
Showing posts with label Teaching methodologies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teaching methodologies. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

CFP: ICSSR Sponsored Three International Conference Appropriate Teaching Methodologies in Interdisciplinary Contexts: Mapping Sociolinguistic Diversity (Hybrid Mode)-DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY-May 2024.

Conference Theme:

Teaching methodologies and methods have a significant impact on the learning outcomes of students. The current language learning theories, formulated within the monolingual context of English as a Native /Second/Foreign Language lack adequate consideration for diversity language education and sociolinguistic dimensions related to digital-divide, resources & infrastructure, access, classroom size, bi-literacy, bilingualism, multilingualism, rural-urban divide, teacher-student ratio, medium of instruction,among others. The present conference aims to highlight these challenges faced by ESL and content subject learners in the current educational system. The intricate sociolinguistic dynamics that exist within classroom interactions are influenced not only by pedagogic variables but also by broader social and cultural aspects that are ingrained in institutional and environmental settings.

This conference aspires to encourage various stakeholders to rethink Appropriate Methodology, not simply in terms of best practices but also by taking into account the dynamics of diversity education based on equitable opportunities. Some of the primary questions that immediately crop up here are: Can appropriate teaching methodology provide greater access to equitable opportunity of learning? If yes, how can we make such teaching practices socially relevant and inclusive? How can these practices prompt cross-cultural communication in a multicultural setting? Also, how can the class be shaped as learner-centred to cater to the diverse communicative needs beyond the classroom? .

The objectives of the conference would be twofold: firstly, it would aim to focus on developing critical thinking skills and promote cultural exchange by setting a discourse around it and refocusing our attention towards inclusivity, sustainability and social justice. Secondly, it would try to put forth recommendations to various stakeholders-policy makers, textbook writers, material designers administrators, educators to incorporate necessary methodological changes that would help bridge learning gaps taking into consideration the multiplicity and complexity of classroom interaction and methodology of content subjects as well. The conference seeks to rethink how English can be taught in diverse ESL settings, encompassing socially, linguistically, and economically disadvantaged populations against the backdrop of learning crisises and overdetermined contexts (NEP, 2020; WDR, 2018; GEMR, 2021 and SDG4, 2015).
Keywords: Teaching methodologies, ESL learners, Sociolinguistic Diversity, Inclusivity, Cross-cultural communication

1. Sociolinguistic Competence in the ESL Classroom: Agenda for future research
2. International English in its Sociolinguistic contexts
3. Diversity and Translanguaging in Language Education: Methodological challenges
4. Constructivist Approaches to Teaching
5. Review of curricula: Syllabus and Materials Designing, Appropriate Methodology and Assessment: Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Education Levels(PSTL)
6. Methodology in a Technological Environment
7. Advances in AI Technology and Methodology
8. Technology-based Strategies and Diverse Methodological Practices
9. Open Education Resources, Selection & Adaptationand Methodology
10. Mainstreaming ESL Teaching Methodology for Equity Concerns
11. Literacy Education for Marginalized EBLs’ (Emergent Bilingual Learners) Social, Cultural and Academic Inequities
12. Teacher Education for Inclusive Pedagogy (PSTL)
13. Policy Perspectives, Practice and ELT Planning: Methodological Challenges
14. Cross-cultural and Methodological Options in Second language pedagogy
15. Teaching Literature and Appropriate Pedagogy (PSTL)
16. Instructional Methodology of Language / Literature Teaching (PSTL)
17. Appropriate Pedagogical Strategies and Second Language Pedagogy: Speaking and Writing
18. Age/Grade Appropriate Pedagogy: Literature and Language Perspectives (PSTL)
19. Making Sense of Methodologies: BANA vs. TESEP
20. NEP (2020) and Appropriate Teaching Methodologies (PSTL)
21. Indian Knowledge System, Teaching of Indian Languages and English language: NEP 2020
22. Diverse Contexts of Methodology , Communication Strategies and Institutional Practices
23. Indian College Teachers’ / Learners’ Beliefs about Pedagogy (PSTL)
24. Methodological Constraints, Capacity Building and Teacher Development (PSTL)
25. Language Diversity into Content-based Instruction (CBI) Methodology- Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts, Sciences, Medicine, Agriculture, Law, Engineering and Tech, Commerce & Management, Foreign Languages, Modern Indian Languages: Policy and Practices (PSTL)
26. Writing Across the Curriculum (content based approaches)
27. Teaching and ‘otherness’
28. Teaching and Spaces
29. Teaching Language as ‘affirmative sabotage’
30. Disability Studies: Language Learning & Teaching/ Teacher Education
31. CELTA/ DELTA Methodology
32. TESOL/TESL Methodology
33. Assessment and Methodology
34. Learning Crisis, Learning Deficits and Methodology
35. Methodology for Environment Education and Language Instruction
36. ESP: English for Business/ EAP/EST
PS: Participants are advised to stick to the themes given above for 

Abstract submission.
Abstract Submisson Deadline: March 27, 2024
Last Date for Registration : April 12, 2024.
Conference e-mail Id:

For More details: