
Showing posts with label Adaptation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adaptation. Show all posts

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Call for Papers: International #Anthology on #Sylvia #Plath among Strangers around the World

 The international network SPAW (Sylvia Plath around the World) invites scholars to contribute to an international anthology about Sylvia Plath and translation from a global perspective. Scholarly texts, written in English, about a wide range of topics concerning Plath and translation, reception, adaptation and influence are welcome.


Sylvia Plath is a well-known and highly influential 20th century author, and her writing has paved the way for significant changes especially in women writers’ subject matter, literary forms, and techniques from the late 1960s onwards. Plath’s novel The Bell Jar (1963) is a modern classic, and the publication of her poetry collection Ariel (1965) is considered an important literary event in 20th century literary history. Describing Plath’s influence on American poetry, Linda Wagner-Martin claims that ”the results of the impact of Plath’s work are as pervasive as the influence of Ernest Hemingway’s terse yet open prose” (2006: 52), and depicting Plath’s effect on British poetry, Fiona Sampson has asserted that: ”Plath’s influence has passed into the vocabulary of the poetically possible: in English but potentially in the many languages into which she is translated” (2019: 357).


Plath’s influence has indeed transcended national and language borders. For example, Ivana Hostová has shown how Plath was translated into Slovak in the late 1980s, which influenced a number of prominent Slovak women poets in their writing and inspired numerous plays and poems being written of and about Plath. In a similar fashion, Jennifer Feeley has analyzed how different Plath translations impacted Chinese women’s poetry in the 1980s and 1990s resulting in “a bold new gendered poetics that marks a turning point in Chinese women’s writing” (Feeley, 2017: 38). Anna-Klara Bojö has shown that in Sweden, Plath was not received primarily as a feminist poet, but rather as a renewer of modernist lyricisms, and, taking a different angle on the subject of Plath in translation, Sofía Monzón Rodríguez has analyzed how the Francoist censorship board banned Plath’s texts on account of their sexually explicit and profane language.


Although Plath’s prose and poems have been translated into more than 30 languages, research concerning the translation and transmission processes, Plath's reception and influence stretching beyond English language borders is not readily available. We, the editors, therefore invite scholars around the world to contribute to an anthology concerning translation, reception and influence of Sylvia Plath in a global perspective.


We ask interested writers to submit an abstract (about 300 words) before September 15th, 2024.

Preliminary deadline for papers is May 1st, 2025.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, Sylvia Plath and:


· translation and retranslation

· post-translation

· reception

· influence

· literary history

· the literary market

· adaptation into other media, such as plays or music

· literary criticism


Please direct any questions you may have, and send your abstracts to:


/The editors:

Anna-Klara Bojö

Sofía Monzón

Ivana Hostová

Contact Information

Anna-Klara Bojö, Gender Library and Archive at Gothenburgh University

Sofía Monzón, Utah State University

Ivana Hostová, Institute of Slovak Literature of the Slovak Academy of Sciences


Contact Email

Monday, February 26, 2024

Call For Research Articles on Film Studies in Southeast Asia, China, East Asia, and India's Northeast-Rising Asia Journal

 Rising Asia Journal invites Research Articles on Film Studies in the geographical areas of Southeast Asia, East Asia (Japan, China, the Koreas, and Taiwan), and India's North-East Region, on all aspects of these Asian societies. Authors may use any thematic or theoretical discourse such as gender, race, colonialism and post-colonialism, and others.

Articles should be between 5,000 to 10,000 words in length, with footnotes, and Works Cited.

Authors are urged to visit the journal's website at to read the submission guidelines. 

Articles should be original, and should offer a new and innovative perspective.

Please send your articles to our Editorial Board Member Professor Tuan Hoang at as well as to our Editor-in-Chief Dr. Harish C. Mehta at hmehta76@yahoo.caRising Asia Journal invites Research Articles on Film Studies in the geographical areas of Southeast Asia, East Asia (Japan, China, the Koreas, and Taiwan), and India's North-East Region, on all aspects of these Asian societies. Authors may use any thematic or theoretical discourse such as gender, race, colonialism and post-colonialism, and others.

Articles should be between 5,000 to 10,000 words in length, with footnotes, and Works Cited.

Authors are urged to visit the journal's website at to read the submission guidelines. 

Articles should be original, and should offer a new and innovative perspective.

Deadline for submissions:  June 1, 2024
full name / name of organization:  Rising Asia Journal

contact email:

Please send your articles to our Editorial Board Member Professor Tuan Hoang at as well as to our Editor-in-Chief Dr. Harish C. Mehta at

Thursday, May 4, 2017

International Interdisciplinary Conference on
“Intersemiotic Translation, Adaptation, Transposition
University of Cyprus, on November 10-12, 2017.

The first international interdisciplinary conference on “Intersemiotic Translation, Adaptation, Transposition: Saying Almost the Same Thing?” will be held at the University of Cyprus, on November 10-12, 2017. 
The conference aims at bringing together scholars from three different disciplines, Translation Studies, Semiotics, and Adaptation Studies, all of which look into intersemiotic crossovers. Join us in
Cyprus to investigate common ground and divergence, as well as potential theoretical osmosis across disciplinary boundaries. We welcome abstracts on textual transfer across semiotic systems, including ballet, opera, film and theater, comics, graphic novels and manga, photography and painting, video-games, website localization, hypertexts and multimodal texts, to name but a few.

Conference theme

The three disciplines of Adaptation Studies, Semiotics, and Translation Studies share a common interest in the transference of texts across modes of signification such as textual, visual, oral, aural, gestural or kinesic. More particularly, Semiotics looks into the interpretation of signs in various semiotic systems, Intersemiotic Translation (Jakobson 1959)  renders linguistic texts into nonverbal signs, and the study of adaptations can include any generic transposition of a text into other modes of representation. There is an obvious overlap here.

Nevertheless, although in principle at least these three disciplines share common ground, their research seems to focus on different subfields. Most of the work by semioticians focuses on non-linguistic semiotic systems, Translation Studies has traditionally focused on the interlingual transfer of texts, and Adaptation Studies usually deals with cinematic or theatrical versions of literary texts.
Regarding the theoretical approaches they apply there has been very little crossover. After some early promising voices such as Holmes (1972), Reiß (1971), and Toury (1994/1986), the disciplines have followed parallel paths, which have converged little.

In the recent past, though, translation as a practice has undergone dramatic change, especially with the advent of the Internet and technological advances: instead of the traditional rendering of written texts across languages, translation now encompasses much more dynamic forms of multimodal texts and media, making the expansion of the theory indispensable in order to account for them (Brems et al. 2014). A burgeoning new field of applied research is flourishing, a field which includes AV translation, localization, subtitling, opera surtitling, dubbing, sign language interpreting, audio description, live subtitling, fansubbing, video-games, subfields that by default entail a much more expanded understanding of text. Translation Studies has grown impressively to address them theoretically. Nevertheless, reaching out to semiotic approaches to translation (Stecconi 2007, Marais and Kull 2016) or to Adaptation Studies (Zatlin 2006, Milton 2009, 2010, Raw 2012, Cattrysse 2014, Krebs 2014) has been comparatively limited. Considerably more has been done by semioticians looking into translation (Gorlée 1994 and 2004, Fabbri 1998, Eco and Nergaard 2001, Eco 2003, Petrilli 2003 and 2007, Torop 2000 and 2002, Sütiste and Torop 2007, Dusi 2010 and 2015, Kourdis 2015).
This conference will be a forum for bringing together scholars investigating intersemiotic translation under whatever name and guise from various theoretical backgrounds and disciplines in order to promote mutual understanding and theoretical cross-fertilization.

Research topics can include the transfer of texts between any semiotic systems, including music, ballet and dance, opera, film and theater, comics, graphic novels, and manga, photography and painting, video-games, website localization, hypertexts and multimodal texts, to name but a few.

Theoretical questions discussed might include, although will not necessarily be limited to:

Intersemiotic translation and its social dimension
Intersemiosis and culture
Transmutation and ethics
(Non-) equivalence, information loss and gain
Translation as adaptation
Nomenclature and definitions: transmutation, transcreation, transposition, transduction.

Papers that address key theoretical issues from an interdisciplinary approach will be particularly welcome.

Panel proposals will also be considered; however, the individual submissions will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee.

Submissions should include: an abstract of the proposed paper of up to 300-words, along with the author’s name, communication information, and short bio-bibliographical note. Abstracts should be sent to with the indication “Intersemiosis Conference Proposal” typed on the subject line.
One of the aims of this conference is to produce a publication that reflects on the potential for future collaborations among the three disciplines.

Conference language: English

Deadline for submission of abstracts: May 20, 2017
Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2017
Deadline for registration: September 15, 2017

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