
Showing posts with label Philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philosophy. Show all posts

Thursday, March 28, 2024

CFP: International #Conference on #Hermeneutics of #Divine Soundscapes: Decoding the #Musical Signatures of Sri #Guru #Granth Sahib -October 2024-#Punjab University, India

 About The Conference

The relationship between spirituality and music is deeply rooted in the sacred verses of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. This conference aims to interpret the divine soundscapes within Sri Guru Granth Sahib and uncover the layers inherent in its musical signatures. By bringing together scholars, musicians, theologians, and practitioners, this conference aims to foster the understanding of the spiritual and interpretative dimensions of Sikh musical traditions. The conference has several objectives, such as investigating the symbolic meanings and semiotic nuances embedded in the musical signatures of Sri Guru Granth Sahib and exploring how they contribute to the overall discourse. The role of music in the spiritual and normative practices associated with Sri Guru Granth Sahib and its impact on the spiritual experience of practitioners is another area that will be explored.

The conference aims to facilitate dialogue on how the various interpretations of divine soundscapes in Sri Guru Granth Sahib resonate with and influence diverse cultural and religious practices and contexts. Finally, it will discuss the contemporary relevance of the divine soundscapes in the context of evolving religious thought and cultural dynamics.


• Ragas in Sri Guru Granth Sahib
• Ghar in Sri Guru Granth Sahib
• Dhuniyan (melodies) in Sri Guru Granth Sahib • Chhant in Sri Guru Granth Sahib
• Pauries in Sri Guru Granth Sahib
• Partaal in Sri Guru Granth Sahib
• Poetic Signatures in Sri Guru Granth Sahib
• Sikh Musical Traditions (e.g. Gharane)

Guidelines for Abstract and Paper Submission

We invite abstracts between 200-300 words along with a bio-note of not more than 100 words. Full-length papers should be 3000-5000 words long. The Authors can present their papers in Punjabi/English. The abstract can be e-mailed at or

Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and included in the proceedings published by the Nad Music Institute in a dedicated volume. Lodging and boarding shall be covered for all the conference participants. Full or partial travel grants will be provided to the selected participants. The selected young researchers shall be encouraged with special rewards.

Important Dates:

Submission of Abstracts: 25th April 2024
Intimation of Accepted Abstracts: 30th April 2024
Full Paper Submission: 1st September 2024
Intimation of Acceptance of the complete paper: 15th September 2024

About Bhai Vir Singh Chair

Bhai Vir Singh Chair was formally established in 2013. Padma Bhushan Bhai Vir Singh, an acclaimed figure in the literary world, is widely recognised as the father of modern Punjabi literature. His contribution to Punjabi language and literature has been remarkable, having dedicated 50 years of his life to our traditional heritage through modern scientific idioms. Emulating the tradition of philosophy, knowledge, and experience set forth by Guru Nanak Sahib, Bhai Vir Singh created various forms of literature, including poetry, fiction, rhetoric, editing, interpretation, and research, all of which have played a significant role in shaping modern Punjabi literature.

About Nad Music Institute

Nad Music Institute, a non-profit organization headquartered in Washington (USA), established in 2018, is committed to advancing Sikh music through academic research, collaboration with musicians and musical societies, and the creation of educational resources.

Contact Information

Dr. Jaswinder Singh, In-charge, Bhai Vir Singh Chair, Punjabi University, Patiala 

Dr. Manjit Singh, Nad Music Institute, USA

Thursday, January 18, 2024

CFP: Special Issue Call for Papers 'The Human and the Machine: AI and the Changing World'-2024

If we are to believe the entertainment media, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is destined to go rogue and take over the world, destroying humanity as we know it. In reality, the growing accessibility of AI is seeing its use normalised and it is becoming a useful tool to improve and alter society. Artificial Intelligence has been an area of research since the 1950s and hinges on machine functions that learn from humans or independently. Despite its long history, contemporary advancements in AI systems, like Midjourney and Chat GPT, are fuelling fresh discussions about its pervasive impact on diverse industries, from healthcare and communication to engineering and art.

Existing research has documented AI's capabilities in various sectors. It can synthesise big data, enhance creativity, streamline production, and personalise content. For instance, platforms like Chat GPT have proven effective in educational settings, while DALL-E 2 has expedited the creation and deployment of advertising materials. In the business domain, data analysts leverage AI for consumer behaviour analysis, including product reviews and purchase intentions. For public relations professionals, AI automates routine tasks like media list creation and meeting scheduling, thereby enhancing efficiency. Overall, AI has wide applicability across industries with obvious advantages.

However, AI is not without its challenges. It has been critiqued for potentially causing job losses, breaching privacy, infringing copyrights, and perpetuating false information. There's a growing concern that as machines take on roles in cultural production, even when working alongside their human counterparts, issues around human agency and rights come into focus, particularly when AI systems are perceived as biased or lacking a nuanced understanding of global contexts. For instance, in journalism, concerns have been raised that using AI will compromise norms and values, while in advertising and public relations, the move to using virtual influencers has posed issues of inauthenticity. Such ethical concerns continue to be raised around professional practice and the use of AI, and therefore, pose challenges to the willingness of people to embrace AI.

While the public's response to AI has often been tepid due to its complexities and uncertainties, its undeniable influence on language and social relationships underscores its relevance in communication research. It is against this backdrop we extend an invitation for contributions to this special issue that considers the relationship between artificial intelligence and communication. The focus is on how AI is influencing the communication and media industries, ranging from public relations and journalism to marketing and entertainment media (e.g. screen production, artistic practice, podcasting). We aim to address questions such as, how is AI impacting the production and consumption of media content, how might AI shape communication and culture, is AI displacing human resources, and what impact will AI have on authentic human interaction.

Topics in the special issue may include (but are not limited to):

• AI and authentic human interaction
• AI and journalism/public relations/advertising/marketing (or other communication industry)
• AI and personalization of media content
• Chatbots and virtual humans
• AI and cultural development
• AI, diversity, and inclusion
• AI media production and/or consumption practices

Publication Timeline
29 January 2024, abstracts due (200-300 words)
22 April 2024, full manuscripts due (6-7000 words)
Publication: October 2024

Please send submissions and correspondence to: co-editors Matthew Guinibert ( and Angelique Nairn ( with the subject ‘ICC-X’. 
Please visit Intellect’s website to follow its house referencing guidelines.

About the co-editors:

Dr Matthew Guinibert is a senior lecturer and Head of Department (Brand, Digital Communication, and Public Relations) in in the School of Communication Studies (SCS). His expertise in digital media spans visual communication, UI/UX design, technology-enhanced learning, and the strategies that underpin the use of digital media.

Dr Angelique Nairn is an Associate Professor in the School of Communication Studies (SCS). She is also the Associate Head of School for Research. Angelique has been involved in a myriad of research projects that have hinged on organisational communication, identity construction, rhetoric, and/or the creative industries. She teaches courses in the public relations department, specialising in digital public relations and persuasion.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Call For Articles on - #Affect Studies, #BlackStudies, #Critical #Disability Studies, Critical #Race Studies, Digital #Humanities, #Environmental Humanities, #Media Studies, #Medical #Humanities, Sound Studies, #Transgender Studies, #Asian Canadian Studies, #Black Canadian Studies, #Canadian #Literature, Canadian History, Canadian Studies, #Diaspora Studies& #Indigenous Studies. - University of Toronto Quarterly

University of Toronto Quarterly (UTQ) is currently seeking submissions. Established in 1931, UTQ publishes innovative and exemplary scholarship from all areas in the humanities. The journal welcomes articles, in English or French, on art and visual culture, gender and sexuality, history, literature and literary studies, music, philosophy, theory, theatre and performance, religion, and other areas of the humanities not listed here. As an interdisciplinary journal, UTQ favours articles that appeal to a scholarly readership beyond the specialists of a given discipline or field. The editorial board is especially interested, although not exclusively, in research that addresses topics of particular relevance to Canada. UTQ is therefore enthusiastic about submissions in Asian Canadian Studies, Black Canadian Studies, Canadian Literature, Canadian History, Canadian Studies, Diaspora Studies, and Indigenous Studies. The journal, more broadly, embraces research that engages interdisciplinary sites of scholarly inquiry, such as Affect Studies, Black Studies, Critical Disability Studies, Critical Race Studies, Digital Humanities, Environmental Humanities, Media Studies, Medical Humanities, Sound Studies, Transgender Studies, and emergent fields within the humanities. UTQ is published by the University of Toronto Press.

Submissions should normally be between 7,500 and 12,500 words in length inclusive of footnotes and bibliographic material. Additionally, all submissions should be accompanied by an abstract (150-250 words). UTQ’s house style is based upon the MLA Handbook (7th edition), so please format submissions in accordance with MLA bibliographic guidelines. Substantive or discursive amplification should appear in judiciously selected footnotes. All text, including footnotes and Works Cited, should be double-spaced. Please do not justify right margins.

UTQ does not accept research that has already been published, nor does the journal accept submissions currently under consideration elsewhere. The journal does not publish poetry or fiction.

Please anonymize submissions by removing all self-identifying information from the article, including acknowledgements and self-citations (reference your own scholarship as you would any other scholar). When saving the file, remove all personal information from the file on save.

UTQ commissions external reports to assess the quality of each submission. The journal receives numerous submissions and only submissions that the editorial board deems most appropriate for the journal, and most likely to receive recommendations to publish from experts, are sent out for peer review. The review process is doubly anonymous. Authors should expect to receive a response in the form of an editor’s report that collates relevant and useful information drawn from 2 to 3 external reports alongside the internal comments of the editorial board. Peer review takes approximately three to four months.

UTQ regularly publishes special issues on the range of subjects listed above. If interested in proposing a special issue and serving as its guest editor, contact the editor, Professor Colin Hill, at

Please send all submissions and inquiries to

Deadline: Jan 14 2024.
For further information concerning our editorial policies, please refer to this document which provides supplemental information about copyright and images.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Call For Papers: Special Issue – #Queerness as Strength- Journal- University of Warwick

The marginalisation of LGBTIQA+ people remains a purposeful act of successive governments, institutions and individuals. The outcome has been poorer health outcomes, limited political participation, higher incarceration rates, and increased inequality and violence globally.

However, amidst this crisis LGBTIQA+ people have also created and maintained ways and means of survival. While being forced to the margins and away from the centre, queer theories and practices have emerged that challenge not only our own marginalisation but also consistently queery and question why human life is how it is. Whether surviving epidemics, persisting for equality in the law, or resisting assimilation, the power of LGBTIQA+ people is rarely collected in and across higher education disciplines. And, although often erased, a rich and vibrant life lives on in zines, the arts, the development of technologies and medicines, and in the pursuit of joy so each generation lives a life better than the one preceding it. Truly, queerness is a strength of which many should be enviable, and it deserves to be in the highest echelons of knowledge as any other discipline or practice.

This special issue aims to collect experiences, thoughts and approaches that apply queerness as a strength across any and all disciplines of practice. Ultimately, this issue aims to offer answers to the question, ‘how can the power of queers benefit wider society?’ From medicine to mathematics, to community organising and pedagogies, through to technologies and the arts, queer strengths have always improved how people live, work, connect and persist.

Paper themes may include, but are not limited to:
  • Queer informed improvements to methods and methodologies
  • Queer approaches to strengthen data collection and analysis
  • The application of queer perspectives and experiences into and across disciplines traditionally void of queer strengths
  • Commentary and ethnographies on lived/living experience of the queer researcher/practitioner/student
  • Experiences written from global majority country citizens
  • Indigenous and First Peoples perspectives
  • Perspectives of those who live or practice an intersectional queer experience
  • In/Justice in research, education and/or other institutions
  • Survival, pain, trauma, rejection and/or loss

To further the discourse and propagate related knowledge Monash University has partnered with the University of Warwick’s interdisciplinary open-access journal Exchanges ( to produce a special issue based around these themes. The issue, anticipated for publication in 2025, aims to contain a range of papers from scholars around the globe.

Expressions of Interest
Therefore, we invite initial expressions of interest for articles related to these themes. Expressions should contain the following information:Proposed paper title & anticipated format[1]
An outline abstract (50-200 words)
4-6 topic keywords or phrases
Contributors’ names, email addresses & associated institutions
An optional expression of interest form may be downloaded on the journal site.

All submissions of expressions of interest should be sent to Exchanges’ Editor-in-Chief (Dr Gareth J Johnson) ( no later than Friday 1st March 2024.

Manuscript Submissions
Following the deadline, we will contact all successful authors with further information on manuscript submissions, including the final deadline, currently anticipated to be Friday 31st May 2024. All submissions should be made via Exchanges’ online submission portal.

Format Guidance
Papers for the special issue may be submitted under any of Exchanges’ article formats which include both peer-reviewed and editorially reviewed articles. Authors are strongly encouraged to review our author guidance relating to formats and their requirements before submitting their expression of interest. A formatted template is available to help authors in shaping their manuscript. Additionally, authors may find reviewing Exchanges’ policies on authorship, rights retention and conduct ahead of their submission useful:

Author Guidance:
Journal Policies:

Contact & Further Information
For more information, advice or any questions, please visit our website. Alternatively contact the Editor-in-Chief or special issue lead (Jacob Thomas). We look forward to reading your submissions.

Special Issue Lead


[1] For format guidance see:
[2] Editorial review includes an initial scoping consideration by the Chief Editor, to ensure general suitability for the issue, along with a later revision dialogue with the author.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

CFA: International Conference on 'AI and Society", School of Liberal Arts, Alliance University, Bangalore. Dates: 1-3 March 2024

Concept Note and Submission Details:
The blinding glare of AI makes us squint in a combination of hope and fear. We have to take pause and redirect the glare through the prisms of diverse domains and disciplines, to take advantage of the perhaps still-too-human ability to detach and reflect, immerse, and observe, both at the same time. The reflective part of the conference not only steers away from the enchantment of grand questions and grand paranoia, but invites the best combination of breadth and specificity, accessibility and depth, freedom and discipline. The immersive dimension, on the other hand, asks us to submit to the most eclectic manifestations of AI: whether it is about talking to a therapy bot, co-creating AI art, using AI mechanisms to generate historical narratives and research documents, using AI devices to encounter health and climate hazards, diving into an AI-generated metaverse, and many other aspects. Such immersions are meant to usher in new possibilities of reflection. While recent incarnations like ChatGPT force us to take stock of the disruption brought about by the generative paradigm, we will also acknowledge earlier inflections that AI brought about in recommendation systems, translation engines, image-processing, cultural understandings, socioeconomic growths, among many others. Are some of these inflections such as therapy bots and AI-driven media poised for their own respective singularities? Is there a possibility of building an intersectional alliance with AI so that the singularities do not emerge as all-pervading, imperial, and dictatorial entities around us?
What makes this collective exercise in contemplation unique is the meeting ground it offers for theorists, practitioners, critics, and enthusiasts. Located in Bangalore, which is India’s de facto AI capital, this is envisaged to be a one-of-a-kind exchange involving a thriving AI community of academic experts drawn from the world over. Slicing through the jargon of technological advances, the arcane dialect of academia, and the authentic vernacular of consumers and users, the conference does not presume a pre-existing language for communication, but instead hopes to arrive at one. Concerning these arguments, the conference invites Ph.D. scholars, postdoctoral fellows, independent researchers, and faculties from different educational and research institutions to contribute abstracts on the following sub-themes (but not restricted to):
• AI and philosophy
• AI and Cultural Studies
• AI and Political Science
• AI and Psychology
• AI, Science and Technology, and Science and Technology Studies (STS)
• AI and Media
• AI, Design, and Art
• AI, Translation Studies and Machine Learning
The range and scope of topics have been kept wide enough to enable conversations and inputs from actual stakeholders of AI (technocrats and policymakers). 

Submissions should be able to underline why the research problems concerned matter beyond their sub-disciplines. Interested contributors need to submit an extended abstract of 800-1000 words and the timeline of submission is 31st January 2024. The contributors will be informed about the outcome of their submission on/by 15th February 2024. 

After the conference, selected presenters would be invited to submit chapters for conference proceedings. 

Please send the abstracts to both 
Dr. Ravi Chakraborty ( and 
Dr. Sayan Dey (