
Thursday, October 19, 2017

Travel Bursary Provided Ireland India Institute Conference April 27-27, 2018, Dublin City University

Call for papers 
The Ireland India Institute, Dublin City University, is pleased to announce its second Annual Conference on South Asia, to be held from Thursday 26 April to Friday 27 April 2018 at Dublin City University, Ireland.

The organisers are now accepting panel and paper submissions for this conference. They invite proposals for panels and papers from scholars and practitioners involved with but not limited to politics and international relations, history, culture, linguistics, economics and other aspects of South Asia. We are especially keen on having papers related to security this year.

Proposals for panels should contain a title, a 300-word abstract and names of suggested panel members with their short bio, title, abstracts of their individual papers and email addresses. Each panel will have 4–5 papers pertaining to a common theme. We encourage panels to not limit themselves to the same organisation/university.

Proposals for papers should include a title, abstract (300 words), author’s name, email addresses, and a 150-word bio and has to be submitted to the conference organisers Arpita Chakraborty and Hari Krishnan at no later than 1 December 2017.

When submitting a paper please indicate preferred theme(s) and/or up to 6 keywords. All authors will be contacted by the end of January.

The organisers hope to be able to offer a number of bursaries to support the participation of PhD students from South Asia. In order to apply for travel bursary, please attach a 250-word document of bursary justification with your proposal.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 December 2017

Sunday, October 15, 2017

International Conference on Why Ecocriticism! November 21-23, 2017, FSLE-India and Sikkim Government College- Gangtok-Sikkim.

Concept Note:

The term ecocriticism, in general, is defined as the study of literature and the physical environment together. However, in its larger context, it could be seen as incorporating with the numerous variants of human life. It juxtaposes literature with culture, geography, psychology and ecology sublimely. Since the term came into existence, it has been amiss interpreted. Especially in Indian context, it has never had a grand reception. In such academic milieu the question ‘Why Ecocriticism’ becomes relevant as it leads to raise some of the fundamental issues concerning environment. This question also tries to get an answer of most of the esoteric and  labyrinth literary, cultural and social representations where the classicism and elitism neglected  the concept of Real (Lacan). Nature never requires the language humans created, e.g., the question related to ‘water’ has nothing much to do with its literary representation, on the contrary, it assimilates the challenges faced due to its scarcity, wastage, hygiene, storage, availability and such other basic aspects. In fact, the theory of ecocriticism is based on the principle of praxis where the field welcomes the voice of the commons, the practices of the subaltern, the bonhomie between the aborigines and the nature and the inclusion of the conscious minds. Further, ecocriticism also evaluates and assay some of the most contemporary developed theories and concepts that prove its multidisciplinary approach which finds an interface of Neuroecology, Neuroecoaesthetics, Ecoaesthetics and Ecosurrogacy. 

Devoted to the extensive study of such dichotomy (critical-simple) of Ecocriticism, FSLE-India associating with the Sikkim Gov. College, Tadong wishes to organize a three-day International Conference, inviting august and seasoned speakers as well as researchers from India and abroad to find out some pragmatic paradigm in the field of ecocriticism.

Call for Paper
We invite original research papers to discuss such grave issues largely related but not exclusively
limited to the following sub-themes:
  • Literature and Ecology: A Comparative Ecocriticism
  • Concept of Space, Land and Nature
  • Posthumans and Ecology
  • Ecopoetry and Aesthetical Nuances
  • Gender and Ecology
  • Neuroecology: Neurons and the Nature
  • Social and Cultural perception of Ecocriticism
  • The Subaltern Voice and Ecology
  • The Rights of Aborigines and their Ecoculture
  • Myth and Ecology
  • Transculturism and Ecology: The Psychological Perspective
  • Ecology, Resistance and Identity
  • Indian Classical Texts and Ecology
  • Ecocinema and Postmodernity
  • Ecotheatre: The Rhapsodic Instinct
  • Sexuality and Plurality: An Ecological Interpretation

Abstracts of 500 words with 5 keywords, for a 15 minutes presentation, must be mailed to or
Note: Please use 12 point Times New Roman and avoid footnotes. 

