2013 International Symposium on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Education
(ISLLLE 2013)
7-9 November, 2013
(ISLLLE 2013)
7-9 November, 2013
To provide an access among many to rich ideas on educational excellence, ISLLLE starts holding conference in November at Osaka, Japan. ISLLLE Conference aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and educators with interests in language, linguistics, literature, and education at all levels from around the world. The theme of the International Symposium on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Education is designed to attract the research communities to promote connections between theory and practice and explore different perspectives on the application of research findings into practice.
We are kindly welcoming scholars coming from the international and local regions as well as professors, scholars and prospective teachers to Osaka, Japan. The overarching theme of this annual conference reflects important trends and issues on language, linguistics, literature, and education. With inclusive support and recognition from both its attendees, this conference will take effort in keeping its quality and hence making contribution to the field of language and education.
Important Date:
Conference Dates:
November 7-9, 2013
Abstract Submission Deadline
August 20, 2013
Abstract Acceptance Notification
September 10, 2013
Registration Deadline
September 30, 2013
Submission format
Please follow the formatting rules provided by the conference, and provide the information of the corresponding author such as name, department, affiliation, city, and country.
For full papers, the content should include titles, abstracts, keywords in English, methodologies, results and references. All submitted papers/abstracts should be saved in the form of Microsoft Word files (*.doc), not in pdf files.ISLLLE_paper format.doc
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Language acquisition and learning Language Education Intercultural Education Language Program Evaluation Innovation in language teaching and learnings Language Teacher Education (collaborations and practices) Language Teaching Methodology Language Curriculum Development Language Testing and Assessment Social, Cultural, and Political Contexts of Language Teacher Education The role of language and communication in human cognition Translation | Poetry and Prose (fictional and non-fictional) Contemporary Literature Comparative Literature Media (television, drama, film and others) Classic Medieval and Renaissance Literature Literature and Other Arts Literature and History |
Applied Linguistics Theoretical Linguistics Computational Linguistics Comparative Linguistics Sociolinguistics Contrastive Linguistics Interlinguistics Psycholinguistics Phonetics Phonology Text Linguistics Corpus Linguistics Dialectology Etymology Forensic Linguistics Historical Linguistics Lexicology Linguistic statistics Linguistic typology Morphology Neurolinguistics Orthography, Pragmatics, Rhetoric, Stylistics and Semantics | Biology Education Chemistry Education Comparative Education Early Childhood Education Education Policy and Administration/Leadership Education Science Educational Communications and Technology Educational Measurement and Evaluation Educational research E-learning Elementary Education Family Education Graduate and Postgraduate School of Curriculum Instruction Higher Education Human Resource Development Imaginative Education Information and Communications Technology in Education Information and Computer Education Language and Creative Writing Language Education Language Education Mathematics Education Music Education Physical Education Preschool Education Psychological Studies in Education Rehabilitation Counseling Rural Education Social Studies Education Special Education Teacher Training Vocational Education Writing Education |