
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Call for Chapters for an Edited Volume Human Rights in the Age of Drones: Critical Perspectives on Post-9/11 Literature, Film and Art

 Call for Chapters for an Edited Volume

Human Rights in the Age of Drones: Critical Perspectives on Post-9/11 Literature, Film and Art

Editor: Muhammad Waqar Azeem, PhD (Binghamton University)


Abstract Deadline: June 15, 2023

This edited volume titled Human Rights in the Age of Drones: Critical Perspectives on Post-9/11 Literature, Film and Art is under an advanced contract with a major publisher and aims to produce critical, theoretical, and analytical debates on the literary and cultural representations of the weaponized drones. We seek chapters on the intersections between human rights and the representation of drone warfare in post-9/11 visual and graffiti art, film and documentaries, plays and stage performances, and poetry, memoirs and fiction. Within the broader context of war on terror, the chapters may contemplate: how do drones complicate the conceptualization of human rights and war both in national and international discourses? How, and with what consequences, do UAVs bypass juridical procedures and normalize target-killing? What challenges do surveillance drones pose to the notions of privacy and biopolitics? How does drone aesthetics produce a counter-archive against the power and hegemonic control of the Empire? How do cultural artefacts capture and resist the violence from above? A strong engagement with the recent critical and theoretical debates on human rights and literature/art is encouraged.

If interested, please email your abstract (150-200 words) and a brief bio to by June 15, 2023. You will hear about your abstract by the end of June and polished drafts of the chapters (7000-9000 words) will be due on September 30, 2023.


Contact Email: 

Sunday, May 21, 2023











 Research Cluster EPICS ACROSS ASIA

 The Department of English Literature ON 29, 30, and 31 May 2023 

Patrons Prof. E. Suresh Kumar Honourable Vice Chancellor The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad 

Dr. J K Bajaj Chairperson Indian Council of Social Science Research About the University The English and Foreign Languages University.

Call for Papers:

About the Conference The greatest event of our age is the meeting of cultures, meeting of civilizations, meeting of different points of view, making us understand that we should not adhere to any one kind of single faith, but respect diversity of belief. Our attempt should always be to cooperate, to bring together people, to establish friendship and have some kind of a right world in which we can live together in happiness, harmony and friendship. Let us therefore realize that this increasing maturity should express itself in this capacity to understand what other points of view are’? Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. The main aim of this conference is not to establish any truth rather to confirm our perpetual journey to explore truth. This conference will explore Mahābhārata and the intellectualhistorical genres and matters discussed in it in new ways in the light of recent thinking and research on this epic. Mahābhārata has diffused into not only Indian life but also in the life of entire South Asia to such an extent that every aspect of life in this region is influenced by it directly or indirectly. Contrary to popular belief that it is a Hindu religious text, it has been adopted and adapted by almost all cultures, communities and have attracted scholars from all religions and regions. The discussion and analysis of the philosophical and theological texts that form an integral part of Mahābhārata have received a considerable critical attention from the scholars around the world. Furthermore, creative writers from different cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds across time and space have adapted sometimes just a fragment and sometimes the whole of Mahābhārata for their creative writings that expended the epic and added to its ever-expanding meaning. For instance, Angelika Malinar’s Rājavidyā: Das königliche Wissen um Herrschaft und Verzicht. Studien zur Bhagavadgītā examines many themes and complications of epic philosophy and theology, particularly as refracted through the prism of the Bhagavad Gītā. The Nārāyaṇīya Studien of Peter Schreiner, Angelika Malinar, et al., base their arguments on the doctrines of the Gītā and include the philosophy of Vaiṣṇava Purāṇas, on the other hand Johannes Bronkhorst’s Greater Magadha: Studies in the Culture of Early India analyze texts and explore the historical development usually regarded as anterior to the Mokṣadharmaparvan. These works and some others raise a number of themes and ideas that will help in investigation and interrogation of issues related to philosophy, gender, caste, history, geography, ethics, and many more in the Mahābhārata. Mahābhārata Across South Asia The Mahabharata spread through the sub-continent and in all of South East Asia. In Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Indonesia, the Mahabharata gave birth not only to important literary works, but also to theatrical expressions intimately linked to national cultures. In the Malay version, Hikayat perang Pandawa jaya, the epic remains close to the Panji cycle and serves as support to shadow theatre. The Javanese version of the Mahabharata, called Bharatayudha (The Bharata War), and the Arjunavivaha (Arjuna’s Wedding), is used in live theatre (wayang wong or orang) as well as in puppetry and shadow theatre. In Bali, each episode gives rise to independent performances where we find the same titles of Bharatayudha and Arjunavivaha, etc. In all of these countries, the Mahabharata contributes in creating a communication between different religious ideals and synthesizes cultural values. Mahabharata and stories based on this epic are extremely popular in Muslim-majority Indonesia because the Hindu epics are part of the country’s culture. For centuries, many parts of the Indonesian archipelago were majority-Hindu. By the 7th century CE, Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms dominated both Java and Sumatra — Indonesia’s two most populous islands. References to the epics are everywhere in Java — the language, the street signs, the political commentary. In Jakarta, many buses are painted with lurid advertisements for an energy drink called Kuku Bima, which promises Bhima-like endurance. An enormous statue of Krishna leading Arjun into battle dominates the roundabout in front of the Monas, the country’s main nationalist monument. There is a nationwide charitable foundation for twins named the Nakula and Sadewa Society. And one of the country’s bestselling novels, Amba, uses the story of Bhishma and Shikhandi (a later incarnation of Amba) to talk about Indonesia’s purges of communists in the mid-1960s. Wayang kulit, a form of shadow-puppet theatre that features tales from the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, can draw tens of thousands to performances in rural Java. There are Malay versions of the Mahabharata, some of which probably entered Malay as abbreviated prose renditions of the Old Javanese Bhratayuddha. The earliest, Hikayat Perang Pandawa Jaya, ‘The tale of the war of the victorious Pandawa’, was composed sometime between the late 14th and early 16th century, and is mentioned in the Bustan al-salatin of Nuruddin al-Raniri composed in Aceh in 1638. 

Sub themes: 

1. Mahābhārata during ancient period 

2. Mahābhārata during colonial period 

3. Mahābhārata during Mughal period 

4. Mahābhārata and Buddhism 

5. Mahābhārata and Jainism 

6. Mahābhārata and tribal cultures 

7. Linguistic study of Mahābhārata 

8. Mahābhārata and ethics 

9. Mahābhārata and philosophy 

10. Mahābhārata outside India 

11. Sociological study of Mahābhārata 

12. Mahābhārata’s adaptations in other languages 

13. Contemporary adaptations of Mahābhārata 

14. Mahābhārata in other art forms like drama, painting, puppet shows etc. 

15. Mahābhārata and Cinema 

16. Mahābhārata in Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Burma, Malaysia and other countries

 17. Philosophy of Gita 18. Different aspects of Gita

Important Information: 

 Last date to submit Abstract: 25 May 2023


Last Date to Submit Full Paper for Publication: 31 July 2023 

Conference Email Id: All inquiries should be sent to the conference email id or 8897048598 (Dr. Jai Singh) 

 Submit abstracts through the Google Form Link: 

 Registration Fee

 Rs 4500 with Accommodation Rs 1500 without Accommodation (Conference Lunch will be provided) Rs 500 for Online Presentation Deposit registration fee online in the following account: Name of account holder: The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad Account number: 62122901303 IFSC Code: SBIN0021106 Name of the Bank: State Bank of India, EFL University Branch, Hyderabad In case of any difficulty in depositing the Registration Fee please contact: 8897048598 (Dr. Jai Singh) 

PUBLICATION: Papers will be submitted to Peer Reviewed Journals with ISSN Number, processing charges if any will be paid by the participant directly to the Journal.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Interplay of Community, Textuality and Orality: Comparative Perspectives on History, Culture and Society (20-22 November, 2023)-Comparative Literature Association of India and Department of English, Sikkim University, India

Literary theory has contributed towards the recovery of marginalised narratives and discourses in literature during the last three decades. The word, ‘minor’ has acquired a resonance of its own in the context of ‘national’ literature which tends to be part of a ‘great tradition’. Against such a background, the recovery of diverse indigenous traditions has become an important task of comparative studies of literature. Nations emerged as ‘imagined’ communities. However, nation-states were not ‘imagined’ in the crucible of prolonged struggles of anti-colonial resistance in Asia, Africa and Latin America, but were born of the political exigencies of imperial powers. The disconnect between the plurality of imagined communities and the integrative logic of the authoritarian nation-state, runs through many of these societies. This is not to fall into the trap of reducing all ‘third world’ literature into ‘national allegories’. The questions of representation and identity have acquired a salience today which they never had in the past. In the altered circumstances of post-colonial nations, competing nationalities assert their right to be heard and taken seriously. But this is an essential feature of all pluralistic societies.

 Literature is a means of negotiating difference through dialogue. Degrees of difference suggested by terms such as ‘textuality and orality’, ‘great and little’, ‘major and minor’ are not the same in all societies. In India, they date back to the pre-colonial past. With the arrival of print and modernity, they have gained new connotations that need to be studied.  Questions of culture and politics, aesthetics and ideology, literature and performance cannot be easily segregated in the history of people who have long memories of dislocations, displacements and dispersals. The borderline between the oral and the textual which are unmarked in their art forms need to be revisited. Folk-literature offers a treasure house of their recollections of traumas and survivals, along with the distilled wisdom derived from their struggles to live in harmony with nature. Over centuries of their evolution, the mainstream and the great traditions have drawn sustenance from the invisible roots of little traditions that run deep into popular imagination and social history. 

 India as a nation has been greatly enriched by the complex cultural heritage of the Northeast. The multilingual states of Northeast India have been exemplary models of peaceful co-existence. Their achievements in modern forms of literature such as the short story, the novel, drama and modern lyric have been vital and outstanding. In these times of climate change and ecological crisis, the Northeastern writers have much to offer by way of recovering the essence of an earth-bound humanism. We would like to explore the possibilities offered by the past and prevailing literary and cultural traditions of the Northeast, keeping in view their essential continuity and unity with the rest of India.

We invite papers with a comparative perspective that focus on literary texts and traditions in their historical, social and cultural contexts. They may not be exclusively about the literature of the Northeast, but should have a bearing on contemporary Indian social and cultural contexts. Papers which discuss theoretical issues are welcome, along with comparative studies of Northeast literature and culture with the rest of India. Questions of gender and caste have had different connotations in the cultural history of the Northeast. These may be explored both within the pre-colonial and post-colonial contexts. The colonial epistemology and its positivist logic have created categories which violate the very spirit of the communities which are described as ‘tribal’. Revisiting them will help us recover the voice of the people  that has been erased out of existence by their taxonomy.  

It will be rewarding, among other things, to engage with the issues of intertextuality and translation between the languages of the Northeast and the rest of India. We also encourage papers related to translation of knowledge texts of Northeast India. There has been a galaxy of Indian writers from the Northeast whose works have won national and international acclaim.  Indian English writing that has emerged from the Northeast has a distinctive flavour of its soil, which makes it universal and local at the same time. Questions of migration, acculturation, diversity, assimilation, homogenization etc may be taken up for discussion in relation to the Northeast or other societies as they may unravel the process of ‘othering’ that inform the construction of larger identities. A special session in honour of Temsula Ao will be held during the conferenceAs part of the conference, we shall also have Sisir Kumar Das Memorial Lecture and Swapan Majumdar Memorial Lecture.


Some of the sub-themes in the context of the main theme that can be taken up for discussion are as follows:

1. Region and the Nation

2. The ‘Vernacular’ Imagination

3. Folklore and the Carnival

4. The Sacred and the Secular

5. Self and the Other in Indigenous Traditions

6. Aesthetics of Orality

7. Literature as Resistance

8. Gender and Literature

9. The question of the ‘minor’ in Literature

10. Speaking from the Margins

11. Bilingualism and Translation

12. Translation, Pedagogy and Academic Social Responsibility

13. Memory as History

14. Comparative Literature and Academic Social Responsibility


Abstracts of about 250 words along with a short bio-note of about 100 words may be submitted to before the last date mentioned below.   


Important Dates:

Last Date for abstract submission: 31st May, 2023

Selected Participants will be notified on: 30th June, 2023

Last Date for Registration: 15th September, 2023


Registration Fees and Details:

Faculty Members/ Research Scholars: ₹3500/- (Without Accommodation)

Students without accommodation: ₹2000/-

Students with accommodation: ₹5000/- (4 nights stay)

International Participants: US$ 200


Accommodation will be arranged only for students (UG/PG) upon request. For the other participants, the organising committee may assist them in finding suitable accommodation near the venue. Payments may be made to the hotel directly.

Upon acceptance, participants will be provided with registration details through email. The Registration Fees will include workshop kit, certificate, lunch and refreshments during the three days of the conference. Participants would need to become members of CLAI on receiving their acceptance letters in order to present papers, if they are not already members of CLAI.


