
Showing posts with label History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History. Show all posts

Sunday, May 19, 2024

CFP: Orientalism and Asian Studies | Transnational Asia

 Edward Said’s Orientalism (1978) has profoundly affected teaching and research in Asian Studies, raising fundamental questions about why and how we study Asia. Nearly fifty years later, we are faced with a need to reflect on what has changed and remains unchanged since Said’s seminal intervention in Asian Studies. Specifically, Transnational Asia is calling for papers that address pedagogical and instructional issues––in particular, Asian Studies classes in colleges and universities that engage directly with the themes and critiques raised in Said’s Orientalism and its reverberating effects. We are particularly interested in papers illustrating changes in classrooms and on campuses that have happened and are happening hand in hand with changing socio-economic and political conditions, not only in Asia but also in the rest of the world. We especially welcome cross-disciplinary approaches, including language instruction, art, history, area studies, anthropology, literature, ethnic studies, and geography. Prospective contributors are asked to send their abstracts by August 31 to

Transnational Asia: an online interdisciplinary journal is a web-only journal from the Chao Center for Asian Studies, Rice University. Transnational Asia publishes scholarship that challenges traditional understandings of Asia, moving beyond the confines of area studies and a nation-state focus and capturing the emergent forms of Asia-related, Asia-inspired, and Asia-driven themes and sites of inquiry in the world today.

Contact Information

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Sonia Ryang

Co-Editor: Dr. Richard J. Smith

Journal Manager: Amber Szymczyk

Contact Email

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Call for essays for special issue of Journal of Global #Postcolonial Studies on contemporary African novelists in America

 Call for Papers for forthcoming special issue on Contemporary African Novelists in America 

Guest editor Simon Lewis is seeking manuscript submissions for a special issue on contemporary African writers who have come to prominence in the United States over the last two decades. 

When Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie burst onto the North American publishing scene in 2003, the publication of her brilliant debut novel Purple Hibiscus didn’t just signal the start of a single author’s brilliant career. It also forged a path for a whole new generation of African novelists who had come to America as immigrants or students and who have been mining that experience in their writing. Writers born in Africa who studied at American universities – Teju Cole, Taiye Selasie, Yaa Gyasi, Uzodinma Iweala, NoViolet Bulawayo and Akwaeke Emezi, to name just a few – have followed in Adichie’s footsteps. Purple Hibiscus has been to these writers what Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967) was to aspiring Latin American writers during the Latin American literary boom of the 1960s and 1970s, and what Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children (1981) was to the proliferation of Indian writers in English from the 1980s on. 

In addition to articles analyzing individual authors and/or their work, we warmly invite essays on any of the following themes:

 Immigration;

 Racism;

 Diaspora; 

 Gender; 

 Sexuality; 

 History;

 Regionalism; 

 Education; 

 Publishing.

Submission Instructions: Manuscripts of c. 5,000 words and following MLA guidelines for formatting should be submitted by September 1, 2024 according to the Journal’s guidelines at 

Preliminary ideas and/or complete articles can be submitted to the guest editor at: Simon Lewis, English Department, College of Charleston,

Contact Information

Simon Lewis, Department of English, College of Charleston

Contact Email

Saturday, February 17, 2024

CFP: 4th International Conference of the Indian Association for South Asian Studies (IASAS) on #Subalterns in South Asia, 21-22 June, 2024

We are accepting abstracts for the Indian Association for South Asian Studies (IASAS) International Conference, which will take place at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha from June 21-22, 2024. Researchers and scholars from across the disciplines will participate in this two-day conference that will be concentrating on South Asian studies. The central theme for the above is ‘Subalterns in South Asia:.

The term "subaltern," popularized by Antonio Gramsci, conceptualized subaltern groups as those excluded from hegemonic power, encompassing peasants, workers, and other marginalized factions. However, in Subaltern Studies led by Ranajit Guha, the term broadens to denote the quality of being subordinate in South Asian society, irrespective of its manifestation in class, caste, age, gender, or office.

The collective, initially comprising scholars such as Shahid Amin, David Arnold, Partha Chatterjee, David Hardiman, Gyanendra Pandey etc., aimed to give voice to the historically marginalized. Subaltern Studies encompassed diverse subjects, including history, politics, economics, and sociology of subalternity, along with associated perspectives, ideologies, and belief systems. The initiative aimed to counter elitist historiography by allowing subaltern voices to emerge within its pages, representing and amplifying the voices of the oppressed.

The theory posited that the elite in India did not merely have a hegemonic role but played a dominant one, enabling the subaltern to be seen as independent historical actors. This perspective countered the notion that the subaltern were passive recipients of elite guidance, emphasizing their independent agency within the political system. 

In line with the subaltern understanding, this conference extends a warm invitation to panels and paper submissions that specifically emphasize non-elite discourses. The conference aims to spotlight and explore narratives, perspectives, and voices that have traditionally been marginalized or overlooked in favour of dominant, elite perspectives. Connecting historical studies to disciplines like gender studies, cultural studies, sociology, economics, demographics, politics, psychology, and others are also welcome. By prioritizing non-elite discourses, we aspire to create a space for critical discussions and insights that challenge established norms and contribute to a richer understanding of the diverse, often unheard, voices in South Asian societies. 

The conference hopes to be able to encourage more research by generating new perspectives by exploring new as well as alternative and evolving research ideas and methods.

IASAS 2024 conference welcomes panels and papers in English or in Hindi on any theme of South Asian Studies employing interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives inspired from History, Philosophy, Political Science, Anthropology, Ethnography, Sociology, Psychology etc. Hence, the conference aim is to bring historians and social scientists into conversation with each other. We encourage submissions from research students, early career scholars, faculty members, and independent social scientists whose research falls under the spectrum of South Asian Studies. The conference hopes to generate new perspectives by exploring new as well as alternative and evolving research ideas and methods. 

There would be at least four presenters in each panel session. Presentations will be limited to 20 minutes each.
1. Abstracts of up to 500 words should be submitted on or before 15 April, 2024.
2. Acceptance letters for proposals will be e-mailed by 30 April, 2024. All abstracts will be peer-reviewed.


In the Subject window of your e-mails, please type the following words: IASAS Bhubaneswar 2024.


Delegates fees:

For paper presenters:

  1. Faculty Members: 6000 INR (with hostel room accommodation single occupancy for two days) 
  2. Faculty Members :5000 INR (without accommodation) 
  3. Research Students:5000 INR (with hostel room accommodation single occupancy for two days)
  4. Research Students : 4000 INR (without accommodation)
  5. Guests and Listeners: 2500 INR


  • The organizing committee is not in a position to provide participants with financial support.
  • All participants are advised to seek funding through their respective institutions or other sources.
  • The venue of the conference is Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
Contact Information

Centre for Alternative Studies in Social Sciences, New Delhi

Indian Association for South Asian Studies, New Delhi



Contact Email


Thursday, January 18, 2024

CFP: Special Issue Call for Papers 'The Human and the Machine: AI and the Changing World'-2024

If we are to believe the entertainment media, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is destined to go rogue and take over the world, destroying humanity as we know it. In reality, the growing accessibility of AI is seeing its use normalised and it is becoming a useful tool to improve and alter society. Artificial Intelligence has been an area of research since the 1950s and hinges on machine functions that learn from humans or independently. Despite its long history, contemporary advancements in AI systems, like Midjourney and Chat GPT, are fuelling fresh discussions about its pervasive impact on diverse industries, from healthcare and communication to engineering and art.

Existing research has documented AI's capabilities in various sectors. It can synthesise big data, enhance creativity, streamline production, and personalise content. For instance, platforms like Chat GPT have proven effective in educational settings, while DALL-E 2 has expedited the creation and deployment of advertising materials. In the business domain, data analysts leverage AI for consumer behaviour analysis, including product reviews and purchase intentions. For public relations professionals, AI automates routine tasks like media list creation and meeting scheduling, thereby enhancing efficiency. Overall, AI has wide applicability across industries with obvious advantages.

However, AI is not without its challenges. It has been critiqued for potentially causing job losses, breaching privacy, infringing copyrights, and perpetuating false information. There's a growing concern that as machines take on roles in cultural production, even when working alongside their human counterparts, issues around human agency and rights come into focus, particularly when AI systems are perceived as biased or lacking a nuanced understanding of global contexts. For instance, in journalism, concerns have been raised that using AI will compromise norms and values, while in advertising and public relations, the move to using virtual influencers has posed issues of inauthenticity. Such ethical concerns continue to be raised around professional practice and the use of AI, and therefore, pose challenges to the willingness of people to embrace AI.

While the public's response to AI has often been tepid due to its complexities and uncertainties, its undeniable influence on language and social relationships underscores its relevance in communication research. It is against this backdrop we extend an invitation for contributions to this special issue that considers the relationship between artificial intelligence and communication. The focus is on how AI is influencing the communication and media industries, ranging from public relations and journalism to marketing and entertainment media (e.g. screen production, artistic practice, podcasting). We aim to address questions such as, how is AI impacting the production and consumption of media content, how might AI shape communication and culture, is AI displacing human resources, and what impact will AI have on authentic human interaction.

Topics in the special issue may include (but are not limited to):

• AI and authentic human interaction
• AI and journalism/public relations/advertising/marketing (or other communication industry)
• AI and personalization of media content
• Chatbots and virtual humans
• AI and cultural development
• AI, diversity, and inclusion
• AI media production and/or consumption practices

Publication Timeline
29 January 2024, abstracts due (200-300 words)
22 April 2024, full manuscripts due (6-7000 words)
Publication: October 2024

Please send submissions and correspondence to: co-editors Matthew Guinibert ( and Angelique Nairn ( with the subject ‘ICC-X’. 
Please visit Intellect’s website to follow its house referencing guidelines.

About the co-editors:

Dr Matthew Guinibert is a senior lecturer and Head of Department (Brand, Digital Communication, and Public Relations) in in the School of Communication Studies (SCS). His expertise in digital media spans visual communication, UI/UX design, technology-enhanced learning, and the strategies that underpin the use of digital media.

Dr Angelique Nairn is an Associate Professor in the School of Communication Studies (SCS). She is also the Associate Head of School for Research. Angelique has been involved in a myriad of research projects that have hinged on organisational communication, identity construction, rhetoric, and/or the creative industries. She teaches courses in the public relations department, specialising in digital public relations and persuasion.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Call For Articles on - #Affect Studies, #BlackStudies, #Critical #Disability Studies, Critical #Race Studies, Digital #Humanities, #Environmental Humanities, #Media Studies, #Medical #Humanities, Sound Studies, #Transgender Studies, #Asian Canadian Studies, #Black Canadian Studies, #Canadian #Literature, Canadian History, Canadian Studies, #Diaspora Studies& #Indigenous Studies. - University of Toronto Quarterly

University of Toronto Quarterly (UTQ) is currently seeking submissions. Established in 1931, UTQ publishes innovative and exemplary scholarship from all areas in the humanities. The journal welcomes articles, in English or French, on art and visual culture, gender and sexuality, history, literature and literary studies, music, philosophy, theory, theatre and performance, religion, and other areas of the humanities not listed here. As an interdisciplinary journal, UTQ favours articles that appeal to a scholarly readership beyond the specialists of a given discipline or field. The editorial board is especially interested, although not exclusively, in research that addresses topics of particular relevance to Canada. UTQ is therefore enthusiastic about submissions in Asian Canadian Studies, Black Canadian Studies, Canadian Literature, Canadian History, Canadian Studies, Diaspora Studies, and Indigenous Studies. The journal, more broadly, embraces research that engages interdisciplinary sites of scholarly inquiry, such as Affect Studies, Black Studies, Critical Disability Studies, Critical Race Studies, Digital Humanities, Environmental Humanities, Media Studies, Medical Humanities, Sound Studies, Transgender Studies, and emergent fields within the humanities. UTQ is published by the University of Toronto Press.

Submissions should normally be between 7,500 and 12,500 words in length inclusive of footnotes and bibliographic material. Additionally, all submissions should be accompanied by an abstract (150-250 words). UTQ’s house style is based upon the MLA Handbook (7th edition), so please format submissions in accordance with MLA bibliographic guidelines. Substantive or discursive amplification should appear in judiciously selected footnotes. All text, including footnotes and Works Cited, should be double-spaced. Please do not justify right margins.

UTQ does not accept research that has already been published, nor does the journal accept submissions currently under consideration elsewhere. The journal does not publish poetry or fiction.

Please anonymize submissions by removing all self-identifying information from the article, including acknowledgements and self-citations (reference your own scholarship as you would any other scholar). When saving the file, remove all personal information from the file on save.

UTQ commissions external reports to assess the quality of each submission. The journal receives numerous submissions and only submissions that the editorial board deems most appropriate for the journal, and most likely to receive recommendations to publish from experts, are sent out for peer review. The review process is doubly anonymous. Authors should expect to receive a response in the form of an editor’s report that collates relevant and useful information drawn from 2 to 3 external reports alongside the internal comments of the editorial board. Peer review takes approximately three to four months.

UTQ regularly publishes special issues on the range of subjects listed above. If interested in proposing a special issue and serving as its guest editor, contact the editor, Professor Colin Hill, at

Please send all submissions and inquiries to

Deadline: Jan 14 2024.
For further information concerning our editorial policies, please refer to this document which provides supplemental information about copyright and images.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Call For Applications: # Research #Fellowship Opportunities at the #American #Heritage #Center, #University of Wyoming

 The AHC offers funding opportunities to support research using its collections, which cover a wide range of topics related to Wyoming and the Rocky Mountain West, politics, environment and conservation, mining and petroleum industries, air and rail transportation, journalism, the entertainment industry, military history, and more. 

