
Showing posts with label English and Translation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English and Translation. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

CFP: A Two-Day National Seminar on History of #Translation of #Tribal #Literature in India March 21-22, 2024-Department of #Comparative #Indian #Language and Literature, #University of Calcutta

Concept Note

Indian literature as a site is multi-ethnic and therefore a curious space for comparison. The literary studies in India is mostly dominated with a limited number of selected texts repeated from similar sets of languages and cultures. The understanding of margin in literary practices inside the discipline is also repetitive. Therefore, Indian academia needs continuous expansion of literary horizons by reading, translating and discussing new literary texts from various languages. Universities and literary disciplines need to talk about literature beyond their narrow linguistic responsibility towards a single language and imposed borders among literary areas. More and more collective initiatives of public funded translation workshops, writing workshops and seminars are needed to create interactive spaces among various literatures produced in different languages.

Literature represents the very pulse of a nation by resonating its social, political and economic history, its ethnographic identity as well as its ecological realities and therefore presenting a wholesome view of life and beyond. In the context of India, the representation of Indian life/literature would be incomplete if we do not include Tribal literature along with ‘mainstream’ literature because Tribal life/literature constitutes the soul of India’s plurilingual-pluricultural existence. A large corpus of Tribal literature (mostly existing in oral forms) remain unrecorded and those recorded/documented/written mostly remain unexplored and inaccessible due to lack of propagation. In such a circumstance, translation of this body of Tribal literature becomes not only the most inevitable way of dissemination but also an effective means of proclamation of tribal life, assertion of self-identity and testimony of resistance because translation, besides being a mode of lingual proliferation, has always emerged as an instrument of claiming rights and questioning discriminations.

This seminar, therefore, primarily focuses on the history of translation of Tribal literatures in India (into English or other Bhashas or vice-versa), enquiring into the politics/nature of translation, the necessities, quantitative and qualitative analysis of such translations and instigating further discussions on other relevant aspects. We invite papers on translation of any Tribal/Adivasi literature from any part of India and the languages are not limited only to the scheduled languages but we encourage papers on the literature of non-scheduled Tribal languages as well.

Call for Papers:

Abstracts within 300 words along with a title, 3/4 keywords, contact details and affiliation are invited from interested faculty members/scholars/students latest by 18th February 2024. Abstracts (in Bengali/ English) are to be submitted to this following Google Form link.

The papers may address, but are not limited to, the following themes:

Themes/ Sub-themes:
History of Translation between Tribal languages
History of translation between Tribal and Non-Tribal languages
Politics of translation of marginal literatures
English and Translation of Tribal literature
Publishing houses and Tribal literature
Little magazine and Tribal literature
Tribal literature as Comparative Literature
Cultural Activism and Tribal Literature and Translation
Multilingualism, Education and Tribal literature
Process, Problem and Possibilities of Translation of Tribal literature
Oral/ Performative text to written text and translation

Intimation of Acceptance of paper by 20th February 2024
Registration fees: Faculty Members-1000/-; Research Scholars-500/-; Students-300/-
No provision of TA/DA/Accommodation for paper presenters/participants.
A post seminar volume may be published either in a book form or as a journal special issue (UGC-CARE/SCOPUS Indexed Journal).

Convenors: Dr. Mrinmoy Pramanick, Head & Assistant Professor, Dept. of CILL, C.U.

Dr. Dipanwita Mondal, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CILL, C.U.

For queries related to seminar:

Shreya Datta (PhD Scholar,CILL)--+919836984536

Avijit Halder (PhD Scholar,CILL)--+919875368108

Nilanjan Mishra (PhD Scholar,CILL)--+917003804524

Contact Information

Dr. Mrinmoy Pramanick, Head & Assistant Professor, Dept. of CILL, C.U.

Dr. Dipanwita Mondal, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CILL, C.U.

Contact Email