
Showing posts with label English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English. Show all posts

Thursday, February 29, 2024

CFP International Conference “Literary Recycling for Postdigital Readers.” A Digital Epistemology for the Recycling of Literatures?: Digital Literary Studies under Debate -Sep 26 - 27, 2024

Now that we live immersed in the postdigital era without hardly noticing it and that any given cultural object seems susceptible to be recycled by a digital technology available to anyone, it is time to ask ourselves about the underlying conceptual and methodological models that these technologies impose.

What kind of cultural recycling (of reading, of literatures, of literary histories) are the so-called Digital Humanities proposing? We observe that the construction of digitised corpora, the essentially quantitative and probabilistic methods, and the capacity of machines to quantify data propose a model of objectivity, a single epistemology that seems to clash with plural hermeneutics.

If these methods make it possible to look at the past through new lenses, how can we do so without forgetting the interstices and ambiguities that they leave out?  Can phenomena of the past, such as the transcultural or transtemporal interweavings and the mediality of other eras (in contrast to the present one) be helpful to understand more precisely the mediatisation and recycling of literature today? Particularly, those mediations and recycling carried out by Digital Humanities’ methods?

It is not a new model, it is an old one: we only have to take a look at its history (its promises can already be found in nineteenth-century positivism) or at the institutionalisation of Digital Humanities as a disciplinary field, which tends to be conservative in its principles and hierarchies. Nevertheless, this model is considered innovative in terms of its creation, modification, and introduction of a socio-cultural use in literary studies. This is indeed why we must question the epistemological bias of this model. In culture, in literatures, biases are observable. We need to critically question the specific characteristics of digital methodologies in the field of literary studies and their underlying conceptualisations and epistemologies, since they can guide future approaches, as well as point to its limitations and blind spots: we need Critical Digital Humanities.

Contributions may focus on one of the following aspects:

- Theories and methods of literary analysis in Digital Humanities: limitations and how to overcome them.

- Methods and applications of the digital analysis of literary corpora and texts as forms of cultural recycling: underlying conceptualisations.

- Analysis of mixed methods that blend previous literary-theoretical traditions and procedures that are specific to the Digital Humanities: epistemological foundations.

- Analysis of processes of cultural and transtemporal interweaving in literatures using digital methodologies: possibilities and limitations.

- Macro-recycling of literary histories: new focuses, blind spots.

The languages of the conference will be Spanish, English and German. Guest lectures will be translated into Spanish.

Key speakers: Anita Traninger (Freie Universität Berlin) and Rabea Kleymann (Technische Universität Chemnitz)

Interested applicants can send their proposals including name, institution, email address, title of the proposal, keywords and an abstract of at least 250 words to by March 15, 2024. The committee's decision on the acceptance of the proposals will be notified within two months.

A monographic publication will be released with the contributions selected by the scientific committee.

Faculty of Philology, Complutense University of Madrid, September 26 and 27, 2024

Organised by LEETHI Group

Coordinators: Miriam Llamas, Amelia Sanz, Secretary: Irene Pérez

Scientific Committee: Tina Escaja (The University of Vermont), Alckmar Luiz dos Santos (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), Teresa Numerico (Università degli studi Roma Tre), Manuel Portela (University of Coimbra), Johanna Vollmeyer (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Web of the event: 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

CALL FOR PAPERS :National Conference on New National Allegories: Twenty-First Century India in the Indian English Novel from 1990s to the present 1st March 2024 -Zakir Husain Delhi College (Evening) University of Delhi

Since its earliest formative years, the Indian novel has been preoccupied with the thematic of the nation, its formation, its articulation and its narration. Early novels like Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay’s Anandamath, Tagore’s Home and the World and Raja Rao’s Kanthapura set the initial trends in the modes of allegorizing the Indian nation. Along its long trajectory, over the twentieth century, the literary form managed to permeate almost all the languages of the Indian subcontinent, picking up other thematics such as the anti-colonial struggle, gender, caste and class concerns, communal, regional and ethnic questions. Even while being ostensibly focused on these concerns and questions, the Indian novel in English remained largely centred around the ideations and elaborations of the Indian nation. As the first nation-republic, installed in 1950, began to transform, irrevocably, in 1991 under global and domestic imperatives, the corollary cultural impacts and their cultural products, such as the Indian novel, were also bound to transform. The Indian nation emerged anew as an interesting subject where writers from various social, political and economic groups vied with each other to present and represent the ‘real’ and the ‘imaginary’ India. In other words, the post-1991 India which laid the foundations of twenty-first century India produced a newer version of the Jamesonian ‘national allegory’, as much as it had been produced pre- and post-1947. It is this post-1991 ‘national allegory’ that the proposed conference aims to investigate. Understanding the manners in which the post-1991 Indian novel addresses the issues and questions of Indian representations (to the home and the world), both from nationalist and decolonial as well as postcolonial points of departure is to form the anchor of the conference. To this end, the conference invites scholarly research papers in English on how the nation has been discussed, imagined, represented and narrated in the works of English language writers located within or outside India. Therefore, without placing a limitation, it is encouraged to bring the works of such writers to the fore who have followed the generation of Salman Rushdie, Amitav Ghosh, VS Naipaul, Vikram Seth, Rohinton Mistry, Jhumpa Lahiri and such others. This may include Arvind Adiga, Chetan Bhagat, Jeet Thayil, Amish Tripathi, Ashwin Sanghi, Manu Joseph and their contemporaries. The papers may include but may not be limited to the following topics:

Indian nation in the Indian novel in the twenty first century

Neo-nationalism/national self-assertion in the Indian novel

Postcolonialism versus decolonialism in the Indian novel

Return the white western gaze in the twenty-first century

Cognising neo-orientalisms and neo-imperialisms

Indian literary subjectivity in the twenty-first century

Abstracts of 300-350 words along with a brief bionote may be sent to by 18th February 2024.

The acceptance will be notified by 21st February 2024. Full papers may be submitted up to 5 days prior to the conference.

Registration fee and the payment process will be shared upon acceptance.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Call for Papers : ‘The English Classroom- Journal’ Volume 26, No.1, June 2024- Regional Institute of #English South India, Bengaluru

Regional Institute of English South India, Jnanabharathi Campus, Bengaluru is a premium organisation that trains primary and high school teachers of member states of South India ( Karnataka, Andhrapradesh, Tamilnadu, Kerela, Tamilnadu and Telengana).

The institute publishes a peer-reviewed bi annual journal titled ' The English Classroom.'
Papers are invited for the next volume to be published in June 2024.
‘The English Classroom’ is a bi-annual peer reviewed journal published by the Regional Institute of English South India, Bengaluru. The journal is being published for the past 20 years. A range of topics on English Language Education including teacher education courses, using literature, technology and web resources in second language classrooms has been covered over these years.

The articles submitted to the journal are subjected to blind review by experts in the field of English Language Education. The published articles are thus based on rigorous scrutiny, screening and review by the expert team. The journal, over the years, has contributed to the advancement of available information in the field and paved the way for further research works.

You can send the article to
We DO NOT charge money for publication and the authors whose articles are published would receive a FREE copy.
The word limit is: 3000 words
Last date for submission is 30th March 2024.
Editor: Dr. Pooja Giri, Faculty RIESI
Call for paper
Institute website

Friday, February 9, 2024

Call for Papers : #IDEAS: Journal of #English #Literary Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1 -April 2024

 Call for Papers - 7th Issue (April '24): Deadline - March 15, 2024

IDEAS: Journal of English Literary Studies is an international, electronically published and double blind peer-reviewed journal devoted to English literary studies. The journal aims to provide a highly qualified academic platform for the exchange of diverse critical and original ideas on any aspect of
literatures written in English, cultural studies, and literary theory. We accept works in the following areas:

• English/British Literature
• Literatures in English
• British Cultural Studies
• American Cultural Studies
• Cultural and Critical Studies
• Literary Theories

IDEAS: Journal of English Literary Studies is indexed in MLA International Bibliography, EBSCO, Asos Index, and listed in the MLA Directory of Periodicals.

The seventh issue will be published in April 2024. Original articles, interviews, and book reviews by academics working towards their PhD and above will be considered for publication in IDEAS.

