
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Funded Travel Grants- 1st Symposium on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science- November 15-17, 2017 London, United Kingdom.


The Symposium is an interdisciplinary venue that brings together researchers from a diverse range of disciplines to contribute to the definition and exploration of the societal challenges in Computational Social Science, especially around the topics o inequality and imbalance. This is the first in a series of three symposia that discuss societal challenges in computational social sciences. Future events will be focused on "Bias and Discrimination" (Cologne, 2018) and "Polarization and Radicalization" (Zurich, 2019).

We welcome submissions in the intersection of the social sciences and the computer sciences, including (a) new approaches for understanding social phenomena and addressing societal challenges, (b) improving methods for computational social science, (c) and understanding the influence of the Web and digital technologies on society.

We are especially interested in:

* Methods for measuring inequality and imbalance
* Measuring inequality and imbalance on the Web
* Mediating inequalities via computational methods
* Inequality data mining
* Inequality and biases in social networks
* Detecting trends of inequality
* Digital reproduction of inequality
* Online vs. offline inequalities
* Cross-country and longitudinal studies of inequality
* Missing data
* Digital civil society and digital citizenship
* Digital divides and digital inequality
* Global inequality and effects of globalization
* Power imbalances
* Demographics and age structures
* Underrepresented groups
* Wealth and poverty research
* Economic inequality
* Inequality in the urban environment
* Health inequalities
* Models of social capital in the digital age
* Non-users of digital technologies
* Accessibility of and barriers to digital technologies
* Skills and digital literacy

Other related topics are explicitly welcome.


Original manuscripts should be submitted in English in pdf format to the EasyChair submission system:

Submissions should be 1-2 page abstracts (up to approx. 1000 words) summarizing the work to be presented. We encourage researchers to also submit mature work that has already been published and/or submit work in progress. Please give a sufficiently detailed description of your work and your methods so we can adequately assess its relevance. Each extended abstract will be reviewed by a Program Committee composed of experts in computational social science. Accepted submissions will be non-archival, i.e. there are no proceedings. We may however discuss options for publishing selected submissions after the conference (e.g. as a journal special issue or edited collection). Submissions will mostly be evaluated based on relevance and the potential to stimulate interesting discussions.


Deadline for abstract submission: September 30, 2017
Notification of acceptance: October 13, 2017

Workshops and tutorials: November 15, 2017
Conference: November 16-17, 2017

Due to the generous funding by Volkswagen Foundation we are able to offer up to 40 travel grants to early career researchers whose talks are accepted for the symposium. Both plenary talk presenters and workshop/ tutorial presenters are eligible for the travel grants.
The travel grant consists of 500 EUR for authors from non-European countries or 250 EUR for authors from Europe and also covers the registration fee for the symposium. Travel grant recipients will be selected by a committee of experts based on their academic excellence, financial needs and diversity (e.g. gender, geographical and disciplinary diversity).
Please indicate in your submission 1) if you wish to apply for a travel grant, 2) your motivation for the grant application and 3) whether you will still attend the symposium without a travel grant.
The grants aim to especially support attendees with limited travel resources and attendees from countries where Computational Social Science is not yet well established.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

National Conference on ‘Development and Governance of Adivasis in Contemporary India’ : 6-7 October 2017 Mumbai

Jointly Organised by NCAS and Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Contemporary Studies, University of Mumbai

Date: 6-7 October 2017
Place: Mumbai

Scholars are invited to submit their research papers for the Conference.

Broad Sub-themes of the conference are:

  1. Development strategies for Adivasis post planning era
  2. PESA and Adivasi governance (20 years of PESA)
  3. Status of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs)

A 200-word abstract and brief CV can be e-mailed to
by September 5, 2017.
Please write ‘Abstract/ ARC Conference’ in the subject line.

For More Info:

Monday, August 28, 2017

GIAN Workshop on Sexuality and Gender Studies in South Asia - 8-12-January 2018,- SPPU,,Savitribai Phule Pune University

Course Overview
In recent times sexuality has emerged as politicized category and discussion on it is neither novel nor surprising. Many feminist scholars have analyzed political economy of sexuality and have fairly established that studying sexuality in the context of South Asia is not only limited to critiquing heteronormativity. At the same time sexuality and South Asia is also a field of interest for many feminists where they have examined and debated upon different constituents  of sexuality like its legal aspect, its intersection with development discourse and sexual violence, impunity in South Asia.

This course on gender and sexuality in South Asia distills key works in the growing field of South Asian feminist research and theory. We propose a five day course, which includes readings, daily two hour lectures, and exercises to be completed by participants each day.

Course will cover following themes:

  • Women’s Movements and Feminism in South Asia
  • History and Historiography
  • Sexuality
  • Caste and Sexuality
  • State of the Field

Maximum Number of participants: 35  

Who Can Attend
 1.Teachers, Social Scientists, civil society members, activist scholars working with different organizations working with women. 

2. Post-graduate students, research students of social sciences and humanities.


One-Time GIAN Registration: Visit       by paying Rs 500/-

Course Fees: No fee for PG students of the Women’s Studies Centre of SPPU. All others will pay a fee of Rs 1000/- per module at the department over and above the GIAN registration. The fees will cover course material and tea.

Out-station candidates need to arrange for transport and accommodation on their own. Full attendance is necessary to be eligible for certificate of participation / attendance. Appearing for evaluations / examinations during the course is necessary for certificate of grades in the course.

SVATI P. SHAH is Associate Professor of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, where she also teaches in the Department of Anthropology and theSocial Thought and Political Economy Center. She is the author of _Street Corner Secrets: Sex Work and Migration in the City of Mumbai_ (Duke University Press and Orient Blackswan, 2014). Her research examines questions of sexuality within the purview of critical legal studies and the political economy of development,through ethnographic and discourse analysis, focusing on juridical, media, and public health discourses. She has been extensively published in journals such as Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Feminist Studies and The Scholar and Feminist Online.

For More details about Last Date/Accommodation/Enquiries, Do send a mail address given below:

Course Co-ordinator
Swati Dyahadroy
Anagha Tambe
Phone: 020-25690052
Spuuni,Savitribai Phule Pune University.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

GIAN Workshop on Translation Studies: Global Practices in Interpretation and Representation, 7-12th November, 2017 Department of English,Assam University

From exegesis to philosophical hermeneutics, the interpretation of social and cultural phenomena has arguably been the definitive act of humanistic scholarship. At the heart of such activities is an awareness of the complexities of representation, whether textual, visual, scientific or ideological. As an intellectual method and a writing practice, it is precisely upon such acts of interpretation and representation that translation is centered. Although the history of translation as both theory and practice offers a range of strategies as to how texts might be both interpreted and, in turn, represented, two approaches have recurred so frequently as to be considered dominant models (cf. Venuti): one is the instrumental method, by which texts are treated as being characterized by invariance of meaning, so that their representation is rooted in metonymical practice; the other (following on from Steiner), is the hermeneutic model that treats texts as being open to multiple acts of interpretation, and translation as a representational practice whose methods are metaphorical, concerned with establishing patterns of relatedness between text and receiving context. In that way, translation refuses the discursive authority of source text and target context alike, achieving this by both establishing and working within the provisionality of the different spatial and temporal domains inhabited by text and reader / spectator alike. In other words, translation is much less about the establishment of meaning than it is about the promotion of understanding. 

In the  multilingual/multicultural space, that is India, an understanding of translation practices, both linguistic and socio-cultural, is crucial since such a practice does not merely promote understanding, but promotes understanding of differences across cultures and linguistic groups. Additionally, in this increasingly globalized world, translation is a survival tool rather than an academic pursuit. The course, therefore, intends to delve into the fundamentals of this process and engage with the dominant
practices of Interpretation and Representation involved in the same. 

Course Objectives
The primary objectives of the course might be summarized as follows:
1. To trace the origins and methods of the instrumental method, and to assess their validity through a series of case studies;

2. To trace the origins and methods of the hermeneutic method, and to assess their validity through a series of case studies;

3. To elucidate how interpretation and representation are problematized in both philosophy and the arts;

4. To suggest ways of considering time and space not as barriers to understanding but as the very arena in which the act of translation takes place;

5. To ensure that participants develop a solid understanding of both the convergences and divergences of Western and Indian methods and practices.

A: Theory Lecture
B: Case Studies/Practical
Date: 7th to 12th November, 2017 (5 Working Days)
Number of participants for the course will be limited to fifty.

You Should Attend If..
  • You are a Student or Faculty Member with interest in Translation, Representation and Interpretation.
  •  You are a Writer, Artist or a professional with an established interest in issues of Interpretation and Representation.
  • You are a Professional/ Trainee Translators or Interpreter, from the academia, government and corporate spheres.

Fees The participation fees for taking the course is as follows:
Participants from abroad : US $100
Faculty Members/ Professionals: Rs. 3000
Students/ Research Scholars: Rs. 1500
The above fee includes all instructional materials, computer use for tutorials and assignments,
case-study materials etc. The participants will be provided with accommodation on payment basis.

Last Date of Registration: 15th October, 2017

The Faculty
Professor David Johnston, School of Arts, English and Languages, Queen's University, Belfast, works on the theory and practice of literary translation and theater. He is committed to the idea of practice as research, both in terms of performance and of translation as a writing practice, and much of his work deals with the ways in which theory and practice, in theater as in translation, are mutually illuminating. 
Professor Dipendu Das, Head, Department of English, Assam University, Silchar is a creative writer, translator and a translation theorist. His research interests include Theater Studies and Translation. He is currently working on literary and cultural productions dealing with displacement and migration.

Dr. Sib Sankar Majumder is an Assistant Professor of Assam University, Silchar. His research interests are Theater and Performance Studies and include adaptations of literary texts in visual or performative media. 

Anindya Sen, Assistant Professor, Assam University, Silchar, teaches translation theory and is interested in the political aspects of translation as a process and the cultural negotiations involved in the same.

Course Coordinators:
Dr. Sib Sankar Majumder
Phone/Whatsapp: 09435065638
Anindya Sen
Phone/Whatsapp: 09706538097

Thursday, August 24, 2017

GIAN WorkShop on Literature of Empire- 26th – 31st Dec 2017, Central University of Kerala,

This course looks at plots of empire in the British novel of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It examines not only how empire was represented but also how the novel form gave visibility to the strategies of empire and also showed the tacit purposes, contradictions, and anxieties of British imperialism. The course is structured around the themes of: the culture of secrecy; criminality and detection; insurgency, surveillance, and colonial control; circulation and exchange of commodities. Specifically, the course will focus on how the culture of secrecy that accompanied imperial expansion defined the tools of literary imagination in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.


