
Showing posts with label Performance Studies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Performance Studies. Show all posts

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Call for Papers: Special Issue: ‘Diasporas in Dramatherapy’-2024


This Special Issue attempts to highlight the voices of dramatherapists with lived experiences in the diaspora, as well as those of marginalized practitioners who are underrepresented due to their cultural, gender, political, racial, religious or ethnic belonging (or not belonging). This issue’s purpose is to evidence dramatherapy practice in the context of diaspora, to celebrate the voices of those inhabiting the diasporic space, and to document the influence of these unique experiences in drama therapy practice. 

diaspora usually brings to mind a group of people who have been displaced, dispersed, or exiled from their homeland. From its Greek etymology, the term denotes ‘dispersal’, literally referring to ‘the scattering of the seed’. Thus, being part of a diaspora is generally construed as inheriting a relationship with identity that is intrinsically bound to communal experiences of cultural, political, and racial displacement. A diasporic healing may involve finding belonging, processing grief, and acknowledging the impact of generational and collective traumas. However, the dispersal journey may also be thought of as initiating a movement, for instance, by creating diasporic spaces through cultural practices. In this sense, the Special Issue is an invitation to reflect on diasporic aspects of dramatherapy in general.

Some of the topics that we are inviting contributors to engage with include: Transgenerational lens in relation to mental health and dramatherapy; diaspora and the body; displacement; identity, sexuality, spirituality, religion, human rights, race and racism, culture, diversity, and representation in connection to diaspora; mental wellness and self-determination; the relationality of whiteness and diaspora; othering; the forced migration of dramatherapists from face-to-face practice to online work; belonging and identity; kinship; uncertainty and diaspora. Authors are encouraged to be mindful of what may emerge from the complexity around displacement, identity and intersectionality.

The context of diaspora is valuable to the field of dramatherapy and of psychotherapy at large, as it acknowledges the nuance of collectivist cultures, as well as individual experiences often overlooked or underrepresented by dominant western, European, and colonial frameworks. A dedicated body of work in this field may provide a space for individuals to become acquainted with previously unrecognized common patterns, within a self-identified diaspora. Prospective authors are invited to explore their own lived experience or locate themselves when sharing clinical work in relation to their clients and practice. This call seeks to provide an inclusive platform to honour the sacredness inseparable from the backgrounds inhabited by clients and clinicians under the theme of diaspora. Contributions are welcome in the forms of:

·full-length scholarly articles;

·reflections from practice;


·reviews of performances, art, literature, films etc.;

·book reviews; and

·creative contributions.

Contributors are invited to consult the journal’s Notes for Contributors, and to follow the Ethical Guidelines laid out on Intellect’s website:

Contact Information

Taylor Mitchell

Contact Email

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Call For Articles: "The Beauty of Storytelling and the Story of Beauty"-The Polish Journal of Aesthetics

We kindly invite Authors to submit proposals to a special issue of The Polish Journal of Aesthetics - "The Beauty of Storytelling and the Story of Beauty", Vol. 75 (2/2025), edited by Joanna Szczepanik (Faculty of Architecture, West Pomeranian Technological University in Szczecin, Poland) and Kalina Kukie?ko (Institute of Sociology, University of Szczecin, Poland)

This issue of The Polish Journal of Aesthetics delves into the intricate relationship between beauty and storytelling. Over a century ago, the emergence of artistic avant-gardes challenged the primacy of beauty as the paramount aesthetic value. In contemporary times, amidst the complexities of the 21st century, its interpretation and significance are contested by notions such as originality, innovation, and creativity. Furthermore, the advent and progression of new media, notably the ascent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), introduce new dimensions for scrutinizing authorship, aesthetic ideals, and the essence of art. Recognizing storytelling as a potent vehicle for comprehending the world, this issue urges authors to explore beauty as an inherent feature of narrative, encompassing both form and content, as articulated by W?adys?aw Tatarkiewicz: “whether it be color, sound, or thought.” Is there still a place for beauty in the modern world? What has become of the reverence for this once supreme value, traditionally aligned with goodness and truth in the Greek triad? A narrative infused with beauty entices, persuades, evokes emotions, resonates with experiences, and ultimately enriches our lives. This issue serves as an invitation to contemplate the current state of beauty in relation to storytelling as its fundamental aspect, and in reference to art-based research, which applies artistic methods to qualitative research. We welcome submissions representing diverse philosophical, artistic, cultural, and sociological perspectives, employing varied theoretical frameworks to engage in discourse about beauty and storytelling. Articles may explore, among other topics:

- Contemporary perspectives on beauty,
- Methods of narrating beauty and narratives about beauty,
- The beauty embedded within contemporary storytelling and narratives,
- Beauty's intersection with AI,
- Beauty as a constituent element of storytelling,
- Storytelling and aesthetic values,
- The storyteller, story, storytelling, and their audience,
- Storytelling and the world of design,
- Storytelling as an approach to aesthetic inquiry, art-based research, and qualitative research.

We also invite submissions in the form of essays, reviews, poetry, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary expressions that explore the volume’s theme from non-academic perspectives.

Submission deadline: 31 March, 2025

All Authors interested in contributing to this issue of The Polish Journal of Aesthetics are kindly requested to send full papers by submission page at the journal's website by March 31, 2025.

We strongly urge all Authors to read the instructions (‘For Authors’) before the submission.

Welcome to visit our website at: