
Showing posts with label Interpreting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interpreting. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

8th International Conference of the Iberian Association of Translation and Interpreting Studies (AIETI8)

The University of Alcalá (UAH) (Madrid, Spain) and the FITISPos (Training and Research in Public Service Interpreting and Translation) Research Group, together with AIETI (the Iberian Association of Translation Studies and Interpreting) are pleased to announce the 8th International Conference of the Iberian Association of Translation and Interpreting Studies (AIETI8) which will be held from 6th to 10th March 2017 at the University of Alcalá (Madrid).

The main objective of this international conference is to continue the work of dialogue and exchange of experiences and projects carried out in previous conferences between professionals and the academic community, educational authorities and public and private institutions, as well as students and general public interested in intercultural communication in general and in translation and interpreting in particular.
The theme aims to reflect on expanding the limits of public service translation and interpreting.
We live in a globalized world dominated by English, but also in constant contact with less widely used languages. We are witnessing a relentless advance in technology applied to translation and interpreting, but also need linguistic and cultural intermediaries in common areas of conflict and migration. We demand the recognition of the professions of the translator and interpreter while their performance is, in fact, very frequently fused. The training of the translator/interpreter is proposed by universities, but its collaboration with other industry language professionals is required. There is an increase in the number of institutional relationships in education, but greater collaboration with companies is required. We are aware of the increase of multilingualism and cultural diversity; however, we need to redefine the concept of translation competence. We are, therefore, in times of change and aware that we need to overcome limits and assimilate fast advances; we, thus, need to sum up and not subtract.
AIETI 8 is intended to become a forum for discussion, aimed at reflecting on the most current and updated research in both academic and professional contexts. AIETI8 wants to get closer to the real needs of professionals in intralinguistic communication; the latest innovations applied to practice; the most comprehensive studies on translation and interpreting in different areas of expertise. In short, the main objective is to promote and disseminate the constant changes and advances in the field of translation and interpreting and their relationships with the environment.
The conference will be structured in two parts:
  • Seminars (6<7 March 2017) dedicated to practical aspects applied to Public Services Interpreting and Translation.
  • The actual conference (8<10 March 2017). The conference will include plenary lectures, communications, posters and round tables. Communications will have a maximum duration of 30 minutes (including the time allotted for discussion / questions). We look forward to receiving contributions on the following areas, but not exclusively:
  • Innovation and technological advances in Interpreting & Translation in general.
  • New approaches in the theory of translation / interpreting.
  • Analysis of progress on collaboration between I&T professionals in general and the work market.
  • Teaching and learning of I&T in different areas (education, health, administrative and legal settings).
  • Localization, post[editing and automatic translation.
  • Literary translation
  • Audiovisual Translation
  • Technical translations (legal, scientific, etc.)
  • Interpreting
  • The official conference languages will be Spanish, English, Portuguese, Catalan, Basque and Galician.
  • We are delighted to announce that we have confirmed our plenary speakers (Henry Liu, Dilek Dizdar, Alexandra Krause, Maya García de Vinuesa, Agnés Agboton, Gloria Corpas and Hannelore Lee


  • Length: between 400 and 500 words (excluding bibliography)
  • Deadline for receipt of abstracts: October 15, 2016 extended to 31 October 2016.
  • Proposals must be sent following instructions on our web:
  • Accepted papers for oral presentation will have 20 minutes for their presentation, followed by 10 minutes of discussion.
  • Papers accepted for presentation as a poster will have an exhibition space and two sessions for authors to discuss their work with the audience.
  • Roundtables will have one hour and will be structured around a common theme and should be structured as a forum for discussion and presentation of 2 or 3 communications.
  • After the conference, authors who wish to publish their work may submit their manuscripts for which, upon acceptance by the scientific committee, will be published in an edited volume in electronic format. Delivery of manuscripts will be done following the style sheet available on the web in accordance with the instructions given in due time.


Before 1 February 2017
After 1 February 2017
AIETI members
100 €
130 €
Non members
130 €
150 €
50 €
50 €
Postgraduate students (must show proof)
45 €
50 €
Undergraduate students (must show proof)
30 €
30 €

II. The Programme will consist of an academic programme and workshops which shall take place during the previous days 6 and 7 March 2017organized by the FITISPos Research Group and specially dedicated to Public Service Interpreting and Translation in order to commemorate the VI International Conference on Public Service Interpeting and Translation.


Before 1 February 2017
After 1 February 2017
Workshop 1
AIETI & AFIPTISP members and UAH students: 30 € / Non members: 40 €
AIETI members and UAH students: 40 € / Non members: 50
Workshop 2
AIETI members and UAH students: 50 € / Non members: 60 €
AIETI members and UAH students: 60 € / Non members: 70 €

The AIETI members General Assembly will take place on Thursday 9th March 2017. The Conference dinner will take place 10th March after the Closing Ceremony. AIETI8 will include a social programme which will be posted on our web page.

Further information at:

We look forward to seeing you in Alcalá !

1st Call for papers (download pdf)

The University of Alcalá (UAH) (Madrid, Spain) together with the AIETI Association are pleased to announce the 8th International Conference of the Iberian Association of Translation and Interpreting Studies (AIETI8) which will be held from the 8th to the 10th of March 2017 at the University of Alcalá (Madrid) Spain. The Beyond Limits theme aims to reflect on expanding the limits of public service translation and interpreting. We live in a globalized world dominated by English, though also in constant contact with less widely used languages. We are witnessing a relentless advance in technology applied to translation and interpreting, but also need linguistic and cultural intermediaries in common areas of conflict and migration. We demand the recognition of the professions of the translator and interpreter while their performance is, in fact, very frequently fused. The training of the translator/interpreter is proposed by universities, but its collaboration with other industry language professionals is required. There is an increase in the number of institutional relationships in education, but greater collaboration with companies is required. We are aware of the increase of multilingualism and cultural diversity, and we need to redefine the concept of translation competence. We are, therefore, in times of change and aware that we need to overcome limits and assimilate fast advances; we, thus, need to sum up and not subtract. The conference will be structured in two parts:
  • The AIETI8 Conference (8-10 March 2017). The conference will include plenary lectures, communications, posters and round tables. Communications will have a maximum duration of 30 minutes (including the time allotted for discussion / questions). We look forward to receiving contributions on the following areas, but not exclusively:
    • Innovation and technological advances in Interpreting & Translation in general.
    • New approaches in the theory of translation / interpreting.
    • Analysis of progress on collaboration between I&T professionals in general and the work market.
    • Teaching and learning of I&T in different areas (education, health, administrative and legal settings).
    • Localization, post-editing and automatic translation.
    • Literary translation
    • Audiovisual Translation
    • Technical translations (legal, scientific, etc.)
    • Interpreting
The official conference languages will be Spanish, English, Portuguese, Catalan, Basque and Galician.
  • Seminars /Workshops (6 -8 March 2017) dedicated to practical aspects applied to Public Services Interpreting and Translation (PSIT).
Important dates to remember:
  • Receipt of abstracts (400-500 words, not including references): by October 15th
  • Acceptance/rejections of contributions: by December 15th