
Showing posts with label Studies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Studies. Show all posts

Sunday, November 5, 2023

CFA: Travel and Research Grants from the Central European History Society

 The Central European History Society (CEHS) seeks applications from North American doctoral candidates (ABD) and recent PhDs (up to three years after completion of degree) in Central European history for travel and research grants up to $4,000. To be eligible, research projects must demonstrate a clear and significant connection to Central Europe and involve travel outside North America. For the purposes of this grant, “Central Europe” includes the region’s historically German-speaking lands as well as the Habsburg Empire and its successor states. All grant-related travel must be planned to take place between April 1 and December 31, 2024.

Applicants need to be members of the Central European History Society at the time of application. (Membership also includes an individual subscription to the journal Central European History: $27/print edition and $17/digital edition annually for graduate students; $42/print and $32/digital for others.) To become a member, visit

Application Procedure:

The following materials are required, and should be combined into one PDF and e-mailed to   

  • Statement of Purpose (1000-word limit), including a project title, a succinct summary of the project and its scholarly contributions, as well as a cogent explanation of how the research to be funded by the grant fits into the larger research project. If the application is a resubmission, the narrative should indicate in which ways the project has advanced since the previous application.
  • Curriculum Vitae (with a clear indication of the applicant’s preferred mail and email addresses)
  • Budget Statement, totaling no more than $4,000, which should estimate and itemize costs for all planned expenditures (broken out into categories, e.g. foreign transportation, local transportation, lodging, copying, etc.), in keeping with the planned itinerary.

The application and one (1) letter of reference (which the recommender should e-mail directly to must be received by 15 January 2024.  Applicants are advised to give their recommender several weeks’ notice of their need for a letter.

For further information or inquiries about the grants (but not to submit applications), please contact the Executive Director of CEHS, Anthony Steinhoff, at

Contact Information

Anthony Steinhoff
Executive Director, Central European History Society

Contact Email

Friday, October 20, 2023

Call for Papers: #Gender #Studies Area of the #Popular #Culture #Association-March 27-30, 2024-#Chicago, #Illinois.

 The Gender Studies area of the Popular Culture Association explores a broad range of intersections between gender and popular culture, whether within popular culture texts or practices.

The Gender Studies area is now considering proposals for papers, panels, and/or roundtables for the 2024 annual conference. Deadline for proposals is November 30, 2023. Visit for submission instructions. The conference will be March 27-30, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois.

Topics could include, but are not limited to, the representation of gender identity and gender expression within popular culture; advertising appeals that go beyond the gender binary; the potential  of popular culture to educate audiences about diversity, equity, and inclusion; the role of gender in athletics; and popular culture responses to recently passed or proposed legislation related to reproductive rights, drag performances, and teaching about gender identity. Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods are welcome from disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches.

Proposals for paper presentations require a 150-200 word abstract.

For a proposed panel (4 papers on a common theme or topic), individual presenters should submit an abstract of 150-200 words for their own paper, and the panel chair should contact Dr. O’Reilly to assemble the papers into a panel.

For a proposed roundtable (assembled conversation around a topic without formal, prepared presentations), please contact Dr. O’Reilly with your proposed topic.

Individuals must be current, paid members to submit to the conference.  

Contact Information

Julie D. O’Reilly

Heidelberg University

310 E. Market St.

Tiffin, OH 44883



Contact Email

Monday, October 9, 2023

Two Day #International #Student #Seminar #Girl, (Un)Interrupted Identity, #Experience, #Agency, and #Representation -Jesus and Mary College University of Delhi New Delhi 1st-2nd November 2023

Organized by: English Literary Association Department of English Jesus and Mary College 

 Concept Note

Girlhood Studies emerged as a distinct field of study in the 1990s, in the Anglophone North, influenced by a growing discourse on gender equality, especially in fields like science, math, and technology. However, its roots can be traced back to the 1970s when second wave feminist scholars began critiquing the disproportionate focus on boyhood in youth research. In the West, Black Girlhood Studies has emerged to address the under-representation of Black girls in the field. Similarly, there has been powerful scholarship examining the cross-section of disabilities with Girlhood Studies. Recently, South Asian scholars have made critical interventions in the field by exploring the historical erasure of the experiences of girlhood in the region. They have highlighted how the figure of the girl has been overdetermined by the anxieties about, and for, the woman she would become. Seen always as only “becoming a woman,” and never allowed to be a girl, the South Asian woman, nonetheless, has been treated like a little girl who needs “protection.” Given these paradoxical operations of erasure, hypersexualisation and infantilisation, it is no surprise that girls and “girlhood” are missing from Indian novels. Obviously, “Swami & Friends” did not, indeed, could not have any sisters whose childhood predicaments and perplexities, pranks and play, merited any attention! Pre-colonial, colonial and postcolonial girlhoods are now being investigated from many different perspectives. By using an intersectional approach, for example, Dalit and Adivasi girlhoods have emerged as distinct fields of research. 