The conference will be held primarily in physical mode, however some of the sessions will be live streamed. For further information please visit:


Officials to be contacted, if necessary:

Professor E.V. Ramakrishnan, President, CLAI

Email:, Phone no.: 9427519004

Professor Chandra Mohan, General Secretary, CLAI

Email:, Phone no.: 9810683143

Professor Anisur Rahman, Sectary, CLAI

Email:, Phone no.: 9811227313

Dr Sayantan Dasgupta, Secretary CLAI

Email:, Phone no.: 9831191181

Professor Rosy Chamling, Head, Department of English, Sikkim University

Email:, Phone no.: 9593987919

Dr Saswati Saha, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Sikkim University

Email:, Phone no.: 9474481344

Dr Abrona Aden, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Sikkim University

Email:, Phone no.: 9832124196

Thursday, May 18, 2023

CFP : International Conference on Creativity and Translation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence _Translation Studies

Creativity and Translation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence


Dr. Katharina Walter ( and
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Marco Agnetta (

Call for Papers

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) poses new challenges for language mediators. As machine translation systems are making great strides and many language services have come to be supported or partially automated by AI, the job market for human translators and interpreters is being redefined. However, humans remain indispensable to the language service industry – not only because they coordinate and correct machine output, but also because they continue to have the upper hand in certain areas of language mediation. There is widespread agreement that the benefits of human work are particularly evident in language services that require special creativity, which applies, for instance, to the transfer of pithy advertising slogans from one linguistic and cultural context to another, or to literary translation. At the same time, such language services are also gaining in importance overall, as witnessed, for example, by numerous publications on transcreation from recent years. Although AI is now also permanently transforming free speech production through applications such as ChatGPT, machines have so far lacked the contextual understanding that is required for high-quality transfers of nuanced and form-conscious texts between languages and cultures. For the time being, one shortcoming of machine translation is the fact that texts can only be grasped at the sentence level, not in their overall context. Nevertheless, AI-based applications are extremely useful tools for humans, even in highly sophisticated types of language mediation. In fact, in many creative industries specializing in language mediation and text design, the use of text creation software is already commonplace. Post-editing is booming and is increasingly finding its way into translation studies research and translator training.

The Department of Translation Studies at the University of Innsbruck takes these developments as a point of departure to reflect on potential tensions emerging between human and machine contributions to creative work in language mediation. On January 11 and 12, 2024, perspectives on the theory, practice or didactics of translation and interpreting are equally welcome to address questions that may include but are not limited to the following topics:

Creativity in translation or interpreting,
Enhancing creativity in the practice of language mediation,
Promoting creativity in translator and interpreter training,
Limits and potentials of neural machine translation with regard to creative work,
Impact of AI on processes of language mediation,
Examples of effects of AI use on translational creativity,
Transcreation and AI,
AI and the language services market,
Impact of AI on job profiles for translators and interpreters,
Quality assurance in AI-assisted language services.

Please send your abstracts (no more than 300 words including title) for a 20-minute presentation in German or English by May 31, 2023, at the latest, to and Presentations can be held in person or online. A publication of the conference papers is planned.

We are looking forward to an exciting conference!

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

CfP: Religion and Technology in an era of Rapid Digital and Climate Change-RWTH Aachen University (Germany) and IIT Madras (India)-NOV-2023

(RaTiRDaCC 2023)
Organized by: RWTH Aachen University (Germany) and IIT Madras (India)
November 21-23, 2023, IIT Madras, INDIA