Alan K. Simpson Fellowship

  • $3,000 stipend for scholars at all career levels for 20 days of research at the AHC on western political history.

Bernard L. Majewski Research Fellowship

  • $3,000 stipend for scholars at all career levels for 20 days of research at the AHC on economic geology history.

Women in Public Life Fellowship

  • $3,000 stipend for scholars at all career levels for 20 days of research at the AHC on women's history.

Peter K. Simpson Fellowship on the American West

  • $8,000 stipend for scholars at all career levels for 20 days of research at the AHC and the Buffalo Bill Center of the West (Cody, WY) on the history of the American West.
Contact Information

AHC Archivist Leslie Waggener

Contact Email

Call For Papers: Special Issue – #Queerness as Strength- Journal- University of Warwick

The marginalisation of LGBTIQA+ people remains a purposeful act of successive governments, institutions and individuals. The outcome has been poorer health outcomes, limited political participation, higher incarceration rates, and increased inequality and violence globally.

However, amidst this crisis LGBTIQA+ people have also created and maintained ways and means of survival. While being forced to the margins and away from the centre, queer theories and practices have emerged that challenge not only our own marginalisation but also consistently queery and question why human life is how it is. Whether surviving epidemics, persisting for equality in the law, or resisting assimilation, the power of LGBTIQA+ people is rarely collected in and across higher education disciplines. And, although often erased, a rich and vibrant life lives on in zines, the arts, the development of technologies and medicines, and in the pursuit of joy so each generation lives a life better than the one preceding it. Truly, queerness is a strength of which many should be enviable, and it deserves to be in the highest echelons of knowledge as any other discipline or practice.

This special issue aims to collect experiences, thoughts and approaches that apply queerness as a strength across any and all disciplines of practice. Ultimately, this issue aims to offer answers to the question, ‘how can the power of queers benefit wider society?’ From medicine to mathematics, to community organising and pedagogies, through to technologies and the arts, queer strengths have always improved how people live, work, connect and persist.

Paper themes may include, but are not limited to:
  • Queer informed improvements to methods and methodologies
  • Queer approaches to strengthen data collection and analysis
  • The application of queer perspectives and experiences into and across disciplines traditionally void of queer strengths
  • Commentary and ethnographies on lived/living experience of the queer researcher/practitioner/student
  • Experiences written from global majority country citizens
  • Indigenous and First Peoples perspectives
  • Perspectives of those who live or practice an intersectional queer experience
  • In/Justice in research, education and/or other institutions
  • Survival, pain, trauma, rejection and/or loss

To further the discourse and propagate related knowledge Monash University has partnered with the University of Warwick’s interdisciplinary open-access journal Exchanges ( to produce a special issue based around these themes. The issue, anticipated for publication in 2025, aims to contain a range of papers from scholars around the globe.

Expressions of Interest
Therefore, we invite initial expressions of interest for articles related to these themes. Expressions should contain the following information:Proposed paper title & anticipated format[1]
An outline abstract (50-200 words)
4-6 topic keywords or phrases
Contributors’ names, email addresses & associated institutions
An optional expression of interest form may be downloaded on the journal site.

All submissions of expressions of interest should be sent to Exchanges’ Editor-in-Chief (Dr Gareth J Johnson) ( no later than Friday 1st March 2024.

Manuscript Submissions
Following the deadline, we will contact all successful authors with further information on manuscript submissions, including the final deadline, currently anticipated to be Friday 31st May 2024. All submissions should be made via Exchanges’ online submission portal.

Format Guidance
Papers for the special issue may be submitted under any of Exchanges’ article formats which include both peer-reviewed and editorially reviewed articles. Authors are strongly encouraged to review our author guidance relating to formats and their requirements before submitting their expression of interest. A formatted template is available to help authors in shaping their manuscript. Additionally, authors may find reviewing Exchanges’ policies on authorship, rights retention and conduct ahead of their submission useful:

Author Guidance:
Journal Policies:

Contact & Further Information
For more information, advice or any questions, please visit our website. Alternatively contact the Editor-in-Chief or special issue lead (Jacob Thomas). We look forward to reading your submissions.

Special Issue Lead


[1] For format guidance see:
[2] Editorial review includes an initial scoping consideration by the Chief Editor, to ensure general suitability for the issue, along with a later revision dialogue with the author.