
Sunday, April 30, 2023

CFP: Translation in European Periodical Cultures, 1945-65 -Germersheim, Germany- March 2024

CfP SpaTrEM Final Conference

Translation in European Periodical Cultures, 1945-65
Venue: JGU, Germersheim, Germany
Date: 19th to 21st March 2024

To conclude the Spaces of Translation: European Magazine Culture, 1945-65 project (SpaTrEM) we will hold an international conference in March 2024 at the Germersheim campus of Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz.

The project has studied a small constellation of important literary and cultural magazines from three countries (Britain, France, Germany), between c. 1945-65, in order to consider how, through translation, they explore and construct notions of European identity in the period following from the end of World War Two to the mid-1960s. Using the notion of periodicals as 'European spaces' (Brolsma and Wijnterp, 2018) the project has explored how periodical culture uses translation to reconfigure a vision for Europe after the catastrophe of World War Two.

For more information on the work of SpaTrEM see

For our final conference, we hope to bring together scholars, whether established, early career, or postgraduate, in order to present work on themes relevant to the project. These may explore translation and transnational exchanges in British, French, or German magazines, but we also very much welcome papers on magazines from other European countries or involving a wider range of languages (including non-European languages) in the relevant time period. A selection of papers from the conference will be published as a book.

Possible topics might include the following:

  • Translators and translating cultures (studies of translation in individual magazines; comparative studies of translating cultures; studies of individual translators in magazines; the ‘invisible’ translator in magazines; translators and exile; …)

  • Politics and transnationalism (Europe and decolonisation; Cold War translation; the Congress for Cultural Freedom and Cold War periodicals; politics and translation in magazines; Europe and America; transnational periodical cultures; translations and transnationalism; …)

  • European identity (how discussion about the nature of post-war Europe was formulated in magazines; the materialisation of new European identities in cultural, philosophical, and political debates; the role of magazine editors in developing ideas about European identities; the role of translation in exploring European identity; …)

  • Materiality, visual cultures and genres in post-war periodicals (the materiality of post-war periodical culture in Britain, Germany, France; visual culture and translation in magazines; the significance of diverse genres of material in magazines e.g. travel writing, photo-journalism, advertising; the relation of post-war magazines to ideas of modernism and modernity …)

  • Digital humanities approaches to translation and periodicals (mapping translations; creating and working with databases; data visualization; network analysis; mixed methods research; …)

Please submit an abstract of c. 250 words, along with a short bio (c. 100 words), to Dana Steglich ( by 30st June 2023. If you have any questions about the conference please do get in touch.
Contact Email:

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Call for Contributions: : Gender and Public Space by Oxfam & Routledge _March 2024 Issue


Call for Contributions: Volume 32, Issue 1: 

Gender and Public Space

The meaning and purpose of public space continues to be discussed across the disciplines of geography, urban studies, and gender studies. Gendered access to public space has been widely deliberated in both academic and activist contexts in this century, with significant research on its relationship with caste, class, gender, and disability. Although public spaces are considered integral to cities, there is growing interest in the meaning and purpose of public spaces in sub-urban and peri-urban areas as well in the context of increasing rural-urban migration, digitalisation, and rising political discontent and protests. Given the diverse ways in which public space has been understood and conceptualised, it is necessary to contextualise what public space means, how it is configured and what meanings it invokes across political cultures and geographies, particularly in the so-called ‘global South’.

This Issue of Gender & Development invites diverse and interesting perspectives to contribute to the body of scholarship and practice on gender and public space. We seek to address the question of gender and public space in a range of contexts and geographies (like urban, rural, small towns, digital spaces, health and humanitarian crises) as well as from multi-disciplinary approaches. We invite scholars, activists, designers, policy makers, planners and artists to share their latest research and best practices to understand how inclusive, equitable, and participatory public spaces and infrastructures could be collectively conceptualised, designed and claimed. This Issue will be guest edited by Iromi Perera, Dr. Nazanin Shahrokni, Dr. Pumla Gqola, Dr. Shilpa Phadke and Dr. Sofia Zaragocin Carvajal.

Please send your abstract of 250 words with details about your research and preliminary findings in an email attachment to with the subject line ‘Abstract/Proposal submission for March 2024 issue’ by the 11th of May 2023. Please include your name, contact details as well as organisational affiliation, if relevant. We will contact you by June 2023 if we would like you to develop your abstract into a full article/essay/photo essay/illustrations.

Read the detailed Call for Contributions: Gender and Public Space

Please read the Guidelines for contributors carefully before sending through your abstracts.

Note about Gender and Development: 

Gender & Development, co-published by Oxfam and Routledge/Taylor & Francis, has been a steadfast source of essential readings in the field of development for the past 25 years. Since its founding in 1993, the journal has critically explored a range of cross-cutting issues in the areas of gender and development. It is a trailblazer in establishing inclusive and decolonialist approaches to knowledge creation and management in the wider international humanitarian and development sectors. From 1st January 2022, a consortium of Oxfam affiliates in the global South is hosting Gender & Development. Together, Oxfams Brazil, Colombia, India, KEDV (Turkey), Mexico and South Africa have taken over from Oxfam Great Britain, which has provided the editorial home for the journal since its founding more than 25 years ago. 

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Call for Papers_ Book on -Cultural Studies on #Chocolate_ #Paradigma #Akademi #Press

Cultural Studies on Chocolate

Deadline: August 10, 2023

 Paradigma Akademi Press invites book chapter proposals to be included in a forthcoming scholarly volume on “Chocolate and Media".

Scholars working in the fields of Social Sciences, Media and Communication Studies, Liberal Arts, Cultural Studies, Political History, Humanities Studies, Gender Studies and Advertisement are invited to submit papers on the following topics (but not limited with them):


-History of Chocolate
-Chocolate and Capitalism
-Child Labor and Chocolate
-Chocolate advertisements
-Are children prey for industry?
-Class and status of chocolate
-Chocolate in the cinema
-Chocolate and Gender
-Chocolate in your local area 

PAMLA 2023 Panel: Changing Perspectives on Migration through Literature in Translation. October 26-29, 2023. USA


PAMLA 2023 Panel

 Changing perspectives on migration through literature in translation

This is a panel at the PAMLA conference in the USA

Migration has become a global phenomenon that indicates complexity and diversity. The mobility of people has also influenced how texts are migrated through translation and how it could influence cultural production. Translation, which facilitates “communication, understanding, and action between persons or groups who differ in language and culture” (Bassnett 5), plays a vital role in the migration diaspora. Texts like people, want to seek new opportunities, they search for a new life in a new place and time, as Moira Inghilleri points out in her book entitled Translation and Migration published in 2017, migration is a “continuous becoming”, it “necessitates movement” (1 & 3). Examining the mobility of people and texts from a socio-cultural model through translation is the aim of this proposed panel. The panel seeks to open dialogue to discuss how identities and experiences are negotiated and perspectives are shifted through literary representation. 

This panel welcomes researchers and speakers working on the intersection between migration, translation, and various literary forms. Panelists will discuss the intersection between migration, translation, and various literary forms. Narrations on migration from an interdisciplinary and diverse perspective are included in this panel under the theme of 'Shifting Perspectives'. This panel would explore the role of translated literature in supporting empathy, understanding, making visibility and achieving agency through the lens of migration and translation. Michael Cronin, a celebrated translation scholar, describes the migrants as “translated beings” who move from one language and culture to another (45). A migrant's response to the new linguistic situation is either “translational assimilation, which means trying to translate themselves into the predominant language” or “translational accommodation”, which uses translation as a means to maintain their native languages” (Cronin 47-48). Migrant-translated literature suggests physical, linguistic, and cultural border-crossings that shape migrant identities. The conceptualization of migration in the field of cultural literacy includes the movement of texts, the international exchange of knowledge, and cultural transformation through the lens of translation. Ultimately, migration can be seen as translation. This special panel will focus on how migrant literature translates into new cultural territories and capture their norms. Suggested topics may include: 

- Incorporating native cultures into the host culture.