Call for Papers 
Papers are invited (from early researchers, post-doctoral scholars, Faculty and practitioners), for an International Conference to be held from November 21 to 23, 2023 at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India. This conference aims to discuss the interplay and adaptation strategies in, and between, the realms of religion and technology in an age of tremendous transformations. Among the transformations, we particularly wish to emphasize the rapid developments with regard to the digital world and the climate, and the considerable global changes and challenges they have produced. We think of ‘religion’ in this context as a key source for value-based solutions, and of ‘technology’ as a specific approach to the world. We regard religion and technology as mirror image twins and thus envisage projects on the changing forms of impacts through both of them.
Recent trends in religious studies have emphasized “material religion” - with focus on the material elements of practice rather than just on theological or doctrinal matters. This turn opens up the way for the history of technology productively to intervene in a number of ways. Historians can illuminate the way objects exist in public performances of religious identity and belonging, and the changes in religion and religious practices, riding on technological advances (like online darshans/meditations, social-media channels, online groups, ‘Apps’, etc.). Beyond organized mainstream religions, papers can also look at the interface of technology and the ‘magical’ (acts, spirit possession, black magic), and other so-called 'demonic' work. Others may put the spotlight on the architecture of religious structures, the spiritual character of engineering works, the changing light, sound and other aesthetic elements, and how these changes reshape public participation both in terms of religion and technological usage and challenges. Ethical challenges like loss of privacy, anxiety about the human person’s distinctiveness and dignity, and mankind’s handling of the environment need to be discussed too with regard to increasing digitization and climate change. With the above broad lineaments, proposals can relate themselves to any of the following specific themes:
1. Religion and the Digital Worldthe Digital as a method to capture and describe the world and our livelihoods; vast increase around the world in the use of telecommunication and digital technologies for promotion of both traditional and new-age faiths – their increased valency especially amidst the Covid-19-induced restrictions on physical gatherings; ways in which pilgrimages have been transformed due to the new digital facilities (from travel planning to booking darshans); theological/philosophical re-orientations and reflections centered on these new openings.
2. Technology and Religion in the Context of Climate Change – possible solutions to the challenge of climate change from religion/theology; their distinctiveness from secular thought/debates; how climate change has impacted on the self-understanding of religions, their dogmatic, social and moral positions; the climate discourse as a modern form of apocalypticism; practical manifestation of ecological sensitivity - influencing the building of mosques, churches, and temples; influence of local communities and indigenous knowledge systems.
3. Artificial Intelligence – philosophical and spiritual/theological reflections touching on fundamental questions of Being, Consciousness and the (Post)human; parallelism in the ‘transcendence’ sought to be attained by spiritual efforts/exercises and those wrought by new spatial categories like ‘metaverse’ (going beyond our understandings of the ‘cyberworld’), and other such ontological questions and dilemmas.
4. Technology and Religious scholarship/pedagogy from printing press to online theology classes; role of technology in preservation of religious materials and creation of religious repositories like digitisation of palm leaf manuscripts, building devotional hymns database; the regional variations in approach and content; the various innovative practices in creation, delivery and marketing; the subjectivity of technology and its power to include and exclude.
5. Representation of Religious-Technological life worlds – in literature, arts and films including science fiction/ climate fiction; representations of knowledge in policies and practices affecting the lives on the ground.
In terms of methodology, it is hoped that the various proposals and papers would throw forth a rich mix of different approaches and source materials - including intercultural theology, oral history, decolonizing research methodologies, archival work, textual and media analysis, ethnographic research, social analysis, theoretical formulations and ethical/philosophical reflections.

To submit a paper proposal, please send the following information on a single-sided document in English, before 23 May 2023 to
  • A provisional Title and the Theme Number it would fit under (nos. 1 to 5 – see above)
  • Full name and academic post/institutional affiliation of the author/s
  • Full postal and email-addresses
  • An outline of about 400 words, highlighting the relevance of the paper to the conference themes, or other forms of interaction between technology and religion, and the main contribution/argument of the proposed paper
  • 5-10 keys words
Information about the acceptance of a paper will be given by end of May 2023 together with guidelines for the paper and its presentation and the Registration fee payment mode. [A nominal registration fee of Rs.500 (15 USD for international participants) is payable].  Complete papers must be received by 25 August 2023. Papers (along with session schedule), will be made available for pre-reading to registered participants. Some of the papers presented at the Conference will be chosen for further expansion and inclusion in a special issue of a relevant journal of high international standing, or in an Edited Volume. (Presentation of paper in the Conference does not automatically guarantee publication).
Most of the outstation speakers will be provided accommodation from 20th November to the evening of 24th November 2023 in the IITM Guest House at a nominal cost of Rs 500 to 1000 per night depending on the size and occupancy (single/double) of the room. Participants who are unable to travel can participate online. Travel or other forms of financial assistance, if any, will be announced if adequate funds are raised.
Deadline for submission of Abstracts – May 23 2023
Intimation about selected Abstracts - May 30
Deadline for submission of first Drafts - Aug 25
Conference: Nov 21 - 23, 2023
Intimation about Papers selected for Publication – Dec 3 2023
Resubmission of the selected Papers [for Peer Review] - Jan 10 2024
Contact Info: 

John Bosco Lourdusamy
Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences
IIT Madras, Chennai 600 036, INDIA

Contact Email: 

Friday, May 12, 2023

Call for Papers for the Special Issue on Annihilation of Caste

CFP Special Issue on Annihilation of Caste

B. R. Ambedkar’s Annihilation of Caste (AoC) has been described by Anand Teltumbde as the Communist Manifesto of “caste India.” Unfortunately, however, there is a dearth of critical readings on this text. The upcoming special issue of All About Ambedkar: A Journal on Theory and Praxis aims to address this lacuna. The objective is to inspire renewed engagements with Ambedkar’s classic. The special issue will be co-edited by Dr Sanjiv Kondekar and Dr Mahitosh Mandal and is scheduled to be published in December 2023.

The potential contributors to the special issue are required to write original research papers on ANY aspect of Annihilation of Caste. We are mainly looking for synchronic analyses (focused solely on the text of Annihilation of Caste); however, as and where necessary, diachronic intertextual readings too are welcome. 

Topics for study include but are NOT limited to the following.Critiquing Ambedkar’s overall strategy of “annihilation” of caste
Publication history of AoC
Epistolary elements in AoC
Oratorical style in AoC
Ambedkar’s views on social, political and economic reforms
Ambedkar’s analysis of the caste system
Ambedkar’s critique of Chaturvarnya
Ambedkar’s conception of an ideal society
Ambedkar’s critique of the Hindu religion, the Shashtras and Brahmanical literature
The Ambedkar-Gandhi debate as included in AoC

Key information for prospective authors:Abstract (with a title & four keywords): 150-200 words
Word limit of full papers (including citations): 5000-7000 words
Style of citation: MLA 8th edition (Sample citation instructions are available at Purdue Online Writing Lab.)
All submissions have to be drafted as per the Formatting Rules of AAA.

Deadline for submission of full papers: 15 July 2023
Email your submissions to

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Call for Book Chapter Proposals: Chosen, Bestowed, Acquired, Assigned: Names and Naming in Youth Literature (Proposal deadline: July 15, 2023)


Edited by I. M. Nick and Anne W. Anderson

    Just as names are among the first and most basic means by which we order and make sense of our world, so too do names in works of literature help readers order and make sense of created worlds. Moreover, names in literature often connote more than they denote. This edited collection will consider how names, depictions of naming practices, and explorations of name theory in youth literature can enrich our understanding of created worlds and, by implication, of our real world. For the purposes of this collection, we draw on the Children’s Literature Association’s conception of literature as “books, films, and other media created for, or adopted by, children and young adults around the world, past, present, and future" (

    Chapters proposed for this volume might address names, naming, and name theory in youth literature of any media and/or modality, from any perspective, and using the analytical tools of any discipline. From the names of places, people, animals, and plants to the monikers of fairies and goblins, cyborgs and droids, any type of name from any time period or from any language is welcome. Please see the American Name Society’s glossary of naming terminology (; this CFP can be viewed on the ANS site, as well. The primary works examined may be fiction or non-fiction. The only subject-matter stipulation for submission is that the primary intended reading audience of the piece(s) of literature investigated must be youth (i.e., children, adolescents, and/or early adults). 

The following is a partial list of possible topics, but we also welcome being surprised by other pertinent suggestions. 

•    Names as chosen, bestowed, acquired, assigned, or self-selected 
• Naming practices, rites, rituals, and regulations and their implications
•    Literary devices or linguistic mechanisms used in creating names and their implications
•    Questions of unnaming and renaming of people, places, and things
•    Questions of names and identity, self-hood, and socio-cultural connection
•    Names as constructions of normal vs. abnormal, good vs. evil, acceptable vs. anathema 
•    Theoretical frameworks for analyzing names in youth literature and media
•    Challenges and strategies for translating names
•    Names of the non-human, inhuman, mechanical, and systemic and their implications
•    Names in galaxies far, far away and in subatomic systems
•    Names as markers of political, ideological, historical controversies
•    Nonsensical names and/or memetic names and their implications

Proposal Submission Process 
•    Abstract proposals (max. 500 words, excluding the title and references) should be sent as a PDF email attachment to Dr. Anne W. Anderson (
•    For organizational purposes, the proposals must include “YOUTHLIT2023” in the subject line of the email.
•    All proposals must include an abstract, a title, and a preliminary list of references.
•    The full name(s) of the author(s) and the author(’s’) affiliation(s) must appear in the body of the email. These details should NOT appear in the attached proposal.
•    In the case of multi-authored submissions, one person must be clearly identified as the primary contact. 
•    The DEADLINE for proposal submissions is July 15, 2023. All proposals will be submitted to a double-blind review process. Authors will be notified about acceptance on or before September 15, 2023. 
•    Final chapters (max. 7,000 words, excluding abstracts and references) will be due March 15, 2024.

For further information about this call, please view our website's FAQ page ( or feel free to contact Dr. Anne W. Anderson ( We look forward to receiving your proposals!

Contact Info: 

I.M. Nick holds a BA (Germanics), BSC (Clinical/Abnormal Psychology), MA (German Linguistics), MSc (Forensic and Investigative Psychology), as well as a PhD and the German “Habilitation” (English Linguistics). Her research areas include forensic linguistics, Holocaust Studies, slavery, and onomastics. She is the President of the Germanic Society for Forensic Linguistics, a past President of the American Name Society, and the current Editor-in-Chief of NAMES.

Anne W. Anderson earned a B.A. in Creative Writing (Eckerd College), an M.A. in Journalism (U. Alabama), and a Ph.D. in Literacy Studies/Education (U. South Florida) as well as a Graduate Certificate in Qualitative Research Methods. Her research areas include critical studies of children's and young adult literature (all media) and developing methods of multi-modal document analysis. She is a member of the Children's Literature Association, is the Allied Conference Coordinator for the American Name Society, and is an independent researcher/scholar.

Contact Email: 

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Call for papers _Free Publication_ Himalayan Studies: Literature, Society and Globalization _ July 2023


Himalayan Studies: Literature, Society and Globalization

E-ISSN: 2582-0400 | CODEN: LITIBR

All the manuscripts should be mailed to

Final papers of 4500-6000 words (including citations) should be submitted by 15th June 2023.

What is the Himalayan Studies all about? If we go by the objectives provided by the National Mission on Himalayan Studies, we find that it not only covers specific geopolitical ideas, but also verges on an extremely rich cultural heritage, history, and heritage patterns. The Himalayas are a rich platform for major ethnographic research, fostering sustainable forms of development and layers of democratization. Art, literature, culture, technology, communication, media, aesthetic traditions all have undergone major changes over the last few decades as part of various Himalayan study circles.

It is undeniable that there is a strong connection among polity, economy, and literature when it comes to studying the multitextured realms of Himalayan Studies. Representation of social groups, local engagements, and community bonding are seen at large even in translated works of the Himalayas. Although influenced by senses of modernization, we do not find a tectonic shift or a complete obliteration of the indigenous culture and heritage of the Himalayas. Myths, legends, self-generating systems of struggle and mass endeavour to stay together as part of a changing environment everyday is challenging, strenuous and contradictory oftentimes.

As Gargi Banerji and Mashqura Fareedi point out point out in their research article ‘Protection of Cultural Diversity in the Himalayas’,

“The Himalayan region may be considered to be a cultural complex, a composite of several cultural cosmoses rolled into one, each little valley or plateau with its distinctive cultural forms. Their altitude changes create different agroclimatic conditions and diverse ecosystems; their seclusion and remoteness has made them the last bastions of globally significant indigenous knowledge and cultural heterogeneity. The geographical and adaptation continuities have however helped create and preserve some features that form a uniquely ‘Himalayan way of life’ common across the range.”

Litinfinite (E-ISSN: 2582-0400, CODEN: LITIBR), an open-access, peer-reviewed, non-profit bilingual Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (member/ indexed in Crossref) indexed in major indexing services including DOAJMLA Directory Of Periodicals & MLA International Bibliography, EBSCO, ERIC PLUS, J-Gate, Scilit, JISC-SHERPARoMEO, Ulrichsweb-ProQuest, ROAD- Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources, ESJI- Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, WorldCat-OLAC, CiteFactor, Index Copernicus International, Europub, ResearchBib and many other notable indexing services and international library database invites research papers, book reviews and author interviews in Bengali/English (The Bengali research manuscripts should be accompanied by English title, author(s) details, keywords, abstracts and references) on ‘Himalayan Studies: Literature, Society and Globalization.’

The current issue of Litinfinite Journal welcomes critical essays pertaining to Himalayan Studies: Literature, Society and Globalization’ and related fields: 

  • Myths, traditions, Folk literature and Himalayan Studies
  • Gender, sexuality, and Himalayan literature
  • Critical study of Himalayan stories, poems, and drama
  • Media, communication, and Himalayan Studies
  • Travelogues and Himalayan Studies
  • Religion, anthropology, and Himalayan Studies
  • Globalization and Himalayan Studies
  • Indigeneity, ethnography, and the problems of Himalayan Studies
  • Digital Humanities and Himalayan Studies
  • Himalayan Studies and Films
  • Spatial histories, migration, and pastoralism in Himalayan Studies

Final papers of 4500-6000 words (including citations) should be submitted by 15th June 2023.

Check out the submission guidelines of the journal here:

Check out the publication ethics at:

The journal does not charge any processing fee or any other type of fee.

We are not accepting poems, stories, or any other creative piece at this moment.

Contact Info: 

Editorial Information

Editor: Sreetanwi Chakraborty
P-963, Lake Town, Block-A, Kolkata-700089. West Bengal, India. Mobile No-9674933413 Email:

Publisher: Supriyo Chakraborty
Penprints Publication
Address: 69/1, S. K. Deb Road, Block-K-1, Flat-7, Kolkata-700048, West Bengal, India. Mobile No-9477417501 | Website:
Email: /

Monday, May 1, 2023

Call for papers - Humanities and social sciences in an interdisciplinary perspective

We warmly invite you to submit papers (chapters) for the next volume of the peer-reviewed group monograph entitled "Humanities and Social Sciences in an Interdisciplinary Perspective". Texts from all disciplines included in the humanities and social sciences will be eligible for publication, after the manuscript has been positively reviewed beforehand. If you have any questions as to whether a given paper would fit into the theme of the publication, you are welcome to contact us directly.

The call for papers is continuous - the papers are submitted for review immediately after receipt, and thus, once the minimum number of papers has been collected, by the decision of the editor-in-chief, a given volume may be closed and submitted to the publisher for publication. Subsequent submitted articles will be included in the next volume.

We guarantee publication (one or more volumes) by 30 September of this year at the latest.

Both students, postgraduates and academics may submit their texts. They may submit any number of texts - the same fee is charged for each additional text.

Language of texts: Polish, English, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Ukrainian, Russian (it is possible to publish a text in a language other than the one indicated, but this will involve obtaining new reviewers, which may lengthen the editorial work slightly).

After submission, papers will be submitted for one blind-review. After a negative review, the editors reserve the right to reject the text or, after the author has made adjustments, to submit it for another review.

It will be the authors' only task to submit the paper (including summary and keywords) in the form they have prepared. Technical editors will prepare papers to editorial requirements.

Cost of text publication: 80 EUR (including: open access digital publication on the website of the publishing house on the list of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, cost of editorial work). The fee is charged only after a positive review.

It is possible to issue an invoice or a pro-forma invoice with a deferred payment date (especially in the case of obtaining funding for the publication from the university or reimbursement for it).

All certificates (e.g. of acceptance for publication) will be issued in electronic form.

Please send all questions concerning publication and texts directly to the following e-mail address:

Call For Papers: Migrating Minds: Journal of Cultural Cosmopolitanism-Spring 2024.

Migrating Minds: Journal of Cultural Cosmopolitanism is a new peer-reviewed, open-access scholarly journal devoted to interdisciplinary research on cultural cosmopolitanism from a comparative perspective.

It provides a unique, international forum for innovative critical approaches to cosmopolitanism emerging from literatures, cultures, media, and the arts in dialogue with other areas of the humanities and social sciences, across temporal, spatial, and linguistic boundaries.

By placing creative expressions at the center of a wide range of contemporary and historical intercultural relationships, the journal explores forms of belonging and spaces of difference and dissidence that challenge universalist and exclusionary paradigms.

Migrating Minds: Journal of Cultural Cosmopolitanism is hosted by Georgetown University, Washington D.C., and co-supported by the “Plurielles” Research Group, Bordeaux Montaigne University, France. Its founders and Editors-in-chief are Prof. Didier Coste (Bordeaux Montaigne U.), Dr. Christina Kkona (Bordeaux Montaigne U.), and Prof. Nicoletta Pireddu (Georgetown U.) The full Editorial board and Advisory board are listed here.

Each journal issue comprises 5-7 scholarly articles (6000-8000 words each, including bibliography and endnotes) and several book reviews (1000 words each) and/or review essays (3000 words each).

The Inaugural Issue is scheduled to appear in Fall 2023.

Migrating Minds: Journal of Cultural Cosmopolitanism invites submissions for its first regular issue, Vol. 1 (1), Spring 2024.

It welcomes original and theoretically insightful contributions to cultural cosmopolitanism in connection with the following disciplinary domains and methodological approaches (but not exclusively):

Anthropology; Border studies; Cultural historiography; Cultural sociology; Ecology, ecocriticism, environmental studies; Exile, migration, and diaspora studies; Feminism, gender, sexuality, queer and transgender studies; Film and media studies; General linguistics, sociolinguistics; Global South studies; Mediterranean studies; Nativism and indigeneity; Oceanic and island studies; Performance studies; Philosophy; Poetics and aesthetics; Politics and cosmopolitics; Psychology and psychoanalysis; Race and ethnic studies; Transatlantic studies; Translation studies, history and theories of translation; Transnational and globalization studies; Visual arts; World literature.

Articles, book reviews, and review articles should be submitted for consideration using the designated online form by October 13, 2023.

Prospective authors wishing to discuss proposals for articles or reviews can contact the Editors-in-chief at

More information about the background, aims and scope of Migrating Minds: Journal of Cultural Cosmopolitanism can be found on our About page.


Contact Info: 

Didier Coste, Christina Kkona, Nicoletta Pireddu, co-Founders and co-Editors in Chief