
Showing posts with label power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label power. Show all posts

Monday, January 8, 2024

CFA: International Conference on "Linking Latitudes: #Postcolonialism and After"- 3-5 Feb, 2024 #Swami #Vivekananda University Organized in collaboration with #Oxford University #Press, #Cambridge University #Press, #Taylor & #Francis (#Routledge) and #SAGE

This international conference intends to bring together emerging insights from across the humanities and social sciences to highlight how postcolonial studies is being transformed by increasingly influential and radical approaches to nature, matter, subjectivity, human agency,  politics, literature and cultural practice. These include decolonial studies, political ontology, political ecology, indigeneity, posthumanism, transnationalism and so on. It therefore demands new ontological discourses that will reflexively situate our new intellective challenges within the long histories of theoretical narratives. It is time now we had devised and developed interdisciplinary episteme to think  through global, critical, transnational and empirical phenomena that include city spaces and urbanisms in the Global North and South, food politics, colonial land use, cultural and cosmic representation in film, theatre, and poetry, nation building, the Anthropocene, materiality,  pluriversality,  cosmopolitan world views etc  Arif  Dilrik therefore ironically quipped in The Postcolonial Aura: Third World Criticism in the Age of Global Capitalism: “Postcolonial begins …when Third World intellectuals have arrived in First World academe…then perhaps it ends when every department has hired a postcolonialist”.

Already there are multiple critical voices in this direction. There are dramatic suggestions that postcolonialism is over and it has been replaced by new critical discourses. In 2007, PMLA published an Editor’s Column provocatively entitled “The End of Postcolonial Theory”. We may also  refer to certain critical works, such as Hamid Dabashi’s The Arab Spring: The End of Postcolonialism ( ZED Books, London, 2012), Jane Hiddleston’s Writing After Postcolonialism (Bloomsbury, 2017), or Patrick Chabal’s The End of Conceit: Western Rationality after Postcolonialism (ZED Books, London, 2012).

This conference will be attended by Prof. Bill Ashcroft, Prof. Paul Sharrad, Prof. Helen Pringle and other experts from the field.

Under the  rubric of new shifting voices, we intend to focus on, though not strictly limited to,  the following areas:


  • Postcolonialism: Concurrence and Ruptures
  • Subalternity and Indigeneity
  • Global South and the postcolonial aftermath
  • African postcolonial Negotiations
  • Nationalism to Transnationalism
  • Power, Justice and Ideology
  • Disnarration and postcoloniality
  • Memory, amnesia and power
  • Translation transcription and mimicry
  • Postcolonial Environmentalism
  • Gender and Postcolonial Studies
  • Postcolonialism to posthumanism


Abstracts not exceeding 200 words should be sent to by email:

Deadline for submissions:  January 20, 2024

Registration Fees: Faculty Members and others: Rs 3000 (National)

                              Students and Researchers: Rs 2000 (National)

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Call for Book Chapters: Voices Unveiled: Women in Literary Landscapes-March, 2024

The profound and transformative impact of women in literary landscapes cannot be overstated. Women writers have not only enriched the literary canon with their unique voices and perspectives but also challenged societal norms, broadening the scope of narratives. Their contributions span diverse genres, historical periods, and cultural contexts, unveiling hidden stories and reshaping the literary terrain. From advocating for social change to expressing nuanced experiences, the influence of women in literature is an indispensable force that continues to shape our understanding of the human experience.
It is with great enthusiasm that we announce a call for book chapters that explore the multifaceted relationship between women and literature. This upcoming edited volume aims to delve into the diverse roles, representations, and contributions of women in literary works across genres, cultures, and historical periods.

Scope and Focus:
We invite contributions that analyze, critique, or celebrate the portrayal of women in literature. Potential topics may include, but are not limited to:
  • Representation of women in classic and contemporary literature
  • Feminist perspectives in literary works
  • Women writers and their impact on literary movements
  • Gender dynamics and power structures in literature
  • Women and linguistic and cultural influence
  • Masculinity/ Male gaze and womanhood
  • Intersectionality: exploring race, class, sexuality, and other identities in women’s literature
  • Women as readers, critics, and consumers of literature
  • Challenges and triumphs of women authors in the literary world
  • Women and the partition/post-partition literature

Submission Guidelines:
The proposed chapters must be authentic and not previously published. The chapter length should span between 5,000 to 8,000 words (including references), utilizing Times New Roman font size 12 with double spacing in between lines. References and citations should follow the MLA Handbook's guidelines (9th Edition) without incorporating any footnotes but instead containing end notes. A statement declaring that the work is an original piece that has not been published elsewhere or is under consideration for publication must be included.

Additionally, an abstract of no more than 500 words with five keywords should be provided alongside a short biographical note about the contributor/s indicating their name(s), institutional affiliation(s), brief career history, postal address(es), contact address(es) (both personal and office), and email id as a single attachment.

Kindly forward submissions to

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline: 05 January, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: 10 January, 2024
Full Chapter Submission Deadline: 1st February, 2024
Anticipated Publication: 15 March, 2024

Editorial Team:
Nadeem Jahangir Bhat
Assistant Professor
University of Kashmir
Hazratbal Srinagar-190006
Jammu and Kashmir

Dr Shabina Fatima
Assistant Professor
Government College Khaniyadhana,
Shivpuri, MP – 473990

About the Publisher:
The book will be published by a reputed publisher known for its commitment to scholarly excellence and contributions to the field of literature.
Note: Each contributor will get a copy of the book at nominal cost. No other charges will be applied.
We look forward to receiving your insightful contributions that will contribute to a comprehensive exploration of the dynamic relationship between women and literature.