
Showing posts with label gerontology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gerontology. Show all posts

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Call for Book Chapters- Social Work and Social Change: Education, Research and Practice (Springer)


Social work as human service-based profession has a long and rich history of being intricately linked to social change. From early reformers advocating for better living conditions to contemporary practitioners working for poverty, inequality, racial justice, crime, drug addiction and so on, the profession has consistently strived to create a more equitable society. This edited book aims to explore the complex relationship between social work and social change, exploring how the profession contributes to positive societal transformations and how the concept of social change itself is understood within the social work field. Social work, at its core, is a profession dedicated to promoting social justice and fostering positive societal transformations. While social work is inherently tied to the pursuit of social justice and equity, little is known about the specific mechanisms through which the profession actively contributes to social change. This book seeks to bridge this gap by offering a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted ways in which social work education, practice, and research intersect with and contribute to broader processes of social transformation. Furthermore, this proposed volume explores the intricate and dynamic relationship between social work and social change, focusing on the critical roles of education, practice, and research in driving meaningful progress. We will explore how these three pillars work together to equip social workers with the knowledge, skills, and evidence-based practices necessary to be effective change agents. 

The contribution in this volume should be in position to explore the following questions:    

  • How is the concept of social change itself conceptualized within social work broadly and particularly in its different specializations (e.g., child welfare, gerontology, mental health, social justice social policy, community organizing etc.)? 
  • How does social work education, research and practice contribute to social change at micro, macro and meso levels?
  • What are the various frameworks and approaches used by social workers to promote social change?
  • How do issues of power, oppression, and social justice influence social work's role in social change? 
  • How can social work better measure and document its impact on social change efforts?
  • How do global and technological advancements influence the ways social workers approach and achieve social change? 

We invite social work educators, scholars, practitioners, and researchers engaged in social work and social change to submit chapters that address the central themes outlined above. Contributions can be theoretical, empirical, research-based or practice-oriented, offering diverse perspectives on how each area (education, practice, research) contributes to social change within the social work. We aim to include 15 chapters (maximum) for this proposed volume. 

Contact Information

Dr. Koustab Majumdar, email-

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