
Showing posts with label English Studies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English Studies. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

CFP: Rethinking the Global in #English #Studies-2024

English Language and Literature Association of Korea (ELLAK)

December 12–14, 2024

Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea



Kandice Chuh, CUNY Graduate Center, USA

Ato Quayson, Stanford University, USA

Hye-Joon Yoon, Yonsei University, Korea


The recent scholarly attention to the global turn in English studies calls forth new interpretive frameworks to decentralize, decolonize, and pluralize the interconnectivity among language, culture, and texts. Yet the administration of transnational reading often operates under the binaries of the center and the periphery, metropole and colony, global and local when in fact those connections may be understood as asymmetrical and coterminous. The recent spread of the pandemic, the geo-ecological crisis of the Anthropocene, and the surge of generative AI further challenge the ways in which literary studies can be (re)mapped in dialectical and multidirectional modalities. 

What does it mean to study English literature from a “global” perspective when, to quote Dipesh Chakrabarty, we live in a “new geological era, one in which humans act as a main determinant of the environment of the planet”? Does planetary consciousness overwrite our attempts to understand the networks of ideas, things, and human agencies, or rather, mark those transcultural conjunctions as legible? How might we circumnavigate the ways in which the local, regional, national, transnational, global, and planetary converge and rupture? For the ELLAK 70th anniversary international conference, we invite scholars and graduate students to participate in a discursive dialogue about what it means to engage in literary, cultural, translation, and film studies in the age of globalism and globalization. We especially welcome papers that discuss the “plasticity” of literary studies, or namely, the capacity to generate new forms and ideas on a global scale.

Topics may include but are not limited to:

  • Global turn in literary studies;
  • Transnational, cross-cultural, and translational boundaries in (English) literary studies, both spatial and temporal; 
  • Postcolonial discourse, ethnic studies, critical race theory; 
  • Planetary crisis, climate change, environmental justice, ecological (de)subjects; 
  • Sexuality, queer theory, disability studies; 
  • Plasticity of humans, objects, and planet; 
  • Biopolitics and neoliberalism        
  • Translation studies and the movement of language and texts; 
  • English literature and world literature; 
  • Teaching and reading English literature and language in the non-Anglophone world, especially in Asia;
  • Reading the Korean Wave from global literary/cultural perspectives.

Proposals should be submitted by February 16, 2024, to

An individual paper proposal should include:

  • Title of the paper;
  • An abstract of the paper (150–200 words);
  • Following information on the speaker: full name, title, affiliation, email address, and brief bio (up to 150 words).

 A session proposal should include: 

  • Title of the session; 
  • A brief description of the session (up to 150 words); 
  • Titles of the papers (3–4 papers per session);
  • Abstracts of the papers (150–200 words each);
  • Following information on each participant (the organizer/moderator and the speakers): full name, title, affiliation, email address, and brief bio (up to 150 words).

(Before you submit a session proposal, please ensure that all participants have agreed to attend the conference in person.)

Wednesday, April 5, 2023



The Department of English Literature
through the Hybrid Mode
Conference Dates: 26- 28 April, 2023
Eminent Speakers:
Prof. Bill Ashcroft, Emeritus Professor in the School of English, Media and Performing Arts, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia.
Prof. K. Narayana Chandran, Department of English, University of Hyderabad
Prof. Kathryn HummelMIT World Peace University, Pune.
Prof. Luise Von Flotow, School of Translation and Interpretation, University of Ottawa,Canada.
Prof. Ajanta Sircar, Department of English, School of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT University, Vellore.
Prof. Swarnavel EswaranDepartment of English and the Department of Media and Information, Michigan State University, USA.
Dr. Shilpaa AnandAssociate Professor and Head of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad.

Concept Note
The three-day international young researchers’ conference on New Research in English Studies from 26 to 28 April, 2023 (Hybrid Mode) intends to stimulate the cross-pollination of ideas in the spirit of NEP, 2020. 
This Conference will 
a) provide research scholars a forum to present their research ideas b)help them receive feedback on the choice of research paradigm, hypothesis, andmethodology, from experts 
c) facilitate discussion on recent trends in English Studies and 
d)help create peer-group network on new directions in English Studies. Selected papers will becompiled and published as conference proceedings.

We invite abstracts related to English Studies from research scholars enrolled in PhD programmes in universities across the world. The emphasis of the conference is on emerging paradigms and new explorations, so preference will be given to research papers on
new themes, orientations, and methods of inquiry. The broad themes and sub-themes are listed below:

1. New Humanities
a) Digital Humanities
b) Spatial Humanities
c) Medical Humanities
d) Critical Post-Humanities

2. Vulnerability Studies
a) Vulnerability as a Research Method
b) Assessing and Measuring Vulnerability
c) Vulnerability and Resistance

3. Identity: Representation, Culture and Politics
a) Theories of Representation: Intersectionality and Beyond
b) Media and Representation
c) Representation in Post-Truth Society

4. Visuality and Image Studies
a) Images, Circulation and Practices
b) Visuality and the New Media
c) Everyday Imaging, and Critical Thinking
d) The Flaneur and the City

5. Minority Discourses: New Approaches
a) New Frontiers in Dalit Literary Studies
b) Globalization and Diaspora Literary Studies
c) Alternative Literature Studies

6. Narrating and Theorising Nature-Human Connections
a) Ecocriticism and Geo-Criticism in Perspective
b) Literatures of the Anthropocene
c) Ecofeminism
d) Animal Studies
e) Blue Humanities

7. Oral and Performance Cultures
a) Theorising Orality
b) The Ritual Revisited
c) Issues in Performance Ethnography
d) Performance and Public Spaces

8. Graphic Narratives
a) Interpreting/Understanding Sequential Arts
b) Graphic Narratives: The Politics of Reception
c) Interart Poetics: Extant and Emerging Trends

9. Gender Studies
a) Disciplinarity and Gender Studies
b) Feminist Praxis
c) Gender Responsive Pedagogy:Issues in Ideology and Methodology

10. Fantasy, Myth and Folklore
a) Theorizing Fantasy and Science Fiction
b) Folkloristics and Modern Narratives
c) Retelling Myths: Critique, Ideology, Aesthetics

11. Translation/Transcreation
a) Literature as Translation /Translation as Literature
b) Translation and Gender
c) The Politics of Translation

12. Literatures of the Global South
a) South Asian Literature
b) Indian Art and Aesthetics
c) Postcolonial Diaspora Art
d) Refugee Literature

13. Narrative and the Self
a) Memory, Trauma and Literature
b) Life Writing
c) Auto/biography Studies
d) Food and Culinary Memoirs

14. Children’s and Young Adult Literature
a) Childhood and its Representations
b) The Body in YAL
c) Comparative Children’s Literature Studies

Abstract details: Email your abstract, of about 250 words, with a title, your name, institutional affiliation, email Id and mobile number. 
Please Follow the Format below:
Institutional Affiliation:
Details of Research Programme:
Email address:
Phone number:
Title of the paper:
Abstract with five keywords:

Paper presenters: Each presenter shall get 15 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
Participation details: Accommodation will be provided to out-station participants in the EFL University Hostel /Guest House (for paper presenters only). Travel expenses will be reimbursed to the extent of return sleeper-class railway fare for out-station participants. Food
will be arranged for all the presenters on Conference days. A paper presentation certificate will be issued to all the presenters.

Important Dates:
Submission of Abstract: April 6, 2023
Acceptance of Abstract: April 10, 2023
Registration: April 13, 2023
Registration Fee (MA students and PhD scholars): Rs 200/
For Faculty Members from other Universities and Institutions: Rs 500/
Submission of Full Paper: April 15, 2023
Email your abstract to:

We look forward to your participation. For further details, contact:
Dr. Eligedi Rajkumar, Conference Coordinator, Department of English Literature, School of Literary Studies, EFL-University, Hyderabad. 
Email id: