
Showing posts with label caste inequality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label caste inequality. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

CFP:Two-Day National Seminar on Revisiting Mahatma Jyotiba Phule’s Vision - Its Contemporary Relevance: 15th & 16th Feb, 2024, Osmania University, Hyderabad.

About the Seminar
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule (JyotiraoGovindrao Phule) pioneered the oppressed-caste movement as a leader and most influential thinker, social reformer, revolutionary activist and practitioner of human rights and popularly known as first “Mahatma' (Great Soul) of India, occupies a unique position among all social reformers in the 19th century. Due to his contributions to Indian Society, he had been acclaimed as the “father of the Indian Social Revolution”. Undoubtedly, Phule was first person to launch a movement for liberation of oppressed-castes and women of all castes during his times. His emphasis on liberation movements resulted into national movement and social revolution apart from each other in colonial
India.Phule's ideology andhisclear vision towards movements of liberation, individual freedom and self fulfillment, equality and social unity, made him unique from many other 'reformist' thinkers of his times. His uncompromising attack on the injustice prevailed in the society earned him as revolutionary. He stressed up on participatory development, which is clearly pertinent to the economic development of peasants, shudras, atishudras and women.

Phule was the first teacher of oppressed-caste communities, he was a strong critic of orthodoxy in the social system next to Buddha. He courageously envisaged alternative socio-religious reforms in the
nineteenth century, which was not an ordinary event. He meticulously presented a socio-cultural analysis that was deeply critical on caste-varna domination, which is the root cause of exploitation of oppressed - castes. He strongly believes that if both Women and sudra -athisudhra community not prone to education, they would have not been able to emancipate themselves. So he started a massive mission of imparting education by launching various schools in and around Poona. Apart from this, he presented a
treatise, to Hunter Commission, on how the Hindu orthodox system ouster majority people of society away from education.
Phule found new grounds, which throw unconventional theoretical insights into contemporary social realities and facilitate in understanding society and politics. Phule has been remembered for his contribution to various fields like education, caste inequality, agricultural reforms, economics, issues of women and widow rights, human rights,social inequality, upliftment, eradication of untouchability etc.
It is worth to realize that the persona of Phule had been influenced many personalities one among them was, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar who claimed Phule as his one of the gurus due to his noble work and
immense contributions in the socio-economic fields of India. In this context the proposed two dayNational Seminar has been looking forward to Phule's contemporary relevance and its praxis. The Seminar has beem structured into Keynote speaker, Lead Speakers, Presentations from delegates (oral /Poster) and Panel discussions.

Major Themes of the seminar:
MJP's Contemporary Relevance on
  •  Education / Women Education.
  • Agrarian Sector - Implications
  • Caste System – contemporary relevance
  • Social Justice ; Social Change – need of the hour
  • Nationalist Ideology – its relevance
  • Cultural Revolutionary Stance – alternative to orthodoxy participatory development
  • Social reformers' views on Phule

Last date for submission - 15-01-2024
Intimation of acceptance - 20-01-2024
Full paper submission - 30-01-2024
No TA/ DA will be provided for participants, We will provide local hospitality with prior requests.
Location: Osmania University.

Registration Fee
Students/ Research Scholars 300
Research Scholars with Fellowship 500
Faculty / Post-Doc. Fellows 1000
NGOs / INGOs/Fellow on Research Centre’s 1500

Submission Guidelines
All are invited to submit abstracts of their papers.
All submissions must contain an abstract of up to
200 words (Times new roman 12pt, 1.5space) with 5 minimum Keywords as per the given Template. 
The abstract should be sent to GoogleForm
3ZQ/viewform OR
the following email Id :
with the subject “ Abstract Submission: (Your Name)- National Seminar15th&16th, February 2024”. 

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