
Showing posts with label Policies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Policies. Show all posts

Monday, October 16, 2023

No Publication Charges_Call for Book Chapters/Research Papers for Edited Book -#Cultural #context and #English #language #teaching in #India - IIP International #Publishers, #USA & #India

Aim & Scope: 

The aim of this book is to explore the intricate relationship between cultural context and English language teaching in India, shedding light on how cultural factors influence language acquisition and pedagogical practices. This comprehensive work seeks to provide educators, researchers, and policymakers with insights and strategies to navigate the dynamic interplay between culture and language teaching in the Indian context. The scope of this book is wide-ranging, covering both theoretical and practical aspects of cultural context and English language teaching in India. It delves into the sociocultural, historical, and linguistic dimensions that shape language acquisition, classroom dynamics, and curriculum development. The book will also examine the challenges and opportunities of incorporating local cultural elements into English language education. 


1. Understanding Cultural Context in Language Teaching

 2. Impact of Cultural Factors on Language Learning 

3. Sociocultural Influences on English Language Teaching 

4. Multilingualism and Language Identity in Indian Education 

5. Cultural Diversity in English Language Classrooms 

6. Integrating Local Culture into Language Curricula 

7. Addressing Cultural Bias in Language Assessment

 8. Developing Intercultural Competence in Language Educators

 9. Technology and Cultural Enrichment in Language Learning 

10. Policies for Culturally Inclusive Language Education 

11. Case Studies: Successful Integration of Culture in Language Teaching 

12. Challenges and Future Prospects in Culturally Sensitive Language Education 

The proposed book will provide a comprehensive exploration of the intersection between cultural context and English language teaching in the Indian context. By examining theoretical underpinnings, practical strategies, and case studies, this book aims to be an essential resource for educators, researchers, and policymakers committed to fostering effective and culturally sensitive English language education in India

Chapter Submission Procedure: 

Step 1: Go to IIP website 

Step 2: Register in the portal by clicking on Signup

 Step 3: You can submit chapter at your dashboard or directly through IIP website after you login 

Step 4: Click on submit chapters 

Step 5: Select the book series title along with Book Series ID to which you wish to submit 

Step 6: Upload all necessary details along with your chapter in word file format. 

Refer IIP Chapter format at download in IIP Website 

Author Benifits: 

1. Selected chapters (not all) will be indexed in RSquareL and other indexing platforms including Amazon, Google Books etc. 

2. Publication of chapter in book series with ISBN/ISSN 

3. Publishing in IIP Proceedings Digital Library with DOI

 4. Open access mode of publication in IIP Digital library 

5. Optimized searching options to increase the visibility of the work to readers and other researchers which helps in citations. 

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9. One complimentary copy per chapter 10. Certificate to all authors who contributed chapter(s) 

Important Dates: 

Chapter/paper submission starts on: 1,SEP 2023

Last date for chapter 30 Nov 2023

Paper submission: 31 

Acceptance notificatijon: Jan 31 2024 

Last date for registration: Feb 28 2024

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For any queries Contact:8309147264 

IIP Edited Book Series

Saturday, November 2, 2019

4th International Conference Migration, Diasporas and Sustainable Development Perspectives, Policies, Opportunities and Challenges 14-15 November 2020 New Delhi, India

Call for Papers
Human mobility is an age-old phenomenon, though its dynamics and character is changing over the time. Under the garb of globalization, international migration with various forms and features has been growing exponentially in the recent decades in response to global capitalistic developments. Subsequently, many migrant groups have turned into Diaspora communities across the globe. Today, Diasporasconstitutes not only a substantial but also a vital segment of population that the human civilization is experiencing today. It is considered to be one of the emerging actors that significantly influencing the socio-economic, political and cultural spheres in the national and international arena.
The multidirectional engagement between Diasporas and Diaspora and host country and home country, and engagement in transnational and virtual platforms provides a very interesting space for academician and policy experts to engage. There are multiple dynamics involved in shaping the contour of the Diaspora and engaging them with region, nations and in the transnational spheres.

In recent times female migration has been gradually growing across the globe, often faster than the male migration. The migration report of the UN (2015) mentioned that some parts of Europe and Africa the growth rate of female migration has already taken over their male counterparts i.e 51.9% in Europe, 51.6 % in Latin America and Caribbean, 51.9% in North America. Though traditionally migration from India has been male dominated, in the recent decade female migration has been rising.

With growing number of Diaspora population worldwide, there is a scope for comparative analysis. There are large Diasporas in Asian and African countries. Chinese and Indian Diaspora are two of the largest Diaspora in the world, combined together they constitute roughly 85 million (60 million Chinese Diaspora 25 millions Indian Diaspora). Spread out across the globe, these two Asian Diasporas redefined the demographic, social, cultural, political and economic profiles of many countries and significantly impacting on the home countries as well. Two Diasporas provides wonderful insights on how the Diaspora and homeland engage today. People from both the countries, having old civilizational heritage, have been migrating internationally for centuries. However, it is the colonial regime under the European power which made drastic demographic change by importing substantial number of labour from these two countries after the abolition of slavery. Subsequently, the free flow of migration continued that constituted skilled, semi-skilled and professionals. The two Asian Diasporas are very much linked to their home countries despite ideological, ethnic and identity contradictions, diversities and challenges on some occasions. There are number of evidences in several countries where Diaspora engage in skill building in China, Israel and in less developed countries such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh etc. This can be done through volunteerism and through sustainable private public participation in areas that are locally feasible and marketable as well. High Skill Diaspora can engage in public policy, research and development, business and enterprise. However there is need for more institutional platform to translate these to practice. Smaller Diasporas from Asia, Africa and Europe also provides very useful insight into the diverse range of engagement in the socio-economic and political spheres.

India having one of the largest Diaspora in the Globe has comparative advantage to undertake academic as well as policy research to engage its Diaspora. It is already evident that, besides the socio-cultural and political significance, Diaspora has immense policy significance in the current scenarioof knowledge economy that is highly networked and virtual globalised world.
Besides the Diaspora and homeland engagement that has positive developmental outcome, there are also conflict relations. The Jews, the Tamils, Sikhs and many other Diasporas in different parts of the world have conflict relations that provides a different way to look at not only the Diaspora homeland engagement but also how they mobilize the transnational space to fulfill their objectives.

As migration will continue to occur an Diaspora communities continue to form, evolve and engage, it is time to think on the broader global context of sustainability. UN Sustainable Development Goal 2030 emphasizes on mainstreaming migration by focusing on various interrelated issues such as international cooperation, vulnerable migrants, humanitarian crisis, return migration, female migration.
About the Conference
The proposed conference will bring togethernational and international experts from academics, practitioner and policy bodies. It will help is consolidating the research findings related to various emerging perspectives and policies on Diaspora that will provide better insights in to the Diaspora-home country-host country-transnational relationship. The Conference will have both conceptual as well as applied areas so as to give a wholistic approach to understand the issue. The following are the Themes and Sub themes for the Book. However, all the related issues also welcome.

Keynote Speaker:
Prof. Steven Vertovec, Director, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen, Germany.
Topic : Diversification of Global Migration and the Concept of Super-diversity
... And a galaxy of globally acclaimed scholars in the panel

Themes and Subthemes
· Changing nature of migration and Diaspora
· Human Development, Entrepreneurship and Knowledge
· Heritage, culture and the dynamics of change

Diaspora Policies in major countries
· Politics of Migration and Policies on Diaspora with implications for Foreign and National Security
· Impact of Politics on Emigration and Immigration
· Racism, Citizenship issue in Gulf, Visa policy of selective, USA/Developed countries,
· Diaspora and Soft power diplomacy (cultural diplomacy)
Impacts of Diaspora on Foreign Policies
· International relation and migration
· Diaspora lobby
· Transnationalism
Policies related to the Economic impacts of Diaspora
· Remittances
· Diaspora investment and Entrepreneurship
· Knowledge, Technology Transfer and International Trade
· Diaspora Philanthropy
NGOs in Diaspora, Civil Society and Human Rights
· Diaspora organisations and their role
· Marriages, Custody, Adoption, Property, Hague Conventions
· Human Trafficking
Diaspora and Global Culture
· Diaspora in the global cultural revolution- multiculturalism and Diaspora
· Indian Diaspora: Film, Literature, Language, Food

New Dynamics of Diaspora Engagement
· Virtual Diasporas and Knowledge Platforms
· Indian Diaspora, Virtual platform and development
Regional Diasporas
· Regional Diasporas in India and Other countries

Return and Integration
· Return migration and rehabilitation
· Return migration and integration
Forced Migration
· Refugee crisis
· Refugee and Gender

The conference will generate ideas and policy perspectives in the form of research papers which can contribute to the development sectors in home and host countries. The insights from other Diaspora engagements will certainly help to see the evolution and future engagement of migration communities and Diaspora.
The conference will provide a knowledge platform for scholars working in policy and academic domain to share ideas, comparative perspectives on Diaspora and international migration. A large array of stakeholders at national and international level will benefits from the conference and publications thereafter. The following stakeholders will directly benefit from the conference:
· Government Ministries: Ministry of External Affairs, Ministry of Culture
· Agencies/Departments: Indian Council for Cultural Relations, Reserve Bank of India,
· Development Organisations working in the Migration and Diaspora

· Corporate Sectors: Working in the area of music, films, investment, knowledge transfer, human resource training, education sector

Important Dates
Last date for receiving abstracts
30 January2020
Confirmation of Selection of Abstracts
15 February 2020
Last date for receiving full paper
30 March 2020
Date of Conference
14-15 November2020

Dr. M. Mahalingamand Dr. Smita Tiwari
GRFDT, New Delhi

Submission Guidelines


Participant's Contribution
(to be covered for conference kits and food during the conference)
Postgraduate Students & Research Scholars
2000/- or USD 35
Other Scholars
3000/-or USD 50

Accommodation and Local Hospitality:
Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism is a not-for-profit academic research forum and we are not in a position to be able to assist with conference travel or subsistence. However, the organisers will help you to find accommodation nearby the venue and also arrange sightseeing tour on demand with the payment.

Guidelines for Abstracts
All participants are required to submit a written abstract in .doc/x or upload the abstract on the GRFDT website will be given shortly)
Format: 1 inch margin, 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman, 12 font
The document must contain; a) author(s), b) affiliation as you would like it to appear in programme, c) email address, d) title of proposal, e) body of proposal, f) up to 5 keywords.

All abstracts will be peer reviewed and selected candidates will be invited for presentation. Please use plain text (Times Roman 12) and abstain from using footnotes and any special formatting, characters or emphasis (such as bold, italics or underline). If you do not receive a reply from us in a week please send a query

Abstracts or requests for further information should be sent to:
Kindly mention the major theme area on the top of the abstract
For more details, please visit our website:

All the papers will be peer reviewed and published in book by reputed publishers as well as in “Migration and Diaspora: An Interdisciplinary Journal” and GRFDT Research Monograph Series.

Time and Place:
Date: Saturday, Nov 14, 2020
Venue: New Delhi
Address: New Delhi