
Thursday, January 4, 2024

CFP: International Conference on #Postcolonial Studies: "#Trajectories and #Transitions of (Post)#colonialism" London CIR-Aug 2024

The conference will explore the historical and theoretical dimensions of colonial and postcolonial studies and it will focus on the impact colonialism had on political, social, economic and cultural domains. It will examine various forms of colonial domination and control as well as theories and practices of resistance.

Recognising the important role of postcolonial thought and scholarship, the conference will consider colonial discourses prevalent in different parts of the world. It will look at the complexities of colonial and postcolonial subjects and identities and analyse ideologies of racial, cultural, class and gender difference. Colonial trauma and psychosocial effects of colonial domination will be discussed, as well as the concepts of authenticity, ambivalence and hybridity.

The conference sessions will also address the questions of human rights, environment, neocolonialism and techno-capitalism, to name just a few.

Potential topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

History and ideologies of colonialism
Capitalism and imperialism
Colonial and anticolonial discourses
Anti-colonial movements and theories of resistance
Nation and nationalism
(Post)colonialism and race
(Post)colonialism and language
(Post)colonialism and gender
(Post)colonialism and education
(Post)colonialism and religion
Globalisation and postcolonialism
Postcolonial subjects and identities
Colonial trauma
Postmodernism and postcolonialism
Diaspora, multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism
Postcolonialism and culinary studies
Postcolonialism and human rights
Indigenous studies
Postcolonial spatialities, memory and remembrance
(Post)colonialism and the environment
(Neo)colonialism and techno-capitalism
Decolonisation of knowledge
Pandemic and Postcolonialism
Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, we invite speakers who work in literary studies, history, philosophy, anthropology, cultural studies, linguistics, psychology, political sciences, sociology, law, economics, IT and other disciplines.

Submissions may propose various formats, including:

Individually submitted papers (organised into panels by the committee)
Panels (3-4 individual papers)
Roundtable discussions (led by one of the presenters)
Proposals (up to 250 words) accompanied by a brief bio note should be sent to:

Dr. Anna Hamling