
Showing posts with label theatre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label theatre. Show all posts

Monday, September 9, 2024

CFP: Inter-University Students’ and Researchers’ Conference on Off the Stage: Performance Practices in Postcolonial India-November 19—20, 2024-Ramakrishna Mission Residential College (Autonomous), Narendrapur


Ramakrishna Mission Residential College (Autonomous), Narendrapur

10th Inter-University Students’ and Researchers’ Conference 2024

November 1920, 2024

 Off the Stage: Performance Practices in Postcolonial India

The post-Independence Indian theatre has been largely influenced by the realist theatre tradition of the West with some persistent exceptions in different regions across India, that are committed to revive, explore and establish the Indianness of Indian theatre, however complex the notion of ‘Indian’ may be. As the nationalist movement in colonial India had gained momentum in the first half of the twentieth century, theatre practitioners attempted to decolonise Indian theatre by imbibing indigenous cultural forms and expressions beyond the Proscenium. In fact, the postcolonial intersection in Indian theatre was ushered in by rejecting ‘the modernity associated with western modes of representation’ and by asserting an ‘alternative postcolonial modernity based on premodern indigenous traditions of performance’ (Dharwadker 2019, 22). The concerns raised in the First Drama Seminar in New Delhi in 1956 on the need to create a ‘new’ theatre for the ‘new’ nation, that was self-conscious and self-reflexive, found expressions through movements such as People’s Theatre (already practised by IPTA), the Theatre of Roots and Third Theatre. Various forms of folk, traditional and regional performances were also revived to strengthen the drive towards Indianness in performance making—in terms of the use of performance elements, performers’ training, selection of performance space and content for dramatization. These performances have been mostly addressed to the commons of the society, where the issues and concerns of the grassroots are primarily explored.

One of the most significant engagements in the postcolonial Indian theatre has been with place as performance space, where place and person intersect to allow place to be a potential actant in the playmaking process as well as its meaning production. When a performance embodies social or historical situatedness beyond the Proscenium stage, it attains a wider provision to intersect with performance of protest, narrative of resistance, sociopolitical activism and unorthodox conditions. The environment of an open-air unorthodox performance space surrounds, sustains and contains the performance and contributes to its meaning production—creating an embodied experience for the spectators.  

Postcolonial Indian theatre has also witnessed the rise of applied performance practices where a play is developed through participatory workshop with non-actors belonging to a particular community in focus. Such productions are mostly research-oriented, workshop-based, community-centred and purpose-driven, where the entire playmaking process is shared by the participants, collaborators, facilitators or performers. Sometimes the barrier between the performers and the spectators becomes fluid and an intersection of body, space and environment is observed. Although the community performances in unorthodox performance spaces in local communities broadly diverge from the commerciality of the Proscenium convention, the lack of consistent financial support and enthusiastic collaborators poses a constant threat to their survival in India.

In this background, the conference seeks deliberations on the non-Proscenium forms and practices of theatre performances in postcolonial India, which shape a distinct Indian identity in terms of performance making. The performance forms and practices may be examined through diverse cultural, theoretical and theatrical discourses in the postcolonial Indian context. The seemingly overlapping performance practices and ideas listed below are only indicative and not restrictive in nature.  

People’s theatre: Nationalism, Cultural activism and the Mass

Indigenous performance: Folk, Traditional and Ritual

The Theatre of Roots: Rooted, Uprooted or De-rooted?

Street theatre: Politics, Propaganda and Social activism

Performance of protest: Art, Dissent and Performativity

Applied performance: Therapy, Education and Engagement

Participatory performance: Research, Workshop and Collaboration

Intimate performance: Body, Space and Proximity

Ecological performance: Ecology, Climate change and Green dramaturgy

Organic theatre: Nature, Embeddedness and Organicity

Site-specific performance: Art, Aesthetics and Environment

We invite abstracts of not more than 300 words from college/University students, research scholars and early career researchers to be emailed to the conference convenor at The names, contact numbers, email ids and affiliations should be clearly mentioned in the abstracts. Please write “SRC2024 Abstract” in the subject heading of your email.

Important Dates

Last Date of submission of Abstract: Friday, 20th September 2024

Notification of acceptance of Abstract: Wednesday, 25th September 2024


Convenor: Pranab Kumar Mandal, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Ramakrishna Mission Residential College (Autonomous), Narendrapur

Monday, January 8, 2024

Call For Articles on - #Affect Studies, #BlackStudies, #Critical #Disability Studies, Critical #Race Studies, Digital #Humanities, #Environmental Humanities, #Media Studies, #Medical #Humanities, Sound Studies, #Transgender Studies, #Asian Canadian Studies, #Black Canadian Studies, #Canadian #Literature, Canadian History, Canadian Studies, #Diaspora Studies& #Indigenous Studies. - University of Toronto Quarterly

University of Toronto Quarterly (UTQ) is currently seeking submissions. Established in 1931, UTQ publishes innovative and exemplary scholarship from all areas in the humanities. The journal welcomes articles, in English or French, on art and visual culture, gender and sexuality, history, literature and literary studies, music, philosophy, theory, theatre and performance, religion, and other areas of the humanities not listed here. As an interdisciplinary journal, UTQ favours articles that appeal to a scholarly readership beyond the specialists of a given discipline or field. The editorial board is especially interested, although not exclusively, in research that addresses topics of particular relevance to Canada. UTQ is therefore enthusiastic about submissions in Asian Canadian Studies, Black Canadian Studies, Canadian Literature, Canadian History, Canadian Studies, Diaspora Studies, and Indigenous Studies. The journal, more broadly, embraces research that engages interdisciplinary sites of scholarly inquiry, such as Affect Studies, Black Studies, Critical Disability Studies, Critical Race Studies, Digital Humanities, Environmental Humanities, Media Studies, Medical Humanities, Sound Studies, Transgender Studies, and emergent fields within the humanities. UTQ is published by the University of Toronto Press.

Submissions should normally be between 7,500 and 12,500 words in length inclusive of footnotes and bibliographic material. Additionally, all submissions should be accompanied by an abstract (150-250 words). UTQ’s house style is based upon the MLA Handbook (7th edition), so please format submissions in accordance with MLA bibliographic guidelines. Substantive or discursive amplification should appear in judiciously selected footnotes. All text, including footnotes and Works Cited, should be double-spaced. Please do not justify right margins.

UTQ does not accept research that has already been published, nor does the journal accept submissions currently under consideration elsewhere. The journal does not publish poetry or fiction.

Please anonymize submissions by removing all self-identifying information from the article, including acknowledgements and self-citations (reference your own scholarship as you would any other scholar). When saving the file, remove all personal information from the file on save.

UTQ commissions external reports to assess the quality of each submission. The journal receives numerous submissions and only submissions that the editorial board deems most appropriate for the journal, and most likely to receive recommendations to publish from experts, are sent out for peer review. The review process is doubly anonymous. Authors should expect to receive a response in the form of an editor’s report that collates relevant and useful information drawn from 2 to 3 external reports alongside the internal comments of the editorial board. Peer review takes approximately three to four months.

UTQ regularly publishes special issues on the range of subjects listed above. If interested in proposing a special issue and serving as its guest editor, contact the editor, Professor Colin Hill, at

Please send all submissions and inquiries to

Deadline: Jan 14 2024.
For further information concerning our editorial policies, please refer to this document which provides supplemental information about copyright and images.