
Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Call For Videos: 4th Annual Smartphone Short Film Competition-Talking Films Online (TFO)

**๐–๐ก๐จ ๐ฐ๐ž ๐š๐ซ๐ž**:
Talking Films Online (TFO), a forum for discussing cinema since 2020.
**๐–๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ฐ๐ž ๐๐จ**:
Attempt to bridge the gap between those who make films and those who study them
Bring on the same platform teachers, students, researchers, reviewers, critics, cinephiles, etc. on the one hand and producers, directors, actors, cinematographers, screenplay writers, subtitlers, etc. on the other.
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Their films will be viewed and feedback offered by experts on cinema from all over the world, as well as by those currently in the business of cinema.
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By an independent Jury consisting of top filmmakers and film critics
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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Call for Chapters – Cultural Depictions of the Stepmother: Literature, Stage, and Screen

This call is for abstracts for a scholarly, international edited collection entitled, Cultural Depictions of the Stepmother: Literature, Stage, and Screen. Currently I am seeking a number of academics and professionals in the field who might like to send me an abstract for consideration for inclusion in the book.

The aim of this scholarly edited collection is to reveal how, in any society, the personal expectations and actual experiences of the stepmother may differ from the societal and cultural expectations and realities of the role. The further aim is to show how the stepmother is perceived in the popular views of a particular society, as demonstrated in the literature, stage, screen, and pop culture narratives, of that society.

To whatever degree, every culture in the world is different to all others. Yet, in any culture, religious and cultural beliefs are inseparable, intrinsic one to the other, and are important to the traditions, customs, practices and laws of any particular culture or society. One figure that remains consistent in almost every culture, and that attracts the attention, is the stepmother. Regardless of whether a culture is mainly monogamous or polygamous, the stepmother is one of the female figures that are central to the family, the community and hence the society and the culture. Various sources define the stepmother as: a woman who is married to one’s father after the divorce or separation of one’s parents or the death of one’s natural mother; a non-biological female parent who is married to a child’s biological male parent. An added complexity exists: statistics indicate that globally, there has been an increase of children born outside of marriage and who are raised by their cohabiting or non-cohabiting parents. Thus, a stepmother can be a woman who either marries or is the female partner of a man who has biological children resulting from a former marriage, or a previous union with some other woman. A woman may also become a stepmother by default as in the case of, say, raising the children of a deceased (or otherwise absent) relative, or an orphan or an abandoned child as if her own offspring. Thus, given that cultural and religious, and social traditions, and laws vary widely across the globe, a woman may become the stepmother either by fact or by custom, or by religious or civil law, or by de facto relationship, or by guardianship. In most though not necessarily all cultures, and according to the religious and cultural beliefs and laws of a culture, as well as the civil laws of that country, a man who has been but is no longer married may remarry; and in some other cultures also, a man who is currently married may marry or take a second wife who may be expected to act as stepmother to his biological children by another previous marriage or union that has ended, or by agreement between the child’s/children’s biological parents.

It is generally understood that whether she is welcomed by her new family or not, a man’s first wife or female partner brings with her some baggage into the life of the man she either weds or cohabits or has a relationship with, and hence into the family into which she marries or enters in some way. Perhaps this may be more so in the case of the stepmother—a second (or further) wife or female partner of a man who already has a biological child/or children from a former relationship. Sometimes, too, a woman who becomes a stepmother will bring her own biological offspring into the union. It is well documented that parenting can be a difficult task at times. For a stepmother, the challenges, problems, and the difficulties in raising some other woman’s biological children may differ to those experienced by the biological mother. Questions arise: within any culture, what are the implications for a woman who weds or become the female partner of a widower or a divorced or separated man who is actively involved with, or is responsible for, his biological child/children from a previous union? Likewise, what are the implications for a stepmother in a) a polygamous arrangement, and b) for a stepmother in a monogamous relationship?

Some suggestions for potential contributors to consider, and that could be addressed, may include but not limited to, are:
What are the cultural and social duties and expectations of the stepmother; and what are her personal realities and expectations, as depicted in the popular culture of a particular culture/society? Is it possible to detect differences or sameness between the fictionalized portrayals and the realities and social dictates of that culture?
How do class, ethnicity, culture, race, gender, and possibly history, shape depictions of the stepmother, as indicated in the popular screen, stage, and literary productions of any one particular culture?
What is the range of ways in which the stepmother is represented in the popular/social culture of the various societies?
Are there any powerful cultural or socially historical antecedents for the representations of the stepmother in popular/social culture, as screen, stage, and literary productions?
What are the creators’ and/or the producers’ intentions behind their portrayals of the stepmother; what are their messages for their audiences?
How would we establish the underlying cultural, historical, or production motivations for particular depictions of the stepmother? How often, if at all, are these representations told from the point-of-view of the stepmother herself? Alternatively, how often, if at all, are these representations told from the point-of-view of the stepchild/stepchildren, or the husband or partner of that woman herself?
Is there a difference between the ways in which the stepmother is depicted in film for small and large screen, and between those mediums to the depictions in drama, and to literature? Or in these depictions, is there a reasonably broad consensus between these genres?

This collection of scholarly essays will make an intervention in the field: it will be the first of its kind to make a comprehensive study of what being a stepmother means to and for the woman, to the family, the community, the culture, and the society to which she belongs. This to investigate whether or not there are characteristic features of the stepmother between cultures that may have either some similarity, or that are totally dissimilar; explore the popular beliefs and popular culture in relation to stepmother-hood in any one or more society/ies; document and record how various eastern and western societies perceive and represent the socially and culturally important figure of the stepmother in screen, stage, and literary works, including folk tales and pop culture narratives; indicate if there is agreement or difference between the various cultures on how the figure of the stepmother is depicted in popular culture to the viewing/reading audiences; establish a new and dynamic area of theoretical research crossing family studies, women’s studies, cultural studies, social history, gender studies, social studies, and the humanities in general; point the way to possible future cross-disciplinary work through examining various peoples and societies by way of cultural depictions of the stepmother; and permit scholarly consideration of the extent to which the creators and producers of narratives about the stepmother place this figure on the perimeter of society or at its center.

Submission instructions:

At this initial stage, in lieu of “chapters,” this proposed work, Cultural Depictions of the Stepmother, calls for extended abstracts for consideration for inclusion in the book.
The extended abstracts must be more than 1,500 words and less than 2,000 words. Full-length chapters of not less than, say, 7,000 words, and no more than 8,500 words each (including notes but excluding references lists, title of work, and key words), will be solicited from these abstracts.
Please keep in mind that your essay-chapter will be written from your extended abstract. Your abstract will carry the same title as your essay-chapter
To be considered, an abstract must be written in English, and submitted as a Word document.
When writing your abstract use Times New Roman point 12, and 1.15 spacing.
At the beginning of your extended abstract, immediately after the title of your work and your name, add 5 to 8 keywords that best relate to your work.
Use the Chicago Manual of Style 16th Edition.
Since this work is intended for Lexington Books, USA, please use American (US) spelling not English (UK) spelling, and not Australian English spelling.
Use the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.
For this project it is most important to use an impersonal academic voice when writing your abstract, and possibly your chapter later. That is, do not use the teacherly voice (“as we will see…”; “here we see…”; “as it will become clear”; …); and do not use 1st person or the personal voice (I; We will find; We find; You; Us; …).
Use endnotes not footnotes, use counting numbers not Roman numerals, and keep the endnotes to a bare minimum, working the information into the text where possible.
Do cite all your work in your extended abstract as you would in a full chapter: a) In the body of the abstract, add parenthetical in-text citations (family name of author and year, and page number/s) (e.g. Smith 2019, 230); b) And fully reference all in-text citations in detail and in alphabetical order, in the References list at the end of your abstract.
Please send your completed abstract as a Word document attached to an email, by the date given in this call for papers.
To this same email please also attach, as separate Word documents, the following:
Your covering letter, giving your academic title/s, affiliation, your position, and your home and telephone numbers, your home address, and your email contact details.
A short bio of no more than 250 words.
Your C.V., including a full list of your publications and giving the publishing details and dates, and including those in press.

Deadline for abstract submissions: April 30, 2024

Editor: Dr Jo Parnell, PhD| Researcher, and Honorary Lecturer, School of Humanities and Social Science, College of Human and Social Futures, University of Newcastle, Australia.

Papers should be forwarded to:

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Seeking Chapter Submissions: Going to the Movies with CS Lewis-#Cambridge Scholars Publishing

 Going to the Movies with C.S. Lewis, Call for Chapters

An edited collection tentatively titled “Going to the Movies with C.S. Lewis” is seeking chapter submissions. The book is expected to be published through Cambridge Scholars Publishing.  

Having been born many years after C.S. Lewis died I of course never had the opportunity to watch a movie with the man. However, over the years I feel, as many others probably feel as well, like Lewis accompanies me as I watch movies, read books, attend church services, and make other daily pursuits. Lewis’ works shape my thinking on many theological, educational, and cultural matters like few other authors’ works do.

This book is an attempt to take some of those insights from C.S. Lewis and apply them to film studies. It will explore the thought and theology of C.S. Lewis by connecting his work with film theory, specific films, and adaptations of his work. In many ways it is a book meant to explore how Lewis’ thought can help us view films.

The following categories are meant to act as general guidance for sections of the book:

  1. Exploring Film Theory with C.S. Lewis
  2. Exploring Individual Films with C.S. Lewis
  3. Analyzing Lewis’ Life through Films of About Lewis
  4. Analyzing Lewis’ Fiction through Adaptations of his works

Some chapter ideas that would fit into the above categories include, but are not limited to:

  1. The Four Loves on film
  2. Lewis’ approach to literature as a guide to approaching film
  3. “On the Reading of Old Books” and On the Watching of Old Movies
  4. Lewis’ idea of fantasy in relation to particular films
  5. Ideas in his essays or books that relate to film studies, film theory, or individual films
  6. The many different Narnia adaptations (comparisons between the versions or examinations of particular films as adaptations of the original stories)
  7. Lewis’ thoughts on Christmas and Christmas movies (what would Lewis think of Hallmark Christmas movies?)
  8. Lewis portrayed on film – how does this change the way he is viewed?

Again, these are only suggestions. Anything connecting Lewis’ thought with the cinema will be considered.  

Submission Procedure

Please submit a chapter proposal by March 31, 2024 which includes the following: title, abstract, and a short biography of the author(s). Proposals should be a maximum of 500 words written in English, using Microsoft Word format, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font. Please send the Word document as an attachment to the book editor (Bryan Mead, Authors of accepted proposals will be notified and sent specific submission guidelines. Chapter contributions should be at least 4,000 words and will follow Chicago style (footnotes and bibliography). Submissions are welcome from early career researchers and established scholars.

If your proposal is accepted, chapter submissions will be due by September 15, 2024. Proposal acceptance does not guarantee chapter’s inclusion in the book.

Editor Information: Bryan Mead, Ph.D, is Assistant Professor of English at East Texas Baptist University where he teaches film studies, literature, and composition. He is the author of Writing in Film Studies, From Professional Practice to Practical Pedagogy (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2024). Bryan has also published many essays in journals such as Journal of Religion & Film, Journal of European Popular Culture, Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture, Intรฉgritรฉ: A Faith and Learning Journal, and Film & History. His essays have also appeared in edited volumes such as J.R.R. Tolkien and the Arts: A Theology of Subcreation (Square Halo Press, 2021), Representations of Sports Coaches in Film: Looking to Win (Routledge, 2017), and The Arts of Memory and the Poetics of Remembering (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016).

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Call for Papers Adaptation: Literature, Film, and Culture (Deadline Extended) -February 21-24, 2024

 Proposal submission deadline: Extended to November 14, 2023

Proposals for papers and panels are now being accepted for the 45th annual SWPACA conference. One of the nation’s largest interdisciplinary academic conferences, SWPACA offers nearly 70 subject areas, each typically featuring multiple panels. 

The Adaptation: Literature, Film, and Culture area invites you to submit proposals for presentations that critically engage with the subject of adaptation. While the term “adaptation” most commonly refers to a film based upon or inspired by a novel (or the process of developing such a film), proposals for adaptations involving other media as source texts or final products are also welcome (for example, adaptations that involve art, theater, music, dance, television shows, video games, photographs, or comic books). Topics for paper proposals include, but are not limited to:

· adaptations of classic works.                                
· the process of adaptation.
· contemporary adaptations.                                 
· ethics of adaptation.
· theories of adaptation.                                            
· adaptation and audience engagement.
· source texts with multiple adaptations.               
· adaptation and aesthetics
· adaptations and the film industry.                       
· cross-cultural adaptations. 
· representations of culture in adaptations.          
· adaptations across generations.

All proposals must be submitted through the conference’s database at

For details on using the submission database and on the application process in general, please see the Proposal Submission FAQs and Tips page at

Individual proposals for 15-minute papers must include an abstract of approximately 200-500 words. Including a brief bio in the body of the proposal form is encouraged, but not required.  

For information on how to submit a proposal for a roundtable or a multi-paper panel, please view the above FAQs and Tips page.

Contact Information

Amy S. Fatzinger, Ph.D.

Contact Email

Friday, October 27, 2023

Special Issue Call for Papers: Studies in South Asian Film & Media

 Marathi Cinema and Media’


It is now a critical common sense that the Marathi film industry’s geographical and cultural co-location with the ‘national’ Hindi film industry located in Mumbai, the capital city of Maharashtra, has meant it has had to face spatial, infrastructural and spectatorial challenges from the mid-1940s onwards. The industry’s struggles regarding the availability of finance and resources and the subsequent dip in the popularity of its products led to a steady decline in the number of releases; at times, only four or five films saw yearly theatrical releases during the last decades of the twentieth century. This seems to have changed in 2004, which not only saw the release of Shwaas, which became India’s official entry to the Oscars that year but several other films as well. Shwaas (2004) was seen as marking a new phase in the production and reception of Marathi cinema. In the wake of the country’s adoption of neo-liberal policies in the 1990s that opened the doors to global capital and a free-market economy, enormous changes have been visible across regions in film and media cultures in terms of industry practices, media forms, audiences, spaces of production and reception, publicity patterns, celebrity formations, proliferation and integration of digital technology, expansion of entertainment and news content on OTT platforms such as YouTube, etc. The power of capital and corporations, often circumventing the national structures of power and governance, have allowed them to directly intervene in and shape the cultural and affective landscape of specific regions.


Despite Marathi cinema’s rich and varied history, scholarship has been sparse and only in recent years do we notice a growing academic interest in the field. If this is likely a response to Marathi cinema’s newfound prominence generally and the popular and critical success of films like Sairat (2016) particularly, a growing scholarly interest in the histories and archives of the region’s cinematic forms, genres, production spaces and practices and viewing cultures is also noticeable. With the view to expand and build upon this critical interest and emerging scholarship, SAFM proposes a special issue on Marathi film and media to be published towards the end of 2024. This call invites engagement and enquiry into the specificity of the film and media culture in Marathi, including its differences and themes, as well as in terms of the national/global reach and popularity of other regional media formations. It is hoped that the essays featured in the volume will reflect and comment on Marathi cinema and media in Maharashtra through the lens of film and culture studies, media studies, screen histories, archival studies, feminist and gender studies, etc. We invite contributions from scholars, researchers and practitioners of Marathi film and media.


Topics for papers may include but are not limited to the following:


  • Marathi film and media as social history

  • Labour practices in the Marathi film industry

  • Marathi advertising culture;

  • Song and dance in Marathi cinema

  • The rap song; Politics and Circulation

  • Folk song/dance and video cultures

  • Feminist analysis of Marathi films, music, television series, YouTube content, etc.

  • Class, caste and gender: The politics of subalternity and marginalization in Marathi film, music and media

  • Archives of Marathi cinema

  • Contemporary news media/documentary and the Marathi public sphere

  • Marathi cinema/media and consumer culture

  • Nationalism and Marathi cinema/media in the context of neoliberalism

  • Identity and representation in cinema, television and documentary

  • Histories and ideologies of Marathi film forms and genres

  • Marathi films in film festivals

  • Stardom and celebrity culture in Marathi film and media

  • Independent or parallel cinema cultures in Maharashtra


Dates and Deadlines


Abstracts of 400–500 words, along with author bio should be emailed to by 30 October 2023. In addition to critical essays of 6000–8000 words, shorter creative pieces of 2000–4000 words, such as interviews and photo essays, are also welcome. Write to to discuss ideas.


The deadline for the first draft is 15 April 2024. All contributions will be peer-reviewed, and the final submission will be due by 31 July 2024.

All copyrights are to be cleared by the authors. Guidelines for the Intellect house style are available at

Contact Information

Lead Editor: Aarti Wani

Contact Email