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Showing posts with label traditions. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Call for papers _Free Publication_ Himalayan Studies: Literature, Society and Globalization _ July 2023


Himalayan Studies: Literature, Society and Globalization

E-ISSN: 2582-0400 | CODEN: LITIBR

All the manuscripts should be mailed to

Final papers of 4500-6000 words (including citations) should be submitted by 15th June 2023.

What is the Himalayan Studies all about? If we go by the objectives provided by the National Mission on Himalayan Studies, we find that it not only covers specific geopolitical ideas, but also verges on an extremely rich cultural heritage, history, and heritage patterns. The Himalayas are a rich platform for major ethnographic research, fostering sustainable forms of development and layers of democratization. Art, literature, culture, technology, communication, media, aesthetic traditions all have undergone major changes over the last few decades as part of various Himalayan study circles.

It is undeniable that there is a strong connection among polity, economy, and literature when it comes to studying the multitextured realms of Himalayan Studies. Representation of social groups, local engagements, and community bonding are seen at large even in translated works of the Himalayas. Although influenced by senses of modernization, we do not find a tectonic shift or a complete obliteration of the indigenous culture and heritage of the Himalayas. Myths, legends, self-generating systems of struggle and mass endeavour to stay together as part of a changing environment everyday is challenging, strenuous and contradictory oftentimes.

As Gargi Banerji and Mashqura Fareedi point out point out in their research article ‘Protection of Cultural Diversity in the Himalayas’,

“The Himalayan region may be considered to be a cultural complex, a composite of several cultural cosmoses rolled into one, each little valley or plateau with its distinctive cultural forms. Their altitude changes create different agroclimatic conditions and diverse ecosystems; their seclusion and remoteness has made them the last bastions of globally significant indigenous knowledge and cultural heterogeneity. The geographical and adaptation continuities have however helped create and preserve some features that form a uniquely ‘Himalayan way of life’ common across the range.”

Litinfinite (E-ISSN: 2582-0400, CODEN: LITIBR), an open-access, peer-reviewed, non-profit bilingual Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (member/ indexed in Crossref) indexed in major indexing services including DOAJMLA Directory Of Periodicals & MLA International Bibliography, EBSCO, ERIC PLUS, J-Gate, Scilit, JISC-SHERPARoMEO, Ulrichsweb-ProQuest, ROAD- Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources, ESJI- Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, WorldCat-OLAC, CiteFactor, Index Copernicus International, Europub, ResearchBib and many other notable indexing services and international library database invites research papers, book reviews and author interviews in Bengali/English (The Bengali research manuscripts should be accompanied by English title, author(s) details, keywords, abstracts and references) on ‘Himalayan Studies: Literature, Society and Globalization.’

The current issue of Litinfinite Journal welcomes critical essays pertaining to Himalayan Studies: Literature, Society and Globalization’ and related fields: 

  • Myths, traditions, Folk literature and Himalayan Studies
  • Gender, sexuality, and Himalayan literature
  • Critical study of Himalayan stories, poems, and drama
  • Media, communication, and Himalayan Studies
  • Travelogues and Himalayan Studies
  • Religion, anthropology, and Himalayan Studies
  • Globalization and Himalayan Studies
  • Indigeneity, ethnography, and the problems of Himalayan Studies
  • Digital Humanities and Himalayan Studies
  • Himalayan Studies and Films
  • Spatial histories, migration, and pastoralism in Himalayan Studies

Final papers of 4500-6000 words (including citations) should be submitted by 15th June 2023.

Check out the submission guidelines of the journal here:

Check out the publication ethics at:

The journal does not charge any processing fee or any other type of fee.

We are not accepting poems, stories, or any other creative piece at this moment.

Contact Info: 

Editorial Information

Editor: Sreetanwi Chakraborty
P-963, Lake Town, Block-A, Kolkata-700089. West Bengal, India. Mobile No-9674933413 Email:

Publisher: Supriyo Chakraborty
Penprints Publication
Address: 69/1, S. K. Deb Road, Block-K-1, Flat-7, Kolkata-700048, West Bengal, India. Mobile No-9477417501 | Website:
Email: /