
Thursday, November 30, 2017

International Conference:9/11 and the Beginning of the End of Liberal Democracy: Fictional Perspectives, 27-28 February 2018,Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India

Call for Papers :

The conference hopes to bring together original research papers on the images of Islam and Muslims post 9/11 in literary texts and media discourses and engage meaningfully with Islam as a human and historical phenomenon where Muslims are neither victims nor threats but active participants within modern liberal structures of societies that are themselves ready to shift from an ‘an uncritical acceptance of the category of religion’ to a ‘critical interrogation of religion as a category’ to understand Islam.

Concept Note 
‘Mankind’s ideological evolution’ seemed, for many, to have reached ‘the end of history as such’ in the worldwide triumph of liberal democracy and market capitalism - visually signified by the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989- as the logical culmination of the Western civilization. This narrative was ‘spectacularly’ interrupted by the events of September 2001 which seemed to signal the beginning of the end of the utopia of liberal democracy where capitalism had ‘broken free from the shackles of democracy’. The ensuing ‘global war on terror’ may be justified by ‘the state of exception’ but not all in the ‘West’ or in the ‘Muslim world’ (both conceptual rather than territorial categories that are not monolithic) endorse or wish to be involved in this war. This fact-of-the-matter however gets neutralized, if not lost, in the nuanced language games of fiction, written after the events of 9/11, and its own politics of words and images.
In the wake of an unprecedented scale of global violence and the spread of extremism by individuals and states, both in the ‘West’ as well as in the ‘Muslim world’, it becomes all the more disconcerting to realize that there are no ‘visible enemies’ that ‘triumphant globalization’ is fighting. Secularist triumphalism, the twin of triumphant globalization, which had rolled over traditional religious establishments, had been shaken by the Rushdie Affair in the late 1980s and the fundamentalist retaliations continuing till the early 2000s exposed not only the ‘uncertainties and insecurities of Western societies about the worth of basic liberal values’ (Malak) but also the distance Muslims had travelled away from the spirit and ethos of Islam. Far from being a liberating force, a kinetic social, cultural and intellectual dynamic for equality, justice and human values, Islam on 9/11 seemed to have internalized what the false Western representations had done to demonize it for centuries. (Sardar).The phenomenon of the ‘resurgence of religion’ cannot be seen separately from the hegemonic understanding of religion in the narrow and closed discourse of secularism. In the resultant ‘clash of fundamentalisms’, of Western secularism and Islamism, Baudrillard’s contention that the enemy, in the form of Islamic terrorism, could not in any meaningful way be regarded as an alien phenomenon coming from outside but from within the unchallenged triumphalism of a distorted logic of ‘civilization’, though controversial may not be entirely unfounded. It rises from a deep sense of concern for a globalization that as it grew more and more powerful, so did its cultural and spiritual crisis.
‘Provoked’, as it were, by some of these concerns and the sense that ‘the existing conceptualizations of Islam have in various ways failed to convey the fullness of the reality of what it is that has actually been (and is) going on in the historical societies of Muslims living as Muslims’ (Shahab Ahmad) this conference hopes to bring together original research papers on the images of Islam and Muslims post 9/11 in literary texts and media discourses and engage meaningfully with Islam as a human and historical phenomenon where Muslims are neither victims nor threats but active participants within modern liberal structures of societies that are themselves ready to shift from an ‘an uncritical acceptance of the category of religion’ to a ‘critical interrogation of religion as a category’ to understand Islam. With some of these intended aims we invite original papers of 30 minutes duration.

Sub themes may include but are not restricted to:
  • Islam, Islamism and Secularization
  • Politics or Policing of Recognition in Liberal Democratic Societies
  • The ‘Representability’ of Islamic Fundamentalism
  • The ‘Rushdie Affair’ and the Post 9/11 Novel
  • Post-colonialism and the Migrant Muslim Writing
  • The ‘Resurgence of Religion’ and the Neo-colonial Reality
  • The War on Terror and the Global State of Exception
  • Contemporary British Muslim Fiction
  • Multiculturalism and Neo-oriental Narratives
  • Globalization, the End of History and Prophetic Religions
  • Holy War in the Media

Abstracts of about 500 words, with a 50-word note on the speaker, must be emailed to Dr. Rafat Ali before 15 January 2018 . Email;

Out-of-town delegates will be notified as soon as possible, to expedite the process of travel bookings. We regret that we cannot offer reimbursement for travel and accommodation, but we could assist delegates in making arrangements for accommodation, if required.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Annual Conference: Comics and Graphic Narratives Circle at the American Literature Association -May 24-27, 2018,San Francisco, CA

Call For Abstracts:

The Comics & Graphic Narrative Circle welcomes abstracts for presentation at two sessions on comics at the 2018 ALA conference in San Francisco.

Session One:
Underground, Indie, and Alternative Publishing & the Graphic Novel
The comics and graphic narratives circle at the American Literature Association invites papers that draw out the role of underground, independent, and alternative publishing ventures in contemporary graphic novels and art comics.
Works such as Tom Spurgeon’s oral history of indie publisher Fantagraphics, We Told You So: Comics As Art, 2016 and Charles Hatfield’s Alternative Comics (2005) have begun to highlight the crucial role that independent publishing houses and self-publication played in the work of medium-defining cartoonists and graphic novelists like Lynda Barry, Charles Burns, Chris Ware, and Art Spiegelman. But the full history of underground, indie, and alternative publishing in shaping the contemporary “graphic novel” and art comics has yet to be fully articulated.
We thus welcome submissions that explore topics including:
  • The print history and legacy of underground comix of the 1960s and 70s, including the formation of voices and collectives, such as the Wimmen’s Comix collective and Art Spiegelman and Francoise Mouly’s Raw.

  • The rise of independent comics publishing during the 1980s and 1990s with the advent of medium-defining publishers such as Fantagraphics Books (1976), Drawn and Quarterly (1990), and even contemporary indie publishers like Koyama Press (2007).

  • The role of self-publishing, zine culture, and Do-It-Yourself (DIY) ventures in the larger history of the graphic novel.

Session Two:
Drawing While Black

Earlier this year, the campaign #Drawingwhileblack trended and momentarily highlighted the achievements of Black comic artists other artists of color who showcased their work via Twitter. While this provided an important moment of exposure, it might also be considered bittersweet. After all, the very need for this campaign underscores the extent to which contributions by Black artists have been underappreciated in both scholarly and popular forums.
With this in mind, the comics and graphic narratives circle at the American Literature Association invites discussion of the possibilities and challenges for Black comic artists. We welcome submissions that explore:
  • The history of Black comic artists ranging from early contributors like Ollie Harrington, Jackie Ormes, and George Herriman to contemporary comic artists like Nilah Magruder, Keith Knight, Taneka Stotts, and others.

  • How Black artists have navigated the comics publishing industry and efforts to heighten awareness of their contributions to comics and graphic narratives.

  • Comics and graphic narratives that deal with Black and African American experience either in explicit terms like The Boondocks or via implicit allegories as in Krazy Kat, Cloak and Dagger, and Bitch Planet.

  • The role of comics and comic fandom in Black and African American culture, more generally.

Please email an abstract (of no more than 350 words) and a brief biographical note to Alex Beringer ( no later than Jan 26th 2018.

Contact Info: 
Alex Beringer
University of Montevallo
Contact Email: 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Funded International Conference- Discourses of Weakness and the Futures of Societies 28-June 30th 2018 Goethe University Frankfurt

Call For Papers:

Reflecting one’s own weakness and putting it into words almost always includes a certain amount of willingness to change. Or, to put it the other way round: for a historical formation, the willingness to develop its own abilities or to find new orientations towards the future quite often is linked to the establishment of a variety of discourses of weakness.

Adopting such a perspective has an impact on assessing processes of social innovation: the motivation to employ something “new” is less related to the question of genuine innovation but much more to the wish to change a social formation, since one’s own current status has been recognized as “being weak” in one or several respects. Innovation thus needs to be related not only to ingenuity but rather to the willingness to change oneself or the social formation to which one belongs, which in turn often is a consequence of perceived weakness.

In order to better understand how societies prepare themselves for the future, how they deploy and adjust resources and the role of assessments of weaknesses in this process, the conference will discuss the following topics:

1. Regional specifities and global entanglements.

2. How are discourses of weakness articulated in the domains of politics, economics, law, knowledge and other fields of the humanities?

3. How were discourses of weakness articulated in different historical periods including the distant past?

4. How are discourses of weakness related to cultural heritage, memory and imaginations of futures (past and present)?


We especially would like to encourage junior scholars from all region and affiliations to apply. We will provide reimbursement of traveling expenses and provide accommodation for researchers without financial support from their home institutions.

Proposals in German or English (max. 500 words) should be sent together with a brief CV by February 16, 2018 to:
Prof. Dr. Iwo Amelung ( OR
Prof. Dr. Moritz Epple ( OR
Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Hahn (

Selected presenters will be informed by March 16, 2018. Working languages of the conference will be German and English.

Contact Info: 
SFB 1095 – Schwächediskurse und Ressourcenregime
Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main
Postfach Juridicum 104
Gräfstr. 78
60486 Frankfurt am Main

Friday, November 24, 2017

Winter School & Workshop on "Religions of India: Transformations of Values, Practices and Identities" - IIT Delhi -19-23 March 2018

Organised by: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and University of Groningen (NL)
Dates: 19-23 March 2018
Venue: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

 Call For Applications:

With a population of more than 1.3 billion, India is home to some of the major religions of the world such as Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Judaism and Zoroastrianism. While according to the recent Census, 80 per cent of India’s population are Hindus, India is also home to second highest Muslim population in the world after Indonesia. Moreover, the history of Christianity in India is much older than Europe. Multiple religions, ethnic communities and cultures have interacted with each other. The result of such interaction has been mixed; while on the one hand it has produced a pluralistic and syncretic culture, it has also sometimes led to religious conflict.

Global events and process of globalization has had a significant influence on the cultural lives of people. Over the years, we have experienced major transformations in religious and cultural values, practices and identities. This winter school (19-21 March 2018) aims to bring together a group of MA/M.Phil Students with interests on religion to discuss some of the major changes in the religious and cultural sphere of India brought about by both domestic and global factors.

Connected to the winter school, the workshop(22-23 March 2018) intents to investigate different fields of religious dynamics in India, to exchange ideas about ongoing research and to look into possibilities and challenges for future studies. As such we intend to include research that is concerned, for instance, with processes of “modernization” or “re-traditionalization” of religious traditions, or that deal with the changes or contestations of indigenous or otherwise subaltern traditions in relation to “mainstream”culture or state policies. Furthermore, we aim to discuss ideologies, institutions and practices that would not easily be associated with “religion” in the strict sense, but that are operative in the name of “education”, “administration” or “development.” As such, courts, schools and political parties are as much in the focus of our interest as are NGOs, Adivasi associations or indigenous communities that negotiate and redefine their religion in the face of changing societal conditions.

Invited Speakers:

Prof. Frank Heidemann (University of Munich)
Prof. Rowena Robinson (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
Prof. Piers Vitebsky (University of Cambridge)
Prof. Chad Bauman (Butler University, USA)
Dr. Peter Berger (University of Groningen, NL)
Dr. Sarbeswar Sahoo (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)

Who can Apply: MA/M.Phil Students of Social Sciences
Requirement: One page proposal on any aspect of religious transformation in India
Last date of Proposal Submission: 15 January2018
Please send your proposal to:

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Funded Graduate Student Conference on Politics of Movement: Racialization, Religion, Migration - April 5-6, 2018 Illinois, Morocco.


Politics of Movement: Racialization, Religion, and Migration

Whether discussing the management of refugees by nation-states, Brexit, the ever-expanding carceral state, the fugitivity of unarmed Black bodies captured on film fleeing the police, or the organized assemblage of citizens protesting the neoliberal regimes, one could argue that the problem of Movement is one of the most pressing themes of the 21st century.In the aftermath of the election of Donald Trump and the Supreme Court’s reinstatement of the international travel ban, questions about religion, race, and migration have moved center stage. The racialization of Islam and Islamophobia have become transnational phenomena in the politics of secular nation states. Elsewhere the (necro)political aftermath of Hurricane Maria and the mudslides in Sierra Leone have put into relief the politics ofmobility when natural disasters displace thousands. The rise of carceral regimes and police states raise questions about the afterlives of slavery and the continual confinements that render Black Life precarious. Taken together these challenges invoke new and important questions about national security, immigration policy, the logic of coloniality, antiBlack violence, secular law, border patrol, and sovereignty.

The Politics of Movement: Racialization, Religion, and Migration graduate conference will bring students and faculty together to facilitate an interdisciplinary exploration of the multiplex ways of theorizing the politics of movement—broadly defined in the US and abroad. This not only includes various forms of mobility—migration, diasporas, refugees, settlements, travels, transportations, etc.—but also the often racialized political techniques that restrict, contain, indoctrinate, limit, manage, or move people to create various forms of im/mobility—dislocation/removal, borders, prisons and confinements, ghettos and reservations, militaries and policing, colonies and camps, etc.

The conference will feature keynote speaker
Dr. Darryl Li (Anthropology, University of Chicago)

Organizers of the Politics of Movement invite graduate student papers from a wide range of disciplines that explore issues such as (but not limited to):
  • Diaspora
  • Transnationalism, global politics
  • Ethics
  • Gender/Sexuality
  • The Politics of Religion/ Political Theology
  • Secularism, secularity, secularization
  • Refugees
  • Undocumented, “Illegal”, and “Alien”
  • Settlement, indigeneity, settler colonialism
  • Militarism, Policing
  • Empire
  • Political economy
  • Citizenship
  • Race/racialization/ racism
  • Afro-Pessimism/Afrofuturism
  • Mass incarceration, carcerality
  • Solitary confinement/Carcerality, torture
  • Surveillance, national security
  • Necropolitics
  • Coloniality of Space
  • Climate change
  • Law
  • Performance

 Deadlines and Funding
Please submit an abstract of your proposed paper (maximum 300 words) to 

The deadline for submission is December 1, 2017. Acceptance notification is January 15, 2018.

The Buffett Institute will provide hotel accommodations and will subsidize travel costs (fully for US-based graduate students and partially for international students)


James Hill, PhD Student (Religious Studies)
Hafsa Oubou, PhD Student (Anthropology)

Matt Smith, PhD Student (Religious Studies)

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

ICSSR NRC sponsored International seminar: Policing in South Asia: Dilemmas of Governance and the Making of Participatory Communities 6th January 2018 Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India

Concept Note

The police play a key role as an interface between the people and the state. Yet despite this, studies of the institution from a sociologically- and historically-informed perspective, especially in the context of South Asia, are relatively scarce. The state has been studied as embodied in everyday practices and the interactions of various institutions, and thus as actively shaped by experiences and practices of those who perform it (Gupta 1995; Fuller & Benei 2010), as well as of the role it plays in shaping, and of the ways it is shaped by, society (Skocpol 1979, Mann 1993, Migdal 2001).The role of the police in such processes is, however, unclear, since the linkages between police institutions and structures and the socio-historical context of their operation have received little scholarly attention. This is particularly the case in post-colonial contexts in which the police first emerged as a colonial institution. The aim of this seminar is to begin to address such a scholarly lacuna by bring together an international and interdisciplinary group of scholars to consider the role of the police in shaping both state sovereignty and social order in South Asia. It will do so through considering the following key questions: How has the state historically been embodied in everyday practices of policing in South Asia, and what are the legacies of such practices; what role has the police played in shaping both the state and society; and in what way has society in South Asia shaped the institutions and practices of policing?

The seminar will explore such questions through considering four key issues. The first is the relationship between crime, punishment and state formation. Crime and social control have been concerns of human history prior to the modern era, and the South Asian sub-continent has a long history of disciplining techniques rooted in indigenous texts and traditions that pre-date the formation of modern nation-states – colonial and post-colonial – in the region. The principle of Danda in the Arthashastra tradition, for example, focused on the crucial role of punishment in statecraft (Troutman 1979). However, the colonial institution of the police as it emerged by the mid-nineteenth century discarded such traditions and introduced a model of policing based on the principle of ‘colonial difference’ (Chatterjee 1993) that prioritised the maintenance of the security and sovereignty of the colonial state rather than serving the interests of South Asian subjects. This seminar aims to shed new light on the nature of both pre-colonial and colonial policing by examining how concerns with crime control and security have historically worked out in practices of policing, and how they have been influenced by local texts and traditions, colonial rule, national-state formation and the emergence of constitutional democracy.

The second issue that the seminar aims to explore is the role of policing as a mechanism of social control and an institution of coercive power, in particular its relationship to, and role in shaping, marginal groups, including women. Marginalization is a process of exclusion resulting from material, social or gendered resourcelessness on both sides of the divide between state and society. In considering how marginalization is produced through practices of governing, the seminar aims to consider how to move towards a democratization of the means of making societies more secure, and how to ensure participation of all sections of society in the development of a cooperative social fabric. 

The third issue that the seminar will interrogate is that of the ‘margin’ as a locale. In a deliberation on policing with an awareness of the marginality that exists on both the side of the police and the policed, the seminar also hopes to throw light on the concerns of the geographical margins, such as slums, that are sought to be rationally classified and organized (Das & Poole 2004) by police work.

Such an engagement with the historical, sociological, geographical, political and administrative aspects of policing as an institution and policing as a practice in South Asia would not only address a gap in the presently available literature on policing, the state and society, but would also offer valuable policy insights into how to effectively police societies in the postcolonial world. The seminar therefore aims, lastly, to offer policy perspectives on democratic policing in South Asia. Bringing together scholars and practitioners to develop comparative understandings and to propose long-term sociological and systemic changes, this seminar would be an important contribution to the study of the police in South Asia.

Tentative themes of the seminar include but are not limited to the following:
  • Indigenous traditions and colonial impact on policing in South Asia
  • Policing and marginality
  • Gender and policing
  • Justice, Law and police work
  • Policy framework for effective policing and for generating trust

Please email 250-300 words abstracts to

Last date for receiving abstracts: 30th November 2017

AC 3tier train fares would be reimbursed to selected participants travelling to Delhi from other parts of India. International travel funding is not available. Food and lodging will be arranged by the organizers. 
If selected, full papers will be due by 20th of December 2017. 
For any queries feel free to send an email at 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

CFP: Matter(s) of Fact, 20th Annual Graduate Student Conference at Western University, Ontario -March 15-17, 2018

Call For Papers:
“What convinces masses are not facts, and not even invented facts, but only the consistency of the system of which they are presumably part.” –
Hannah Arendt, Origins of Totalitarianism
In his treatise Rhetoric, Aristotle details three principal means by which an orator can attempt to persuade an audience: by appealing to credibility and authority (ethos), by engaging the emotions of the audience (pathos), and by deploying logic and fact (logos). While Aristotle believes that presenting a strong body of proof is the most effective way of persuading people given what he argues to be humanity’s natural inclination towards Truth (Rhetoric I.1, 1355a15f.), he also concedes that those who have a masterful command of rhetoric can use their skills to arouse incendiary emotions, distract attention away from the subject, and override the rationality of any given audience. In drawing attention to the problematic manipulability of truth perceptions, Aristotle invites us to consider the epistemological affinity between belief and experience, as well as the ethical implications of all forms of communication.

Coinciding with such diverse phenomena as the rise of digital culture, the upsurge of political populism, and the hyper-technologization of modern life, competing narratives of factuality and truth have gained frontline visibility in our day-to-day reality. The discussions surrounding truths and facts have even inspired the Oxford English Dictionary to declare “post-truth”—an adjective defined as “relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief”—as 2016’s Word of the Year. This parallels, in a supremely ironic way, the fabricated epigraph that Jean Baudrillard uses to open Simulacra and Simulation, the insight of which resonates even stronger now in our day with the accelerating digital age: “The simulacrum is never what hides the truth—it is truth that hides the fact that there is none. The simulacrum is true.” In the age of artificial intelligence, social media, and reality television, the notions of simulacra and creation of narratives impact ever more strata of our lives and bring to the fore questions such as: What kind of “new reality” exists in the era of post-truth, and how is that translated in cultural production? Is postmodernity, given its constant interrogation of realities and truths, the most productive way of helping us make sense of shifting epistemes? What responsibilities and challenges arise with the novel ways that knowledge—and perhaps by extension, truth—is produced and communicated? Are we, indeed, in an era of “post-truth”? Are we done with facts?

Furthermore, in the realm of narratives and material production, questions around literariness and fiction arise: if fiction is inevitably infused with a certain degree of reality, then is fiction, in turn, able to modify the Real? How are facts integrated into fiction and what happens when fiction interpenetrates with facts? In what ways can we speak about literariness as a post-factual regime? What have been some of the literary strategies deployed towards fictionalizing facts, truth, or epistemes? On the flipside, in what ways has fiction been historicized as fact, truth, or “real”? How have these polyvalent strategies evolved, if at all, over time?

This conference invites papers on literary, historical, and theoretical investigations of narratives, hermeneutics, and myths of facts and truths. Topics of discussion may include but are not exclusive to:
1) Myths and narratives: literary/historical/theoretical intersections of mythification; postmodernism and truths; hyperreality; simulacra-as-truth; rhetorics; “Post-truth”; hermeneutics of suspicion; populism and propaganda; emotion vs. logic; demagoguery and xenophobia; opportunistic narratives; the trans/de-valuation of facts-as-truths and truths-as-facts; truth-value; philosophy of language; trans-human, post-human, alternate ecologies
2) Wikileaks and whistleblowing in the digital age: digital humanities; ethics in the digital world; truth in the digital age; piracy and hacking; AI; AI and paranoia narratives
3) Critique of institutions: (post-)faculties; ideology, institutions and institutionalization; writings on art history and literary history; approaches to history writing; museums and art history; capitalism; avant-garde theory; culture industry and the Frankfurt School.
4) Material culture in the post-truth era: virtual objects; mythical and/or “real” and/or virtual artifacts; material culture and virtuality; artifacts and their faculties; art forgery; facts and things; representation of objects, objects as representation; surrealism and its legacies.
Related fields of interest may include but are not limited to: Comparative Literature and Literary Theory; Critical Theory; English, French; and Spanish Studies; Studio arts; Sociology; Anthropology; Political Science; Queer Theory and Gender studies; Interdisciplinary Studies; Digital Humanities; Cultural Studies; Linguistics; History; Philosophy; Film and Media studies; etc.

We are asking those interested in delivering 15 to 20-minute presentations to submit abstracts of no more than 300 words to by January 3, 2018. Please include your name, abstract keywords, institutional affiliation, technical requirements, and a 50-word bio in your email. Abstracts and presentations in English, Spanish, and French are welcome.

Abstract submission deadline: January 3, 2018
Expanded versions of conference presentations will be considered for publication in The Scattered Pelican, the peer-reviewed graduate journal of Comparative Literature at Western University.

Contact Info: 
Busra Copuroglu
Ph.D. student in Comparative Literature
Western University
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
Arts and Humanities Building Room 3R02
London, Ontario
Contact Email: 

Monday, November 20, 2017

CFP: Love in Translation - Rutgers University Program in Comparative Literature Graduate Conference, March 2-3, 2018

New Brunswick, New Jersey

Keynote by Professor Sandra Bermann (Princeton University)
Translation workshop by Professor Susan Bernofsky (Columbia University)

The biennial graduate student conference at the Rutgers University Program in Comparative Literature seeks to understand how love figures in and is transfigured by translation. The conference invites participants to think about how love disrupts and transforms the ways in which literary imagination functions across languages, time, space, borders. Some of the questions we aim to address are: How is love translated? Can love be a methodology in translation? Is it a hindrance or is it generative? Is love a theme or a product of translation?

Graduate students interested in presenting their research at Love in Translation are asked to submit an abstract of 300 words that addresses the conference theme.

  • Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Love and the ethics of translation
  • Love and literary pedagogy as translation
  • Love in the text
  • Love, translation, popular culture
  • Love, translation, world literature
  • Love, translation, activism
  • Love, translation, gender
  • Love, translation, environment
  • Love, translation, genre
  • Love, translation, borders (textual, epistemic, geographical/geopolitcal)

The deadline for paper proposals is 11:59 PM on December 15th, 2017. Please e-mail all proposals to Conference Co-Chairs Penny Yeung or Rudrani Gangopadhyay at . All submissions should include the title of the paper, the abstract, and the name, affiliation, and email of the author.

Contact Info: 
Rudrani Gangopadhyay and Penny Yeung
Conference Co-Chairs
Contact Email: