
Showing posts with label Abstracts Humanities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abstracts Humanities. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

CFP: Three-Day International Conference on “Whither Integrative Humanities? Paths And Challenges” -August 28 - 30, 2024. The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad,

Concept Note

Post-Technological Rationalist thought on natural and social phenomenon is marked by two major emphases: a. The move away from discipline-specific knowledge-systems, towards the construction of a transdisciplinary knowledge base/knowledge regime (Sverker Sorlin 2018), through the configuration of a knowledge-infrastructure to regulate the flow of ideas across established, as well as new/emergent knowledge-sites, and b. The recognition of the slippages across the traditional impact/value binary, with impact increasingly being seen as the first step in the direction of value creation. The emergent knowledge ecosystem suggests the tasks cut out for humanities, factoring in the seamless connection across natural, cultural, and technological phenomena that marks the planetary-scale crises confronting humanity. Offering a socially usable critique of established processes of knowledge production and building cultural structures of preparedness for the unforeseen (Helge Jordheim and Tore Rem 2014) are these crucial tasks. The ‘crisis’ in humanities can now be seen as the proactive response to these crucial, challenging tasks, justly viewed as opportunities. The favorable climate for inter and cross- disciplinary approaches in traditional humanities, and the emergence of bio-, techno-, medical-, geo-, digital-, public- humanities, lend credence to this belief.

The Three-day International Conference on Whither Integrative Humanities? Paths and Challenges offers a forum for scholars interested in understanding and disseminating the new role that humanities has come to assume, by deliberating on ways in which humanities can contribute to the socio-economic, cultural, and environmental challenges facing the world today.

Themes and Sub-Themes (List is not Exhaustive)

Post-Truth and Post-human Knowledge

• The Adventures of Philosophy in the Post-Truth Era

• Rethinking Critical Posthumanities

• Moves beyond Anthropocentrism

• New Academic Posthumanities

Situating the Posthuman Subject

• Apprehending Human and Non-Human Rationality

• Dealing with a Nonconscious Future: Agendas and Strategies

• Reclaiming Agency: Putative Action-Plans for the Cyborg Self

Public Humanities

• Humanities of the Street: Challenges and Responses

• Public Creation and the Discipline: Dealing with Ephemerality and Fluidity

• Knowledge Cocreation Ecosystem: Power, Trust and other Issues

• Citizen Humanities: Emerging Participatory Modes in Natural and Cultural Heritage

Varieties of New Materialism

• Revisiting Ethico-Onto-Epistemology

• Chronicling Acts of Diffractive Reading

• Agential Realism: Re-Configuration and Impact Evaluation

• The Academic Fortunes of New Materialist Vitalism

• Negative New Materialism: A Negative Moment or Constructive Aspect?

• Performative New Materialism: Critical Assessments

Innovative Medicine on the Moral/Ethical Plane

• The Research-Practice Continuum: Ethical Conundrums

• Assisted Reproductive Techniques: Unanswered Ethical Dilemmas

• Neuroethics: Plotting the Field

Technology, Embodiment and Gender

• Ubiquitous Technologies, Embodied Cognition and Interaction

• Technology and Embodiment in Learning Spaces

• Technology and Gender Equality in the Global South

Globalization of the Body

• The Unstable “We”: Vaccine Nationalism and Viral Sovereignty

• Re-configuring the Biomedical Technoscape

• Engaging with Ontological Wholeness and other Myths

• The Political-Economy of the Body: Globalization and Precarity

• Troublesome Discursive Formations: Eugenic Utopias

Alternative Schemes of Thought, Knowledge, and Self-Representation

• Comparative Relativisms: Way out of the Maze or Mission Impossible?

• Critical Constructivism: The Return of the Prodigal `Essence`?

• Epistemological Anarchism: Method’s Radical Other or its Uncanny Double?

• Forms of Self-Representation: Diachronic/Narrative or Episodic/Non-Narrative?

New Perspectives on the Anthropocene

• Deep Ecology: Tracing the Metabolic Connections with other Disciplines

• Varieties of Eco-Feminism: Sustainable Theory?

• Disenchantment and New Animism: Progressive or Atavistic?

