
Showing posts with label Black History / Studies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black History / Studies. Show all posts

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Call for Book Series Announcement - Afrasia: Contours, Crossings, Connections -University of Pittsburgh Press

 The University of Pittsburgh Press is pleased to announce the launch of Afrasia: Contours, Crossings, Connections (ACCC), a new scholarly book series that will examine how African and Asian peoples have encountered each other across diverse geographical and cultural contexts, in the past and present, with a focus on the frictions and solidarities of these encounters as catalyzed by contemporary trends in global migration, movement, and interrelation.

ACCC takes Afrasia as the conceptual and contingent space—historical and contemporary; sociocultural, political economic, and ideological; interpersonal, collective, and mass-mediated, among others—through which African and Asian peoples, as well as peoples of African and Asian descent, have engaged each other on and between their respective continents, across and through oceanic regions, and around the world. The series aims to establish a framework through which to understand the various interactions and enmeshments that took and take place between and across African and Asian actors—interactions that are neither stable nor unchanging but rather defined by their complexity, richness, mutability, and depth.

Welcoming interdisciplinary scholarship that explores the myriad dimensions of these exchanges, the series traces the contours of Afrasia to encompass West, Central, South, Southeast, and East Asia; Sub-Saharan and North Africa; and diasporic zones worldwide, including the Indian Ocean, the Caribbean, and the Americas.

ACCC will be edited by Marvin D. Sterling, associate professor of cultural anthropology, and Pedro Machado, associate professor of history, both of Indiana University Bloomington. An international editorial board of distinguished academics will advise the editors and the Press on series matters.

“The complex, myriad, and increasingly deep entanglements of Africans and Asians—and people of African and Asian descent—have chartered broad and wide-ranging trajectories whose contours and dynamics have shaped the currents of the global past and are defining the contemporary world,” states Machado. “Interest in exploring these enmeshments has been growing in recent years and this series will provide an urgently needed venue to showcase scholarship in this field.”

“In addition to the international political, economic, and similar terms in which the interactions between African and Asian peoples have been understood, we are invested in what have been under-explored perspectives that are socioculturally attentive, ethnographically attuned, and humanistic in their framings of the global histories, as well as the present and emergent futures, of these interactions,” offers Sterling. “In this way, the series is both forward looking, and decades overdue.”

The series invites proposals for monographs and edited volumes from new and experienced scholars. Inquiries should be directed to William Masami Hammell, senior acquisitions editor: Submission information is available on the Book Submissions page. Once up and running, the series aims to publish 2-3 books each year.

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Saturday, February 3, 2024

Call For Chapters: EditedThe #Palgrave Handbook of #Monsters and #Monstrous #Bodies


Call for Chapters

The Palgrave Handbook of Monsters and Monstrous Bodies, under contract with Palgrave Publishers, is an interdisciplinary collection of chapters, that provides a snapshot of the evolving field of Monster Studies. This Handbook offers a comprehensive review of globalizing and expanding interdisciplinary explorations of monsters and monstrous bodies. It will become the only Handbook of its kind that focuses on both monsters and the monstrous by world-leading experts, established academics, emerging scholars, and new academics bringing together scholarship across disciplines about the monstrous in
multiple contexts and time periods.
We are seeking scholars of diverse identities, races, and genders, especially those from non-Western institutions or whose work examines monsters and monstrous bodies from global perspectives and nonnormative experiences and narratives to complete the text. Scholars will reflect on the tremendous growth and wide-ranging appeal of these engagements throughout the disciplines. The chapters will emphasize how cultures create ideas of monstrous bodies and utilize monsters as allegories for all manner of identities, issues, and socio-cultural experiences. The Handbook will serve as an interdisciplinary holistic reference to those interested in the links between monsters and socio-cultural attitudes.

1. “How To Create a Monster: From Anatomy To Trauma And All Points In Between” Sherry Ginn
2. “Abjection,” Dr. Katherine H. Lee, Indiana State University
3. “Imposing Order on the Monstrous: A Cultural Taxonomy of the Modern Zombie,” Rob Smid, Curry College Massachusetts
4. “Demonstrification: How Monsters Can Be Agents of Social Change,” Colleen Karn, Methodist College
5. “Holy Monsters: Bodies, Impairment and the Sacred in the Middle Ages,” Lisa R. Verner,
University of New Orleans
6. “In Sickness and in Hell: Monstrous Revenants and Infectious Disease,” Leah Richards, Ph.D., LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York
7. “Hell is a Teenage Girl”: Revenge and the Monstrous-Feminine in Jennifer’s Body” Hannah Hansen, Massey University New Zealand
8. “Monstrous Monster Makers: Examining Mad Scientists and their Creations,” Heather M. Porter,  M.S. & Michael Starr, University of Northampton, UK.
9. “Black Vampires and Antiblackness: New and Old Histories”, Deanna Koretsky, Spelman College
10. “Jordan Peele’s Horror Noire Oeuvre: Black Studies, White Students, and the Politics of DEI Curricula in this Era of Woke Culture,” Jayson Baker, Curry College,
11. “Let’s Do the Monster Mash” Dance Horror in Vampire Films,” Elizabeth Miller Lewis, The University of New Orleans
The Palgrave Handbook of Monsters and Monstrous Bodies
12. “A Monstrous Hunger: Female Vampires and Appetite,” Robin A. Werner, The University of New Orleans
13. “Monstrous Bodies: The Quadroons Balls of New Orleans,” U. Melissa Anyiwo, The University of Scranton
14. “Dumb show: Mute children in New Zealand literature and cinema,” Jenny Lawn Massey University New Zealand
15. “Obsessed with Fangs, Fur, and Tentacles: Monster Pornography and a Desire for Monstrous Sex,” Amanda Jo Hobson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
16. “The Danger of the White Progressive,” Liza A. Talusan, PhD
17. “The Demamification of Black Women in Educational Leadership: Sirol’s Song,” Loris Adams, National Cathedral School.

Monster Hunters of Eastern Europe
African monsters and monstrous bodies in fiction and folklore
Manga & Anime Monsters: Globalizing Japanese Storytelling
(Re)Envisioning (Dis)Abilities and Monstrous Bodies in Global Media
Monstrosity in Asian contexts
Exploring Monstrosity in International Children’s Media
The Monsters of Nollywood & Bollywood.
Selling Black Bodies in Pain
Monstrous Tourism in Ghana and the US
Making monsters? Historical Narratives of the Other.
Monstrous mythologies of the Diaspora.
Animating Monstrous Bodies in Indie Comics and Graphic Novels
The Impact of Independent and Self-Published Production on Monstrosity in fiction and film
Queering the Monstrous
Monstrous Children and the Horrors of Caretaking
Monstrous Bodies: Envisioning Queer Feminist Pornography
Nasty Women of Gothic Literature
Monstrosity, Comedy, and the Awkward Blurring of Genres
Exploring the Quotidian and the Profane in Contemporary Monsters-Next-Door Fictions
Romancing the Monstrous, Or Why We Want to Date Monsters
Monsters and/or Monstrous Bodies to Redress Cultural Appropriation
Policing Monstrous Flesh

Thursday, February 29th, 2024 – Proposals & Bio due
January 1st, 2025– 1st drafts due
June 15, 2025 – 2nd drafts due
October 30, 2025 – Final Drafts Due

Please email 300-word proposals with a short biographical statement (50 words) and inquiries to Melissa Anyiwo and Amanda Jo Hobson by Thursday, February 29th, 2024. The final chapters will be approximately 7000-9000 words.

Proposals Due by Thursday, February 29th, 2024
Amanda Jo Hobson, Associate Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology,
U. Melissa Anyiwo, Associate Professor History, Director Black Studies, The University of Scranton

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Call for Proposals :Radical Histories of Decolonization

 A Call for Proposals from the Radical History Review

Issue number 153
Abstract Deadline: January 8, 2024
Co-Edited by Manan Ahmed, Marissa Moorman, Jecca Namakkal, Golnar Nikpour

Radical History Review seeks contributions for a special issue entitled “Radical Histories of Decolonization.”

Historians have tended to treat decolonization as an event that began in the 1940s and ended by the late 1970s, primarily confined to large areas of Asia and Africa, though scholars of global Indigenous histories offer a deeper and unfinished timeline. Many activists today use the term to discuss a still-present need to end colonial institutions, from settler colonial occupation in places as widespread as Turtle Island (North America), Hawai’i, Puerto Rico, Palestine, and Aotearoa (New Zealand), to the hegemony of Western thought in university curricula, to the possession of art and artifacts expropriated from the colonies and displayed in museums in major cities such as New York, London, and Paris. The term “decolonization” has come to mean many things, some limited, and others expansive.

This issue of the Radical History Review seeks to explore the genealogy of decolonization as a category of analysis and how people have dreamed and enacted decolonization in past and present. We are interested in work that reconsiders how decolonization has occurred—as both success and  failure—throughout history, including in geographic areas that fall outside of the twentieth-century paradigm including Haiti and many parts of Latin America that press into the twenty-first century. We are interested in questions of how the colonized in overseas colonies, settler colonies, and informal colonies understood decolonization across different times and spaces. While the works of individual thinkers (Fanon, Cabral, Césaire, Nehru, Ho Chi Minh) tend to dominate histories of decolonization, we ask how people on the ground who are often left out of the story—including but not limited to women, soldiers, and ethnic and linguistic minorities—challenged colonial power and the dominant parties fighting for sovereignty. This issue aims to center the work of scholars, activists, and archives that lay outside of Western institutions.

Potential topics include (but are not limited to):

  • While the etymology of decolonization begins in the nineteenth century, how is it useful for historians of the ancient or medieval worlds to work with this concept?
  • What happens when anti-colonial movements have interacted with and taken up imperial imaginaries of an idealized pre-colonial past?
  • How have people across the political spectrum interpreted (and perhaps instrumentalized) decolonization differently?
  • Where does the concept of Indigeneity fit into histories of decolonization?
  • Is decolonization a concept that can be understood universally? Or does it always need to be rooted in local struggles?
  • What does history tell us about the relationship between decolonization and sovereignty?
  • How do we understand the rise of religious, social, and political movements in the context of decolonization?
  • How does the framework of decolonization work (or not work) in contexts of informal colonial or “semi-colonial” relations?
  • Does decolonization mean the end of empire and/or has decolonization meant the end of empire? Historically, how have colonized subjects imagined and attempted to enact an end to empires?
  • How does decolonization work as a language outside of the context of Western European imperialism (i.e. Japanese empire, Russian empire)?

The RHR publishes material in a variety of forms. Potential contributors are encouraged to look at recent issues for examples of both conventional and non-conventional forms of scholarship. We are especially interested in submissions that use images as well as texts and encourage materials with strong visual content. In addition to monographic articles based on archival research, we encourage submissions to our various departments, including:

  • Historians at Work (reflective essays by practitioners in academic and non-academic settings that engage with questions of professional practice)
  • Teaching Radical History (syllabi and commentary on teaching)
  • Public History (essays on historical commemoration and the politics of the past)
  • Interviews (proposals for interviews with scholars, activists, and others)
  • (Re)Views (review essays on history in all media—print, film, and digital)
  • Reflections (Short critical commentaries)
  • Forums (debates and discussions)

Procedures for submission of articles:

By January 8, 2024, please submit a 1-2 page abstract summarizing the article you wish to submit to our online journal management system, ScholarOne. To begin with ScholarOne, sign in or create an account at Next, sign in, select “Author” from the menu up top, and click “Begin Submission” or “Start New Submission.” Upload a Word or PDF document, including any images within the document. After uploading your file, select “Proposal” as the submission type and follow the on-screen instructions. Please write to if you encounter any technical difficulties.

By February 29, 2024, authors will be notified whether they should submit a full version of their article for peer review. The due date for completed articles will be in June, 2024. Those articles selected for publication after the peer review process will be included in issue 153 of the Radical History Review, scheduled to appear in October, 2025.

Abstract Deadline: January 8, 2024


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Friday, October 27, 2023

Call for Papers: NEW TRENDS IN #GENDER AND #DALIT #STUDIES November 30- December 2, 2023

 Call for Papers

Gender and caste have historically wielded immense influence as prevailing forms of social and cultural hierarchies in the Indian subcontinent. Consequently, they have taken center stage in discussions within the realms of social science, policy-making, and the pursuit of inclusive growth. A productive academic discourse has emerged, delving into various facets of Gender and Dalit studies in the broader context of Indian social science. Substantial transformations have transpired in the examination of marginalized groups and issues associated with social exclusion.

Over the past few decades, the primary thematic discourse has revolved around feminism, women's empowerment, and the predicaments of marginalized communities. Academia has also posed significant inquiries into how gender discrimination and power dynamics contribute to the perpetuation of social and cultural hierarchies and the subjugation of women and Dalits. Recently, novel perspectives and methodological practices have surfaced within the interdisciplinary social sciences. Therefore, it is imperative to thoroughly explore the diverse methodological and perspectival aspects of gender discrimination and social exclusion concerning women and marginalized groups such as Dalits.

Themes and Sub Themes

Theme 1: Gender Studies in Kerala


Historical Perspective:

Women's Status in Ancient-Medieval& Modern Kerala

Women's Movements in Modern Kerala

Gender and Politics:

Political Participation of Women in Kerala

Women in Leadership Roles: Case Studies

Cultural and Social Dynamics:

Impact of Literature and Arts on Gender Perceptions

Traditional Roles vs. Modern Aspirations

Contemporary Challenges:

Gender Disparities in Education and Employment

Economic Dimensions

Women's Health and Healthcare Access

Theme 2: Dalit Studies in Kerala


Historical Evolution:

Origin and Growth of Dalit Movements in Kerala

Dalit Icons and Leaders in Kerala

Dalit Writings and Politics

Economic Empowerment:

Dalit Entrepreneurship and Business Initiatives

Land Reforms and Dalit Communities

Educational Challenges:

Access to Quality Education for Dalit Communities

Role of Education in Dalit Empowerment

Social Issues and Discrimination:

Slavery & Humiliation in Kerala

Caste-based Discrimination: Realities and Challenges

Intersections of Gender and Caste Questions

Theme 3: Intersectionality and Marginalized Identities


Marginality- Every Day Experiences and Knowledge Production

Gender and Dalit Intersections:

Double Discrimination: Dalit Women’s Experiences

Dalit LGBTQ+ Experiences in Kerala

Legal Framework and Social Justice:

Legal Safeguards for Dalits and Women in Kerala

Challenges in Implementation: A Critical Analysis

Culture & Aesthetics

Gender and Dalit Issues in Literature -Art-Cinema- Performance and Theatre

Media Representation:

Portrayal of Dalits and Women in Kerala Media

Alternative Narratives and Media Activism

Theme 4: Empowerment Strategies and Interventions


Government Policies:

Effectiveness of Government Schemes for Women and Dalits

Policy Recommendations for Improvement

NGO Initiatives:

Role of NGOs in Empowering Dalits and Women

Best Practices and Lessons Learned

Education and Awareness Programs:

Impact of Awareness Campaigns on Gender and Dalit Issues

Integrating Gender and Dalit Studies in Education Curriculum

Social Justice and Affirmative Action

Education and Reservation Policies

NEP and Inclusive Education

Theme 5: Future Prospects and Challenges


Emerging Trends:

Digital Empowerment: Opportunities and Challenges

Changing Dynamics in Urban and Rural Spaces

Global Perspectives:

Comparative Analysis: Gender and Dalit Studies in International Context

Global Movements and their Influence on Kerala

Sustainable Development:

Sustainable Livelihoods for Dalit Communities

Gender-sensitive Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

We are pleased to invite research papers from teachers and research scholars related to the aforementioned themes and sub-themes. Kindly submit your abstracts by 31 October 2023 and your full papers by 10 November 2023. Please limit your typed paper to 10 pages with adequate referencing in the form of endnotes, using MS Word format (Times New Roman, 12 pt, double-spaced), and send it to


Thursday, October 12, 2023

Call for Book Chapters: "#Disability, #Race, and #Masculinity: #Disabling and #Resisting the Disabling of #Black #Masculinity"

Vernon Press invites book chapters for a forthcoming edited volume on the subject of "Disability, Race, and Masculinity: Disabling and Resisting the Disabling of Black Masculinity."

Emerging as one of the branches of health/medical humanities, Disability Studies has been of interest to scholars and researchers from Literature, to Psychology, Medicine, Law and the Humanistic Social Sciences. The past few years have witnessed the rising importance of and interest in informing disability studies from multidisciplinary, intersectional approaches. Understanding the term ‘disability’ often ignites questions regarding how and why one’s (dis)ability is distinctly understood and construed by a composite of factors like race, gender and class. How do existing theoretical frameworks diversify the conceptual and contextual understanding of disability beyond its traditional sense, linked only with defects or disease in the biological body? How do biological-physical impairment and the broader range of disabilities (social, legal, etc.) at once overlap and stand apart?

This book proposes to bring into its ambit critical trajectories offered within and beyond the periphery of disability studies that shape the meaning of disability as a product of social injustice, not just medical condition. Disability thus becomes a mark of, a way to understand, and a new venue for critique of the formation of minority identity, interrogating the social construction and existence of identities subject to the politics of social control.

David Mitchell and Sharon Synder observe that, “stigmatized social positions founded upon gender, class, nationality and race have often been relied upon disability to visually underscore the devaluations of marginal communities.” Douglas Baynton reveals that discrimination in United States against people of color, women and immigrants has been justified historically by representing them as disabled. This book will incorporate chapters and articles that will broaden by bringing into conversation the critical scholarship and discourses on disability, race and masculinity. The chapters will offer comparative study of works/texts, thus presenting a new body of theory to several fields of critical scholarship; it will offer fresh research and critical approaches to primary materials rather than secondary research on the topic. After an introduction informed by a thorough review of existing scholarship, each chapter will further contribute to understanding, interpretation, and theorizing of the intersections of race, masculinity and disability and fill in gaps or create new, interrogative spaces.

Contributors will expand current disability studies and thus serve to initiate new alignments in future race, masculinity, and disability studies. This is a scholarly effort to transgress beyond conventional responses by interrogating the intersections of race, disability, and masculinity.

Chapters will address the following themes, but will not be limited to:

  • Race, Masculinity and Disability in Literature and Film
  • Law and Social Justice: Disabled/ing Black Masculinity in US Prisons
  • Politics of Spaces: Disability, Blackness and Masculinity
  • Human Rights and Black Masculinity: Negotiating Identity with (Dis)ability
  • Affect, Disability, and Black Masculinity
  • Resisting Disability: Reading Black Masculinity and (Dis)ability
  • Writing and Resisting Racial Disability in/through Life Narratives

Chapter proposal submission

An abstract of not more than 300 words, and five keywords must also be submitted along with a brief profile of the contributor to Dr Sucharita Sharma,
Plagiarism report of the paper along with the full paper submission.
Kindly adhere to MLA 9th Edition style of citation.
The length of the full paper should be between 4000-5000 words.

The proposed deadlines are as follows:
Deadline for abstracts submission: January 30, 2024
Acceptance of abstracts: February 15, 2024
Full chapter submission:  April 20, 2024

Contact Information

Dr Sucharita Sharma

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