
Saturday, February 17, 2024

Call for Articles: Inaugural Issue of Creativitas: Critical Explorations in Literary Studies

 Inaugural Issue of Creativitas - Critical Explorations in Literary Studies (A Double-blind Peer-reviewed Journal of English Studies).

[We are in the midst of registering the journal under ISSN. However, as per guidelines, an issue has to be published prior to acquiring an ISSN. So, the inaugural issue will be published without an ISSN.]

Creativitas, an up and coming journal in the field of English Studies, invites scholars, researchers, and practitioners to submit original and innovative contributions for its inaugural issue. The journal aims to provide a platform for critical explorations in literary studies, fostering interdisciplinary discussions and pushing the boundaries of traditional approaches to literature.

Creativitas seeks submissions that engage with a broad spectrum of topics within literary studies. The theme for the inaugural issue is intentionally broad, allowing for a diverse range of perspectives and methodologies. We welcome papers that delve into, but are not limited to, the following areas:

·         Literary Criticism and Theory

·         Comparative Literature

·         Postcolonial Studies

·         Genre Studies

·         Cultural Studies

·         Digital Humanities and Literature

·         Eco-criticism

·         Intersectionality in Literature

·         Memory Studies

·         Global Perspectives in Literary Studies

·         Adaptation Studies

·         Narratology

·         Experimental Literature

·         Comic Books and Other Graphic Narratives

·         Literature and Film

·         Literary Translation Studies

·         Historical Approaches to Literature

Submission Guidelines: Authors submitting manuscripts to Creativitas for the inaugural issue are required to adhere to a comprehensive set of guidelines to facilitate the double-blind peer-review process. The journal follows the MLA Eighth Edition format, and authors are expected to submit an abstract for initial selection before the full manuscript.

Abstracts should be around 300 words long (with a maximum of five keywords), and should be sent to with a copy of it sent to The mail should bear the subject “Abstract Submission for Creativitas Inaugural Issue”.

Upon approval, authors can proceed with the full manuscript submission. Manuscripts must strictly adhere to the MLA Eighth Edition format guidelines. This includes proper citation style, page formatting, and referencing conventions.

Note: Authors submitting manuscripts to Creativitas for the inaugural issue are instructed to carefully anonymize their articles. To ensure a double-blind peer-review process, authors should remove any personal information, including names, affiliations, and acknowledgments, from the manuscript. Additionally, the document should not contain any metadata that may reveal the author's identity. Authors are encouraged to replace self-references in the text with generic terms (e.g., "the author") and ensure that any potentially identifying information is temporarily omitted.

Manuscripts, once prepared (according to the MLA Eighth Edition format) and anonymized, should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document via email to should be sent to with a copy of it sent to, with the subject line: "Manuscript Submission for Creativitas Inaugural Issue".

The editorial team at Creativitas is committed to ensuring a fair and rigorous double-blind peer-review process. Authors are encouraged to reach out to the editorial team at for any clarification or assistance regarding the submission guidelines.

Important dates:

·         Deadline for Submission of Abstract – 01.03.2024

·         Notification of Acceptance of Abstract – 05.03.2024

·         Deadline for Submission of Full-length Manuscript15.04.2024

P.S. In the on-going process of registering Creativitas for an ISSN, it's important to note that, according to guidelines, an issue must be published prior to obtaining the ISSN. Consequently, the inaugural issue of Creativitas will be released without an ISSN. While this initial publication won't have the ISSN, it represents a crucial step in establishing the journal and facilitating academic discourse.

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