
Thursday, October 26, 2017

National Conference On “Routing the Rootless: exploRing the liteRatuRes of indigenous CultuRes” 1-2 December 2017 Organized by Department of English Government Degree College Udhampur, J&K


The term ‘Fourth World’, albeit being in its early formative stage, is designated to mean one third of the world’s population whose descendants are forcefully incorporated into states yet maintain a distinct political culture that predates and continues to resist encroachment of the recognized states and are ceaselessly engaged in a struggle to gain a fair amount of sovereignty over their national homelands. On account of persistent global patterns of ethnocide and ecocide perpetrated against these ancient but internationally unrecognized nations, the Fourth World has received some fresh attention. As an inevitable by-product of post World War II upheavals, the core of the world power system split into two large geopolitical blocs of associated interests. A Euro American bloc of the states with political and economic ties came to be called the First World to which Japan joined the bandwagon later. The Second World, the other geopolitical bloc comprised the communist socialist states including the Soviet Union, China, North Korea, North Vietnam and until recently, Eastern Europe. However, few newly decolonized states that were characterized by economic dependency and debt burden, preferred to sit on a fence by not aligning with either bloc of the geopolitical power were christened the "Third World.” The people of ancient nations that lived beyond modern industrial norm and abounded in hunter gatherers, nomadic, pastoral and farmers constitute the Fourth World. The inhabitants of the Fourth World reside both in urban and rural areas but they are structurally irrelevant in the society as they neither produce nor consume what is considered important in  a globalised and technologically connected world. The Fourth World includes a whole range of the tribal and peasant societies that share a number of attributes, including a low level of political and economic integration in the state system, an inferior political status, and an underprivileged economic position. We welcome contributions on the following themes:

Dynamics of Social Exclusion - Issues, Trends and Prospects
➢ Identity Politics, Stereotypes and Platitudes in Literature
➢ Art and Aesthetics of Aboriginal Art, Craft and Culture
➢ Discourse of Nativism
➢ Cultural Studies
➢ Re-Writing, Re-Visiting and Critiquing History
➢ Literature of Social Protest
➢ Regionalization and Literature
➢ Rural Literature
➢ Localization and Literature
➢ Ethnocentrism in Literature
➢ Post-Colonialism and Neo-Colonialism
➢ Role of Class, Caste, Race and Gender in Literature and Culture
➢ Dalit, Tribal, Nomadic and Black Literature
➢ Subaltern Discourse
➢ Children’s Narratives
➢ Ecological Concern in Literature
➢ Issues and Challenges in Translating Minority and Subaltern Text
➢ Any other topic(s) relevant to the theme of the Conference

You are requested to send your abstracts on or before 13 November 2017 at 

Registration Details:
1. For Outstation Participants: Rs. 3000/- (Faculty) & Rs. 2500/- (Students and Scholars),
exclusive of boarding and lodging and Rs. 4000/- (Faculty) & Rs. 3500/- (Students and
Scholars), inclusive of boarding and lodging.
2. For Local Participants: Rs. 1500/- (Faculty) & Rs. 1200/- (Students and Scholars).

Bank Details for NEFT / Online Transfer:
Bank Name : JK BANK
Account No. : 0028040500000676
Account Type : Saving
Chairperson: Prof. S.S. Balwal
Organizing Committee: Deptt. Of English

For any Queries Contact:
Prof. Kamaldeep Kaur: 09419962957
Dr. Shubhra Jamwal: 09419130321
Dr. Rippy Bawa: 094191609