
Showing posts with label Digital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Digital. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2024

CFP: Digital Humanities and AI – Intersections, Innovations, and Implications-IIT Dhanbad-31 January -1 February 2025


The recent development in Digital Humanities marks a transformative era in academia, where the humanities are increasingly integrating with digital technologies, computational methods, and AI, enhancing research, teaching, and creative outputs. This conference explores how DH sees such development and the evolving relationship between humanities and digital technologies. It focuses on topics that reshape humanities scholarship, from data analysis and pedagogy to creative production. This fosters interdisciplinary dialogues and examines innovations and implications in fields traditionally centered around humanistic inquiry. AI technologies like machine learning, natural language processing, and generative models have expanded the digital humanists' toolkit. Their ability to process and analyze vast datasets opens up new research possibilities in archives, literature, history, philosophy, language, cultural studies and other areas, However, these opportunities come with challenges such as ethical concerns, reinforcing biases, and other implications. 


This conference invites submissions from academics, researchers, students, industry professionals, early career scholars, and practitioners related to the theme, including but not limited to the following topics.

Digital Humanities and Large Language Models

LLMs-representation of small/ marginalised/indigenous languages

Digital Humanities Pedagogy and AI

Digital Art and Generative AI

Machine Learning and  NLP

Prompting engineering and Humanities

GLAM sectors (Digital Gallery, Digital Archives, Digital Libraries and Digital Museum)

Digital Cultural Heritage, Digital History, Digital Life Writing 

Humanities-Driven Approaches  to AI Development and Deployment

Digital humanities, Public Policy and Decision-making

Responsible AI and Humanities

Gender, Caste, Class and Technology

Digital Multilinguality

Ethics and Questions of AI in the Humanities

Digital Ethics  (Deepfake, Jailbreaking, 

Electronic Literature

Digital Society, Digital Identities

Digital Economies, Digital Labour

Gaming and DH

Digital Healthcare

Digital Mapping

Computational Linguistics

Digital Connectivity and Community

Critical Code and Software Studies

Digital Environmental Humanities 

Decolonizing Digital Humanities: Non-Western Approaches.

Accessibility in Digital Humanities: Bridging Digital Divides

Cognitive Science and AI

AI, Posthumanism, and the Humanities (AI and Posthumanism: Rethinking the Human in Humanities)

AI’s Impact on Intellectual Property and Creative Ownership

Kindly note that this is an in-person conference which will take place at Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad, Jharkhand.

There are a few JPN Travel Bursaries available for students and scholars. 

The best paper award will be given to the selected participant.

Selected papers will be published with a reputed publisher.

Important Dates 

Abstract (max. 500 words)Submission: Due 5 January 2025

Abstract Acceptance Notification: Within two days of submission

Conference Date: 31 January -1 February 2025

The abstract should be sent to

For more information, please visit our webpage at


Registration Fee Details

INR. 750: Indian Master students and precariously employed

INR. 1500: Indian research scholars

INR. 2500: Indian faculty members and industry personnel

USD 100: International participants

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

CFP: #Crises, #Challenges and #Post-Pandemic #Prospects in #Teaching #Languages for Specific and #Academic #Purposes-Special Issue 4/2024 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia

Special issue information: 

This special issue focuses on Languages for Specific Purposes and welcomes papers taking a research, pedagogical or theoretical perspective on the topic.  

Language for specific purposes (LSP) is an approach to language education based on identifying the specific language features, discourse practices, and communicative skills of target academic groups, and which recognizes the subject-matter needs and expertise of learners.  It sees itself as sensitive to contexts of discourse and action and seeks to develop research-based pedagogies to assist study, research or publication in English.  It requires teachers to identify the diversity of disciplinary languages used in the workplace or academy and encourage students to engage analytically with target discourses and develop a critical understanding of the contexts in which they are used. This is probably the most widely adopted approach to language instruction in higher education today, involving thousands of teachers and students across the world.  

Students now take a broader and more heterogeneous mix of academic subjects, some of which involve modular or joint degrees and emergent ‘practice-based’ courses such as nursing, management and social work. Further, they now have to deal with a broad range of modalities and presentational forms beyond written texts, and must learn to negotiate a complex web of disciplinary specific text-types, assessment tasks and presentational modes in order first to graduate, and then to operate effectively in the workplace.  


This special issue of Studia addresses research on LSP or the application of understandings from it in the classroom. We are not only interested in empirical research but also classroom practices, and theoretical discussions. A point of central importance is that each chapter is directly about specific language instruction, either using English or another language. We are aware that LSP instruction occurs in a wide range of settings, is aimed at learners with various backgrounds (immigrant, foreign language, 3rd language, etc.), operates in various contexts (e.g., genre-based pedagogy, teaching for general or specific academic/occupational purposes), focuses on different modalities (print-based, digital, multimodal, oral), and encompasses a host of teacher activities (e.g., syllabus design, materials development, instructional delivery, provision of feedback, assessment). We are interested in papers covering any topical aspects in these diverse academic contexts.  


Manuscript submission information: 

You are invited to submit your manuscript at any time before the submission deadline.  

In this Special Issue we are interested in publishing both full-length articles (6000-7000 words including references) and shorter reports on teaching or classroom practices (2500 -3000 words). All submissions should be in English and relate to the topic of the Special Issue. 

Please include the following with your submission: 

● Name(s) of author(s), institutional affiliation and bionote  

  • Type of submission 

● Working title  

For any inquiries about the appropriateness of contribution topics, please contact 

Please refer to the Guide for Authors to prepare your manuscript. 

Submission deadline: 15 February 2024 


Contact Information

Guest editors

Professor Ken Hyland, University of East Anglia, UK

Dr. Octavia Raluca Zglobiu-Sandu, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania

Dr. Andrada Fătu-Tutoveanu, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania

Contact Email

Monday, October 9, 2023

ISTR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 8-10 FEBRUARY 2024 Redefining the Stage: Exploring Digital Transformation in Performance Cultures

It is proposed to have a dynamic exploration of the theme 'Redefining the Stage: Exploring Digital Transformation in Performance Cultures” amongst researchers and theatre practitioners from all over the World. This interdisciplinary conference aims to examine the implications of growing digital intervention in various forms of performance, including cinema, theatre, television, and other digital platforms. It also aims to address the recent debates surrounding the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence and other tools in the performing arts.
Growing digital intervention in various cinematic and stage performing arts is defining a new paradigm in performance culture. Digital intervention in performance culture refers to the incorporation of knowledge based systems and cognitive technologies into various aspects of cultural performances, including theatre, dance, music, and other forms of artistic expression. This integration enables content creators and artists to blend traditional artistic practices with advanced computing tools such as Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Interactive Experience for the viewer, and more. By doing so, entertainment shifts from being a passive experience to being immersive and interactive for audiences, breaking down the boundaries between the performer and the viewer.
This approach opens up new avenues for creative exploration, allowing artists to experiment with novel forms of storytelling, visual effects, and audience engagement. Immersive Technology interventions can transform the spatial dynamics of performances, enabling artists to manipulate the environment, lighting, and visuals in real time. This dynamic interaction between technology and performance fosters a symbiotic relationship that enhances the overall artistic impact, thereby creating an environment of Extended Reality.
However, new challenges like maintaining the authenticity of live performances, addressing technical glitches, and ensuring inclusivity in digital experiences must be navigated. Also, Artificial Intelligence is already threatening to take over many jobs in the performing art domain, making several writers, editors and craftsmen redundant. The changing scenario throws up questions that workers of the creative world never faced in the past, namely, ‘Has the time come when the machines that we have made have become smarter than mankind?’ Nevertheless, the fusion of digital technology with performance culture offers a transformative and evolving landscape that continues to redefine how cultural expressions are conceived, executed, and shared in the digital age.

We welcome abstracts addressing a wide range of themes and areas, including but not limited to:
  1. Technological advancement and evolution of performance art
  2. Reality, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality in performance arts
  3. Digitalization and its impact on live performance practices
  4. Immersive experience and audience engagement in art.
  5. Hybridity and syncretism in digitally created/altered performances
  6. Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights of artists in the digital era
  7. Customized ambience in performance arts: Intelligent Sound and Light design
  8. Technological collaboration in digital restoration of art archives
  9. The changing landscape of Marketing and Distribution of Art
  10. Ethical issues in AI assisted performance cultures
  11. Multimedia transgression in live performance practices
  12. Personalized digital entertainment and alienation in Society

Deadline for abstract submission: 21 October 2023

Prof. Vikas Kapoor
Conference Coordinator
For Registration and other detail see the website: