
Showing posts with label Early Modern History and Period Studies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Early Modern History and Period Studies. Show all posts

Saturday, March 16, 2024

CFP: International Conference on #Bengal and its Neighbors: From Early Modern to Contemporary South Asia -Oct 2024.

 The aim of this panel is to initiate a broader dialogue with regards to the Bengal region, as it evolved from the early modern era — then, a region being ruled a motley of Sultanates with periodic eruption of Mughal expeditions against the independent Sultans — to an important resource extraction zone during the colonial era. Eventually, the region evolved into a contested terrain during the anti-colonial movement in the Twentieth Century that pitted two distinct nationalist projects against one another, as the post-colonial future of the region’s heterogeneous ethnic, linguistic and religious communities were being decided. Fast forward to the Partition, Bengal’s religious fault-lines became exposed, as the Muslim majority regions became part of Pakistan, while the Hindu dominated Western regions became part of India. 

However, this flared up communal fragmentation does not fully encapsulate the efforts undertaken by political forces, including the left-leaning ones, to oppose communalism’s impact on the widening gap between Hindus and Muslims. Interestingly, an echo of this anti-communal nation-building imperative can be traced in the movement leading up to the creation of Bangladesh, and, subsequently, the inscribing of the principles of nationalism, socialism, democracy, and secularism in its founding constitution draw up in 1972 following its break-up from Pakistan in 1971. The country experiences coups and countercoups in the late 1970s and early 1980s that had shacked its attempt to build a new society out of the ruins of Partition. 

Moreover, the wider Bengal region has experienced further tensions due to the acceleration of the climate crisis, onset of neoliberal globalization, and new forms of social divides along caste, class, ethnicity, and religious lines in the recent years. Therefore, it would be more than useful to interrogate the region from a broad historical perspective so that dialogues can be initiated to understand the wider implications of today’s crises as well as the traces of the past in the Bengal region’s turbulent present. 

With an aim to investigating the various traditions of resistance, in literary writing, oral and public culture, plastic and visual arts, to dominant ideologies of nation, class, religion, and gender, the esteemed panelists seek to engage with the following questions in order to understand the complex changes in the region from a broader perspective: 

  • How can we address the influences of various cultural forces — Arab, Persian, Indic, and European — in a primarily agrarian region?
  • How can we reconceptualize the major changes that occurred in the region as it transitioned from the colonial era to the postcolonial present? What are some of the major outcomes of this transition including the Permanent Settlement, the Bengal famine of 1943 and the creation of the successor three nation-states of British India impacted the region? 
  • How is the region shaped by political changes such as the solidification of Hindu nationalism in India, the India-China rivalry to extend regional influence, as well as the ethnic tensions in the bordering countries such as Myanmar? 
  • How can the region’s longue durée shifts be addressed from an interdisciplinary angle? What are the stakes of bringing scholars together who explore the Bengal and its neighboring region from a range of disciplinary angles including anthropology, history, literature and religion among others?      
Contact Information

Please submit abstracts of 250-300 words and a brief bio to the organizers, Auritro Majumder, Assistant Professor of English, University of Houston, &  Asif Iqbal, Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Oberlin College, by 30 March, 2024. 

Contact Email:

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

CFP: New Volume --The Practice of Pilgrimage in a Global Early Modern Context

 We are seeking contributions to a volume exploring pilgrimage in a global context from the mid-fifteenth to the mid-eighteenth century. This volume is under consideration for publication in the book series Reflections on Early Modernity / Réflexions sur la première modernité published by the journal Renaissance and Reformation/Renaissance et Réforme. Whether discussing visitations of local shrines or the great trans-regional events like the Hajj and pilgrimages to faraway lands, the rite of pilgrimage kept believers on the move, making pilgrims one of the most visible manifestations of mobility and religious devotion. At the same time, they served as central agents in reconstituting religious themes and notions throughout the early modern period.  Pilgrimage was an intensely social and cultural event, as groups of various travelers encountered each other, as well as other cultures, and experienced new modes of living and other ways of worshiping. As a popular rite, it was also an economic driver of local economies, providing services and goods for travelers, which served the interests of powerful authorities. After 1450, the expansion of maritime trading routes, wars, religious change and a sharp rise and legitimization of curiosity, were among the many forces that worked the extend the global reach of many faiths. These forces also reshaped the practice of pilgrimage in the process. 

It is in this context of an increasingly interconnected and changing early modern world that this volume will offer a forum for an investigation of early modern pilgrimage in a comparative context. We are seeking contributors working from the perspective of diverse disciplines (e. art history, history, literature, anthropology), religious traditions (ie. Buddhism, Shintoism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity) and regional contexts who could engage with one or more of the following themes: 


Pilgrimage and Identity

Journeys of pilgrimage created a space where encounters took place among pilgrims themselves, especially those who traveled in a group; between pilgrims and people or communities they met on their way, especially the communities who lived next to the holy places - the destination of the journey; an encounter with the holy sites; as well as with the pilgrim's own self. These encounters created many opportunities for the re-examination of the pilgrims' boundaries of identity - religious and cultural - as they were used to mark them in their countries of origin. What was the contribution of these encounters to shaping a pilgrim's religious identity? Or the identity of a pilgrim's community of origin?  Or alternatively: How the pilgrim's boundaries of identity are reflected in his description of the "other communities", of the holy sites, of the journey? 

These are only a few possible questions to be discussed.



Pilgrimage and the Construction of Power

Just as the purposes and motives of pilgrimage vary, so do the relationships between pilgrims and political rulers. Many institutions connected with sacred travel have been controlled or sponsored by such authorities, who could collect contributions from pilgrims visiting the shrines within their lands while promoting their reputations as devout leaders. How did these institutions used pilgrimage to build their power? How did it work when rulers and pilgrims were not of the same religion or culture? How did it work when the holy site was worshiped by more than one religion?

Pilgrimages have also prompted behaviors that have proved deeply threatening to political and religious authorities. How did the authorities react to the pilgrims' search for divine favor? How did they react to their temporary release from everyday life, and the volatile potential of a mass movement of people?


The Practice of Pilgrimage (ie. liturgy, relics, markets, hospices)

Although pilgrimage is considered to be a journey taken for spiritual reasons and it usually entails some separation from the everyday world of home, it creates a physical world of its own, not to mention pilgrimage sites tend to have a material focus. Pilgrimage involves, first and foremost, a movement across physical and cultural landscapes, that raises the questions of: routs, vehicles, inns, money-changers, translators, or guides. What are the souvenirs, or relics, that were being transported home? Their importance for the pilgrim's community? What were the cultural performances, or rituals, whether at the holy sites or in social encounters, that pilgrims were involved with?   


Shrines and their Replicas 

The phenomenon of establishing or creating equivalents to sacred sites – and occasionally, to an entire city (Jerusalem, Rome), is known in more than a few contexts. It can be a second burial site of a holy person, a sacred tradition being celebrated in more than one site, etc. Documenting the origin and the replicas of a holy site is one goal, yet another will be to discuss what makes a site an original? And what makes it a replica? What were the historical contexts, and purpose for their creation? And how did they affect pilgrimage routes and practices? 



Pilgrimage Testimonies: Written and Visual/Pictoral 

The testimonies (written, visual, pictoral, other) created by pilgrims testifies to the various ways in which the physical movement of pilgrims between places and cultures shaped the intellectual and material cultures of communities in both the pilgrims' places of origin and the places they visited. These testimonies also interacted with, and became vessels of, myriad intellectual and other traditions (scientific, theological, literary, other), traditions that during the early modern period were shifting in the ways that also came to reshape common perceptions of the world in which pilgrims lived including conceptions of the sacred.


Instructions for the Proposals 

Each chapter should address some of the questions raised in at least one of the emphases outlined above. The maximum word length for each article is 10,000 words, including all notes and images. To submit a proposal for an article, please send an abstract in either English or French of no more than 600 words and a brief c.v. to Dr. Orit Ramon no later than March 31, 2024. You will hear by April 1, 2024 if your proposal to contribute a chapter to the volume has been accepted. We will accept proposals from authors at any stage from advanced graduate students to senior scholars.


For questions, please feel free to send an email to any of the editors:

Dr. Orit Ramon, Dept of History, Philosophy and Judaic Studies, Open University of Israel ( )

Dr. Megan Armstrong, Dept McMaster University, Canada ( )

Dr. Yamit Rachman-Schirre, Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East ( )


Contact Information


Dr. Orit Ramon, Dept of History, Philosophy and Judaic Studies, Open University of Israel ( )

Dr. Megan Armstrong, Dept McMaster University, Canada ( )

Dr. Yamit Rachman-Schirre, Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East ( )

Contact Email

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

#CFP: #Feminism and the Study of the European #Witch-Trials -Journal (Winter 2024).

Throughout most of Europe and its colonies, through the better part of three centuries, accusations of and executions for the crime of witchcraft primarily targeted women – a fact not lost on even the earliest feminist histories (e.g. Matilda Joslyn Gage, Women, Church, and State, 1893). But most early histories of witchcraft tended to downplay issues of gender (see Jan Machielsen, The War on Witchcraft, 2021), while the flowering of witchcraft historiography in the 1970s and 1980s was marred by condescending polemics against ahistorical martyrologies of second-wave feminism such as those of Andrea Dworkin and Starhawk. This changed in the 1990s and early 2000s, when a wave of archivally grounded, theoretically sophisticated, unabashedly feminist scholarship on the witch-trials appeared. Elizabeth Reiss explicated the policing of Damned Women in Puritan New England (1997); Sigrid Brauner depicted witches as the inverse of Protestant Fearless Wives (1995); Deborah Willis (Malevolent Nurture, 1995) and Lyndal Roper (Oedipus and the Devil, 1994) deployed psychoanalytic models to explain misogynist depictions of older women as witches.

Although some degree of gender analysis is now, rightly, standard in any treatment of early modern beliefs and practices related to witchcraft or witch trials, and although that gender analysis is foregrounded in many excellent recent monographs (Valerie Kivelson, Desperate Magic, 2013; Erika Gasser, Vexed with Devils, 2017; Laura Kounine, Imagining the Witch, 2018), explicitly feminist analysis has faded from the scholarly study of witchcraft. Popular feminist sensibility informs many mass-market books on witchcraft (Kristen J. Sollee, Witches, Sluts, Feminists, 2017; Sarah Lyons, Revolutionary Witchcraft, 2019), and a feminist ethos remains central to Pagan Witchcraft and to scholarship about it (Laurel Zwissler, Religious, Feminist, Activist, 2018); but feminist engagement seems largely lacking from recent scholarly treatments of historical witchcraft trials or persecutions. Feminist scholars outside the narrow circle of witchcraft history have turned for insight to the writings of feminist scholars who have filled the vacuum thus created with ahistorical narratives that repeat long-debunked tropes and poorly serve the need for a serious feminist engagement with the witch trials (Silvia Federici, Calaban and the Witch, 2004, and Witches, Women-Hunting, and Women, 2018; Mona Chollett, In Defense of Witches, 2023). Let us Discuss!

The journal Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft invites submissions for a Discussion Forum aimed at reinvigorating the feminist historical study of witchcraft and witch trials, in Europe and by European colonizers, in the period of roughly 1400-1800. Contributions from junior scholars, and from scholars writing from and/or about historically marginalized communities, are especially welcome.

If interested, please send an abstract of about 100-150 words to MRW co-editor Michael Ostling by December 31, 2023, at . Or contact with questions.

Full drafts of those contributions accepted for inclusion in the Discussion Forum will be due April 30 2024. Anticipated publication in Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft volume 19.3 (Winter 2024).

Discussion Forum pieces tend to be short (2000-4000 words) and conversational. While they may be theoretically sophisticated and grounded in detailed scholarship, they should also be accessible to audiences across a wide range of disciplines and positionalities. Please write accordingly.

Contact Information

Michael Ostling

Contact Email