
Showing posts with label ethnicity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ethnicity. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

CFP: Exploring the #Anthropocene in #Literature-2024- SCS COLLEGE, PURI, ODISHA, INDIA


The Anthropocene refers to a proposed epoch that recognizes the significant and lasting impact of human activities on the Earth's geology and ecosystems. This concept has gained prominence in discussions about environmental change and serves as a framework for understanding the profound alterations humans have made to the planet. Postcolonial perspectives often highlight the role of colonial powers in exploiting natural resources from colonized territories. The Anthropocene can be seen as an extension of this historical exploitation, with the environmental consequences affecting not only the colonized regions but the entire planet. Postcolonial discussions emphasize the disproportionate impact of environmental changes on marginalized communities, particularly those in the Global South. Climate fiction within this context may explore how vulnerable populations bear the brunt of ecological disruptions caused by human activities.

Postcolonial thinkers often explore the concept of hybridity, wherein cultural and ecological systems blend and adapt. Climate fiction set in the Anthropocene could envision new hybrid ecosystems and cultures emerging as a response to environmental challenges. Climate fiction within a postcolonial framework may also depict narratives of resistance and decolonization, where communities strive to regain control over their environments and challenge the systems that perpetuate ecological exploitation. Postcolonial perspectives will help to examine how historical global power structures contribute to the environmental issues and how collaborative efforts are needed for sustainable futures.

Climate fiction, as a genre, allows authors to speculate on future scenarios shaped by climate change. In the context of postcolonial discourses, these narratives can serve as a platform for envisioning alternative futures and challenging existing power dynamics. Both postcolonial discourses and climate fiction can recognize the intersectionality of environmental issues, considering how factors such as race, class, and gender intersect with ecological challenges in the Anthropocene. In exploring the Anthropocene through postcolonial discourses and climate fiction, it's essential to consider the diverse perspectives and voices that contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between human activities, historical legacies, and the environment.

When exploring the Anthropocene within postcolonial discourses and climate fiction, several sub themes emerge. We invite scholars to submit abstracts/paper proposals that addresses the following (but not limited to) issues contextualised in the narratives and discourses:

Climate Change Narratives and the Reader

Climate change narratives within a postcolonial framework often highlight the role of colonial histories in shaping environmental degradation. Readers need to engage with narratives that explore how past exploitation continues to impact vulnerable communities, contributing to a broader understanding of environmental injustice. Readers, particularly those from more privileged backgrounds, need to recognize their own positionality and engage empathetically with characters and communities affected by climate change in postcolonial narratives. This encourages a deeper understanding of the intersecting issues of climate justice and social inequality.

Postcolonialism and Ecojustice

The intersection of postcolonialism and ecojustice involves exploring how colonial histories, structures, and power dynamics contribute to environmental injustices and how postcolonial perspectives can inform efforts toward a more equitable and sustainable world. Ecojustice discussions within this framework delve into how colonial practices, such as resource extraction and land dispossession, have lasting ecological consequences, leading to environmental degradation and imbalances. The intersection of postcolonialism and ecojustice offers a critical lens to examine and address environmental injustices rooted in colonial histories

Intersection Of Gender, Class and Ethnicity and the Anthropocene

The intersection of gender, class, and ethnicity within the Anthropocene involves examining how environmental changes, human activities, and the impacts of climate change intersect with and exacerbate existing social inequalities. The Anthropocene, marked by significant human-induced environmental changes, disproportionately affects marginalized communities. Exploring the intersection of gender, class, and ethnicity within the Anthropocene is essential for understanding how environmental changes interact with existing social structures and inequalities.

Ecological Language for Sustainability

In a postcolonial framework, adopting ecological language for sustainability involves recognizing the importance of diverse cultural perspectives, respecting traditional ecological knowledge, and challenging colonial legacies that contribute to environmental degradation. Using ecological language that aligns with postcolonial principles ensures a more inclusive and culturally sensitive approach to sustainability.

Role of History in Promoting Sustainability

History plays a multifaceted role in promoting sustainability by offering valuable insights, guiding decision-making, and fostering a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of human societies and the environment. Examining historical practices can reveal sustainable traditions and lifestyles that were in harmony with the environment. Incorporating these practices into contemporary approaches fosters a connection with nature and promotes sustainable living.

AI And Bioethics

Stories often depict complex relationships between humans and AI entities. Ethical questions arise about the rights and treatment of these artificial beings, exploring themes of empathy, exploitation, and the blurring of the line between the artificial and the human. AI and bioethics in literature raise profound existential questions about the nature of consciousness, identity, and what it means to be human. Narratives explore the ethical considerations of using AI and biotechnology in medical contexts, including genetic engineering, personalized medicine, and the implications of manipulating the human genome.

The Anthropocene and The Posthuman Condition

As humans alter the planet on a global scale, the concept of the posthuman condition explores how evolving technologies, environmental changes, and societal shifts shape the future of humanity. The integration of AI into daily life prompts reflections on human identity, consciousness, and the implications of coexisting with intelligent machines. The posthuman condition explores developments such as bioengineering, genetic modifications, and the integration of digital technologies into the human body, leading to new forms of existence.

Representation of Natural Spaces and Landscapes


Postcolonial literature may explore how cultural ecologies and the meaning of landscapes are shaped by colonial histories. The representation of natural spaces might delve into the ways in which cultural identities and connections to the land are impacted by colonial interventions.Narratives within a postcolonial framework may address the displacement and loss of land experienced by indigenous and local communities. Discussions about restoration and conservation can be framed within the context of reclaiming or preserving indigenous and local ecological knowledge.

Important Information:

Last date for receiving abstracts within 250-300 words with 4-5 keywords: 20.12.2023 

Information about acceptance of abstracts: 22.12.2023

Last Date for Full Papers(2500-3500 words): 31.12.2023

Submission must be made only in MS Word Document attached to the email.

MLA 9th Edition must be followed strictly for in-text citation and Documentation.

Selected Papers will be peer reviewed and published in the Conference Proceedings bearing ISBN Number.


Registration details:

All co-authors should register as delegates.

Last date for Registration: 01.01.2024

Registration Fee: 1500 INR

(Registration fees entitles you for a Conference Kit, Tea & Snacks, Two working lunches

No TA/DA or Accommodation will be provided

Research Scholar: Rs1200/-

Kindly send abstracts to and seek information from:

 contact email: 


Prof. Mihir Prasad Mishra, Principal


Smt. Sasmita Pramanik, H.O.D. English


Dr Rabindra Kumar Pradhan, Asst. Prof of English

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Call for Papers: Academic Conference on Terminator @40: Origins and Legacies

 An academic conference hosted by The Centre for Film, Television and Screen Studies, Bangor University, Wales 

18 & 19 June 2024 

The Terminator franchise has left an indelible mark on popular culture. In 1984, James Cameron’s dark vision of the future created a cultural shock that continues to resonate to this day not only in cinema but also in literature, art, design, gaming, and critical theory and is even credited with having spawned several aesthetic trends, such as tech-noir. What started as a film has now become a multi-media universe consisting of sequels, a television series, web series, comics, video games, board games, novels and theme park rides. The franchise is also frequently cited in debates related to multinational corporations, robotics, biopolitics, post- and transhumanism, artificial intelligence, and nuclear apocalypse. 

Hosted by the Centre for Film, Television and Screen Studies at Bangor University in North Wales, this symposium proposes to bring together scholars from diverse disciplinary backgrounds – such as cultural and screen studies; the history of art, design, fashion and architecture; musicology; philosophy; political sciences; computer science and robotics; literature; urban and ecological studies; and race, gender, queer and sexuality studies - to explore The Terminator forty years after its release, explore its origins and legacies and consider its position within wider visual culture.  

We welcome contributions from any perspective such as (but not limited to) the following: 

Terminator and its origins, influences, production, publicity, reception and afterlife 

Terminator and aesthetics  

Terminator and biopolitics, posthumanism and urban planning. 

Terminator and capitalism, neoliberalism, post-industrialism and multinational corporations 

Terminator and design 

Terminator and ecological studies 

Terminator and fandom and ‘cult’ 

Terminator and gender 

Terminator and James Cameron 

Terminator’s multi-media franchise (sequels, television, web series, comic books, video games, board games, novels and theme park rides) 

Terminator and psychoanalysis 

Terminator and race, ethnicity and/or the “Other” 

Terminator and robotics, artificial intelligence, cybernetic organisms, the transhuman and post-human 

Terminator and sci-fi 

Terminator and sexuality 

Terminator and stardom 

Terminator and tech noir, retrofuturism, future noir, and cyberpunk.  


We are applying for funding to facilitate postgraduate and unwaged participation. 


Please submit an abstract here by 1 March 2024.  


For further information, please contact the organisers Professor Nathan Abrams (Bangor University) and Dr Elizabeth Miller (Bangor University) at 



Contact Email

Friday, October 27, 2023

Call for Book Chapters : Marginalities in South Asian Literature: Text, Context and Theory -Routledge Book Series


In the context of literature, the term marginality would encompass not only the issues related to the social, cultural, economic or geopolitical spaces that give rise to it but also the literature emerging from these contexts and the communities suffering and contesting it. Such literatures that address the experience of marginality create discourses and counter discourses. Our proposed book is therefore interested in the trio: text, context and theory. Defining the margin/marginality is complex. The “margin” is a space which is generally understood in relation to the centre which is powerful socially, politically, economically, culturally, geographically and linguistically. But the margin does not belong only to the realm of the fringe, it is a dynamic space. It is a space full of possibilities. While the margin may refer to people who live on the peripheries, whose voices are ignored, who may have no representation in mainstream societies, it can at the same time become a space of impending conflict, confrontation and tension because it can question the logic of the divide of the centre and periphery. The problem with the discourse of marginality, however, is that one may get trapped in it in a bid to simply overturn it. But the margin is much more than that. It may offer a sustained scenario of contestation for its rights and share of power, thereby paving ways for new possibilities. The representation of the marginal subject, therefore, is extremely interesting and complex, especially in literature, because literature has the possibility in it to move beyond this kind of binary dialectics and demonstrate the problematics involved in its interstitial, in-between, hybrid, spaces. Such complex readings will help us understand the structures of dominance, discrimination, hierarchy and marginality in a multifaceted way keeping in mind the politics of difference in a multipolar, multicultural world.

The evolution of capitalism after its beginnings in the Enlightenment period to a post-Enlightenment transformation in neoliberalism and globalization has now created marginalities on an expansive scale in more varied ways. While these enterprises, backed by political systems, have privileged certain regions and groups, they have also incapacitated others. Western standards and concepts of progress and development imposed on other societies and indigenous cultures have suppressed the local and the regional cultures in different neo-colonial ways. Again, there is another side to marginality in a society: one’s acceptance into various cultural communities is also determined by one’s birth and other determinations such as gender, race, caste, disability, religion, region and so on. Many of these categories decide whether one is an insider or an outsider in a particular nationspace. One has to negotiate between the dominance of the mainstream culture and the marginality of one’s own subculture. Marginality also brings about psychological uncertainties, having to move between discord and harmony, exclusion and inclusion. While this rivets our attention to the question of the marginal personality, more recent studies have addressed the problematic in terms of further specificities as to how marginality affects one’s access to resources, opportunities, knowledge, respect, rights, recognition and identity. Consequently, while talking of marginality, one cannot but talk of mobilizations and movements which challenge these oppressive systems and hegemonic structures, and thereby give rise to the question of agency and emancipatory discourses. We have kept in view this diverse socio-political terrain of marginality, and for our projected volume, we are interested in these multifarious aspects of the varied kinds of marginality as represented in the different genres of South Asian Literature. We are also interested in the studies on the Contexts and Theories relevant to the proposed area and problematics concerned.

 South Asian writing is populated by varied experiences of marginality specific to its history and localised realities. For instance, the figure of the muhajir, dalit, hijra or adivasi, some of whom find space in more universal social identity groups representing marginal experiences like race, religion, gender, caste, disability, region or tribe. Particular events in the history of the region like the Partition, Bhopal gas disaster, British rule and recent neoliberalisation-led economic developments have been moments where the tensions between dominant and other sub-groups have crafted the marginalised figure. Consequently, these historical contexts also alert us to the shifting terrain of the experience of marginality where the once dominant group can also become marginalised later, as is seen in the experience of colonisation for upper-caste identity. The ecological consequences of a shared history of multiple settlements and pursuit of economic development are evident in the change of the natural topography owing to deforestation and urbanisation. The negotiations between city dwellers, agrarian and forest-dwelling communities, are also therefore marked by framing of socio-political identity in the South Asian nation-state that creates and recreates the marginalised figure. 


The proposed anthology is therefore interested in contributions that would primarily analyse literary representations and cultural discourses in the following areas but not limited to these:

  • The experiences of social, political and economic marginalisation on the basis of caste, gender, disability, region, religion, tribe, ethnicity or race
  • LGBTQ+, sexuality and fluid identities
  • Marginal psychology, culture, hybridity, identity
  • Framing of the nation, transnation, border and narratives of exclusion and displacement and the framing of the citizen in the nation state
  • Marginalisation as a communal experience and the dynamics between individual, community and society
  • Economic development in the postcolonial neoliberal nation state and the accompanying ecological fallout
  • Ecology and environmental justice and the gendered perspective of ecology
  • Poverty as a marker of the vulnerability and precarity of marginalised identity
  • The dialectics of voice and representation in narratives of marginalisation
  • The subversion of canonical and aesthetic standards of literary stylistics in texts that represent the experience of marginalised identities.


Key information for prospective authors:

  1. Abstract with a title and keywords: 250-300 words
  2. Word limit of full papers including citations: 6000- 8000 words
  3. Style of citation: MLA 9th  edition
  4. Email your submission to:


*The proposed anthology will be published by a reputed publisher

Deadline for abstract submissions: October 30, 2023

Abstract selection notification:   November 30, 2023

Deadline for full paper submission: January 30, 2024


Contact Email

Dr. Arunima Ray

Associate Professor

Department of English

Lady Shri Ram College for Women, University of Delhi

New Delhi

Dr. Karuna Rajeev

Assistant Professor

Department of English

Lady Shri Ram College for Women, University of Delhi

New Delhi

Dr. Goutam Karmakar

NRF Postdoctoral Fellow

University of the Western Cape, South Africa

Routledge Book Series Editor on South Asian Literature


Visiting Scholar

Rachel Carson Centre for Environment and Society

LMU München, Germany