
Friday, January 19, 2018

Call for papers - 1st International e-Conference on Translation Translation in and for Society. Investigating Sociological and Cultural Aspects in Literary and Specialised Domains 26-28 September 2018.

Call For Papers:

The University of Cordoba (Spain) and KU Leuven (Belgium) are proud to announce the First International e-conference with the title: Translation in Society and for Society. Investigating Sociological and Cultural Aspects in Literary and Specialised Domains.

Following the remarkable success of the e-Conference CNERU for young researchers (Cordoba, 4-5 April 2017), this virtual conference aims to create a shared space for reflection on topics related to sociological aspects concerning translation theory and practice. The conference will be held in English using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual whiteboard to interact. Collaborate with Blackboard opens right in your browser, so you don’t have to install any software to join the conference.

Aim and Scope

The “Sociological Turn” in Translation Studies is a phenomenon that has interested the discipline since the 1990s (Snell-Hornby 2006; Wolf and Fukari 2007; Wolf 2010; Angelelli 2014). The success of the first ATISA conference “The Sociological Turn in Translation and Interpreting Studies” (2010) opened up new avenues of research, shifting the focus from textual aspects of translation to a broader analysis of social factors that have an impact on the translator and translations as social products. According to Wolf (2010), the Sociology of Translation has interested research in the field of “T&I training institutions, working conditions, professional institutions and their social role, questions of ethics in translation, (auto)biographies of translators and interpreters, larger accounts such as translation on the global market, sociopolitical aspects of translation, translation and its role in activism, etc.”. The scholar distinguishes three kinds of translation sociology:

  • The sociology of the agents of translation – focusing on translation activity from the point of view of institutional and individual agents;
  • The sociology of the translation process – focusing on the social environment and constraints (such as censorship) affecting the production of all types of translation, such as multimodal translation in which different codes coexist in new and changing textual formats;
  • The sociology of translation as a cultural product – focusing on reception, promotion and literary criticism across time and space.

Drawing on the new ways in which these three developments are outlining translation research and practice, this conference aims to shed light on the productive and multi-faceted cross-fertilisation of Translation Studies and Sociology. 

We invite papers related but not limited to the following topics:

  • Translation and interdisciplinarity: the sociological approach
  • Legal and sworn translation with the new migration flows
  • Gender issues in translation
  • Sociological aspects related to multimodal translation
  • The role of multimedial translation in a mass-media society
  • The reception and promotion of translation
  • Imagology and translation
  • Translation for the cultural industry
  • Ethical challenges for translators in the 21st century
  • The status of the translation profession
  • Industrial translation vs. professional translation
  • Pros and cons of machine translation and its impact on the market
  • Translation and power relations
  • Translation of minorized languages and cultures

Submissions are invited for 20-minute presentations. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words (excluding references). Please submit your abstract including the title of the paper, author name, affiliation and e-mail address to:;

Do not forget to fill in the following form in order to submit your abstract (Abstract_Form)

Selected papers will be published in an edited volume following a peer-review process.

Key dates
• Abstract submission deadline: 31 March 2018
• Notification of acceptance: 15 May 2018
• Registration open: 15 May 2018
• Early-bird registration available until: 31 August 2018

Conference fees
Early registration fee (before 31 August 2018): €20
Fee after 31 August 2018: €30
For More Details: