
Showing posts with label Travel Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travel Writing. Show all posts

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Call for Publications: #Ecocriticism, #Sustainability and the #Literature

In today's world, we bear witness to epidemics and pandemics, the global climate change caused by human actions, as well as ecological collapse marked by floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes. These events underscore the risks and challenges of a human-centered way of life. At the same time, they remind us of the need to reconsider our binary and hierarchical divisions between humans and the Earth, humans and animals, mind and body, nature and culture.

In the 1970s, William Rueckert's groundbreaking work 'Literature and Ecology: An Experiment in Ecocriticism' (1978) delved into the relationships between humans and non-humans, the deep history of our planet, environmental transformations, and the changing micro and macro climates, all within the context of literature. Since then, these ideas have found a systematic place in the fields of cultural and literary studies and literary criticism.
Today, in the Anthropocene, we actively engage with post-human theories, ecofeminism, feminist new materialism, affect theory, actor-network theory, speculative realism, and sustainability.
'Nesir: Journal of Literary Studies' will center its 6th issue on the theme of 'Ecocriticism, Sustainability, and Literature,' set for April 2024. The issue welcomes essays that explore literary works, both fictional and non-fictional, from the early Ottoman period to contemporary Turkey. within an ecological perspectives, offering a comparative global literary outlook.


Possible topics:

  • Environmental History
  • Memory Studies
  • Gender Studies, Feminism, and Sustainability
  • Literary Theories
  • Genre Studies
  • Film Studies
  • Video Games
  • Graphic Novels
  • Environmental Disasters, Epidemics, and Famine
  • Post-humanism
  • Critical Animal Studies
  • Turkish and Ottoman Literature
  • World Literature(s)
  • Folklore / Fairy Tales
  • Migration and Colonialism, Postcolonialism
  • Travel Writing
  • Translation
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