
Showing posts with label Masculinity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Masculinity. Show all posts

Friday, March 8, 2024

CALL FOR PAPERS: Special Issue on #Gender and #Climate Justice- Atlantis Journal

Special Issue: Gender and Climate Justice

Co-edited by Lori Lee Oates (Memorial University of Newfoundland) and Sritama Chatterjee (University of Pittsburgh)

This special issue of Atlantis Journal takes an intersectional approach to gender and climate justice. We invite work that explores a range of topics, including but not limited to:

• What should climate justice look like for women, trans people, and non-binary people?

• What is the role of masculinity in the climate crisis?

• What is ecofeminism in the contemporary world and what is its role in climate justice? How does ecofeminism relate to queer justice for the environment?

• What do queer and trans ecologies look like at present? How is this limiting for climate justice? What should they look like?

• What does disaster planning for the elderly and disabled look like? What should it look like to achieve true climate justice?

• How do historical colonial patterns of gender and racial inequality persist into the present and what does this mean for the climate crisis? Where are the intersections between race and gender?

• What are the links between climate justice movements and reproductive freedom activists? What should they be?

• What is petroleum patriarchy and where does it exist? How can it be addressed? Will a transition off fossil fuels be sufficient to address it?

• What are the limits of the politics of “the Anthropocene” for climate justice?

• How are gender and climate justice reflected in literature and arts?

• What kind of pedagogies are necessary to address gender and climate justice?

This call invites individuals to submit research articles (up to 7,000 words), literary writing (up to 3,000 words), and book reviews (up to 1,000 words). The editors are particularly interested in hearing from scholars and writers from the global south, Indigenous communities, queer and trans scholars, and those who engage with feminist or environmental activism. We envision this special issue as a forum both for acknowledging the urgency of the situation and presenting solutions from voices that are often excluded from the conversation. 

Submission Deadline: May 1,2024.

Please read full submission guidelines on our website before submitting.

Katherine Barrett (Managing Editor)

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Call for Book Chapters: Voices Unveiled: Women in Literary Landscapes-March, 2024

The profound and transformative impact of women in literary landscapes cannot be overstated. Women writers have not only enriched the literary canon with their unique voices and perspectives but also challenged societal norms, broadening the scope of narratives. Their contributions span diverse genres, historical periods, and cultural contexts, unveiling hidden stories and reshaping the literary terrain. From advocating for social change to expressing nuanced experiences, the influence of women in literature is an indispensable force that continues to shape our understanding of the human experience.
It is with great enthusiasm that we announce a call for book chapters that explore the multifaceted relationship between women and literature. This upcoming edited volume aims to delve into the diverse roles, representations, and contributions of women in literary works across genres, cultures, and historical periods.

Scope and Focus:
We invite contributions that analyze, critique, or celebrate the portrayal of women in literature. Potential topics may include, but are not limited to:
  • Representation of women in classic and contemporary literature
  • Feminist perspectives in literary works
  • Women writers and their impact on literary movements
  • Gender dynamics and power structures in literature
  • Women and linguistic and cultural influence
  • Masculinity/ Male gaze and womanhood
  • Intersectionality: exploring race, class, sexuality, and other identities in women’s literature
  • Women as readers, critics, and consumers of literature
  • Challenges and triumphs of women authors in the literary world
  • Women and the partition/post-partition literature

Submission Guidelines:
The proposed chapters must be authentic and not previously published. The chapter length should span between 5,000 to 8,000 words (including references), utilizing Times New Roman font size 12 with double spacing in between lines. References and citations should follow the MLA Handbook's guidelines (9th Edition) without incorporating any footnotes but instead containing end notes. A statement declaring that the work is an original piece that has not been published elsewhere or is under consideration for publication must be included.

Additionally, an abstract of no more than 500 words with five keywords should be provided alongside a short biographical note about the contributor/s indicating their name(s), institutional affiliation(s), brief career history, postal address(es), contact address(es) (both personal and office), and email id as a single attachment.

Kindly forward submissions to

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline: 05 January, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: 10 January, 2024
Full Chapter Submission Deadline: 1st February, 2024
Anticipated Publication: 15 March, 2024

Editorial Team:
Nadeem Jahangir Bhat
Assistant Professor
University of Kashmir
Hazratbal Srinagar-190006
Jammu and Kashmir

Dr Shabina Fatima
Assistant Professor
Government College Khaniyadhana,
Shivpuri, MP – 473990

About the Publisher:
The book will be published by a reputed publisher known for its commitment to scholarly excellence and contributions to the field of literature.
Note: Each contributor will get a copy of the book at nominal cost. No other charges will be applied.
We look forward to receiving your insightful contributions that will contribute to a comprehensive exploration of the dynamic relationship between women and literature.

Monday, December 18, 2023

CFP: International #Conference on The Future of #Masculinities: #Theory and #Praxis-#IIT #Dhanbad- June 2024


 “Masculinities” refers to the numerous and diverse ways that masculinity is expressed and experienced in various cultural, social, and geographic contexts, as well as the ways it is created, enacted, and understood in response to shifting social, cultural, and economic factors. However, the notion of masculinity is dramatically altering as society drastically alters gender roles, expectations, and standards. The traditional idea of masculinity—one that is marked by traits like stoicism, dominance, and emotional restraint—has been challenged and deconstructed more and more recently. The increased awareness of the negative aspects of traditional masculinity has brought forth a major push for more inclusive and varied definitions of masculinity that accommodate a wider range of gender expressions and behaviours. Moreover, the advancements in gender equality and women’s empowerment will have a major impact on future masculinities. Today the inflexible conceptions of traditional masculinity are being challenged as more and more women achieve success and shatter stereotypes in industries that have traditionally been controlled by men, for instance, mining. In an effort to disprove the idea that men should only be providers and breadwinners, men are taking up roles as nurturers, carers, and partners in domestic activities.
Next, the debate of masculinity has intensified as a result of the growing visibility and acceptance of LGBTQ+ people. Men of all sexual orientations and gender identities are paving the way for more flexible and inclusive ideas of what it means to be a man by challenging conventional norms and embracing their actual masculinity and displaying it in ways that are congruent with their unique traits.
Furthermore, emotional and mental health of individuals are being reevaluated as the world evolves, which has a significant impact on masculinities. Men are urged to communicate their emotions honestly, cultivate emotional intelligence, and seek treatment for mental health issues. This defies the idea that being vulnerable indicates weakness and fosters more robust, rounded male emotions. In the future, it is likely that we will continue to see the diversification and redefinition of masculinities. Men will have more freedom to express their gender identity and personal preferences without conforming to rigid stereotypes. This evolution may lead to a society where individuals are judged based on their character and values rather than their adherence to traditional gender roles. However, challenges remain: the pressure to conform to traditional masculinity still exists in many parts of the world, and gender inequality persists in various forms. Thus efforts to redefine masculinity must continue to address these issues and promote a more inclusive and equitable society.
The future of masculinities in a changing world is a complex and dynamic subject with numerous cultural, social, and psychological facets. The future of masculinities in a changing world will be defined by a shift away from rigid, traditional norms and towards more inclusive, diverse, and emotionally conscious representations of masculinity. As society continues to evolve, so too will our understanding of gender and the roles and expectations associated with it. The way forward involves challenging harmful stereotypes, advancing gender equality, and fostering a society where men can authentically express their masculinity while respecting the autonomy and diversity of others.
This proposed book volume will examine the debates surrounding masculinities in both the global north and south. It is crucial to examine the scattered hegemonies/ masculinities because the historical world-system is rife with injustices, racism, and colonialism, and because discourses on masculinities that focus on the global north and south fall short in addressing the complexities of masculinities. This book volume will investigate the prominent masculinity constructs of the global north and the south in order to understand how feminism, globalisation, and shifting gender roles have affected masculinities currently and speculate on where masculinities may go in the future. We invite articles that broaden perspectives on the future of masculinities in a changing world. The topics may cover, but are not limited to:
• Masculinity as a concept
• Masculinity vs. biological maleness
• Being a man: a way of life/ a cause/ an idea
• Construction of masculinity/ies in global north & global south
• Impact of colonialism, post-colonialism, cultural diversity, globalization, feminism, and changing gender norms on masculinities
• Masculinities under nationalism
• Case studies from specific regions illustrating shifts in masculinities
• Masculinities & the intersections of race, caste, class, religion, and other factors
• Implications of scattered masculinities for gender equality and social justice
• Inclusive and positive masculinities: role of education, media, and advocacy in reshaping masculinity norms
• Male violence or masculine violence
• Masculinities & Environment
• Female masculinity
• Future masculinities: evolving gender norms & diversity of identities

Deadline for proposals: February 10, 2024

This call for papers is open to scholars, graduate students, and independent researchers from all disciplines. Original submissions reflecting the global spectrum of masculinities are encouraged.
Send a 200 word maximum abstract of your theoretical or empirical research along with a short biographical note to the editors by February 10, 2024. A paper that has been published previously may not be included.
For further questions or to submit your proposal, you can email Debapriya Ganguly (
Selected abstracts will be notified by the end of February 2024. The deadline for full submissions (6000– 8000 words) is June 2024. The style guide and additional information will be emailed individually to the contributors.
Selected papers (subject to double blind peer review) may appear in an edited volume with a reputed international press.

Rajni Singh is Professor of English at the Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Dhanbad. Rajni’s research focuses on women’s writings and gender studies, with particular interests in histories of gender, sexuality, and selfhood.

Debapriya Ganguly is a Doctoral researcher at the Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Dhanbad. Debapriya’s research focuses on masculinities, sexualities and selfhood in popular culture.