
Showing posts with label USA.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA.. Show all posts

Thursday, January 11, 2018

CFPs Conference and Pre-Conference The Women, Gender, and Sexuality Network of the Social Science History Association (SSHA) Nov. 2018,Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Dear current and future Women, Gender and Sexuality network members and affiliates,

It was a pleasure to see so many of you in Montreal this year. Next year’s conference will take place from November 8 to 11, 2018, in Phoenix, AZ. The theme is "Histories of Disadvantage: Meanings, Mechanisms, and Politics.” Please find attached our network’s informal Call for Papers for next year’s meeting. At our WGS network meeting in Montreal many of you have suggested possible themes for panels that would complement the overall theme of the conference. Great! Please note that our thematic focus does not foreclose submissions on other themes on women, gender and sexuality.  In fact, we hope to organize several Author- Meets- Critics panels featuring the excellent work of network participants as well as panels that connect the overall conference motto, histories of disadvantage, to historical meanings, mechanisms, and politics of the meeting place of Arizona.

We also are excited to announce a Second Call for Papers, inviting you to join our one-day pre-conference with a focus on Border Crossings: Gender, Sexuality, and Rights at the University of Arizona in TucsonAZ (about 1.5 hours from Phoenix). The pre-conference theme is inspired by Gloria Anzaldúa’s seminal contributions to Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies and will give us the opportunity to engage with the geographical location of the conference.

While we encourage contributions​ related to regional themes of borders and borderlands, histories of rebellious actions, and mobilization for rights (widely defined),​ we ​will be happy to consider papers or panels from all geographical regions that address ​related themes, offer new theoretical frameworks, and present materials that allow us to compare, contrast, and illustrate the complexity of rights (including, but not limited to legal concepts of gender/sexual power and norms, international/national dimensions of social/cultural/political/legal constructs of human rights, refugees and power/empowerment) as well as border crossings (including but not limited to the complexities of physical trespassing of nation-state borders, cultural ruptures, gendered and sexual transgressions).

Please note that we invite presenters and participants to arrive on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 for an informal reception; we plan to offer one night at a hotel to conference presenters pre-ceding our one-day conference on Wednesday, November 7, 2018. 

Submission Deadline: February 16, 2018

Dominique Grisard
Jadwiga E. Pieper Mooney

Reminder regarding SSHA conference submissions (to be done online): a full panel should have a chair, discussant and four presenters (ideally four papers, though we will accept panels with five presenters as well).  Preferably, panels should unite presenters from more than one discipline. We encourage panel organizers to bring together graduate students and scholars at different stages of their careers. If your panel is short of authors, discussant and/or chair, please let us know and we will do our best to help you complete the panel. Panel organizers should make sure potential participants are aware of the registration fees and are prepared to attend even if their potential travel grants fall through. As always, we are happy to help out with whatever query you might have.
*For additional general information, please see

Pre-Conference Submissions (please send directly to network reps): we accept papers and panels and plan to collaborate with Arizona faculty.


Best wishes,
Dominique, Jadwiga, and Martin

Contact Info: 
Dominique Grisard
Jadwiga E. Pieper Mooney
Contact Email:

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

International Conference on Communication and Dialogue: Integrating Global Communities by IAICS- July 5– 8, 2018 Chicago,USA

Call for Papers:

There are two opposing perspectives that have resulted from today’s globalized world: One that promotes diversity, interconnectedness, and interdependence through open borders and intercultural collaboration as the antidote to the global problems of inequality, terrorism, and climate change. But not all subscribe to this notion, as another, more harmful view is characterized by ethnocentrism, prejudice, xenophobia, and implicit biases, which cause fear, exclusion, alienation, divisiveness, and violence. As intercultural communication scholars, it is our ethical responsibility to identify, analyze, and provide strategies and solutions to these problems and to create inclusive and integrated global 
communities through engaging intercultural and international dialogues.

Integration of communities requires humanity to come together through compassion, empathy, shared values, common interests, and full participation of all people while acknowledging and respecting cultural differences. By sharing research from diverse interdisciplinary perspectives on intercultural and international issues, we can generate new ideas, new ways of thinking, and collective wisdom toward a brighter future. 

Conference Time: July 5-8, 2018
Conference Venue: DePaul University, Chicago, IL, USA

Conference Goals:
• To provide scholars, educators and practitioners from different cultural communities with opportunities to interact, network and benefit from each other’s research and expertise related to intercultural and international issues;
• To synthesize research perspectives and foster interdisciplinary scholarly dialogues for developing integrated approaches to complex problems of communication in global contexts;
• To advance modes of inquiry for intercultural communication research and disseminate practical findings to facilitate understanding among cultures;
• To foster global intercultural sensitivity and integration in discussing and addressing challenging issues facing humanity.


Topics are broadly defined, but not limited to the following 

  • Studies on globalization 
  • Culture and community building
  • Cosmopolitanism in culture
  • Language and culture
  • Discourse analysis and global implications
  • Nonverbal communication in intercultural contexts
  • Cultural identity
  • International conflict
  • Comparative literature and poetics
  • Cultural hybridity
  • Language teaching in intercultural communication
  • Media and film studies across cultures
  • Journalism and globalization
  • Global communication and technology
  • Public relations and advertising in global contexts 
  • Intercultural communication competency
  • Intercultural and public policy
  • Cultural studies
  • Environmental studies
  • Rhetorical studies
  • Translation studies

Guidelines for Submission:
Abstract, 100-150 words in English, including positions, affiliations, email addresses and mailing addresses for all authors. Times New Roman 12pt font size, single-spaced.

The conference working language is English.

Submit abstracts and panel proposals by November 1, 2017. 
Notification letters will be sent out by February 15, 2018.

Send Submissions to: Xing Lu, Ph.D., Conference Chair, DePaul University,

Conference Host:  The College of Communication, DePaul University, Chicago, IL, USA

Conference Web Site:; find information on fees, registration, and accommodations.

IAICS Website:; learn more about IAICS, including goals and membership information.