- Cultural codes translated into linguistic codes by immigrants 

- In the context of ethnic translation as a function of communication in and across the diaspora, literature serves both as a means of communication and as a reflection of it. 

- Translating migrant literature presents translation challenges, i.e. switching codes 

This panel invites researchers to examine migration in relation to translation and literature in greater depth. Independent researchers and academics are invited to submit an abstract (200-300 words) and a short bio.

Contact Info: 

Dr. Khetam Shraideh

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Call for Book Chapters: “Emerging from the Rubble: Asian/ American Writings on Disasters”

Vernon Press invites book chapters for an edited volume currently under consideration on the subject of “Emerging from the Rubble: Asian/ American Writings on Disasters.”

Paul Crutzen’s warning against modern human’s impacts on the earth through his discourse on “the Anthropocene,” has brought our attention to the catastrophic effects of damages caused by human activities and raised questions about human-centered perspectives on civilization and world systems. Scholars in the humanities have been problematizing the epoch of the Anthropocene, using approaches in relevant fields such as ecocriticism, animal studies, new materialism, and posthumanism, to challenge human-centered vantage points. While we humans certainly bear tremendous responsibility for the impacts on the ecosystem due to the damaging effects of our industrial, scientific, biotechnological, and political activities and the repercussions of neo/colonial warfare, we are also placed in an extremely vulnerable and precarious state exposed to unprecedented environmental threats, whose effects are felt disproportionately across the globe. The hierarchical divide imposed and enforced by race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and dis/ability often are expressed through the unequal distribution of physical and psychical violence. Meanwhile, lesser species on the food chain continue to be left unacknowledged.

Understanding the current urgency to establish a dialogue towards planetary consciousness, this edited volume invites scholarly essays on works of Asian American literature and on Asian American representation that portray and evaluate various natural and man-made disasters and their aftermaths. Global catastrophes leave a flotsam and jetsam of debris that reveals not only evidence of towns and cities gone asunder, but from the aftermath surge disease, pollution, socio-political discord, and further dissonance and destruction. Being aware of their involvement in the global system of imperialism, Asian American authors have been compelled to engage with the crises that occurred in their ancestral origins. Their particular racial position and socio-historical backgrounds in U.S. society also enables them to witness disastrous events differently from the majority. Thus, Asian American narratives reflect the way in which imperial influences function as corrosive agents that mediate, perpetuate, and exploit systems and peoples while disclaiming accountability and maintaining vested transnational interests and global power. How do these subsequent entanglements yield new damages and renewed disparities, and meanwhile how have the tethers that have rigorously tied national subject to nation-state been countlessly redefined, reasserted, and refuted? In an age when the malaise of distrust and deception is a constant threat to our efforts to reach consensus, this anthology is an attempt to open a dialogue on how Asian American narratives through their portrayal of disaster may lead to uncovering truths about the multifarious impacts of disaster and reveal new understandings on ways in which attaining recompense may be possible. We welcome transnational perspectives across the world to acknowledge our shared vulnerability and need for cooperation/collaboration beyond the boundaries of nation-states.

We welcome chapters related to natural and man-made disasters. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • The aftereffects of earthquake and tsunami disasters
  • The impacts of climate change including hurricane and typhoon disasters
  • 9/11 and its aftermath
  • Wars (the Vietnam War, WWII, Iraq Wars, etc.)
  • The effects of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons 
  • Food contamination
  • Diseases caused by industrial pollution
  • Biopiracy
  • Gene manipulation
  • The epidemic and pandemic
  • Starvation and poverty

If you are interested in contributing to this edited volume, please submit your proposal (500-word max.), and biography (300-word max.) to the editors Dr.Yasuko Kase and Eliko Kosaka ( by August 15th, 2023.

Proposal acceptance will be notified by the end of August.

Full chapter submissions are to be delivered by March 15, 2024.

Contact Info: 

Volume editors, Dr.Yasuko Kase and Eliko Kosaka

Contact Email: 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Call for Book Chapters - Purpose Washing and Woke Capitalism: The Stories Organizations Tell Us


Call for Book Chapters

Working title - Purpose Washing and Woke Capitalism: The Stories Organizations Tell Us

Proposed Book Publisher: Springer

Our Editorial team seeks contributors to join us for this edited book with the working title “Purpose Washing and Woke Capitalism: The Stories Organizations Tell Us” . This volume aims to bring together theoretical and practical insights into the workings and vocabulary of purpose washing in organisations. To improve their reputation and achieve a competitive advantage, many organisations have adopted the rhetoric of social justice, diversity, inclusivity, and sustainability in recent years. However, they are unable to bridge the gap between rhetoric and action. This phenomenon has been termed 'purpose washing', and it raises important questions about the role of organizations in society, the ethics of corporate communication, and the potential for social change. It also questions the neoliberal logic of ‘progressive posturing’ by these organizations.

We welcome chapters that critically examine Organizations, including an investigation into their marketing, advertising, corporate structure, recruitment policies, DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) policies, ESG ( Environmental, Social and Governance) concerns to expand our understanding of green-washing, pink-washing, and white-washing and other areas of Woke capitalism. Through examining organizational case studies and using empirical and theoretical approaches, this volume aims to uncover the ways in which organizations use storytelling to promote their purpose-driven image and engage with contemporary social issues.

Possible audiences for this book include undergraduate and graduate students, especially cross-disciplinary scholars from the area of critical management, media and communication, public policy, political sciences, development studies, cultural studies and psychology. We are looking for papers that provide theoretical and empirical insights on the following (but not limited to) issues.

● Cross-cultural issues and purpose washing: How do cultural context and geography, or other broader social, political and economic issues, impact the push for a purpose-driven image?

● Types of organizations and purpose washing: Comparing and contrasting different kinds of organizations (size, type, structure). For example - between organizations operating in different sectors ( Energy, finance, FMCG etc. ) or organizations with different structures (Start-ups, MNCs, Governmental organizations)

● Storytelling and purpose washing: What effects do businesses' use of storytelling have on the general public's perception, stakeholder participation, and social movements? How do organisations develop and express their purpose-driven image?

● Counter-narratives and purpose washing: How can alternative storytelling approaches like participatory approaches challenge and transform purpose washing and woke capitalism, and what are the opportunities and limitations of these approaches?

● Ethical Issues in purpose washing: What are the ethical concerns associated with purpose washing and woke capitalism, and how can organizations and stakeholders address them?

We welcome contributions from academics and professionals working in a variety of fields, including but not limited to anthropology, management, marketing, sociology, communication and political science. We seek original research papers, theoretical essays and case studies that engage with the issues above and provide insights into the nuanced and dynamic interactions between organisational storytelling, woke capitalism, and purpose-washing.

Submission Guidelines: Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract (500 words) by 30th May 2023 to Shubhda Arora at The abstract should clearly state the research question(s), theoretical and empirical background, methods, and expected contribution(s) to the volume.

Authors whose abstracts are accepted will be invited to submit a full chapter (8,000-10,000 words) by 30th October 2023. All submissions will be subject to a double-blind peer review process.


● Abstract submission deadline: 30th May 2023

● Notification of acceptance: 30th June 2023

● Full chapter submission deadline: 30th November 2023

● Review and revision period: December 2023 to June 2024

● Expected Publication: December 2024

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

CFP : Translating Knowledge: From Theory to Praxis. Central European University, Vienna June 2-3, 2023

Translating Knowledge:  From Theory to Praxis

June 2-3, 2023

Sociology and Social Anthropology Graduate Conference

Central European University, Vienna

Submission Deadline: April 30, 2023

Keynote speakers:

John Clarke, Emeritus Professor of Social Policy, The Open University, UK

Shahram Khosravi, Professor of Anthropology, Stockholm University, Sweden 

Translating academic knowledge into social praxis has always been a central question for critical theory. This is particularly true in an age of polycrisis. Neoliberal globalization has intensified the exploitation of natural resources, the financialization of social reproduction, and the precarization of labor. Climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, and housing precarity yield a unique moment that urges us to consider how to bridge the gap between academic and practical knowledge. Moreover, the rise of chauvinist discourses and authoritarian political regimes around the world, often accompanied by outright attacks on knowledge production, has narrowed the potential for social scientists to communicate and impact public discourse. In this conference, we aim to explore the ways to overcome these challenges and translate our work into meaningful social action.

Translating knowledge into action has long been integral to grassroots activism in housing, migration, gender equality, and environmental justice. Academics continue to take an active part in social movements, working together with NGOS and mobilizing/ bottom-up initiatives.  We understand translation not only in the linguistic sense, but in a broader sense as interpretations, associations, and representations that mediate between different contexts. As Clarke et al. (2015) remind us, translation has a double significance “as both an act of domination (the means through which power, hierarchy, and rule are re-inscribed) and a condition of possibility in which dialogue, talking back, and building connections and solidarities [...] become possible.”  We take this double significance of translation as both a potentiality for engaged social research and a methodological tool in need of serious critical reflection.  This conference asks: What can be gained or lost in the translation of knowledge? How can translation be used for community-oriented social research? How can it be used as a critical methodological tool? We invite papers that draw on empirical analyses as well as theoretical ones which focus on, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • Theoretical frameworks and conceptual models that investigate the role of translation in emancipatory knowledge production, such as critical pedagogy, collaborative research, or participatory action research.
  • Alternative methods, research designs and strategies for knowledge translation in the social sciences and beyond, such as visual artwork, digital media production, or engagement with policy makers, activists, and journalists.
  • Challenges and methodological limitations of translation (i.e., power dynamics between researchers and research participants, policymakers, and activists or other social agents).
  • Constraints and difficulties in creating and translating knowledge in academia under neoliberalism.
  • Rethinking and conceptualizing the interactions between the domains of policy, activism, and academia.
  • Ethics and social responsibility of Participatory Action Research (PAR).
  • Roles and contributions of sustainable institutions and collectives within and beyond academia for translating knowledge into social action and/or for creating inclusive educational and learning environments.

We welcome submissions from scholars and practitioners from various disciplines including sociology, anthropology, geography, economics, political science, and related fields.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Abstracts should be no more than 200 words
  • Submissions should be in English
  • Submissions should include the title of the presentation, the author's name, institutional affiliation, geographical provenience and contact information (as some travel support might be available on a need basis)
  • Submissions should be sent to by April 30th, 2023.



Muslim Women’s Popular Fiction AHRC Research Network International Conference

Birmingham, UK, 5-9 September 2023

Free to attend for all speakers and attendees.

Keynote speakers

Professor Claire Chambers

Dr Rehana Ahmed

In the twenty-first century, readers, publishers, and booksellers have noted a surge in popularity of genre works written by Muslim women, particularly in the Anglosphere. From the detective novels of Ausma Zehanat Khan to G. Willow Wilson’s fantasy fiction, Ayisha Malik’s romantic fiction to graphic novels by Marjane Satrapi – Muslim women authors are embracing popular fiction forms and genres.

We invite paper proposals for a free international conference on Muslim women’s popular and genre fiction and film across all languages, forms and periods. We aim to bring together researchers to examine the global turn in popular fiction, and the concurrent ‘popular turn’ in Muslim women’s writing and film-making. Focusing on writing by women deemed ‘popular’ rather than ‘literary’, we encourage proposals that engage with under-studied popular and genre texts (including romance, chick lit, detective fiction, Young Adult, fantasy, life writing, and science fiction) from a range of critical disciplinary perspectives.

Indicative topics (not exhaustive):

  • Studies of individual authors or works of popular and genre fiction
  • Translation of popular and genre works by Muslim authors
  • Visual culture (graphic novels, comics, film, TV)
  • Digital culture (Instagram, YouTube, BookTok)
  • Decoloniality and popular fiction
  • Teaching Muslim women’s popular fiction
  • Publishing and production

A key aim of the conference is to encourage collaboration between researchers working in similar areas but across languages, disciplines and genres. The conference programme includes time for researchers to meet previously identified and new research partners during structured sessions in which network members can plan for future collaboration. We intend to publish collaborative outputs resulting from the conference in an edited book, Muslim Women’s Popular Fiction, intended for publication in Manchester University Press’ Multicultural Textualities series.

We have allocated funding to help with travel and attendance costs to make the conference as accessible as possible. The conference will be child-friendly, with play spaces available. We are investigating a hybrid option – please indicate in your proposal whether this is an option you would like to consider.

Please send abstracts of 250 words for 20-minute papers, including a short bio for all speakers, to by 30 April 2023. Acceptances will be sent by the end of April. Panel proposals of three or more papers are also welcome. Please direct all queries to

For more information, go to:

Funding generously provided by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council.

Contact Email: 

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Call For Articles-Edited Book: Indian Responses to 21st Century African Women’s Writing.

Call For Papers-Edited Book : Indian Responses to 21st Century African Women’s Writing.

We are pleased to announce a call for papers for an upcoming edited book on the topic “Indian Responses to 21st Century African Women’s Writing.” We are seeking contributions from scholars and researchers who are interested in exploring the intersection of Indian and African literature, feminist studies, and cultural studies.

The book aims to examine the diverse and complex responses of Indian readers, critics, and writers to the emerging and established voices of African women writers in the 21st century. We welcome contributions that analyze the themes, styles, and contexts of African women's writing, as well as explore the ways in which Indian readers and writers engage with, interpret, and respond to these works.

We encourage original and unpublished chapters that engage various themes related to the title “Indian Responses to 21st Century African Women’s Writing.”
Please refer the link for publication guidelines and themes -

We invite chapters that range from 3000-4000 words and follow the MLA 8 citation style. The deadline for paper submissions is May 15, 2023. Please submit your chapters to

We are planning to collaborate with a reputable academic publisher and hope to publish the book in July 2023. We look forward to receiving your contributions and engaging in meaningful conversations around the topic.

Best regards,
Dr. Abhijeet Dawle (Contact Person: 9960765485)

Sunday, April 9, 2023

CFP: Postcolonial Pirandello: Grotesque Plays/Fiction, Postnational Narratives, Ethnic Discourse Conference_University of London October 2023

Society for Pirandello Studies Annual Conference

in collaboration with
Postcolonial Pirandello:
Grotesque Plays/Fiction, Postnational Narratives, Ethnic Discourse

Saturday 21 October 2023 - Sunday 22 October 2023

Venue: Birkbeck, University of London

The annual two-day conference of the Society for Pirandello Studies aims to embrace a wide variety of methods and approaches to Pirandello's œuvre, and to bring together theatre professionals, critics and scholars representing a range of disciplines. Both in-person and online/from-home 20-minute papers are welcome. This year's conference sheds light on Pirandello's awareness of colonialist/nationalist hegemony and its relation to more recent practices of (fiction/theatre) storytelling. Possible topics include but are not limited to:

Pirandello's work critiquing war and fascism despite his formal membership to the latter;
Pirandello's theatrical and literary representation of national and ethnic identity/-ties;
Pirandello's uncovering of colonial discourse & hegemony at play in the north/south and mainland/island (Sicily) cultural narratives;
Pirandello's metafiction: narratology, theory and practice;
Pirandello's influence on later theories of metafiction;
Metafiction and neighbouring categories, such as Romantic mise-en-abyme, the absurd, and the grotesque;
Characters in twenty-first-century literature, cinema, and other media;
Authorship, umorismo, and gender;
Metafiction and authorship across disciplines, including sociological, psychological and anthropological perspectives.
Abstracts and biographies of c.200 words each (in English) for papers of 20 minutes' duration to be presented either in person or remotely should be sent to Matt Mild at and Download Paper proposal form.

The deadline for abstracts is Friday 16 June 2023.
Society members registration fee (online or in-person participation) - 20 GBP
Standard registration fee (online participation) – 45 GBP
Standard registration fee (in-person participation) – 90 GBP
For further information about The Society for Pirandello Studies, including membership and Pirandello Studies (the annual journal), please visit our website at and Facebook page:

Wednesday, April 5, 2023



The Department of English Literature
through the Hybrid Mode
Conference Dates: 26- 28 April, 2023
Eminent Speakers:
Prof. Bill Ashcroft, Emeritus Professor in the School of English, Media and Performing Arts, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia.
Prof. K. Narayana Chandran, Department of English, University of Hyderabad
Prof. Kathryn HummelMIT World Peace University, Pune.
Prof. Luise Von Flotow, School of Translation and Interpretation, University of Ottawa,Canada.
Prof. Ajanta Sircar, Department of English, School of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT University, Vellore.
Prof. Swarnavel EswaranDepartment of English and the Department of Media and Information, Michigan State University, USA.
Dr. Shilpaa AnandAssociate Professor and Head of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad.

Concept Note
The three-day international young researchers’ conference on New Research in English Studies from 26 to 28 April, 2023 (Hybrid Mode) intends to stimulate the cross-pollination of ideas in the spirit of NEP, 2020. 
This Conference will 
a) provide research scholars a forum to present their research ideas b)help them receive feedback on the choice of research paradigm, hypothesis, andmethodology, from experts 
c) facilitate discussion on recent trends in English Studies and 
d)help create peer-group network on new directions in English Studies. Selected papers will becompiled and published as conference proceedings.

We invite abstracts related to English Studies from research scholars enrolled in PhD programmes in universities across the world. The emphasis of the conference is on emerging paradigms and new explorations, so preference will be given to research papers on
new themes, orientations, and methods of inquiry. The broad themes and sub-themes are listed below:

1. New Humanities
a) Digital Humanities
b) Spatial Humanities
c) Medical Humanities
d) Critical Post-Humanities

2. Vulnerability Studies
a) Vulnerability as a Research Method
b) Assessing and Measuring Vulnerability
c) Vulnerability and Resistance

3. Identity: Representation, Culture and Politics
a) Theories of Representation: Intersectionality and Beyond
b) Media and Representation
c) Representation in Post-Truth Society

4. Visuality and Image Studies
a) Images, Circulation and Practices
b) Visuality and the New Media
c) Everyday Imaging, and Critical Thinking
d) The Flaneur and the City

5. Minority Discourses: New Approaches
a) New Frontiers in Dalit Literary Studies
b) Globalization and Diaspora Literary Studies
c) Alternative Literature Studies

6. Narrating and Theorising Nature-Human Connections
a) Ecocriticism and Geo-Criticism in Perspective
b) Literatures of the Anthropocene
c) Ecofeminism
d) Animal Studies
e) Blue Humanities

7. Oral and Performance Cultures
a) Theorising Orality
b) The Ritual Revisited
c) Issues in Performance Ethnography
d) Performance and Public Spaces

8. Graphic Narratives
a) Interpreting/Understanding Sequential Arts
b) Graphic Narratives: The Politics of Reception
c) Interart Poetics: Extant and Emerging Trends

9. Gender Studies
a) Disciplinarity and Gender Studies
b) Feminist Praxis
c) Gender Responsive Pedagogy:Issues in Ideology and Methodology

10. Fantasy, Myth and Folklore
a) Theorizing Fantasy and Science Fiction
b) Folkloristics and Modern Narratives
c) Retelling Myths: Critique, Ideology, Aesthetics

11. Translation/Transcreation
a) Literature as Translation /Translation as Literature
b) Translation and Gender
c) The Politics of Translation

12. Literatures of the Global South
a) South Asian Literature
b) Indian Art and Aesthetics
c) Postcolonial Diaspora Art
d) Refugee Literature

13. Narrative and the Self
a) Memory, Trauma and Literature
b) Life Writing
c) Auto/biography Studies
d) Food and Culinary Memoirs

14. Children’s and Young Adult Literature
a) Childhood and its Representations
b) The Body in YAL
c) Comparative Children’s Literature Studies

Abstract details: Email your abstract, of about 250 words, with a title, your name, institutional affiliation, email Id and mobile number. 
Please Follow the Format below:
Institutional Affiliation:
Details of Research Programme:
Email address:
Phone number:
Title of the paper:
Abstract with five keywords:

Paper presenters: Each presenter shall get 15 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
Participation details: Accommodation will be provided to out-station participants in the EFL University Hostel /Guest House (for paper presenters only). Travel expenses will be reimbursed to the extent of return sleeper-class railway fare for out-station participants. Food
will be arranged for all the presenters on Conference days. A paper presentation certificate will be issued to all the presenters.

Important Dates:
Submission of Abstract: April 6, 2023
Acceptance of Abstract: April 10, 2023
Registration: April 13, 2023
Registration Fee (MA students and PhD scholars): Rs 200/
For Faculty Members from other Universities and Institutions: Rs 500/
Submission of Full Paper: April 15, 2023
Email your abstract to:

We look forward to your participation. For further details, contact:
Dr. Eligedi Rajkumar, Conference Coordinator, Department of English Literature, School of Literary Studies, EFL-University, Hyderabad. 
Email id:

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Call for Proposals: Outcasts, Pariahs, and Criminals: Midwest World History Association 2023 Conference's

Outcasts, Pariahs, and Criminals: Histories of Others and Othering

Call for Proposals

The Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Midwest World History Association

September 22-23, 2023

Roosevelt University (Chicago, IL)

Proposal Deadline: May 15, 2023

The Midwest World History Association is pleased to announce a call for paper, poster, panel, roundtable, and workshop proposals for its annual conference to be held at Roosevelt University in Chicago, Illinois on September 22-23, 2022. The conference theme is “Outcasts, Pariahs, and Criminals: Histories of Others and Othering.” This theme builds off of last year’s “Difficult Histories” by highlighting the histories of and by those who have been othered. As many political leaders move to “shield people from feeling ‘discomfort’ over historic actions by their race, nationality or gender,” this theme is intended to invite presentations and discussions on how world historians at all levels – high school, community college, or university - can best create spaces within which to explore, share, teach and learn about contested topics. This year’s theme is also a recognition of the change in federal law that once again makes incarcerated citizens eligible for Pell grants and the hopeful increase of educational opportunities for those most impacted by the carceral state. As always, while designed to spark discussion, the conference theme is not intended to limit possibilities: paper and panel proposals on any theme and time period in world history are welcome. Similarly, proposals that focus on teaching and those that showcase research are equally encouraged. The MWWHA seeks to bring together college and K-12 faculty, and welcomes proposals from K-12 teachers, college faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, high school students, and public historians, as well as scholars and teachers working in allied fields.

This conference will be held in person at Roosevelt University in Chicago’s South Loop.

Please submit a 250-word proposal abstract and short CV to by May 15, 2023.

Questions about the conference can be directed to MWWHA's public discussion forum on its site, or you can email the conference chair at Where a complete panel of papers, roundtable, or workshop is proposed, the convener should also include a 250-word abstract of the panel theme. Individual paper presentations should be planned to last no longer than 20 minutes.

The MWWHA will offer up to three competitive Graduate Student Awards to help offset travel costs. Graduate students interested in applying should include a letter with their conference proposal explaining how the conference helps them with their studies, teaching, and/or future career plans as well as how their paper fits with the conference theme and the mission of the MWWHA.

We also invite accepted papers to be submitted to our journal, The Middle Ground Journal, for potential publication: Extra consideration will be given to papers for a special issue of the journal based on the conference theme.

Further information about the MWWHA, including membership and conference registration (when it becomes available), can be found at