(1) Examine the impact of colonial expansion on the geography of narrative forms.

(2) Analyze the language of indirection in English novels and trace metaphors and symbols to imperialism’s culture of secrecy.

(3) Develop interpretative tools for reading the imperial novel.

Number of participants for the course will be limited to twenty-five. Course participants will learn the following module through lectures, seminars and presentations.

Modules Literature of Empire: 26th Dec – 31st Dec 2017
Focal Modules:
  • “Mysticism and Espionage: The Great Game” - Rudyard Kipling, Kim.
  • “Detection and Knowledge of the Other”- Arthur Conan Doyle, Sign of Four
  • “Detection, Imperialism, and Family Secrets” - Wilkie Collins, The Moonstone
  • “Decryption and Detection” - Richard Marsh, The Beetle
  • “Devolution and Degeneration” - Robert Louis Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
  • “Empire and the Enigma of Antiquity” - H. Rider Haggard, King Solomon’s Mines
  • “Imperial Gothic”- H. Rider Haggard, She
  • “Messianic Messages”- Rudyard Kipling, Selected Short Stories
  • “Insurgency and Colonial Control” – Philip Meadows Taylor, Confessions of a Thug
  • “Prophecy and Political Violence” - Joseph Conrad, The Secret Agent

You are eligible to attend If… 
  1.  You are a graduate or post graduate in English or / and Comparative Literature.
  2.  You are doing project or research in the filed of postcolonial studies / literature

Fees Participants are supposed to remit the fee as follows after they receive the selection letter from the course coordinator based on their submission of the statement of purpose for attending the course.

Participants from abroad: US $ 500
Participants from South Asia and Africa: $ 300
Student Participants from India: Rs. 3000/-
Student participants from host institution: Rs. 1500/-
The above fee is towards instructional materials, lunch, tea, snacks etc. Expenses for accommodation and the travel should be met by the participants.

The Faculty
Prof. Dr. Gauri Viswanathan
Prof. Dr. Gauri Viswanathan is Director, South Asia Institute,and Class of 1933 Prof. in the Humanities, Dept of English & Comparative Literature, Columbia University, New York, USA.
She is the author of Masks of Conquest: Literary Study and British Rule in India (Columbia, 1989; Oxford, 1998) and Outside the Fold: Conversion, Modernity, and Belief (Princeton, 1998). She also edited Power, Politics, and Culture: Interviews with Edward W. Said (Vintage, 2001). Prof. Viswanathan is coeditor of the book series South Asia Across the Disciplines, published jointly by the  university presses of Columbia, Chicago, and California under a Mellon grant. She has held numerous visiting chairs, among them the Beckman Professorship at Berkeley, and was recently an
Affiliated Fellow at the American Academy in Rome and a Visiting Mellon Scholar at the University of Cape Town.

Dr. Prasad Pannian
Dr. Prasad Pannian is currently Associate Professor in Department of English & Comparative Literature, Central University of Kerala, India where he served as the founder Chair during 2009-2011. He is the author of Edward Said and the Question of Subjectivity ( New York: Palgrave Macmillan ), 2016. He has been a fellow in the the prestigous Critical Theory Schools at Birkbeck Institute for Humanities, University of London, UK (2012), School of Criticism and Theory, Cornell University,Ithaca, New York, (2013) & The New School for Social Research’s Institute for Critical Social Inquiry , New York City,US (2016).

Dr.Prasad Pannian
Associate Professor, Department of English & Comparative Literature
CentralUniversity of Kerala,Vidyanagar
Campus,Vidyanagar PO, Kasaragod,671123


Registration Form
1. Name ( in Block Letters):
2. Designation & Institutional Affiliation:
3. Qualifications:
4. Address:
5. Email:
6. Mobile number:
7. Statement of Purpose for attending the course Literature of Empire : ( in not more than 1000 words)

( The filled up registration form should be sent to the Course Co-ordinator & Host faculty,Dr. Prasad Pannian’s email: , on or before 30th September 2017)

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

GIAN Workshop on Comparative Literature for the Twenty First Century-6‐16 December, 2017- IIT Bhubaneswar

Call For Applications:
Decolonization and globalization have made us conscious of the fact that not only is literature no longer national and autonomous, but it never was. Indeed one can only understand any national literature by comparing it with others…or by comparing it with a non‐national or a transnational literature. For these reasons the field of comparative literature is more urgent than it ever was. 

If we understand the urgency of becoming genuinely comparatist, then we need to revisit what we mean by text, by genre, by periodization, and by the very category of literature. Fundamental questions arise as soon as one starts to think genuinely comparatively: Does every people everywhere have an epic? How does one understand the verbal culture of peoples without writing? Does tragedy arise only under certain circumstances? Does the novel have a particular relation to capitalism or have there always been long prose narratives? Does it make sense to compare feudalisms or medievalism across continents? How do the processes of diffusion and adaptation work? Are we witnessing the death of literature, or must we change our definitions? How have languages and literatures been codified, canonized, standardized and what are the political forces at work in shaping our understanding of literature? Do aesthetic categories of art and its appreciation, including affect, apply across cultures? 

Course participants will learn these topics through lectures and tutorials. There is a definite scope to discuss, deliberate and create an individual take on Comparative Literature for the Twenty‐First Century through this course. 
1: The Grounds of Comparison 
2: All the Difference in the World 
3: What are we comparing? 

Dates: 6‐16 December, 2017. 

Venue: IIT Bhubaneswar 

Deadline for registration: 30 November 2017. 
Limited number of seats are available for the workshop.

You should Attend If…

  • You are a Faculty of English interested in training yourself in Comparative Literature.  you are a Teacher of Comparative Literature at any level. 
  • You are a student/researcher from the discipline of English interested to pursue Comparative Literature now or later in your academic life. 
  • You are a researcher from the disciplines of Humanities and/or social sciences interested to gain in‐depth knowledge of the Comparatist approach and apply the same in your research. 
  • You are a student or faculty from an academic institution interested in literature in general and Comparative Literature in particular. 
  • You are a freelancing scholar/ industry employee with an active interest in Comparative Literature. 
  • You are personnel from research organizations and publication‐related industry interested in Comparative Literature. 

Fees and Registration:

The participation fees for taking the course is as follows: Participants from abroad : US $200 Industry/ Research Organizations: Rs. 6000/‐ Academic Institutions: Teachers : All modules : INR 4000/‐ Students : All modules : INR 1500/‐ 

The above fees include all instructional materials, computer use for tutorials and internet facility at the host institute during the course. The participants will have to take care of their travel, accommodation and food. However, accommodation can be arranged for a few participants on first‐cum‐first‐serve basis strictly against payment. Limited number of travel grants (III AC train fare) are available. For any queries regarding registration or other practical information, please contact the course coordinator.Participants can register for the course on the link below:

The Faculty:
Prof. Neil ten Kortenaar teaches African, Caribbean, and South Asian literature. He has published a book on Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children (McGill‐Queen's 2004) and another on Images of Reading and Writing in African and Caribbean literature(Cambridge 2011). His current research focuses on imagining state formation in postcolonial literature from India, Africa, and the Americas. This is a longstanding interest that has informed many publications, including an article on "Fictive States and the State of Fiction in Africa" in Comparative Literature 2000 and "Oedipus, Ogbanje, and the Sons of Independence" in Research in African Literatures (2007). He wrote the chapter on "Multiculturalism and Globalization" for The Cambridge History of Canadian Literature (2009). He is currently the director of the Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Toronto, Canada.

Dr. Punyashree Panda is working as Assistant Professor of English in the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management at Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar. She is particularly interested in Postcolonial World Literature, Native American and Native Canadian Fiction, Indian Writing in English, Cross Cultural Communication, and English Language Teaching. Her book length works include Contemporary Native Fiction of the U.S. and Canada: A Postcolonial Study (Bäuu Press, 2011) and The Local and the Global in Postcolonial Literature (Authors Press, 2014). In 2014, she won the Fellow‐in‐Residence award from WISC, USA, the only Indian to have won it till date. This is her second GIAN Programme. 

Contact Info: 

Dr. Punyashree Panda
Assistant Professor of English
School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management
IIT Bhubaneswar
Toshali Plaza, Satya Nagar
Contact Email:

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Funded International Conference on Re-thinking Nationalism, Sectarianism,& Ethno-Religious Mobilisation in the Middle East, 26-28 January 2018, University of Oxford.

Concept Note:

Nation-states in the Middle East are facing profound challenges. Borders and boundaries are coming under pressure, being (re)made and mobilised owing to a confluence of internal and external factors including war, mass migration, geopolitical competition and domestic struggles. On the one hand, these regional challenges relate to the dynamics of nation-building. Struggles over the questions that were posed in the nation-building era, including the relation between religion and politics, the nature of citizenship and the management of diversity have continued to impact contemporary conflicts. These have gained further salience in the wake of events such as the Iraqi invasion and the Arab uprisings since 2011. On the other hand, new strategies and technologies utilized by diverse actors, social movements, ethnic entrepreneurs and state elites are producing novel forms of mobilization and politics.

At the centennial of the end of WWI, and as the region appears to be at a new crossroads, this conference intends to reflect on nature of borders and boundaries, to be explored from both historical and contemporary lenses with an aim to draw comparative lessons and identify the dynamics of continuity and areas of change. Focusing therefore on the questions of why, how and in what ways borders and boundaries have and are being (re)constructed and their implications for the management of diversity, the conference invites submissions from different disciplines such as history (late nineteenth century to present), sociology, IR, politics and gender studies among others, alongside interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives.

Focus Session: Religion and Sectarianism in the Islamic World

This special session will explore the role of religious actors, institutions and discourses in making modern sectarianism. Well-meaning critiques of the ‘primordial religious conflict’ diagnosis often swing all the way to equally easy conclusion that sectarianism is essentially ‘about politics, not religion’. What is left uncharted in the rush to define sectarianism as a ‘political’ rather than ‘religious’ phenomenon? Specifically, what Islamic or other religious concepts, practices, institutions or social dynamics could shed light on communal boundary-making, mobilisation or conflict?

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • New theoretical thinking on ethno-religious borders and boundary making, including processes of minoritisation and majoritisation, and the role of religion in ethnic mobilisation and conflict.
  • The role of intellectuals such as religious leaders, ulama, historians, thinkers, writers, and artists in constructing new sectarian/national identities.
  • Colonialism and its influences on the nature of borders and boundary making.
  • Challenges to the nation-state framework and management of diversity in an environment of transforming boundaries and borders.
  • The dynamics of sectarianism and sectarianisation.
  • Interventions and influences of transnational political or religious networks, mass migration and diaspora movements on ethno-religious mobilisation.
  • Impact of new technologies and media.
  • Official or unofficial representations of ethnic/religious identities as inclusive or exclusive, or of society as deeply divided.
  • Theoretical reflections on the utility of ‘religion’ as a comparative category in studying sectarianism. 

Submission Guidelines:

Proposals should be sent to, including:
  1. Paper title and a 300-word abstract.
  2. CV including a list of relevant publications.
  3. Please indicate whether you would like to be considered for travel/accommodation funds.

Proposals must be submitted by 15 September 2017. Accepted participants will be asked to send complete papers (c.2000 words) by 1 January 2018. Participants will be invited to submit papers for publication as part of an edited collection following a peer-review process.

Travel and Accommodation:

Some funding is available for accommodation and travel expenses. We request that participants apply to their home institutions first, and, if this is not possible, we will seek to provide a partial re-imbursement subject to availability of funds. Those participating will be informed of how much we can reimburse before they make a final commitment to attend.


The conveners of the conference are Dr. Alex Henley (, Dr. Ceren Lord ( and Dr. Hiroko Miyokawa (

This conference is funded jointly by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation and Pembroke College, Oxford.

Contact Email: 

International Conference on Politics & Letters The Function of Criticism at the Present Time- in India- 23 – 24 January 2018 -Department of English, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Call For Abstracts:
In a follow-up on its successful international conference on “De-centring English Studies: Studying Literature in the Global South”, held in January 2017 (keynoted by Prof. Rajeswari Sunder Rajan, New York University), the P.G. Department of English, Utkal University has decided to announce its second international conference, in which the focus will be on the discourse of criticism as it exists in its dialectical relationship with literary and visual culture. The dates of the conference are 23-24 January 2018. The concept note is as follows:

Concept Note:
A great many conferences and symposia are held on literature, on the various contemporary extensions in which literary and visual culture exist today, namely Comparative Literature, World Literature, Minority Literature, Digital Humanities and so on. There are, however, very few conferences in which the crucial mediating role of criticism is explored and debated, despite the significant reversal in the literature-criticism relationship in the later decades of the last century. Jonathan Culler alerted us to this reversal in a pithy formulation when he said: “Earlier the history of criticism was a part of the history of literature, but now it is the history of criticism which provides the framework for reading and understanding literature.”
The shift that Culler has described has no doubt given criticism a certain undeniable pre-eminence in literary culture. In the academic setting, however, and especially in the Indian context, this shift seems to have led to a ‘critical supermarket’ (Fredric Jameson) of styles, an eclecticism of approaches to literature. The pre-eminence of literature and the self-evidence of literary value are still unchallenged. The globalization of culture, under the influence of neoliberal economic policies, has become another name for the commodification of culture. This coupled with the largely uncritical, chauvinistic and anti-rational climate we are living in, not just in India but in the ‘developed’ part of the world, makes it obligatory for us  to pose afresh the question about ‘the function of criticism at the present time. ’

While this expression echoes Matthew Arnold, the function in question is a hermeneutic one, voiced with considerable urgency by Oscar Wilde at the turn of the last century. Wilde said that the highest critical function was ‘to reveal in the Work of Art what the author had not put there.’ This sort of criticism is hermeneutics at its best and involves reading the text against its grain. Hermeneutics is the need of the hour.  And in this context it is important to recall another figure from the later decades of the twentieth century, Pierre Macherey, who, though not much talked about now, made the best possible case for a political hermeneutics with his statement: ‘the task of criticism is to know the work as it cannot know itself.’

The conference, building on this case for a demystifying hermeneutics – Macherey’s project was to demystify literature, will explore the ways in which the critique of literary and cultural artefacts and discourses reveals/constitutes something that the authors or the instigators did not consciously put there. This kind of hermeneutic act that results in the production of an interpretation is intimately connected to the context in which it is produced. Drawing on literary, cultural and visual corpuses from around the world, but with a particular focus on India, this conference will seek to reveal the ‘not-said’ of texts, the secret principle which ties ‘symbolic acts’ to the racial, sexual, political and economic unconscious.

Within the overall framework of the secular and political function of the critical act, the conference will engage with and explore the following issues:
  1. The politics of literary representation 
  2. Literary study as an exercise in ‘radical semiotics’ or the tracing of ‘politics’ in the ‘letter’ of the text 
  3. Translation as an act of interpretation and (re)writing 
  4. Revisiting the aesthetics and politics debates in Europe in the 1930s 
  5. Revisiting the Marxism and Scrutiny debate in England in the 1930s 
  6. The realist canon of Indian literature as radical intervention 
  7. Literary radicalism in India in the 1940s 
  8. The role of criticism when confronted with an explicitly political discourse (feminist, dalit, minority texts etc.) 
  9. The ‘universals’ of radical criticism and the ‘particulars’ of place or locality 
  10. Class, gender, race and sexuality: commonalities or forces pulling in different directions? 
  11. ‘Universalism’ versus ‘nationalism’ and/or ‘nativism’ 
  12. History and politics: the ‘untranscendable horizon’ of all literature? 
  13. The politics of modernist or exilic literature or the memoir 
  14. The politics of postmodernism 
  15. Political readings of culture (postcolonialism, Marxism, feminism etc.)
The conference invites papers exploring one or more of the issues listed above in relation to literary, cultural and cinematic texts of the last two hundred years. Critical and metacritical readings of critics, seminal critical concepts and texts from the West as well as from India will be on the agenda. Papers seeking to engage with Indian aesthetics from a political standpoint are welcome.

Important Dates

  • Last Date for Submitting Abstracts: 20 September 2017
  • Communication of Acceptance: 05 October 2017
  • Submission of Registration Form and Payment of Registration fee: 20 November 2017
  • Submission of Completed Paper: 20 December 2017
  • Dates of the Conference: 23 and 24 January 2018

Call for Papers – Guidelines
  • Registration is compulsory for participation and presentation of the papers.
  • Participants are requested to send their original and unpublished papers, strictly following the MLA Style Book-7th Edition for preparing their papers.
  • Only selected papers are eligible for presentation and publication.
  • In case of the co-authored papers, both authors have to register and at least one of them should be present in the conference.
  • Participants have to make their own arrangements for their travel, stay and board.
  • The abstracts written in 250-300 words with a paper title in the prescribed format (format-for-abstract) should reach the following email
  • Each participant will have 15 minutes presentation time.
  • The word limit for the completed paper is 2500-3000.

Registration Fee
  • Paper Presenters (India) : INR 1700/-
  • Foreign Participants/Paper Presenters : USD 100
  • For Utkal University Scholars: INR 1000/-
  • Students of the Department : INR 200/-

Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Robert Clark
Former Professor of English and American Literature
University of East Anglia, U.K.
Proposed Title of Talk: “Jane Austen and the Transformation of Capital”

Plenary Speakers:
Dr. Ellen Handler Spitz
Prof. Harish Trivedi
Prof. Paul St-Pierre
Dr. Mauricio D Aguilera Linde

PG Department of English
Utkal University, Vani Vihar-751004
Phone No- 0674- 2567542
Conference Director:
Prof. Himansu S Mohapatra
Cell phone- +91 9437404431
For more details:

    Monday, August 21, 2017

    World Congress On Interdisciplinary Innovative Research In Education, Law, Governance, Gender Studies, Humanities and Various Management Practices Organized by “Krishi Sanskriti Publications” on 23rd September, 2017 Venue: Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi


    The Organizer cordially invites abstracts and full length research papers for oral/poster presentation from all over the world to participate in the World Congress on Interdisciplinary Innovative Research in Education, Law, Governance, Gender Studies, Humanities and Various Management Practices is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Education, Law, Governance, Gender Studies, Humanities as well as theoretical/experimental and applied Management Practices. The conference will bring together leading researchers, Entrepreneurs and Academicians in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include various sub themes, but are not limited to the conference aims at providing an opportunity for exchange of ideas and dissemination of knowledge among Scholars for Holistic Development of the Society. Contributions are invited from prospective authors from related areas. All contribution should be of high quality, Original and not published elsewhere or submitted for publication. During the review period, Papers will be reviewed by eminent scholars in the respective areas. All selected papers will be published in International Journal having ISSN No. in print version and online version and that will be released on the day of conference.

    • Distance Education, E-learning, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, Teaching and Learning, Academic Entrepreneurship, Business Simulation, Challenging Academic Conventions Change, Management, Competitive Skills Education, Creative Collaboration, Creative Thinking and Problem Solving, Creativity and Cognition, Creativity in Teaching & Learning, Entrepreneurial Learning And Teaching In Higher Education, Entrepreneurship, Fostering Creativity Global Business, Global Economic Development, Government Policy Issues, Innovation by Design, Innovation Education, Innovation in Lifelong Learning, Organization Problem Solving, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Creativity, Organizational, Personnel Training, Public Funding of Research and Development, Social Benefits of Entrepreneurship, Socially Responsible Entrepreneurship, Game-Based Learning, Human Computer Interaction, ICT in Teaching and Learning, Information and Computer Education, Information Systems, Information Technology Management, Innovation Management in Ed Technologies, Mobile Applications, Mobile Social Media, Multi-Virtual Environment, Second Life Use in Education, Social Media in Teaching and Learning, Technology in Music Education, Application of Technology in Lifelong Education, Application of Technology in Career Education, Application of Technology in Continuous Education, Audio-Visual Education, Cloud Computing and Mobile Learning, Digital Course Design and Delivery, Digital Divide, Distance Education, E-learning, E-school and E-university, E-Society, Educational Communications and Technology, Educational Technology, Academic Advising and Counseling, Acoustics in Education, Adult and Continuing Education, Adult Education Human Resources Management, Alternative Practices in Assessment and Evaluation, APD/Listening, Art Education, Assessment in the 21st Century, Authentic Assessment, Barriers to Learning, Biology Education, Chemistry Education, Communication and Collaboration, Communications Management, Comparative Education, Contemporary Pedagogy Issues, Continuing Education, Cooperative Education, Curriculum Reform Knowledge Management, Curriculum, Research, and Development, Early Childhood Education, Education Counselor, Education Curriculum Research and Development, Education Policy and Administration/Leadership, Educational Administration, Educational Foundations, Educational Leadership, Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Educational Psychology, Educational Reform Organizational Management, Educational Theory Management, Elementary Education, ESL/TESL, Ethical Issues in Education, Family Education, Geography Education, Health Education, Higher Education, History Education, Home Education, Imaginative Education, Indigenous Education, Indigenous Perspectives and Diversity Issues, K-12 Education, Issues, Kinesiology and Leisure Science, Knowledge Management, Language Education, Leadership and University Administration, Learner Mobility and Transitions, Learning Analytics and Mobile Learning, Life and Career Skills Education, Managing Cultural Diversity, Mathematics Education, Music Education, New Trends in Higher Education, Performance Assessment, Physical Education, Practical Teaching Reform, Preschool Education, Project-Based Learning, Psychological Studies in Education, Reading Education, Rehabilitation Counseling, Religion and Education Studies, Rural Education, School and Society, School Management Management, Secondary Education,Special Education, STEM Education, Student Affairs, Student Support in Education, Teacher Education and Training, Teacher Training, Vocational Education, Writing Education, Youth Empowerment.


    • Justice and legal studies, Accidents & Injuries, Arbitration & Mediation, Bankruptcy & Debt, Car & Motor Vehicle Accidents, Civil Rights, Consumer Issues, Criminal Law, Dangerous Products, Divorce & Family Law, Education Law, Elder law & Aging, Employee’s Right, Estates & Probbate, Health Care Law, Immigration Law, Intellectual, Internet Law For The Public, Justice and legal studies, Lawsuits & Lawyers, Real Estate, Securities Law, Small Business, Social Security And Retirement


    • Governance in the postmodern society, Leadership in the postmodern society, The boards in the postmodern organizations, Evidence-based management in the postmodern society, Role of stakeholders in corporate governance processes, Economic inequality and new leadership, Employee participation and ownership, Management and leadership in cooperative organization, Cooperatives and self-management models, Gender, race, and diversity in postmodern organizations, Responsible corporate governance, value creation and risk management, Identity and sense making in postmodern organizations, Gender issues in corporate governance, Social networks in organizations, Governance in interfirm collaborations (alliances, networks, open innovation), Servant leadership, Power and trust in corporate governance, New leadership and participative management, Governance of the state-owned companies, Narratives, myths and symbols in postmodern organizations, Corporate governance and stewardship theory, Critical approaches to management and strategic management, Corporate governance: a resource dependence perspective, Governance and management towards social responsibility, Trade unions and corporate governance.


    • Women’s entrepreneurship, Cross-cultural studies in entrepreneurship and their impact on women entrepreneurs (with a particular focus on comparisons between the UK and East-Asia), Female entrepreneurs in science, technology and innovation Responsible and sustainable business models and strategies; what we can learn from female entrepreneurs Policies and practices for women’s entrepreneurship Gender, identity and leadership, Values, spirituality and religion of women entrepreneurs, GEM and UNESCAP data on women entrepreneurs, case studies focusing on female entrepreneurs Self-Identity & Society, Gender, Race and Class, Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Underrepresented Women Groups GLBTI Groups and Persons with Disabilities, Feminist Pedagogies, Women in Literature, Feminist Science Studies, Sociology of Gender, Psychology of Women, Women in European History, Women in American History, Women in Asian History, Women in World History, Women and Peace in South Asia, Women and Migration Patterns, Women and the Environment, Women's Movements and Activism, Gender, Culture and Representation, Women, Relationships and Social Policy, The Politics of Gender and Food, Women, Violence and Victimization, Processes for Women’s Networking and Organizing, Women Empowerment and Agency,Strategies for Building Allies, Sex, Race and Popular Culture, Women's Sexuality and the Body, Gender, Science and Technology, Women and Work, Women, Development and Global Economy, Gender and Development, Gender and Transnational Economies, Women, Law and Policy, Sex, Power and Politics, Reproductive Rights and Justice, Rhetoric and Women’s Rights, Gender, War and Peace, Women andViolence


    • Anthropology, Art History, Arts, English, History, Information science, Interdisciplinary studies, Islamic Studies Language, Linguistics, Literature, Local Government,  Multidisciplinary Studies, Museums and heritage, Music Occupational Science, Philosophy, Poetry, Politics, Psychology, Religious studies, Social Sciences, Sociology, Social Development Economic Management, Social Responsibility and Ethics, Social Studies Education.


    • Management Accounting, Financial Accounting, Business Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Auditing and Assurance, Accounting Process and Systems, Corporate Governance and Accountability, Accounting and Financial Modelling, International Accounting, Cost Accounting. Accounting for Derivatives, Foreign Currency Accounting, Financial Reporting and Statement Analysis, Strategic Management Accounting, Financial Statement and Business Valuations, Financial Reporting, Governance and Financial Fraud, Public Sector Financial Management, Accounting Education, Tax Accounting, Government and Non-Profit Accounting, Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Auditing and all Other Accounting Areas.


    • Bank Death and Credit Crunch, CDOs and Bank Collapse, International Banking, Bank Lending, Bank Management, Commercial lending, International Banking, Consumer lending., Central bank policy, Lending decisions and Lending Policy, Institutional Assets and Liability Management, Banking Law, Banking and Financial Services Marketing, Country Risk, Loan Default, Islamic Banking, Investment Banking, Financial Institutions Management, Net Banking, Finance and Banking Relations, Public Borrowing, Financial Institutions Planning and Strategy, Financial Service and Banking Regulation, Microcredit, NGOS and Credit Delivery, Contemporary Issue in Banking and All other Banking issues.


    • Global Economic Crisis, General Economics, International Development, Economic Development and Policy, Macroeconomics, Microeconomic Issues, Monetary Economics, Unemployment, Inflation, Monetary and Fiscal Policies, Public Taxation, Quantitative Economics, Financial Economics, International Economics, Interest Rates, Foreign Exchange, International Trade, Public Finance, Monetary Economics, Islamic Economics, Labour Economics, Foreign Direct Investment, Health Economics, Public Responsibility and Ethics, Regulatory Economics, Environment and National Economy, International Trade Policy and WTO, Privatisation, Economic Policy, Contemporary Issue in Economics, Trade Blocks, Emerging Economies, Globalization and Economic Growth, Increasing Trade in Challenging Times, Industrial Development, Inclusive Growth and Microfinance, International Trade, Commodities Markets, Economic Growth and Development, Labor, Migration and Urbanization, Social and Economic Infrastructure, Poverty and Human Development,Regionalism and Economic Cooperation, Role of Technology Advancements, Sustainable Development and Special Economic Zones and All other economics topics


    • Global Financial Crisis, Corporate Finance, Corporate Treasury Management, Personal Finance, Derivatives Market and Products, FinancialInstitutions, Options and Futures, Stock markets, Bond Markets, Merger and Acquisition, Financial Restructuring, Money Market Dealings,Financial Modelling, International Investment Management, Quantitative Finance, Islamic Finance, Asian Capital Markets, Corporate Governance, European Financial Markets, US Financial Markets and Long Term Funding, Capital Markets, Risk Financing, Risk Transfer and Insurance, Finite Risk and Risk Management, Micro-finance, Contemporary Issues in Finance, Risk Transfer and Insurance, RiskManagement Process, Options, Futures and Risk Management, Insurance Law, Risk Control and Law, Alternative Risk Products,Securitisation, CAT Bond, Finite Risk Products, Risk Analysis. Islamic Insurance Products and Process, Environmental Risk and Safety,Legal and Regulatory Aspects, Market Regulations, Personal Wealth Management and Global liquidity constraints and Contemporary Issues in Finance, Risk Management and Insurance


    • Modern Management, Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Leadership, Strategic Management, Strategic Human Resource Management, Managing People and Organisation, Production and Organizations, Hospital Management, Production/Operations
    • Management Managing Change, International Business, Management of Small Business, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Development, Management Science, Operations Management, Business Dynamics, Strategic Policy and Entrepreneurship, Managing Multinational Enterprise, Environmental Management, Public Institutions Management, Governance, Supply Chain Management, Hospitability Industry Management, Information technology Management ,Contemporary Issues in Management, and all other Management areas.


    • Fundamentals of Marketing, Assessing Marketing Performance, International Marketing, Marketing Research, New Product Development, Marketing Strategy, Service Marketing, Merchandise Planning and Control, International Retaining, Buyer Behavior, Services Marketing, Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, Product Management and Planning, Integrated Marketing communications, Marketing Innovation and Planning, Delivering Customer Value, Direct Marketing, E-Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Retailing, Supply Chain Logistics, Customer Service and Customer Relations, Sales Strategies, Marketing Research, Marketing Data Analysis, Marketing and International Consumers, Marketing Theory, Marketing Case Studies, Contemporary Issues in Marketing, and all other market related topics.


    • Alternative and Special Forms of Tourism, Authenticity and Commodification, Case Studies and Applied Research on Various Types and Forms of Tourism, such as Agro-Tourism, Rural Tourism, Eco-Tourism and Cultural Tourism, Challenges and Best Practices of Hospitalityand Tourism Marketing and Management, Climate Change and Natural Disasters, Community  Responses to Tourists and Tourism, Destination Marketing, Economic/Social/Environmental/ Cultural Impacts/Forecasting of Tourism, Emerging technologies and e-tourism,Gambling tourism, Globalisation Effects, Green tourism, Hospitality education, Hotel and restaurant management, Industry’s Role in  Managing Growth, Information Technology in Tourism, Local Government Role and Responses to Tourism Development, Managing Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism, Medical tourism, Meeting, incentives, convention & exhibition, Movie and drama tourism, Negotiation in Tourism, Public Administration of Tourism Development, Resiliency Planning, Shopping tourism, The Effects of Crime, Terrorism, Safety and Security, The Future of Tourism, Theoretical Perspectives on Tourism, Tourism Development, Policy and Planning, Tourism Education and its Role in Managing Tourism Development, Tourism Mobilities, Tourism Research and Methodology, Tourismsustainability, Transportation and Tourism and so on.
    • Other Business Related subjects:
    • Business Statistics
    • Business Ethics
    • Business Law and
    • Business Education

    Abstract Submission:
    Abstracts not exceeding 300 words on any of the aforesaid themes should be sent to the Organizing Secretary through email at on or before 2nd December, 2017.

    Submission of Full Length Research Paper
    Full length research paper, maximum in 6 pages in double column format as word doc and copyright form should be submitted
    together as separate attachment latest by 6th December, 2017 through email at-

    For details about Registration and Participation visit Website

    Dr. G. C. Mishra Dr. Vikas Rai
    Organizing Secretary Conference Chair
    For Enquiry Contact at: +91-8527006560