
Friday, February 9, 2018

CFA:Summer Courses-Language Intensives in Tibetan, Sanskrit, and Nepalese-New Graduate-Level Advanced Tibetan Reading Seminar- June 13- August 10, 2018 Kathmandu University

Call For Applications:
Kathmandu University - Centre for Buddhist Studies at Rangjung Yeshe Institute is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for our Tibetan, Sanskrit and Nepalese summer intensive language courses. The courses include beginning and intermediate classical Tibetan, three levels of colloquial Tibetan (beginning, intermediate, and advanced), beginning and intermediate Sanskrit, and beginning and intermediate Nepalese. An introductory Buddhist studies intensive, combining study and a meditation practicum at a retreat center in the Kathmandu Valley will also be offered.

In addition, this year CBS is offering a new graduate-level, for-credit Advanced Tibetan Reading Seminar to be taught by Professor Klaus-Dieter Mathes from the Univ. of Vienna and Professor Yaroslav Komarovski from the Univ. of Nebraska.

The spoken language courses, which are structured to offer full immersion in the local languages and cultures, offer the opportunity to live with Tibetan and Nepalese families. All classes are held at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery, just a few minutes’ walk from the Great Stupa of Boudhanath in the Kathmandu Valley. This summer's courses begin June 13 and end August 10.

For more information, visit:

Contact Info: 
Joanne Larson
Director of Programs
Kathmandu University
Centre for Buddhist Studies
at Rangjung Yeshe Institute
Contact Email: