
Friday, December 15, 2023

Call For Articles: Urdu Studies-(ISSN: 2583-8784)


Call for Papers

(Vol. 4 Issue 1, 2024)

Urdu Studies (ISSN: 2583-8784) is an online open-access bilingual (Urdu and English) journal bringing together academics, scholars, and researchers engaged in areas of theoretical, comparative, and cultural research and criticism in Urdu language, literature, film, and theatre studies. We focus on original and innovative research and exploration and encourage interdisciplinary studies. We accept translations and book reviews.

We are now accepting submissions for the 2024 issue.

Our Thrust Areas include:

  • Postcolonial debates on Urdu language, literature, and culture
  • Contemporary Eastern and Western critical theories, and their reception in Urdu
  • South Asian cultural and historical studies
  • Urdu and contemporary Western scholarship
  • Intercultural & Comparative Studies
  • Urdu theatre & cinema
  • Translation Studies

Note: Urdu Research papers; book reviews; and translations from any language into Urdu; may be emailed to the Chief Editor ( Research papers in English; book reviews; and Urdu-English translations; may be emailed to the Guest Editor ( Authors are requested to submit research papers/ translations/ book reviews in Urdu or English by 30th May 2024. They will be notified about acceptance/ revision/ rejection by 30th June 2024. Revised papers should be emailed by 30th July 2024. The journal, included in the UGC-CARE List, will be published online in August 2024.

Please visit the following link for the submission guidelines.

Contact Information

Arshad Masood Hashmi, Professor, Department of Urdu, jai Prakash University, Chapra 841302 (India)

Fatima Rizvi, Professor, Department of English and Modern European Languages, University of Lucknow 226007 (India)

Contact Email