
Thursday, June 29, 2017

National Seminar on Problematizing Sexuality and Violence: Deconstructing Institutions, Norms and Narratives in India-University of Delhi, 23-24th August, 2017

Organized by
UGC-SAP, Department of Political Science
Research Network on
Feminist Engagements with Law and the State (FELS)
University of Delhi, Delhi

Call for Papers
Research Network on Feminist Engagements with Law and the State is an innovative enterprise of the Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, wherein we seek to involve versatile inter-disciplinary feminist approaches. Under the aegis of the Network, we successfully held a Workshop on ‘Feminist Engagements with Law and the State’ on 29th March, 2017 dealing with issues like, bodies and rights, sexual violence and sexual harassment, and ‘honour’ crimes. The workshop was also important for identifying themes requiring focus, suitable methodologies to adopt and mechanisms to bring academicians, activists and survivors in the country and abroad to a common platform of deliberation and discussions. This National Seminar is the second in line which would deal with issues like, sexual desires, fantasies and expression, violence against sexual minorities and marginalised men. 

This Seminar is planned under the CAS/SAP theme of Democracy, Norms and Institutions. therefore, the interlinking between the state (democratic),norms (laws and regulations) and institutions (especially, the institutions belonging to the Indian Legal System) with the themes and sub-themes would be an ideal way to author and present the papers. The rationale for choosing this theme is that in the last two decades, sexual and gender based violence have increased globally. One of the reasons behind this is insurrection of the  marginalised sections of society for a dignified life. Multiple narratives are challenging hegemony of heteronormativity internalized and implemented by the institutions of the state. These narratives are also questioning social and cultural norms prioritizing a binary and hierarchical notion of sexuality. Questioning and coming-out is suppressed through violence.

Here the laws are double-edged sword, used both for exploitation and empowerment. This seminar is an attempt to discover varied experiences of sexual/gender categories and to highlight that divisions are more contradictory, fragmented, shifting and ambivalent than the dominant public definitions of these categories suggest. There is an urgency to disrupt binary logic and its hierarchical oppositional constitutive force in addressing issues of sexuality. In this respect, to understand the role of legal system in India is crucial. Thus this seminar focuses on deconstructing institutions, norms and narratives to democratize sexuality and its experiences in India.

In this National Seminar, we intend to focus on the following themes and sub-themes:
1. Sexual Desires, Fantasies and Expression
a. Legal understanding of sexual desires, fantasies and expression
b. Sexual desires, fantasies and expression in heterosexual relationships
c. Sexual desires, fantasies and expression in non-heterosexual relationships
d. Sexual Desires, Fantasies and Expression in Art and Literature
2. Violence against Sexual Minorities
a. Sexual Violence
i. Sexual Violence by known persons
ii. Sexual Violence by State Agencies/Institutions
b. Physical Violence
c. Cultural Violence
d. Economic and Social Violence: Livelihood, skill development and social security
e. Legal Violence: Non-recognition of identity, relationship and property
entitlements and Coming out as a political act
3. Violence against Marginalised Men
a. Sexual Violence
i. Sexual Violence by known persons
ii. Sexual Violence by State Agencies/Institutions
b. Physical Violence
c. Cultural Violence: Food, dress, cinema, religious beliefs, lifestyle and others
d. Systemic Violence of exclusion and discrimination
e. Economic Violence
Any other issue not mentioned in the sub-themes, but connected with the main themes may also be considered.

Important Dates and information
● Last date for abstract submission: 5th July 2017
● Confirmation of selection of abstracts: 15th July 2017
● Full paper submission: 16th August 2017
● Seminar on: 23rd and 24th August 2017
● TA to paper presenters will be given as per UGC norms

Submission: Abstract, paper and any communication in this regard should be made in electronic form and should be sent to
Please click here for concept note (

Contact :
Department of Political Science
IInd Floor, Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Delhi
Delhi 110 007
Ph. No. +91-11-27666670

Senior and Junior Fellowships at Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg for Social Sciences & Humanities, Germany

Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (Institute for Advanced Study), Delmenhorst, Germany - Senior and Junior Fellowships

Call For Applications:

The Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) in Delmenhorst, Germany is an Institute for Advanced Study in the Northwest of Germany. It offers outstanding scholars the opportunity to focus on research without the distraction of everyday routines in academia, to interact with colleagues from other disciplines, and to benefit from the wide range of academic traditions represented at the institute. The HWK awards Fellowships to highly qualified scholars of all career levels, from postdoctoral researchers to senior scientists.

The HWK is pleased to announce its annual call for applications for senior and junior fellowships in the research areas BRAIN, EARTH, ENERGY and SOCIETY. Excellent researchers with a Ph.D. from all disciplines (not only social sciences and humanities) and from all parts of the world are welcome to apply; we also accept applications involving experimental and lab research.

Fellowship duration ranges from 3 - 10 months. 

Residence at HWK is obligatory. 

Financial conditions are to be negotiated on an individual basis.

Detailed information on fellowship terms and on the application procedure is available at:

Please download and read our guide on how to apply and financial conditions carefully and contact the head of your respective program, if you have further questions.

The deadline is July 15, 2017, late applications cannot be considered.

Contact Info:
Research Managers:
Dr. Dorothe Poggel +49 (0) 4221 9160-109

Dr. Doris Meyerdierks +49 (0) 4221 9160-104

Wolfgang Stenzel +49 (0) 4221 9160-103

Dr. Susanne Fuchs +49 (0) 4221 9160-123

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities - University of Oxford, - 2017

Conference Dates 17th-19th August 2017   

Research and discussion on key interdisciplinary social science issues affecting work and employment relations, psychology, sociology, anthropology, linguistics and literature, information sciences, religious studies, culture, law and international relations are encouraged in this conference. 

 We also highly encourage doctorate (PhD) and postgraduate students to present their research proposal or literature review or findings or issues in this conference with a very special registration fees. Case studies, abstracts of research in progress, as well as full research papers will be considered for the conference program for presentation purposes.

Conference Topics 

AICSSH encourage submissions within Social Sciences studies and Humanities and across a variety of related disciplines and fields. Papers may address, but are not restricted to, the main theme from any of the following sub-themes. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable.


Culture, Health and Illness
Medical, physical and psychological Anthropology
Women and Health: Anthropological and International Perspectives
Economics of Health care
Special need children and their families
Health Psychology
Sociology of Health care systems
Organisational anthropology
Human Rights: Anthropological perspectives
Anthropology of social movements
Urban anthropology Work and Employment Relations

Gender relations in comparative perspective

Race, Ethnicity and Nation: Anthropological Approaches to Collective Identity
Modern workplace and employment relationships
Employment and wages in the global economy
Culture, resources and power
Labour relations and labour market policy
Migrant labour and HRM strategies
Social partnership, HRM and employment
Workforce diversity, equality and intersectionality
Temporary work, mobility and crisis of worker representation (trade unions)
Transnational mobility and temporary staffing agencies
Migrant women’s empowerment
Relationship between paid and unpaid work
Informal economies Religious Studies

Contemporary religion and society
Ethnicity, race and religion
Islamic studies
Contemporary Judaism
Asian religions and traditions
Indigenous religions
Inter-religious relations Law and International Relations

Culture, Religion and World Politics

International Labour Law
International Human Rights Law
Environment and Climate Change Law
Public and Private International LawPsychology

Cognitive Psychology
Brain and Behaviour
Industrial and organizational psychology
Social, Community and Cross-cultural Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Experimental Psychology
Social Psychology of Health
Business/Occupational Psychology Sociology

Crime and Socio-legal Studies
Social stratification
Political sociology
Urban, Rural and Industrial Sociology
Stratification, work and labour markets
Sociology of the family, childhood and gender
Social stratification, social mobility and social class
Race and ethnicity
Childhood development and schooling
Immigration and ethnicity
Social Policy, Social Work and Social legislation Language, Linguistics and Literature

Relationship between linguistic and literary studies
Dialect and literature
Literature, Religion and Art
Bilingualism, Grammar and Word use
Phonetics and Phonology
Film and visual culture and linguistics Information Sciences

Theories of information

Information behavior
Informal information seeking serendipitous information and browsing
Information systems and their use in creativity and innovation
Information resources and technology
Human information behavior
Comics Studies, library and informational science
Historic development and adoption of Open Access publishing

The deadline for proposals is 17th July 2017 by which all interested participants are required to submit a provisional title, a short abstract (300-500 words) and an indication of your willingness to participate in the conference.

 Important Dates 
Conference Title :AICSSH 2017 Oxford
Conference Date :17th-19th August 2017
Abstract Submission :By 17th July 2017Notification of Acceptance :Within two weeks
Early Bird Registration :By 24th July 2017
FULL Paper Submission :By 31st July 2017
Late Registration :By 31st July 2017

For More Details: 

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

6th Derrida Today Conference - Concordia University, Montreal, Canada May 23-26th 2018.

Call for Papers:

The Derrida Today Conference will focus on the ongoing value of either Derrida’s work, or deconstruction, to the political-ethical, cultural, artistic and public debates and philosophical futures that confront us.The conference will be broadly interdisciplinary and invites contributions from a range of academic, disciplinary and cultural contexts. We will accept papers and panel proposals in English or French on any aspect of Derrida’s work, or deconstruction, in relation to various topics and contemporary issues, such as: philosophy, phenomenology and other theoretical/philosophical thinkers, literature, psychoanalysis, architecture and design, law, film and visual studies, haptic technologies, photography, art, music, dance, embodiment, feminism, race and whiteness studies, politics, ethics, sociology, cultural studies, queer theory, sexuality, education, science (physics, biology, medicine, chemistry), IT and multimedia, the environment, technology, etc. We also accept papers that engage in the spirit of deconstructive thought (if not on Derrida or deconstruction itself). 

Venue: Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Date: Wednesday 23rd – Saturday 26th MAY 2018
Keynotes: *Tom Cohen (University at Albany, State University of New York, USA) *Drucilla Cornell (Rutgers University, USA) *Alexander Garcia-Düttman (Berlin University of the Arts, Germany) *Ginette Michaud (Université de Montréal, Canada) *Elizabeth Rottenberg (De Paul University, USA).
Conference Directors and Organisers: Matthias Fritsch (Concordia University, Montreal, Canada), Nicole Anderson (Editor, Derrida Today Journal; Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia), Stella Gaon (SaintMary’s University, Halifax, Canada). 

Individual Participants: submit two separate Word documents: 1) a 350 word abstract for a 20 minute paper, 2) a personal bio (no more than 200 words), with very importantly your affiliation and contact details (mailing address, email address, and phone). 

Panel Proposals: Panels will consist of 3 papers of 20 minutes delivery and 10 minutes discussion time each. Panel organizers should submit as separate Word documents, the following: 1) an overall panel proposal of 350 words 2) 3 individual abstracts of no more than 300 words for each paper, 3) personal bios and contact details of each member phone, email, affiliation, address

Due Date for Abstracts and Panel Proposals:  Extended upto 15 December 2017

Individual Abstracts & Panel Proposals should be sent as an attachment to: All enquiries about the conference, to this email address ONLY

The conference is based on the journal Derrida Today (Chief Editor: Nicole Anderson. The journal is published by Edinburgh University Press, ISSN: 1754-8500). 
EUP Website:

NB: Information about the Conference, Registration, Keynotes, etc., as well as the Journal, can be found at The 
Derrida Today Website: 

Monday, June 26, 2017

International Postgraduate Conference in Translation and Interpreting Heriot-Watt University 9-10 November 2017

Translation and Interpreting Technologies: a blessing or a curse?

New directions in Translation and Interpreting Studies
Centre for Translation and Interpreting Studies in Scotland

Call for Papers
Following the success of the 12th IPCITI Conference held at Dublin City University, HeriotWatt University is pleased to host the 13th IPCITI Conference, which will take place 9-10 November 2017. 
The IPCITI Conference is the result of a long-term collaboration between Dublin City University, Heriot-Watt University, the University of Edinburgh and the University of Manchester. IPCITI is designed to provide new researchers from all areas of Translation and Interpreting Studies with the opportunity to share their research with peers in a supportive and intellectually stimulating environment. It aims at promoting greater participation in Translation and Interpreting research by addressing salient issues in the field and hopes to foster a supportive environment in which researchers can exchange ideas on current themes and issues in the fields of Translation and Interpreting Studies.
Following up on last year’s theme, IPCITI 2017 will explore new directions in Translation and Interpreting Studies,but with a particular focus on translation and interpreting technologies and the ways these are shaping T&I practice, research and teaching.

Keynote speaker – Translation Technology:
Dr Ana Frankenberg-García (University of Surrey)

Keynote panel – Interpreting:
Prof Claudia Viviana Angelelli (Heriot-Watt University)
Prof Ursula Böser (Heriot-Watt University)
Prof Graham Turner (Heriot-Watt University)

Key dates:
Abstract submission deadline: Friday 14th July 2017
Notification of acceptance: Friday 8th September 2017
Registration deadlines and fees will be available shortly at

Abstract Submission:
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the topics listed below:
  1.  Use of translation and interpreting technologies
  2.  Computer-aided translation and interpreting
  3.  Machine Translation and Post-Editing
  4. Technological advances in BSL Interpreting
  5. Subtitling
  6. Impact of translation technologies on the translation industry
  7. Impact of translation/interpreting technologies on translator/interpreter’s practice
  8. Use of translation and interpreting technologies in education
  9. New challenges in research and new methodological approaches
We particularly welcome papers which address the topics listed above, but submission of
abstracts from other areas of Translation and Interpreting Studies is encouraged, too.
IPCITI 2017 welcomes abstracts for paper and poster presentations.
Papers are allotted a 20-minute slot to be followed by a 10-minute QA and Feedback session
(30 minutes per presenter). Abstracts should be submitted in English and should not exceed
300 words.

Abstracts should include:
The presenter’s name
The presenter’s affiliation, academic status and current year of study
Title of the paper to be presented
Three keywords that best encapsulate the content of the paper to be presented
A brief description of the state of the art
An indication of the theoretical framework and/or research methodology employed
or to be employed
A summary of outcomes or pursued outcomes
A list of references
Please note that the presenter’s details, the title, keywords and bibliographical references
are not included in the word count.
Abstracts should be attached as a Word file and sent to

Info and contact details:
Further information about abstract submission should be directed
Enquiries concerning the conference should be directed to:
Information about Heriot-Watt University can be found at:
General information about Edinburgh can be found at:
Further information concerning accommodation and directions to the conference venue will be available shortly on our website (  

Sunday, June 25, 2017

International Seminar on The First World War: The Indian Context -St Aloysius College (Autonomous) Mangalore, India 5th-6th January 2018

Department of History
St Aloysius College (Autonomous)
Mangalore- 575003, Karnataka, India

The St Aloysius College plans to organize an international seminar on the theme The First World War: the Indian Context The College invites scholars in Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and in related fields to participate in the Seminar.

The Theme and the Context
It is 100 years since the First World War took place. As all of us know, though the Great War was the result of complex political developments of Europe, it had large influence on Indian society, economy and political life. It was mainly due to the fact that India was a colony of the British. The British too wanted the cooperation of Indians. Mahatma Gandhi who had returned to India after his African sojourn during the war had encouraged Indians to join the British forces.

Indians had immensely contributed to the British war efforts in the form of men and ammunitions as well as financial resources. The Princely states in India were often compulsorily made to contribute to the war efforts. Leaders of numerous communities and groups in India were made to lead the fund raising programmes such as collection of clothes and other materials which were sent to the war front.

Politically, India made a few gains after the war came to an end such as the Act of 1919, which gave a few concessions to the Indians in their long and bumpy road to self-determination.

The Department of History of St. Aloysius College Mangalore intends to study and document the entire history, literature and the accompanying trauma Indians faced during the war. A large amount of literature must be available on the topic as well as those times which must be lying unattended by the scholars in various libraries and archives and even in contemporary newspapers and journals. 

We propose to hold an international seminar on the subject involving scholars from Europe, USA and India. We will be making all efforts to publish the papers presented in the seminar after due review by reputed publishing house.

We request the academic community and Research Scholars to go through such a literature (it may be even in the form of books, folk literature, songs and so on.) and make a study and present them in the seminar.

Scholars from the following Universities will be delivering special lectures:
State University of New York (SUNY) Cortland, USA
University of Namur, Belgium

Important information:
Those intending to present papers can contact the Chief Coordinator at the earliest. They can also send their papers before 30th November 2017(along with an abstract). The contact details are given below.

International and invited scholars will be offered an honorarium. 

A detailed brochure with sub-themes would be sent to those who are participating and presenting the papers. It will be our pleasure to welcome you at St Aloysius College (Autonomous) campus at Mangalore on 5th -6th January 2018.

For further details, kindly contact: 

Chief Coordinator-

Dr Vishanz Pinto,
Dean, Faculty of Arts,
St Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangalore-575003,
Karnataka, India
Phone: + 91 9480289560
Contact Email:

CFP: "Social Movements and Resistance", Critiquing Culture Conference- George Mason University-October 7th 2017

Event: Saturday, October 7th 2017 at George Mason University
Submission Deadline: July 1, 2017

Event and Theme:

The Cultural Studies Student Organizing Committee (SOC) at George Mason University invites paper proposals for our 11t​ h annual Cultural Studies Graduate Student Conference. 

The theme of this year’s conference of “Social Movements and Resistance” reflects the particularly potent political moment in which we are currently situated. To that end, we strongly encourage submissions that address, critique, or otherwise analyze contemporary and historical developments of, and responses to, activism and political uncertainty.

This year’s conference will feature a plenary panel addressing contemporary sites of social justice and activism, with details and a final list of speakers to be released closer to the event date. 

The Cultural Studies Program and Conference: 
The Cultural Studies program at George Mason University is committed to the analysis and critique of culture. Cultural Studies examines cultural objects as products of the wider social, historical, economic and political conditions. Thus its interests lay both in understanding processes of cultural production as well as discovering the effects of culture at sites of reception. In particular, Cultural Studies focuses on power relations and inequalities, which shape the horizon of possibilities for any cultural object at hand, be it a political discourse, an economic model, or a mass cultural product. Towards this project, we recognize the value of a range of critical approaches including Marxist political economy, poststructuralism, feminism, critical theory and postcolonial studies. While the objects of Cultural Studies vary widely, the field aims at political relevance and efficacy.

In an attempt to broaden the community of scholars working in precisely this interdisciplinary vein, the Cultural Studies Student Organizing Committee at GMU invites graduate students to submit research papers for a conference specifically oriented toward the examination of cultural objects, through a variety of critical lenses. 

We encourage the submission of papers related to the following broad themes:
  • Political Economy
  • Mass & Popular Culture
  • Gender & Sexuality
  • Race & Ethnicity
  • Visual Culture 

Abstracts of no more than 300 words and a current CV should be sent to by July 1st, 2017. 
Please include presentation title, presenter's name, institutional affiliation, contact information, 
A/V requests, and any special needs required in the email. 
Abstracts should be sent as .doc or .rtf file attachments. 

Contact Info: 
Kayla Keener
Natasha Sharma