorists such as Susan Bassnett, Harish Trivedi, Lawrence Venuti and Sherry Simon, to name a few. As we move forward in the 21st Century, we live the local and the global simultaneously today. The increasingly global and multicultural world in which we live has rendered translation more and more important both as an actual, material practice and as a cultural phenomenon to be critically analyzed. The relative increase in human contact across linguistic-cultural boundaries (be they regional, national, continental, etc.) that has occurred in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries has generated, in turn, an increased need for communication across boundaries. At the same time, it has become evident that this communication/transmission is not equal or objective in nature. The increasing need for cross-linguistic translation does not necessarily imply that the world is a more benign and communicative place. Indeed, we are living periods marked by spiked political and cultural antagonism and tension between geo-linguistic entities, at both the local and global levels. 
Contemporary debates and avenues of inquiry in the field of Translation Studies recognise these geopolitical realities that frame the practice of translation today. They also recognise the new forms and processes that translation involves today, be it due to the evolution of new information technologies or genres or approaches or ideologies (machine translation, computer-aided translation, audio-visual translation, translation of oral histories, translation to and from local/regional languages, translation for knowledge production, etc.). Therefore, for theorists as well as for practitioners, it is now the moment to revisit accepted definitions, limits, processes and functions of translation. What is translated, how it is translated, who translates and for whom are questions that merit further debate, given the shifting terrains that Translation as a practice, and Translation Studies as a field, inhabit today. 

Translation: Localization and Globalization
Translation and Contemporary Indian Literatures
Translation: Appropriation, Resistance and Recovery
Translating Gender
Translating Ideology
Translation and New Technologies
Translating Popular Culture
Translating Children’s Literature
Translation: New Theoretical Paradigms
Translation and Knowledge Production

Abstracts and Papers are invited in English, Hindi and Marathi

Important Dates
Submission of Abstract (maximum 300 words): 15 February 2017
Intimation of Acceptance of Abstract: 20 February 2017
Submission of Full Length Paper and Registration: 6 March 2017

Contact Information:

Registration Fees and Modalities:
U.G. and P.G. Students: Rs. 300/- (I.D. Card is mandatory)
M. Phil and Ph.D. Scholars: Rs. 500/- (I.D. Card is mandatory)
Faculty and Others: Rs. 800/-
Mode of Payment: By Electronic Transfer or D.D......................................
Last date for payment: 6 March 2017

Only for participants from outside Nanded city.
Accommodation will be provided on sharing basis at the cost of the participant.
Accommodation will be provided upon request on first come first served basis.