Papers are to be submitted through the submission system available on our website. Please see the IDEAS template before you submit your paper. 

IDEAS accepts submissions throughout the year, and our policy is to start the review process right upon submission. March 15th is the recommended deadline to be reviewed for the April issue; papers will be accepted also after this date and enter the review process to be published in the nearest
issue upon acceptance.

Please visit our journal website for further information about the journal:

CFP: DEADLINE: March 15, 2024.

Contact Information
Şafak Horzum


Contact Email

Monday, October 16, 2023

No Publication Charges_Call for Book Chapters/Research Papers for Edited Book -#Cultural #context and #English #language #teaching in #India - IIP International #Publishers, #USA & #India

Aim & Scope: 

The aim of this book is to explore the intricate relationship between cultural context and English language teaching in India, shedding light on how cultural factors influence language acquisition and pedagogical practices. This comprehensive work seeks to provide educators, researchers, and policymakers with insights and strategies to navigate the dynamic interplay between culture and language teaching in the Indian context. The scope of this book is wide-ranging, covering both theoretical and practical aspects of cultural context and English language teaching in India. It delves into the sociocultural, historical, and linguistic dimensions that shape language acquisition, classroom dynamics, and curriculum development. The book will also examine the challenges and opportunities of incorporating local cultural elements into English language education. 


1. Understanding Cultural Context in Language Teaching

 2. Impact of Cultural Factors on Language Learning 

3. Sociocultural Influences on English Language Teaching 

4. Multilingualism and Language Identity in Indian Education 

5. Cultural Diversity in English Language Classrooms 

6. Integrating Local Culture into Language Curricula 

7. Addressing Cultural Bias in Language Assessment

 8. Developing Intercultural Competence in Language Educators

 9. Technology and Cultural Enrichment in Language Learning 

10. Policies for Culturally Inclusive Language Education 

11. Case Studies: Successful Integration of Culture in Language Teaching 

12. Challenges and Future Prospects in Culturally Sensitive Language Education 

The proposed book will provide a comprehensive exploration of the intersection between cultural context and English language teaching in the Indian context. By examining theoretical underpinnings, practical strategies, and case studies, this book aims to be an essential resource for educators, researchers, and policymakers committed to fostering effective and culturally sensitive English language education in India

Chapter Submission Procedure: 

Step 1: Go to IIP website 

Step 2: Register in the portal by clicking on Signup

 Step 3: You can submit chapter at your dashboard or directly through IIP website after you login 

Step 4: Click on submit chapters 

Step 5: Select the book series title along with Book Series ID to which you wish to submit 

Step 6: Upload all necessary details along with your chapter in word file format. 

Refer IIP Chapter format at download in IIP Website 

Author Benifits: 

1. Selected chapters (not all) will be indexed in RSquareL and other indexing platforms including Amazon, Google Books etc. 

2. Publication of chapter in book series with ISBN/ISSN 

3. Publishing in IIP Proceedings Digital Library with DOI

 4. Open access mode of publication in IIP Digital library 

5. Optimized searching options to increase the visibility of the work to readers and other researchers which helps in citations. 

6. Unique dashboard to Author 

7. Easy paper/chapter management system with transparency of the process including peer review 

8. Adds points to API as per NAAC & NBA (India) and other accreditation bodies from abroad 

9. One complimentary copy per chapter 10. Certificate to all authors who contributed chapter(s) 

Important Dates: 

Chapter/paper submission starts on: 1,SEP 2023

Last date for chapter 30 Nov 2023

Paper submission: 31 

Acceptance notificatijon: Jan 31 2024 

Last date for registration: Feb 28 2024

Support from IIP to the Editors & Authors 

*Reviewing support from IIP Reviewers 

*Plagiarism checking service through Turnitin 

*Submission management 

*Registration management 

*Individual dashboard 

For any queries Contact:8309147264 

IIP Edited Book Series

Friday, November 4, 2016

 Education and Development Conference 2017
March 5th - 7th 2017, Bangkok, Thailand 

Welcome to 12th Annual Education and Development Conference

We are proud to invite you to join us at 12th Annual Education and Development Conference, that will take place from March 5th - 7th 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand.

This education conference is organized by Tomorrow People Organization- internationally recognized non for profit organization with head quarters in Belgrade, Serbia.

The official language of the conference in English. Attendance of delegates from more than 40 countries is expected.

This highly exciting and challenging international Conference on education 2017  is intended to be a forum, discussion and networking place for academics, researchers, professionals, administrators, educational leaders, policy makers, industry representatives, advanced students, and others.

More specifically, it targets:

  • Government officials and policy makers: Learn about the best practices, educational development strategies and educational systems around the world; network with other policy makers and NGOs working in the field of supporting the educational development.
  • NGOs: Network with other international NGOs, possible donors and colleagues from around the world and share your achievements and strategies with others.
  • Graduate students: Meet your colleagues from around the world, make new friends, and improve your knowledge and communication skills.
  • Company representatives: Chance to improve your leadership skills, learn more about the importance of permanent education in achieving the high performances of your organization, meet your colleagues, exchange ideas and establish new connections and partnerships.
  • Scholars: Learn some new approaches, hear about others’ experiences and pass on your knowledge and experience on to the others.
  • Others: Interested in making some positive changes around them and gaining new knowledge, skills and friends and becoming more useful to their own communities.
Tomorrow People Organization is proud to invite you to 12th Annual Education and Development Conference, hosted by Tomorrow People Organization, taking place from 5-7 March 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand. This highly exciting and challenging international Conference is intended to be a forum, discussion and networking place for academics, researchers, professionals, administrators, educational leaders, policy makers, industry representatives, advanced students, and others interested in Education.

Attendance of distinguished delegates from over 40 countries is expected from academic, governmental and NGO sectors.

Education and Development Conference 2017 will provide resources and opportunities to interact with prominent leaders in the field of education and greatly expand on your global network of scholars and professionals.

We welcome: ORAL, POSTER and VIRTUAL presentations. Early submissions are strongly encouraged due to limited space in the venue, as applications are reviewed and accepted on a rolling admission basis - as long as space is available.

The conference topics include, but are not limited to: Adult Education, Arts Education, Anthropology and Education, Curriculum, Early Childhood Education, Educational Systems and Policy, Educational Psychology, Environmental Education, Gender and Education, Guidance and Counseling, Health Education, Higher Education, History of Education, IT and Education, Language Education and Literacy, Lifelong Learning, Mathematics Education, Mentoring and Coaching, Multicultural Issues in Education, Philosophy of Education, Physical Education, Primary Education, Quality in Education, Race, Ethnicity and Education, Research and Development, Rural Education, Science Education, Secondary Education, Sociology of Education, Special and Inclusive Education, Teacher Education, Values and Education, Vocational Education and Training, Other areas of Education.

Papers presented at the conference will be published in a dedicated ISBN publication of EDC 2017 Conference Proceedings.

Applications are accepted online at:

EDC 2017 is proud to partner with star alliance, as the official airline alliance of the conference, offering up to 20% discount on airfares to the EDC 2017 participants and accompanying persons.

The participating airlines for 12th Annual Education and Development Conference are: ANA, Adria Airways, Aegean Airlines, Air Canada, Air China, Air India, Air New Zealand, Asiana Airlines, Avianca, Croatia Airlines, EVA Airways, EgyptAir, Ethiopian Airlines, Scandinavian Airlines, Shenzhen Airlines, Singapore Airlines, South African Airways, TAP Portugal, THAI, Turkish Airlines, United.

Bookings can be made, clicking on the link bellow, or if booked through the travel agent, please make sure you provide the event booking code for tickets reservation TG03S17:

You may also be interested in Tomorrow People Organization's:

8th Annual Women's Leadership and Empowerment Conference, 1-3 March 2017, Bangkok, Thailand

10th Annual Poverty and Social Protection Conference, 9-11 March 2017, Bangkok, Thailand

We look forward to seeing you in Bangkok in March 2017!


EDC 2017 Organizing Committee

Education and Development Conference 2017 will provide unlimited resources and opportunities to interact with prominent leaders in the field and greatly expand on your global network of scholars and professionals.

We look forward to seeing you in Bangkok in March 2017!