Important Dates

Deadline for Abstract submission: 20th October 2017
Announcement of selected paper: 25th October 2017
Deadline for the final draft: 10th November 2017
The full paper must be within 3500-5000 words. Use the latest MLA style of referencing.
Selected Papers will be published in an edited volume with ISBN no. (Not in the form of
conference proceedings instead a complete edited book after the conference)
Authors are requested to attach their bio-note (in third person, not exceeding 100 words)

For further queries please contact and do visit:



International Conference On TRANSLATION STUDIES: NEW DIRECTIONS 23rd-25th January, 2018, Savithribhai Phule University, Pune

Call For Papers

The discipline of Translation Studies has enjoyed huge international growth over recent decades, both as a global practice as well as in related academic programmes. Since the mid-twentieth century Translation Studies has been informed by the cultural and social turn, embracing a wide range of intercultural encounters and transfers and interacting with disciplines as varied as comparative literature, linguistics, creative writing, cultural studies, gender studies, dalit studies, post-colonial studies, film studies, philosophy, sociology, musicology, and so on. Each approach provides a different perspective on translation and has its own valid place in its respective discipline.

This conference proposes to explore this ever proliferating list of probable approaches and suggests that the discipline of Translation Studies might provide a variety of helpful analytic tools in approaching a variety of contemporary issues. In particular, it would attempt to locate the peculiarities of Translation Studies in the contemporary Indian context, where it has become increasingly important to rethink notions such as the nation, culture, identity and language. With the growth of social media, digital technologies and new modes of production, Indian society is going through a number of important transitions. One consequence of this is that the channels of communication and processing information are being altered to a large extent. Against the contemporary backdrop of developmental politics and shifts in the public sphere, questions of regional languages, marginal identities, subaltern groups and ethnic minorities have become all the more critical.

At this juncture, it might be fruitful to consider how the discipline of Translation Studies engages with, and deliberates upon these complex emergent issues in the larger global and local context. Admittedly, it might be impossible to cover all these aspects, but this conference aims to provide a platform to explore as many facets as possible through the lens of translation.


  • History of Translation Studies 
  • Linguistic Aspects of Translation
  • Role of the translator in the socio-political context 
  • Translation Studies and Children’s literature
  • Research models in Translation Studies 
  • Translation and Hermeneutics
  • Postcolonial approaches to Translation Studies 
  • Translation and Context
  • Travels in Translation 
  • Translation and the Nation
  • The Politics of Translation 
  • Translation and Border Studies
  • Adaptation as Translation 
  • Translation and Gender
  • Cultural Aspects of Translation 
  • Translation Studies and Film Studies
  • Translation and New Media

2000 for Teaching Faculty
1500 for Research Scholars
75$ for International Teaching Faculty
50$ for International Research Scholars
Conference kit and lunch will be arranged for paper presenters and resource persons only. Further details regarding the payment of Registration fees will be provided after the selection of abstracts.

Submission Guidelines:
Abstract: Abstracts should be no more than 300 words, with key words.
Paper: The full paper, no more than 5000 words, should be sent after the selection of abstracts.

Both the abstract and the paper should be in Times New Roman with font size of 12 and double line spacing.

Important Dates:
Last date for Abstract Submission: 15th November, 2017
Intimation for the selected abstract: 30th November, 2017
Last Date for Paper Submission: 20th December, 2017
Conference Dates: 23-25 January, 2018

Contact Us
Department of English
Arts Faculty Building,
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Pune - 411 007
Maharashtra State,India.
For more information:
Mobile: +91 20 25601332

Thursday, October 12, 2017

CALL FOR PAPERS: Association for Asian Performance (AAP) Emerging Scholars Panel 2018,Massachusetts, USA


The Association for Asian Performance (AAP) invites submissions for its 24th Annual Adjudicated Panel to be held during the Association for Asian Performance annual conference in Boston, Massachusetts on August 1-2, 2018, which precedes the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) conference. Selected papers will be strongly considered for publication in Asian Theatre Journal – an official publication of AAP. Eligibility is open to all (current and recent graduate students, scholars, teachers, artists) provided they are:
1) early in their scholarly career OR new to the study of Asian performance;
2) have not published in Asian Theatre Journal; and
3) have not previously received an AAP Emerging Scholars Award. We welcome submissions from past applicants.

Papers (8-10 double-spaced pages) may deal with any aspect of Asian performance or drama. Preparation of the manuscript in Asian Theatre Journal style, which can be gleaned from a recent issue, is desirable. Up to three winning authors will be selected and invited to present their papers at the upcoming AAP conference. Paper presentations should be no longer than twenty minutes. A $100 cash prize will be awarded for each paper selected, to help offset conference fees. AAP Conference registration fees are waived for the winners, who also receive one-year free membership to AAP. Receipt of award is contingent upon attendance at the AAP conference. All paper submissions will receive written feedback from the selection committee.

Papers should be accompanied by a separate cover sheet detailing the author’s contact information: institutional affiliation and current title (if relevant), address, phone number, and email address (for both academic year and summer holiday). The author’s name should not appear in the paper.

Please send submissions electronically to Dr. Arnab Banerji, Assistant Professor of Theatre, Loyola Marymount University (

Deadline for Submissions: January 15, 2018. Winners will be notified by April 15, 2018
AAP is proud to sponsor this adjudicated panel. Not only is it a chance for students and emerging scholars to get exposure and recognition for their work, it also provides an opportunity to meet and make contacts with others who are interested in similar fields of research.
Please direct any inquiries regarding the Emerging Scholars Award panel to Arnab Banerji at ( To find out about the benefits of becoming an AAP member,

please check out our website at and consider joining us on Facebook:

Contact Info: 
Dr. Arnab Banerji, PhD
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Theatre Arts
Loyola Marymount University
Contact Email: 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Travel Grants Herrenhausen Conference "Transparency and Society - Between Promise and Peril", June 12-14, 2018, Berlin

Call For Abstracts:

The conference will debate discourses and practices as well as borders and ambiguities of transparency in the context of broader social and cultural change, in particular with regard to publicity, open government, institutional environments, the individual and the digital age. It aims to promote a deeper understanding about transparency and identify approaches to handle the different and diverging demands and expectations on transparency within society. The conference will contribute to the question how a socially accepted balance between security and freedom, between public interest and private sphere can be achieved.

The Volkswagen Foundation offers travel grants for PhD students or early Post Docs (max. 5 years since PhD, all subjects) researching on challenging projects with regard to chances and risks of transparency in different international fields of politics, economy and civil society. Applicants can win one of 25 grants to take part in the Herrenhausen Conference "Transparency and Society - Between Promise and Peril" in Berlin. Successful applicants will get the chance to present their research in a 3 minute lightning-talk and during several poster sessions. The grants include travel expenses to and from Berlin, visa fees (if applicable), as well as accommodation in Berlin. 

Please apply by 31 October 2017 via
Please note that we are not able to accept applications after this deadline.

Your application should contain the following:
  • A short description of your research focus that explains how your approach contributes to exploring the role and function of transparency in the development and transformation of modern societies (max. 1.000 characters)
  • An abstract of your research project (max. 3.000 characters) with your research question, research method, rough time table, results and outlook as well as naming your research institution, research partners and thesis advisors
  • A short C.V. (max. 1.000 characters)
  • A short list of your most recent publications (max. 5)

Participants will be selected by the steering committee. Acceptance will be based on qualification of the applicant as well as relevance, originality and potential of the research project for the goals of the conference. We will inform the applicants about the results at the beginning of December, 2017.

Conference Topics:
Session 1: Transparency and Public Policy - Historical and Methodological Perspectives
Session 2: Transparency and Open Government
Session 3: Transparency and Institutional Environment
Session 4: Transparency in the Digital Age
Session 5: Transparency and the Individual – the End of Privacy?
Session 6: Towards a "Transparent Society"?

Contact Email:

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Travel Grant Funded Cultural Studies Association (CSA) Conference - Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA May 31-June 2, 2018

This Year's Theme: Interventions

The Cultural Studies Association (CSA) invites proposals from its members for participation in its sixteenth annual meeting. You must be a member to submit, but we always welcome new members and encourage past members to renew their membership. Proposals on all topics of relevance to cultural studies with be considered, with priority given to proposals that critically and creatively engage this year's highlighted theme.

For our 2018 conference, “Interventions,” we solicit proposals that intervene in the theory, practice, teaching, or conception of cultural studies. We are also interested in how cultural studies itself intervenes in existing social, cultural, and political formations. Cultural studies is poised to play a key role in how we understand our fraught politics, fragile environment, and fragmented economy.

We wonder, as we look back at the legacy of what Stuart Hall called the First New Left, if it is time for something like a new socialist project? Greece’s Syriza, Spain’s Podemos, and the Democratic Socialists of America all signal potential energy for new economic models. But Brexit, Trump, and the resurgence of reactionary ethnonationalism alert us to the fact that empty calls for intervention are often answered by the basest forms of cultural repression. Additionally, a vast array of social struggles do not find any place within the current economic frame. These emancipatory movements--anti-racism, anti-imperialism, anti-war, the New Left, second-wave feminism, LGBT liberation, multiculturalism, and so on--emerged at roughly the same time as the field of cultural studies, and it is through cultural studies that we might intervene to claim space for them. As highlighted by tensions within the 2016 Democratic primaries and general election in the U.S. over the intersection of class- and identity-based politics, the intervention of emancipation is as unfinished as the welfare state is diminished by the “neoliberal revolution” (Hall). Today’s counter-hegemonic movements face some of the same impasses, but with a new urgency; now more than ever, we need an intellectual intervention to help craft new tactics and strategies, to generate new syntheses of economic protection and political and cultural emancipation, and to draw on the lessons of the past and build solidarity for the future.  

This year’s Cultural Studies Association conference will follow a one-day symposium on Wednesday, May 30th, hosted by the Humanities Center at Carnegie Mellon entitled “Karl Marx at 200: The Future of Capitalism and Cultural Studies.” We invite CSA members to attend the symposium, which features a lineup of established Marxism/Cultural Studies scholars who have been invited to circulate pre-written papers for the event. We hope this will provide an opportunity to use the bicentennial of Karl Marx’s birth to think about the role of culture in capitalism and how culture resists and reshapes the economy, as well as the contemporary relevance of Marx’s intervention and the role of Marxism in what Hall called “Cultural Studies and its theoretical legacies.” The CSA conference extends these themes beyond Marxism specifically to consider the intervention of cultural studies in general and the intellectual and creative labor of cultural studies in particular. How does culture construct, contest, and constitute new capital formations? How does it intervene in economic conditions in multiple and heterogeneous ways? Conversely, what is the role of the economy in shaping culture? What is the role of cultural studies as critical praxis in the present economic time?

Topics that might be addressed include but are not limited to:
  • The privilege of interventions; what it means to intervene
  • The materiality and spatiality of intervening
  • Work and labor--public intellectual work, physical labor, post-industrial labor, the work of culture
  • The culture industry and creative labor
  • Social media campaigns and their relationship to so-called real world interventions
  • Media interventions, fake news, and resistance to/ reinforcement of current hegemonic forces
  • Intersections of intellectuals and activists
  • Revolution or reform? Socialism or barbarism?
  • Art and social action
  • Literary, cinematic, and other textual interventions
  • Capitalism, culture, and technology
  • Strike! Riot! Strike!
  • The politics of anti-fascism
  • Historically specific interventions for equality and justice
  • Pedagogies of cultural studies
  • Interventions in sustainability, climate change, and the environment
  • Market-led globalization and cultural resistance
  • Securitization and militarization; the threat of the nuclear option
  • Nation-making, nationalism, and rethinking the national form
  • Immigration and the movement of people across national borders within the U.S. and globally
  • The movement for Black Lives and its intervention in media, culture, and the academy.

We welcome proposals from scholars from any discipline, inter-discipline, or scholarly field. The CSA aims to provide multiple and diverse spaces for the cross-pollination of art, activism, pedagogy, design, and research by bringing together participants from a variety of positions inside and outside the university. Therefore, while we welcome traditional academic papers and panels, we also encourage contributions that experiment with alternative formats and intervene in the traditional disciplinary formations and exclusionary conceptions and practices of the academic (see session format options listed below). We are particularly interested in proposals for sessions designed to document and advance existing forms of collective action or catalyze new collaborations. We encourage submissions from individuals working beyond the boundaries of the university: artists, activists, independent scholars, professionals, community organizers, and community college educators.

Important Dates:

Friday, October 13, 2017: Submission System Opens (Membership and Registration also open. You must be a member to submit!)

Friday, February 16, 2018: Last Date for Submissions

Friday, March 2, 2018: Notifications Sent Out

Friday, April 20, 2018: Early Registration Ends and Late Registration Begins (Registration fees increase by $50 for all categories.)

Friday, May 11, 2018: Last day to register to participate in the conference--your name will be dropped from the program if you do not register by this date.


The 2018 conference will be held at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. The closest airport is Pittsburgh International Airport (23 miles). Lodging options, which will include campus housing and a CSA hotel block in the Pittsburgh/Carnegie Mellon area, will be shared at a later date.


All proposals should be submitted through Easy Chair using the links supplied on the member page for the Annual Conference. Submission of proposals is limited to current CSA members but new members are welcome. See the benefits of membership and become a member: Membership Application.

INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIPS include three complimentary conference registrations annually for students. Graduate students who wish to submit proposals are strongly encouraged to speak with their Department Chair or Program Director about institutional membership and where possible, make use of the complimentary registrations. Full benefits of institutional membership are described here:

The submission system will be open by October 13, 2017. Please prepare all the materials required to propose your session according to the given directions before you begin electronic submission. All program information--names, presentation titles, and institutional affiliations--will be based on initial conference submissions. Please avoid lengthy presentation and session titles, use normal capitalization, and include your name and affiliations as you would like them to appear on the conference program schedule.

In order to participate in the conference and be listed in the program, all those accepted to participate must register before May 11, 2018.


CSA offers a limited number of travel grants, for which graduate and advanced undergraduate students can apply. Only those who are individual members, have been accepted to participate, and have registered for the conference are eligible to apply for a travel grant. Other details and criteria are listed here:

For More Details: Do Visit:

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

International Conference on Media , Culture and Ethics @ BITS Pilani,February 9-10, 2018

Greetings from the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, BITS Pilani! It is indeed our pleasure to announce that we are organizing an International Conference on Media, Culture and Ethics during February 9-10, 2018 at BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus.

The aim of the conference is to provide an opportunity to the researchers, scholars, academicians and practitioners from different parts of the world to understand and discuss the issues related to media, culture and ethics. The conference will try to draw guidelines of cultural behavior based on academic deliberations.

Prospective authors are hereby invited to upload abstract by clicking on “Online Submission of Abstracts” link given below. Authors are requested to note that in case of multiple papers, each paper is needed to be registered and uploaded individually, and registration id is unique for each paper. Full contact information (name, affiliation, e-mail ID and Tel etc.) of the corresponding author must be provided. Abstracts will be reviewed by the technical committee, and the acceptance of abstracts will be notified on the conference website. 

Conference Theme

Media and popular culture percolate in all aspects of our waking time. The unrelenting exposure predominantly guides our perception of reality, the formation of our values, our beliefs and attitudes and above all it defines self and society. This has become extraordinarily powerful educating agent among majority of the population. The speed with which it is influencing the society has blinded us. Hence, it becomes imperative to have the complete and true reflection of the cultures in which the stories are set. Authenticity and ethical guidelines also need to be employed seriously to the propagation of content through different forms of media. As the professional practitioners, it is of utmost importance not only to know our content and its relevance in today's context but also be good human beings, ethically cognizant of our responsibilities for others and world at large.

Culture is the belief system of a particular group, region or nation. The way content is circulated through films or other important forms of the media can have both positive and negative impact on different segments of society. Hence, there is an urgent need to study the nuances associated with the information being distributed and shared through different forms of the media and this conference would provide a platform to discuss the challenges and the possibilities to arrive at certain conclusions regarding the present status quo.


  • To explore the media and its influence on society and culture 
  • To understand the role of media in development, communication and nation building 
  • To identify the extent to which media engineers and distorts our perceptions 
  • To find out the impact of news channels on the mind of general masses 
  • To understand different formats of the print and electronic media 
  • To unravel the ethical dilemmas in different cultures and media practices 
  • To draw guidelines of cultural behaviour based on academic deliberations 

Key Areas/Tracks
  • Communication and Culture 
  • Media Ethics 
  • Culture and Society 
  • Journalism 
  • Literature and Media 
  • Radio and Television 
  • New Media 
  • Films 
  • Advertising Communication 
  • Corporate Communication 
  • Intercultural Communication 
  • Music, Art and Drama 
  • Theatre 
  • Media Literacy 
  • Legal Rights and Issues 
  • Political Communication 
  • Intercultural ethics 
  • Ethics in Communication 
  • Ethics across cultures 

Abstracts related to the theme of the conference are invited in the following format: 
Word limit: 250 – 300 
Font: Times New Roman, 12 points with 1.5 spacing 
Key words: 4 - 5 
Referencing Style: MLA 
Title page: Title of the paper, Author/s name, affiliation, contact details and a brief bio-note of 3-4 lines. 
Selection Criteria: Relevance to the conference theme, originality, clarity, methodology and findings. 
Note: In case of any difficulty in uploading multiple abstracts, please feel free to contact us

The deadline for the Abstract submission is October 15, 2017.

Contact Info: 


Prof. Sangeeta Sharma

Associate Professor,
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
BITS Pilani,Pilani Campus(Rajasthan)-333031,

All correspondence may please be sent to