
Showing posts with label race. Show all posts
Showing posts with label race. Show all posts

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Call For Applications: Funded Ambedkar Summer School 2024-Indian Institute of Dalit Studies- May 19-24, 2024

Ambedkar Summer School, a week-long residential programme, organised by IIDS and RLS, aims to develop the capacity of youths from marginalised social groups by strengthening the knowledge discourse and critical understanding of issues related to public policy in practice through reading/writing, dialogue, debates, discussions and critical questioning using lived experiences.
Young research scholars and activists who are working on inter-group inequality, marginalization and social exclusion in public policy in India can apply.

The applicants need to send extended abstract (around 1000 words) along with annotated bibliography on the Public Policy and Marginalized Social Groups. 
The applicants also need to send their detailed CV along with the application.

The organisers will bear the cost of travel (train AC three tier), boarding and lodging during the course of the programme.

Applications should be sent by email to the programme convener  at 

Last date of application: March 25, 2024
Notification to the selected participants: April 5, 2024
Ambedkar Summer School 2024: May 19-24, 2024

For  more details:


Monday, February 26, 2024

Call For Research Articles on Film Studies in Southeast Asia, China, East Asia, and India's Northeast-Rising Asia Journal

 Rising Asia Journal invites Research Articles on Film Studies in the geographical areas of Southeast Asia, East Asia (Japan, China, the Koreas, and Taiwan), and India's North-East Region, on all aspects of these Asian societies. Authors may use any thematic or theoretical discourse such as gender, race, colonialism and post-colonialism, and others.

Articles should be between 5,000 to 10,000 words in length, with footnotes, and Works Cited.

Authors are urged to visit the journal's website at to read the submission guidelines. 

Articles should be original, and should offer a new and innovative perspective.

Please send your articles to our Editorial Board Member Professor Tuan Hoang at as well as to our Editor-in-Chief Dr. Harish C. Mehta at hmehta76@yahoo.caRising Asia Journal invites Research Articles on Film Studies in the geographical areas of Southeast Asia, East Asia (Japan, China, the Koreas, and Taiwan), and India's North-East Region, on all aspects of these Asian societies. Authors may use any thematic or theoretical discourse such as gender, race, colonialism and post-colonialism, and others.

Articles should be between 5,000 to 10,000 words in length, with footnotes, and Works Cited.

Authors are urged to visit the journal's website at to read the submission guidelines. 

Articles should be original, and should offer a new and innovative perspective.

Deadline for submissions:  June 1, 2024
full name / name of organization:  Rising Asia Journal

contact email:

Please send your articles to our Editorial Board Member Professor Tuan Hoang at as well as to our Editor-in-Chief Dr. Harish C. Mehta at

Wednesday, January 17, 2024


 About JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) About Center for Distance & Online Education (CDOE) About the Conference Established in 1990, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University), Bengaluru, was declared Deemed-to-be University u/s of the UGC Act 1956 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Union Government in July 2009. The University has reached unprecedented heights in the field of education. 

Ranked among the top universities in India and considered a cerebral destination for students across the world, the University offers a conducive environment for learning, be it academics or extra-curricular activities. Known for its emphasis on education, entrepreneurship, research and sports, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) has some of the best minds in the educational and research fields, and canters that inspire entrepreneurship and ground-breaking ‘work to simplify and manage life better. What makes JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) different is its outlook towards life, its values and beliefs. It's ever-evolving open-minded system, quest for continued success and resilience have made it one of the top universities in India. The University has been accredited with A++ with a cumulative grade point of 3.71 in the year 2021 by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) and is ranked 68th nationally in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), Government of India in 2023 and 5th among the top private universities in India by the India ‘Today Magazine. The University is also an ISO: 8001: 2015 Certified for Quality Management by TUV Nord. With an unwavering commitment to academic excellence, the University fosters an environment that encourages innovation, creativity and critical thinking. It plays a vital role in shaping a brighter future for both individuals and the society as a whole. Recently, the University has been conferred with ‘Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar’ under the category of ‘Identification and Nurturing of Budding/Young Talent’ by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, GoI for the year 2023. 

The Center for Distance and Online Education helps an individual achieve higher levels of efficiency and stimulates innovative skills allowing for a fulfilling work-life and study balance. It aims to foster remote learning for meaningful progress on the professional front and drives career opportunities massively through flexible and practice-oriented study. The 'Gender and Displacement' conference is a crucial interdisciplinary forum addressing the complex relationship between gender dynamics and the impact of displacement. It explores economic repercussions, scientific insights into environmental and health factors, and the commercial aspects of displacement. 

The conference also examines literary works to interpret human experiences. By fostering dialogue across disciplines, it aims to contribute to a holistic understanding of gender-specific impacts, informing policies and interventions for individuals forging new identities due to calamities or life choices. Participants are encouraged to explore sub-themes beyond the ones listed here. Papers can be presented in English/ Kannada/ Hindi, but full length papers for publication have to be submitted only in English. Gender sensitization, at the core, involves fostering awareness for understanding gender justice and equality, promoting acceptance and behavioral change, and instilling empathy towards all genders. 

The Gender Sensitization Cell (Genesis) at CDOE, Jain University, strives to advance a world free of discrimination. Its objectives are to be a part of a movement where we are responsible for our own thoughts and actions-each time, every time. Its agenda is to cultivate a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and humanitarian society. The initiative focuses on personal responsibility, aiming to raise awareness about prejudices and dismantle them in various spheres. The ultimate goal is to contribute to a stronger community where all genders are treated equally, driven by the collective effort to break biases and foster inclusivity. We hope to actively work for a stronger community where all genders are treated equally. We are sure that- Together, we all can break the bias.

 About Genesis 

The Center for Distance and Online Education, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) provides academic prospects to all eligible and willing individuals who face obstacles of time and place. With access to quality education and the flexibility of online learning, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) gives students an extra boost through its undergraduate and postgraduate programs which are designed to meet the industry's needs. Sub-themes:

 Conference Objectives Challenge and break down gender barriers and stereotypes in both everyday and crisis situations. Examine the multifaceted gender roles during displacement, acknowledging individuals as fighters, workers, volunteers, and survivors. Recognize all genders as agents for positive change and stability in conflict-affected areas, contributing to the cohesion of families, communities, and countries. Create awareness regarding the imperative inclusion of all genders in displacement and policy implementation. Advocate for the incorporation of a gender perspective in the resolution of both natural and man-made conflicts. Strive for the integration of all genders as a driving force for progress, harmony, and resilience in societies grappling with displacement and conflict. Prioritize the speedy and comprehensive addressing of gender-related issues in conflict areas to ensure prompt and effective solutions. 

Gender Dynamics in Displacement:

 Understanding the Specific Challenges and Coping Strategies Narratives of Exile, Refuge, and Displacement: 

A Gendered Perspective from Classical to Contemporary Times Generational Trauma through a Gender Lens: 

Analyzing the Impact on Subsequent Generations in Displacement Contexts Gendered Experiences in Literary and Audio/Visual Narratives of Displacement Rehabilitating Families, Communities, and Countries:

 A Gender-Responsive Approach to Displacement Recovery 

ಜನಾಂಗಿಕ ನಿರಾಶ್ರಿತರ ಸ್ಥಳಾಂತರಗಳು : 

ಕಾರಣಗಳು , ಪರಿಣಾಮಗಳು ಡಯಾಸ್ಪೋರಾ :

 ಕನ್ನಡ ಸಾಹಿತ್ಯ ಮತ್ತು ಜನಸಮುದಾಯಗಳು ವಲಸೆ ಜಾಗತಿಕ ಸಂದರ್ಭದಲ್ಲಿ ವಲಸೆ, ಗಡಿಪಾರು ಮತ್ತು ಹಿಂಸಾತ್ಮಕ ಸ್ಥಳಾಂತರ 

रो ज़मर्रा और संकसं ट दो नों स्थि ति यों में लैंगिलैंगिक बा धा ओं और रूढ़ि यों की चुनौचुनौती ।