About the Seminar

 This student seminar invites in-depth and extensive exploration of the conceptualization of girlhood in all types of literary (fictional and non fictional), performative and multimedial narratives. The seminar hopes to arrive at a richer understanding of the multiple experiences and constructions of “girlhood” through time, especially in its complex interplay with traditional or modern hegemonic discursivities, socio-cultural formations and politico economic imperatives. Also, this student seminar aims to establish Critical Girlhood Studies as a robust academic domain of research amongst young scholars. We invite undergraduate and postgraduate students to submit their contributions for an interdisciplinary student seminar that delves into the many dimensions of Girlhood Studies. 

 Coming of age and other narratives Subcultures and fandoms Social media and girlhood Disability and girlhood studies Capitalism, consumerism, and girlhood Performing girlhood Intersectionality of race, religion, ethnicity, caste, class, etc. Menstruation Queering and trancing girlhoods Media and representation Violence, risks, and betrayals Education, health, and rights Mobility and access Beauty standards and body dysmorphia Girl brides Play and sports 

 We welcome papers and presentations that explore, but are not limited to, the following themes:

  • Coming of age and other narratives 
  • Subcultures and fandoms
  •  Social media and girlhood Disability and girlhood studies 
  • Capitalism, 
  • consumerism, and girlhood 
  • Performing girlhood 
  • Intersectionality of race, religion, ethnicity, caste, class, etc. 
  • Menstruation Queering and transing girlhoods 
  • Media and representation 
  • Violence, risks, and betrayals 
  • Education, health, and rights Mobility and access 
  • Beauty standards and body dysmorphia Girl brides Play and sports 

 We welcome papers and presentations that explore, but are not limited to, the following themes: 


This seminar will be held in the hybrid mode. The first day (1st November) will be held online on Zoom. 

The second day (2nd November) will be an in-person event at Jesus and Mary College, DU. Artwork: Young Girls by Amrita Sher-Gill  

Abstract Submission Deadline 19th October 2023

 Notification of Acceptance 29th October 2023 

Full Paper Submission Deadline You can submit your abstract using this GoogleForm: 

Alternatively you can email it to: 

Name and Contact information

 Paper Title - Full paper title for the presentation Paper Abstract - 250-word abstract 4-5 keywords Word Document; 12 Times New Roman; Double spaced Your submission should contain: Girl, (Un)Interrupted

 Important Dates

 This National Student Seminar is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students of all streams from different academic institutions across the country. The presenters will need to show their current ID as proof of academic affiliation. Presenters from outside Delhi may opt for presenting in the online mode on the second day. WHO CAN APPLY? CERTIFICATES HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT: All the registered participants will be issued e-certificates of participation/presentation. 

 FOR FURTHER QUERIES, PLEASE CONTACT: GIRLUNINTERRUPTED2023@GMAIL.COM San Martin Marg, Bapu Dham, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, Delhi 110021 Register here: 

Friday, May 12, 2023

Call for Papers for the Special Issue on Annihilation of Caste

CFP Special Issue on Annihilation of Caste

B. R. Ambedkar’s Annihilation of Caste (AoC) has been described by Anand Teltumbde as the Communist Manifesto of “caste India.” Unfortunately, however, there is a dearth of critical readings on this text. The upcoming special issue of All About Ambedkar: A Journal on Theory and Praxis aims to address this lacuna. The objective is to inspire renewed engagements with Ambedkar’s classic. The special issue will be co-edited by Dr Sanjiv Kondekar and Dr Mahitosh Mandal and is scheduled to be published in December 2023.

The potential contributors to the special issue are required to write original research papers on ANY aspect of Annihilation of Caste. We are mainly looking for synchronic analyses (focused solely on the text of Annihilation of Caste); however, as and where necessary, diachronic intertextual readings too are welcome. 

Topics for study include but are NOT limited to the following.Critiquing Ambedkar’s overall strategy of “annihilation” of caste
Publication history of AoC
Epistolary elements in AoC
Oratorical style in AoC
Ambedkar’s views on social, political and economic reforms
Ambedkar’s analysis of the caste system
Ambedkar’s critique of Chaturvarnya
Ambedkar’s conception of an ideal society
Ambedkar’s critique of the Hindu religion, the Shashtras and Brahmanical literature
The Ambedkar-Gandhi debate as included in AoC

Key information for prospective authors:Abstract (with a title & four keywords): 150-200 words
Word limit of full papers (including citations): 5000-7000 words
Style of citation: MLA 8th edition (Sample citation instructions are available at Purdue Online Writing Lab.)
All submissions have to be drafted as per the Formatting Rules of AAA.

Deadline for submission of full papers: 15 July 2023
Email your submissions to