
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Three-day International Conference on “Transnationalism, Culture and Diaspora in the Era of Globalisation” - February 21-23,2018, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar .

Call For Abstracts: 
The conference will address the mutual relations and converging contours of Diaspora, Trans-nationalism and Culture against the unfolding process of Globalisation. Some of the key concepts that are central to the discipline of Diaspora such as nation, nation-state, ethnicity, locality, identity etc. have undergone massive changes in the wake of  globalisation. AtoQuayson and Girish Daswani rightly point out that “a diaspora, of whatever character, must not be perceived as a discrete entity but rather as being formed out of a series of contradictory convergences of peoples, ideas, and even cultural orientations.” The shifting nature of the immigrants’/emigrants’relations to places, both remembered and inhabited, and cultures, both inherited and acquired, across borders, both real and imagined, complicate their everyday perceptions and necessitate constant negotiations between their locations and origins. This is as much a cultural process as political or social.Literature of the Diaspora is replete with long journeys across both space in search of one’s  Individual or collective self. The conference will examine these relations in terms of conceptual categories like ethnicity, nostalgia, identity, nation, nation-state etc.

About the Conference
The conference has been divided into the following themes and subthemes. However, these themes and subthemes are not absolute.

Themes and Subthemes:
  • Diaspora and Development
  • Diaspora and Conflict (Resolution): Peace
  • Makers or Wreckers
  • Diaspora andYouth
  • Diaspora Philanthropy
  • Diaspora and Civil Society Organisations
  • DiasporicAssociations or Organisations
  • Diaspora and Entrepreneurship
  • Gender and Diaspora
  • Technology and Diaspora
  • Diaspora as Economic, Social, Cultural and Political Capital
  • Methodological Issues of Migration and Diaspora
  • International Migration and Human Rights
  • Illegal Migration
  • Migration and Identity
  • Theoretical Perspectives of Diaspora
  • Global Diasporas
  • Indian Diaspora across the Globe
  • Diaspora, Media and Trans-nationalism
  • Diasporic Literature (pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial period)
  • Refugee Literatures, Exile Literatures and Travel Writings
  • Refugees, Exiles and Travelers
  • Diaspora Engagement Policies
  • Diaspora and Soft Power
  • Diaspora and Citizenship
  • Diaspora and International Relations
  • Effect of International Migration on Origin and Destination Regions
  • Migration and Globalisation
  • International Migration and Human Trafficking 

Important Dates

Last date for receiving abstract (Tentatively) 02 Dec 2017
Communication about selection (Tentatively) 10 Dec 2017
Last date for receiving full paper (Tentatively) 15 Jan 2018
Date of Conference (Tentatively) 21-23 Feb 2018
Venue of Conference (Tentatively) Central University of Gujarat

Registration Fees
Academician / Professional / Faculty Member : 1,000 INR
Research Scholar/Student: 500 INR

For More Details:
Please send your abstracts in about 200-250 words to the
For any further information or query please contact Dr. Atanu Mohapatra at
Tel : 079-23977436, Mob. : 93748 31813