
Showing posts with label Assessment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Assessment. Show all posts

Saturday, January 6, 2024

CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS Title: Advancements in #Language #Learning and #Teaching through #Artificial Intelligence #Tools


Language education is undergoing a paradigm shift driven by the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. The proposed edited volume, titled "Advancements in Language Learning and Teaching through Artificial Intelligence Tools," aims to explore AI's transformative impact on language education comprehensively. This book seeks to serve as a repository of cutting-edge research, innovative methodologies, and best practices at the intersection of language learning and AI technology.

The scope of this volume encompasses a wide array of themes within the context of language education, including but not limited to AI-enhanced language learning platforms, Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications, virtual and augmented reality in language teaching, adaptive learning systems, conversational agents and chatbots, gamification strategies, AI-driven assessment tools, and ethical considerations in the use of AI for language instruction. 

The book aims to provide a holistic view of the field's current landscape and future possibilities by encompassing diverse perspectives and topics.

Contributors are encouraged to delve into the practical applications of AI in language  education, exploring both successes and challenges. We envision a compilation that showcases theoretical frameworks and offers tangible insights into how educators and
researchers navigate the integration of AI tools into language classrooms. 

The objective is to bridge the gap between theoretical discussions and real-world implementations, fostering a dialogue that informs and shapes the future of language learning. 

1. AI-enhanced language learning platforms
2. Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications in language teaching
3. Virtual and augmented reality in language education
4. Adaptive learning systems for personalized language instruction
5. Chatbots and conversational agents in language learning
6. Gamification and AI for language acquisition
7. Assessment and evaluation tools using AI in language education
8. Ethical considerations in AI-based language teaching

Prospective authors can submit a 500-word abstract outlining their proposed chapter with a short bio note in 50 words.
Abstracts should clearly state the chapter's objectives, methodology, and expected contributions. Provide five relevant keywords.
Submissions should be sent to by [January 20, 2024].

Submitted abstracts will undergo a double-blind peer review process.
Plagiarism should be less than 7 percent.
Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent by [January 27, 2024].
The book will be published by reputed international publisher with ISBN.
Print Book will be available for purchase on Amazon and Flipkart.
Publication Fees
Indian Students and Research Scholars: INR 700 only
Foreign Students and Research Scholars: USD 15 only
Indian Educators: INR 1000
Foreign Educators: USD 20 only
Full chapters (3500-6000 words) from accepted abstracts in APA 7th Edition due by [February 10, 2024].
Use Times New Roman Font size 12 for text, Title: Font size 14, Line spacing: 1.5, Justified.
The anticipated publication date for the book is [February 25, 2024].

Sourabh Kumar, Assistant Professor, Centre for Languages and Communication, SGT
University, Gurugram, India
Dr Vineet Kumar, Assistant Professor, Centre for Languages and Communication, SGT
University, Gurugram, India
CONTACT INFORMATION: for inquiries and submissions.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

CFP: #Crises, #Challenges and #Post-Pandemic #Prospects in #Teaching #Languages for Specific and #Academic #Purposes-Special Issue 4/2024 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia

Special issue information: 

This special issue focuses on Languages for Specific Purposes and welcomes papers taking a research, pedagogical or theoretical perspective on the topic.  

Language for specific purposes (LSP) is an approach to language education based on identifying the specific language features, discourse practices, and communicative skills of target academic groups, and which recognizes the subject-matter needs and expertise of learners.  It sees itself as sensitive to contexts of discourse and action and seeks to develop research-based pedagogies to assist study, research or publication in English.  It requires teachers to identify the diversity of disciplinary languages used in the workplace or academy and encourage students to engage analytically with target discourses and develop a critical understanding of the contexts in which they are used. This is probably the most widely adopted approach to language instruction in higher education today, involving thousands of teachers and students across the world.  

Students now take a broader and more heterogeneous mix of academic subjects, some of which involve modular or joint degrees and emergent ‘practice-based’ courses such as nursing, management and social work. Further, they now have to deal with a broad range of modalities and presentational forms beyond written texts, and must learn to negotiate a complex web of disciplinary specific text-types, assessment tasks and presentational modes in order first to graduate, and then to operate effectively in the workplace.  


This special issue of Studia addresses research on LSP or the application of understandings from it in the classroom. We are not only interested in empirical research but also classroom practices, and theoretical discussions. A point of central importance is that each chapter is directly about specific language instruction, either using English or another language. We are aware that LSP instruction occurs in a wide range of settings, is aimed at learners with various backgrounds (immigrant, foreign language, 3rd language, etc.), operates in various contexts (e.g., genre-based pedagogy, teaching for general or specific academic/occupational purposes), focuses on different modalities (print-based, digital, multimodal, oral), and encompasses a host of teacher activities (e.g., syllabus design, materials development, instructional delivery, provision of feedback, assessment). We are interested in papers covering any topical aspects in these diverse academic contexts.  


Manuscript submission information: 

You are invited to submit your manuscript at any time before the submission deadline.  

In this Special Issue we are interested in publishing both full-length articles (6000-7000 words including references) and shorter reports on teaching or classroom practices (2500 -3000 words). All submissions should be in English and relate to the topic of the Special Issue. 

Please include the following with your submission: 

● Name(s) of author(s), institutional affiliation and bionote  

  • Type of submission 

● Working title  

For any inquiries about the appropriateness of contribution topics, please contact 

Please refer to the Guide for Authors to prepare your manuscript. 

Submission deadline: 15 February 2024 


Contact Information

Guest editors

Professor Ken Hyland, University of East Anglia, UK

Dr. Octavia Raluca Zglobiu-Sandu, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania

Dr. Andrada Fătu-Tutoveanu, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania

Contact Email

Monday, October 16, 2023

No Publication Charges_Call for Book Chapters/Research Papers for Edited Book -#Cultural #context and #English #language #teaching in #India - IIP International #Publishers, #USA & #India

Aim & Scope: 

The aim of this book is to explore the intricate relationship between cultural context and English language teaching in India, shedding light on how cultural factors influence language acquisition and pedagogical practices. This comprehensive work seeks to provide educators, researchers, and policymakers with insights and strategies to navigate the dynamic interplay between culture and language teaching in the Indian context. The scope of this book is wide-ranging, covering both theoretical and practical aspects of cultural context and English language teaching in India. It delves into the sociocultural, historical, and linguistic dimensions that shape language acquisition, classroom dynamics, and curriculum development. The book will also examine the challenges and opportunities of incorporating local cultural elements into English language education. 


1. Understanding Cultural Context in Language Teaching

 2. Impact of Cultural Factors on Language Learning 

3. Sociocultural Influences on English Language Teaching 

4. Multilingualism and Language Identity in Indian Education 

5. Cultural Diversity in English Language Classrooms 

6. Integrating Local Culture into Language Curricula 

7. Addressing Cultural Bias in Language Assessment

 8. Developing Intercultural Competence in Language Educators

 9. Technology and Cultural Enrichment in Language Learning 

10. Policies for Culturally Inclusive Language Education 

11. Case Studies: Successful Integration of Culture in Language Teaching 

12. Challenges and Future Prospects in Culturally Sensitive Language Education 

The proposed book will provide a comprehensive exploration of the intersection between cultural context and English language teaching in the Indian context. By examining theoretical underpinnings, practical strategies, and case studies, this book aims to be an essential resource for educators, researchers, and policymakers committed to fostering effective and culturally sensitive English language education in India

Chapter Submission Procedure: 

Step 1: Go to IIP website 

Step 2: Register in the portal by clicking on Signup

 Step 3: You can submit chapter at your dashboard or directly through IIP website after you login 

Step 4: Click on submit chapters 

Step 5: Select the book series title along with Book Series ID to which you wish to submit 

Step 6: Upload all necessary details along with your chapter in word file format. 

Refer IIP Chapter format at download in IIP Website 

Author Benifits: 

1. Selected chapters (not all) will be indexed in RSquareL and other indexing platforms including Amazon, Google Books etc. 

2. Publication of chapter in book series with ISBN/ISSN 

3. Publishing in IIP Proceedings Digital Library with DOI

 4. Open access mode of publication in IIP Digital library 

5. Optimized searching options to increase the visibility of the work to readers and other researchers which helps in citations. 

6. Unique dashboard to Author 

7. Easy paper/chapter management system with transparency of the process including peer review 

8. Adds points to API as per NAAC & NBA (India) and other accreditation bodies from abroad 

9. One complimentary copy per chapter 10. Certificate to all authors who contributed chapter(s) 

Important Dates: 

Chapter/paper submission starts on: 1,SEP 2023

Last date for chapter 30 Nov 2023

Paper submission: 31 

Acceptance notificatijon: Jan 31 2024 

Last date for registration: Feb 28 2024

Support from IIP to the Editors & Authors 

*Reviewing support from IIP Reviewers 

*Plagiarism checking service through Turnitin 

*Submission management 

*Registration management 

*Individual dashboard 

For any queries Contact:8309147264 

IIP Edited Book Series