 वि स्था पन और नी ति कार्या न्र्यावयन में सभी लिं गों को अनि वा र्य रूप से शा मि ल करने के बा रे में जा गरूकता ।

 प्राकृतिक और मानव निर्मित दो नों संघसं र्षों के समा धा न में लैंगिलैंगिक परि प्रेक्ष्प्रेय को शा मि ल करने की वका लत । त्वरि त और प्रभा वी समा धा न सुनिसुनिश्चि त करने के लि ए संघसं र्ष क्षेत्रोंक्षे त्रों में लिं ग-संबंसं धीबं धी मुद्दोंमुद्दों की प्रा थमि कता । 

Physiological Abuses and Consequences (rape/molestation/other forms of violence) 

Psycho-social Dynamics of Resilience(Analyzing how interpersonal relationships and community support foster psychological resilience) 

Trauma-Reasons, Repercussion, Awareness & Counselling) 

Exploring sustainable approaches to cope and rehabilitate Gender Pay Parity Disparities in leadership roles Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity (DEI) initiatives Gender-Specific Challenges and Coping Mechanisms in Tourism Financial Inclusion in Displacement Settings Healthcare Disparities and Gender in Displacement:

A Scientific Perspective STEM Training Programs and Gender Inclusivity in Displacement Settings Technological Innovations for Addressing GenderSpecific Challenges in Displacement. 

Data-Driven Approaches to Understanding Gender Dynamics in Displacement. Socio-cultural-economic repercussions of displacement Financial Inclusion and Gender displacement Gender Displacement and economic inequality Ecological Resilience and Gender Displacement Politics of Gender Among Displaced Tribals

Call for Papers Note: 


Original articles, research papers, and case studies that highlight the issues related to the theme, are invited from Policy makers, Academicians, Research scholars, Entrepreneurs, Industry professionals and Students. All the paper presenters and participants will receive a certificate. Please use the following google form link to register and submit the abstract

Registration for the conference ends on 20th March 2024

Full research papers must adhere to these guidelines 

Authors have to submit their papers to after abstract acceptance.

Selected papers will be peer-reviewed and published with ISBN. The paper submitted for the Conference should be unpublished and original work of the contributor(s). 

An author can submit more than one paper, with maximum two co-authors. All papers should be about 2000 - 2500 words. The paper will be immediately rejected if the quality is insufficient and/or plagiarized. 

Research paper will include the title, author(s), designation, email, abstract (250-300 words), 5 Keywords, Introduction, Review of literature, Objectives/Hypothesis, Methodology, Findings, Suggestions, Conclusion and References (in alphabetical order). 

All references must be cited in the text (Follow APA 7th edition/ MLA 9th edition ) Important Dates: The abstract should be written within 250-300 words and 5 keywords. 

Abstract proceedings will be released on conference day (only of those who submit full length papers) 

Abstract Submission 31st January 2024 

Notification for the acceptance of abstract 10th February 2024 

Full paper Submission 15th March 2024.

For more details, please e-mail 

Conference Venue: Center for Distance and Online Learning - JAIN (Deemed to-be University) #319, 17th Cross, 25th Main JP Nagar 6th Phase, Bengaluru Karnataka, India- 560078

Thursday, January 11, 2024

CFP: Virtual International Conference C4P - "Comprehending #Comics: Exploring Methodologies and Approaches to #ComicStudies in History and the Social Sciences": September 8-9, 2024

 Please submit your proposal by May 1, 2024

Interest in comic studies have generated wide and varied interests from an exploration of visual language and narrative in sequential art to the use of technologies in comics, to considerations current questions in both contemporary society and history. These have led to fruitful research which cross disciplines and produced diverse and complex scholarship. Richard Scully have written extensively on political cartoons and their relationship with imperialism and colonialism. Amy Matthewson’s Cartooning China examined the British popular satirical magazine Punch and situated the series of cartoons of China and Chinese people within their geopolitical frameworks. Sheena Howard and Ronald Jackson’s Black Comics: Politics of Race and Representation brought together a range of critical essays exploring contributions of Black graphic artists. Collections such as Drawing the Past Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 (2022), edited by Dorian Alexander, Michael Goodrum, and Philip Smith, brought a range of scholars to unite around the broad theme of the historical imagination in American popular media. 

There is still an evolving consensus on which the methodologies that scholars specialized in fields of history and social sciences could use when engaging with comics. Often, research focused on comics-formatted primary sources is pigeonholed into literary study, or in other cases the linguistic framework of describing and analyzing comics fails to translate to a discussion of material culture. As the range of demonstrated methodologies is vast, and as the advancement of comics-based research offers new potential for the study of history and the social sciences, it is a crucial time to reflect and take stock of current practice and possible future directions. 

We are interested in all aspects of comics-format works, comics and graphic novels, and methodologies and themes that might address (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Representation in comics
  • The challenges of comics-based research studies as applied to the study of history
  • Historical aspects of visualities and comics in particular
  • The future of comics in research
  • Archeology and comics
  • Ancient and medieval history in comics
  • The effects of digital tools in comic studies
  • Comics and the politics of methodology – race, gender, sexuality, class, etc.
  • The transnational, transcultural, and/or interdisciplinary nature of comic studies
  • Teaching history with or through comics
  • Teaching comics-based research methods
  • Comics in memory studies
  • Tensions and concordances between art history and history of comics and graphic novels

We are now accepting proposals for papers (20 minutes) and panels (of 2 or 3 papers). Graduate students are also invited to submit a poster, which will be displayed online for the duration of the conference. The poster section will enable asynchronous comments, and a presentation session where participants give a short 3-5 minute summary of the poster content. Please submit the following to or by May 1st 2024:
  • abstract of 300 words
  • a biography of 50 words including your name, email, affiliation, and gender pronouns

This will be an online conference hosted by the Comics Lab at Palacky University, Czech Republic. Online networking and socializing will be enabled through various platforms. Given the international spread of contributors, participant time zones will be considered when scheduling panels. The conference will take place September 8-9, 2024. 


Contact Information

Please submit the following to or by May 1st 2024:

  • abstract of 300 words
  • a biography of 50 words including your name, email, affiliation, and gender pronouns
Contact Email

Friday, January 5, 2024

CFP: International Conference on #Gender and the #Public #Sphere- Texas Tech Women's & Gender Studies Program-April 11, 2024

 Texas Tech University’s 40th Women’s & Gender Studies annual spring conference, to be held on April 11, 2024, invites submissions on the theme Gender and The Public Sphere. Organizers seek proposals for individual papers or panels on topics related to gendered public discourses, the representations of gender in public life and popular culture, and all the nuanced meanings of Jurgen Habermas’s twentieth-century concept of the “public sphere” as it relates to emerging research on gender and sexuality. The conference seeks to explore questions such as:

  • Feminist critiques of the public sphere: How should we think today about the theoretical construct of the public sphere as Habermas first posed it and as it has been critiqued and extended in the years since? To what extent is the feminist critique of Habermas's initial theorization of the public sphere still (or differently) relevant? Is the notion of the public sphere still useful—and if so, in what ways related specifically to gender?
  • The public-facing nature of gender equality discourses: How do recent popular films such as Barbie, television series such as “Mrs. America,” and advertising campaigns such as #LikeAGirl construct what is “public” versus “private” in the context of gender? What is the role, if any, of such endeavors in effecting long-term change? How do mass-mediated discourses about gender equality mimic or intersect with the strategic communication efforts of other social movements, such as sustainability?
  • The significance of gender to the complex mechanisms that underlie the very existence of the public sphere: How, if at all, are gender issues relevant to the deliberation, creation, and enactment of public policy? How is gender relevant, if at all, to the continued vibrancy of the public sphere, both locally and globally? In what parts of public life, if any, has the gender binary been eroded or become less relevant?
  • The crossroads of gender, class, and race: What negotiations of these categories have we observed in public life, both recently and in the distant past? How do public policies address issues of gender, race, and class, if at all? How are these categories reinforced, redefined, or resisted? 
  • Gendered discovery, debate, and dissemination of knowledge: How is the public interest served by efforts to change or reinforce the gender status quo in academia, science, and K-12 education? What factors cement or erode the gendered distribution of labor in knowledge-related fields? What are the effects, if any, of the gendering of these fields on the public’s access to and understanding of scientific and humanistic knowledge?
  • The economic effects of gendered interactions and relations in the public sphere: What are the effects, if any, of gendered labor on economic growth, both in the present and the past? How do individual actors within the public sphere understand the role of gender in economic success, both at the level of society and within their own households?
  • The evolving nature of communication about gender issues in the public sphere: How is gender, whether constructed as a binary or as a spectrum, discussed and represented across the many channels of communication in the contemporary public sphere—including mass media, social media, and video games? How have the changing ways of sharing information, misinformation, and opinions about gender across vast networks of social actors affected the nature of the discourse? How have discourses about gender, regardless of how they are communicated, changed over time?

The conference is interdisciplinary. Proposals for teaching panels and interactive practical workshops, in addition to research abstracts and papers, are welcome and encouraged. Perspectives from all disciplines, including the humanities, the social sciences, the arts, the health sciences, education, business and economics, and STEM are welcome. We encourage scholars at all levels (faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students) to submit proposals, and especially welcome the work of early-career faculty.

Please use this link ( to submit a 500-word abstract or panel proposal by 5 p.m. on Friday, February 2, 2024. Submissions will be evaluated through a masked peer-review process, and submitters will be informed of the results by Friday, March 8, 2024. Student presenters whose work has been accepted and who wish to be considered for one of the three research prizes of $100, $75, and $50 must upload their full papers by Friday, March 29. Registration fees will be waived for the winners of the research prizes.

Scholars of globalization, American studies, comparative literature, and adjacent fields interested in submitting to the Gender and the Public Sphere conference are encouraged to consider also submitting to the 2024 Texas Tech Symposium on “Transnational American Studies Revisited,” to be held in Lubbock on April 12-13. 

Thursday, January 4, 2024

CFP: International Conference on #Postcolonial Studies: "#Trajectories and #Transitions of (Post)#colonialism" London CIR-Aug 2024

The conference will explore the historical and theoretical dimensions of colonial and postcolonial studies and it will focus on the impact colonialism had on political, social, economic and cultural domains. It will examine various forms of colonial domination and control as well as theories and practices of resistance.

Recognising the important role of postcolonial thought and scholarship, the conference will consider colonial discourses prevalent in different parts of the world. It will look at the complexities of colonial and postcolonial subjects and identities and analyse ideologies of racial, cultural, class and gender difference. Colonial trauma and psychosocial effects of colonial domination will be discussed, as well as the concepts of authenticity, ambivalence and hybridity.

The conference sessions will also address the questions of human rights, environment, neocolonialism and techno-capitalism, to name just a few.

Potential topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

History and ideologies of colonialism
Capitalism and imperialism
Colonial and anticolonial discourses
Anti-colonial movements and theories of resistance
Nation and nationalism
(Post)colonialism and race
(Post)colonialism and language
(Post)colonialism and gender
(Post)colonialism and education
(Post)colonialism and religion
Globalisation and postcolonialism
Postcolonial subjects and identities
Colonial trauma
Postmodernism and postcolonialism
Diaspora, multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism
Postcolonialism and culinary studies
Postcolonialism and human rights
Indigenous studies
Postcolonial spatialities, memory and remembrance
(Post)colonialism and the environment
(Neo)colonialism and techno-capitalism
Decolonisation of knowledge
Pandemic and Postcolonialism
Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, we invite speakers who work in literary studies, history, philosophy, anthropology, cultural studies, linguistics, psychology, political sciences, sociology, law, economics, IT and other disciplines.

Submissions may propose various formats, including:

Individually submitted papers (organised into panels by the committee)
Panels (3-4 individual papers)
Roundtable discussions (led by one of the presenters)
Proposals (up to 250 words) accompanied by a brief bio note should be sent to:

Dr. Anna Hamling