
Showing posts with label RESEARCH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RESEARCH. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

CFA: E-SHORT TERM COURSE The Art of Writing Research Articles and Scholarly Publications in English Language and Literature (SPELL) Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (DoHSS) NIT Hamirpur, Organized by Online Platform (29 Jan- 2 Feb 2024)


About the e-STC
The process of quality research is useful if it sees the dawn of publication. Hence, getting a paper published in a reputable journal is an important milestone for researchers. Publication must be seen as an important, if not the most important, part of quality research process. However, writing research papers for academic journals is not easy and is also very competitive. This short-term course is an attempt to address the issues related to writing and communicating research papers.
 The short-term course aims to train the participants about the systematic process involved in converting a particular research work
into a publishable manuscript, which can be communicated to a reputed journal for publication. The short-term course aims to enable the participating researchers and scholars to plan and prepare research publications suitable for world recognized journals (SSCI/
AHCI/Scopus with High Impact Factor). Hands-on experience will be provided on important components of a research paper. Many important tips would be shared to deliver the content smartly in shorter as well as longer run in career as a researcher and academician. Content of the short-term course has been designed to avoid some pitfalls in publication journey and become ready as a skillful researcher and author to match expectations of quality publications. The short-term course would be useful for the professional development of faculties, trainers,researchers, and professionals.
Objectives of the e-STC
  • To familiarize the participants with the general structure and elements of a research article.
  •  To deal with the issues and challenges of preparing and writing a research manuscript suitable for publication in SSCI/ AHCI/Scopus indexed journals
  • To understand the review process and to accommodate reviewers’ perspective leading to successful publication

About the Department
The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences has an interdisciplinary orientation and expertise in diversified fields of Economics, English, Psychology and Sociology. The diversity of the curricula offered by the department provides the students with a foundational base of skills that can be used not only in the classroom, but to master challenges in globalized dynamic and competitive markets. This is done through a plethora of channels including lectures, talks, case studies, research projects, group discussion, workshops, seminars etc. Faculty members possess a blend of academic and professional experience which facilitates disseminating of knowledge to the students through both classroom sessions and independent student activities.


Prof. Nagendra Kumar
Dept. of HSS
IIT Roorkee
Prof. Avishek Parui
Dept. of HSS
IIT Madras

Prof. Priyanka Tripathi
Dept. of HSS
IIT Patna

Prof. Madhumathi P.
Dept. of English
RGNIYD, Tamil Nadu

Dr. Preeti Puri
Dept. of HSS
NIT Hamirpur

Prof. Nirmala Menon
School of HSS
IIT Indore

Prof. Akshaya Kumar
Dept. of ECS
Panjab University

Prof. Nikhika. H.
Dept. of Film Studies
The EFL-University

Prof. Sathyaraj Venkatesan
Dept. of HSS
NIT Tiruchirappalli

Registration is compulsory for all the participants. The registration fee is non-refundable.
Rs. 500/- for the participants from Academia/R&D Lab
Rs. 200/- for students
Rs. 1000/- for participants from industry
After paying the fee, participants must fill the Google form to complete the registration process.
To pay through SBI Collect select the following options;
(State of institution- Himachal Pradesh, Type of institution - Educational Institutions, Educational Institutions name – NIT Hamirpur, Payment Category - “Workshop/STC/FDP/Conference”)
*Note- Use short form SPELL word in the Title of STC while filling the form.
Both Registration fee and Google form is compulsory for complete registration.

NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTSst date of Registration:

There is a limit for this e-STC.
Applications will be accepted on first cum-first serve basis.

Faculty Members, Research Scholars, Post-graduate &
Graduate students, Industry Professionals.

Last date of Registration:
24 January 2024 by 05.00 PM

Registration Link

For any query, you may
Dr. Preeti Puri
Mobile No. 08219537460
Dr. Zareena. J. M

Friday, December 22, 2023


About University

Annamalai University, accredited with 'A+' Grade by NAAC in2022,is one of India's largest public residential universities with a sprawling campus of nearly 1000 acres is one of the largest residential Universities in Southern Asia comprising of 10 Faculties and 49 department's of study located at Chidambaram; The Adobe of the Cosmic Dancer Lord Nataraja . Founded in the early 1920s by Rajah Sir S.R. M. Annamalai Chennai  with the aim of promoting Tamil Literature and serving the downtrodden ,the institution evolved over rime. Jn 1929, it transitioned into Annamalai University, as per the Annamalai University Act 19:i8 (Tamil Nadu Act J of 1929).Since then, it has consistently played a pivotal role in shaping lives locally and globally. In 2013, the Annamalai University Act, 2013 (Tamil Nadu Act 20 of 201;), came into effect. This prestigious institution offers a diverse range of disciplines and departments, along with state of the art facilities such as sports pavilions, gymnasiums, libraries, and yoga/meditation balls. Annamalai University is not just a place of earning but a holistic ecosystem that fosters education, research, innovation, and community service, making it a true "university" in every sense.

About the Organizing Departments

The Department of Library and Information Science at Annamalai University , established in 1979, is a pioneering institution in India, providing modern education and practical training in Library Science. They offer various programs, including M.Lib.J.Sc., Ph.D., and more, aiming to prepare individuals for careers as librarians, information professionals , and knowledge managers. Additionally, the department offers programs such as M .Lib.Sc. (5 Year Integrated) and PGDLAN under the Directorate of Distance Education .On the other hand, the Department of Political Science & Public Administration, founded in 1981, focuses on producing well-informed citizens and offers a range of programs, including

M.A.Political Science (Integrated & CBCS) and Ph.D.programs. lt encourages curiosity about politics, global affairs. and fosters logical inquiry into the discipline, all with the aim of creating moral and model citizens of the world .

About the ICSSR

The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSRJ was established in 1969 by the Government of India with the primary objective of promoting and facilitating research in the field of social sciences within the country. It plays a pivotal role in supporting research endeavors by offering grants for various projects, facilitating fellowships for scholars. encouraging international collaborations, enhancing research capacity, conducting surveys, and promoting publications.

About the Programme

The Research Methodology course for M.Phil./Ph.D./PDF Scholars in Social Sciences comprises various essential objectives. It instructs st1adents in formulating research designs, conducting literature reviews, identifying research gaps, and defining research objectives, questions, and hypotheses. The course emphasizes conceptualizing research concepts and developing research proposals, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative research methods. It also provides practical exposure to statistical software for data analysis and covers reference management, publication processes, journal selection , database usage, manuscript handling, and citation formats. Overall, this course equips aspiring social science researchers with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their research endeavors, both in academic and professional contexts.

Eligibility  for Participants

A Scholar doing M.Phil I Ph.D./PDF in any branch of social sciences in a UGC-recognized university/deemed university/colleges/institutes of national importance and ICSSR Research Institutes is eligible to apply in the prescribed format given and their application should be duly forwarded by the affiliating institution. Selected candidates will be informed through e-mail. The number of seats is limited to 30 from social science disciplines, out of which ten (10) are from hosting institution, ten (10) from within the state, and ten (10) from outside the state.

How to Apply 
Interested research scholars can apply for the ten-day Research Methodology Course sponsored by ICSSR by submitting a duly filled Registration Form (See Last Page) to the Course Director on or before December 31, 2023. The scanned copy of the registration form (the original registration form should be produced on the first day of the Course), along with the following documents, should be emailed to

1.M.Phil./ Ph.D./PDF registration certificates.

2..Coursework completion certificate (if applicable).

3.Caste certificate (if applicable).

4.Write a brief statement (up to 300 words) explaining your reasons for wanting to participate in the course.

There is no Registration Fee for participation in this course.

Accommodation and Travel Allowance

Accommodation will be provided only to outstation participants in University Guest House Hotels on sharing basis from 21st January, 2024 (Evening) to ist February, 2024 (Morning). Travel allowance by shortest distance (Train Fare/ Bus Fare - Sleeper Class only) will be reimbursed to the outstation participants after submitting original tickets. Food will be provided to all Participants at free of Cost.

Important Dates
Last date of receipt of the complete application form-  
                                                                    -31 December,2023
Intimation to selected candidates -                                       
                                                                     - 5 January, 2024
Confirmation of participation by the applicants -               
                                                                      - 10 January,2024

For any information/clarification please contact:

Course Director :

Dr.M.Sadik Batcha Professor 8r Head

Department of Library and Information Science

Annamalai University Mobile:+ 9194436 65624

Email:msbau@rediffmail .com

Course Co-Director:

Dr. C.Subramanian Professor,

Department of Political Science 8r Public Administration

Annamalai University

Mobile:+ 9194433 39194 / 7010356616

Email:drcsubramaniann@yahoo .com