• Social Ecology and Bioregionalism: Theorizing Eco-Justice

Understanding the Technological Sublime

• Artificial General Intelligence and the Technological Sublime

• Biotechnological Sublime: Views from the Intersection of Nature, Technology, Art

• Environment Narratives and/on Next Nature
Visuali0ty1and Image Studies

• Images, Circulation and Practices

• Visuality and the New Media

• Everyday Imaging, and Critical Thinking

Minority Discourses: New Approaches

• NewFrontiers in Dalit Literary Studies

• Film Studies

• Graphic Narratives: The Politics of Reception

• Globalization and Diaspora Literary Studies

• Alternative Literature Studies

Literatures of the Global South

• South Asian Literature

• Indian Art and Aesthetics

• Postcolonial Diaspora Art

• Refugee Literature

• Literature and Migration

• Identity: Representation, Culture and Politics

Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Narrative Traditions

• Theorising Orality

• The Ritual Revisited

• Issues in Performance Ethnography

• Performance and Public Spaces

• Folkloristics and Modern Narratives

• Retelling Myths: Critique, Ideology, Aesthetics

• Mythicizing Worldviews

Gender and Sexuality Studies

• Disciplinarity and Gender Studies

• Feminist Praxis

• Women’s Studies

• Masculinity Studies

• Queer Studies

• Gender Responsive Pedagogy: Issues in
  • Ideology and Methodology

Original, Unpublished papers on the above themes are invited from members of university and college faculty and other institutions, independent researchers, research scholars registered with universities and research institutions.

Send your abstract, in about 250 words, with a title, your name, institutional affiliation, email Id and mobile number.

Email your abstract to:

Last date of Submission of Abstracts: July 5, 2024
● Communication regarding Acceptance of Abstracts: July 15, 2024
● Registration: July 30, 2024
● Submission of Full Papers: August 10, 2024

Send your abstract, in about 250 words, with a title, your name, institutional affiliation, email Id and mobile number.
Email your abstract to:

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

ADVED 2016- 

10-12 October, 2016 - ISTANBUL (TURKEY)

ADVED 2016-2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCES will be held in Istanbul (Turkey), on the 10th, 11th and 12th of October 2016 is an interdisciplinary international conference that invites academics, independent scholars and researchers from around the world to meet and exchange the latest ideas and discuss issues concerning all fields of Education, Social Sciences and Humanities.
ADVED 2016 provides the ideal opportunity to bring together professors, researchers and high education students of different disciplines, discuss new issues, and discover the most recent developments, researches and trends in education and social sciences.
Academics making efforts in education, subfields of which might include higher education, early childhood education, adult education, special education, e-learning, language education, etc. are highly welcomed. 
Due to the nature of the conference with its focus on innovative ideas and developments, papers related to all areas of social sciences including communication, accounting, finance, economics, management, business, marketing, education, sociology, psychology, political science, law and other areas of social sciences; also all areas of humanities including anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art, ethics, folklore studies, history, language studies, literature, methodological studies, music, philosophy, poetry and theater are invited for the international conference.
Also academic presentations in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Social Sciences and Humanities are highly welcomed.
For a detailed look for the conference topics please click here
People without papers can also participate in this conference as audience so long as they find it interesting and meaningful.
Submitted papers will be subject to peer review and evaluated based on originality and clarity of exposition.

You will be able to share all your experiences with other experts in a truly international atmosphere. This conference will be held at international level. Plenty of participants more than 60 different countries are expected to attend.

The language of the conference is English (Papers in Turkish are also welcomed). Simultaneous translation will not be provided.

You are invited to submit your abstract proposal (only in English) to contribute to ADVED 2016 (in person or virtually) with your experiences and projects in the areas of education or social sciences. 

1.  All the accepted full papers are going to be published in the Abstracts & Proceedings CD-ROM (e-book) with an ISBN number and will be given to the participants on the conference day.
2. Participants also will be able to reach and download the Abstracts & Proceedings E-publication from OCERINT's online e-library ( web site.
3. ADVED 2016 Abstracts & Proceedings will also be included in Google Scholar and sent to be reviewed for their inclusion in the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index.
4. NEW!!! The accepted papers (depending upon their author’s wish) will also sent to be reviewed for publishing in one of our peer reviewed online International journals with an ISSN number (IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education  and  IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences) which are also sent to be reviewed for their inclusion in the ISI Citation Indexes.

In addition to your professional experience in ADVED 2016, you will be able to enjoy one of the most impressive cities in the world, Istanbul, unique for its culture, historical and artistic richness, cultural and musical events of all kinds, lovely weather in autumn and tasty gastronomy.
Istanbul is one of the world's great cities famous for its historical monuments and magnificent scenic beauties. It is the only city in the world which spreads over two continents: it lies at a point where Asia and Europe are separated by a narrow strait - the Bosphorus. Istanbul has a history of over 2,500 years, and ever since its establishment on this strategic junction of lands and seas, the city has been a crucial trade center.
We look forward to seeing you in Istanbul!
Organized By:

For any further queries about the ADVED 2016 conference: